
Gains do not make up for losses (得不補失)



What he gains is not enough to compensate for what he loses (得不補失)


During the Three Kingdoms era in China, there was a famous minister in the Soochow Kingdom, his name was (Lu Xun).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 230 AD, the king of the Soochow Kingdom told him at a meeting.

I will send troops to attack Taiwan Island, Hainan Island and Guangdong Province. Do you think it is a good idea?


He objected.

I don't agree with your idea.

There are several reasons why I disagree.

The first point. Our ultimate goal is to unify all of China. We should concentrate on how to defeat the other two kingdoms. We should not divide our forces to attack these three places.

Second point. After years of fighting, the fighting power of our kingdom has been severely depleted. Therefore, our most important task now should be to recruit soldiers and strengthen the training of these new soldiers.

Point three. These three places are very far away from us, and these places are primitive and backward. Our soldiers are likely to get sick or even die while attacking these places because they cannot adapt to the local environment.

Fourth point. Because these places are quite primitive and backward, the inhabitants of these places are almost uneducated. After we occupy these places, we will have to put a lot of effort into educating and training the people there.


Lu Xun paused for a moment before continuing.

I think the most important thing for us now is to govern our kingdom well.

After decades of war, the people of our kingdom have fled everywhere because of the war, so our people are generally short of food.

Now that our military strength is strong enough to compete with the other two kingdoms, the most important thing we should do now is to let the people in our kingdom live safely and produce enough food. We should reduce taxes on the people.


If the king of a kingdom cares for the people of the kingdom, the people of the kingdom will be willing to sacrifice and dedicate their lives to the kingdom.


I believe that as long as we, the people of the Soochow Kingdom, are of one mind and united, we will be able to achieve our goal of defeating the other two kingdoms and unifying all of China.


Later, the king did not listen to Lu Xun's proposal. The king insisted on sending troops to attack Taiwan Island, Hainan Island and Guangdong Province.

The facts proved that Lu Xun was right. What the Soochow Kingdom had gained was not enough to make up for what it had lost.


This idiom means that what he gains is not enough to compensate for what he loses.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you gain something, do you think you will lose something at the same time? Have you ever experienced regret after getting something?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



得不補失(What he gains is not enough to compensate for what he loses)





































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