
His deeds were buried, no one remembers him(湮沒無聞)


His deeds were buried, no one remembers him(湮沒無聞)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He liked nature very much, and he often used his free time to go hiking with his good friends.

The name of the mountain he visited most often was (Xian Mountain). This mountain is located in the present-day Hubei province of China.

He and some of his close friends would have picnics on the mountain, and he and some of his close friends would write poems and have happy conversations on the mountain.

He and his close friends often spent whole days in the mountains.


Once he and his good friends went hiking again. They had a picnic, wrote poems and chatted on the mountain as usual.

He looked at the scenery at the bottom of the mountain and suddenly felt sentimental. He said to his friend.

This mountain has been there since the beginning of the universe.

There must be many people who have climbed this mountain before us, and there must be many people who enjoy the natural scenery here as much as we do.

In addition to ordinary people, there must be many famous people among those who have climbed this mountain.

But where are these famous people now? They are dead, their deeds buried, and no one remembers them.

I suddenly felt very sad. We are having such a happy meeting here today, but we will all die in a few years, and after our deaths we will be forgotten by the world, just like those people.

I suddenly had an idea: if my soul will not perish after I die, then I hope my soul will have the opportunity to return to this mountain after I die.


His friend said to him after hearing his words.

You have a good character and a famous reputation. I believe that even after your death, your name will be remembered by future generations.

As for me, my moral character and reputation are far below yours. My name will probably be forgotten by the world soon after my death, as you said.


Yang Hu has been stationed on the border between the Jin and Soochow Kingdoms for a long time. Yang Hu takes good care of all the local people, so the local people like and respect him.


After Yang Hu died, the local people felt very sad, so they erected a stone tablet on Xian Mountain to commemorate Yang Hu. Yang Hu's life story was engraved on the stone tablet.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person whose deeds have been buried and no one remembers that person.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you think will remember you when you die? Have you ever had a similar feeling to Yang Hu's?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



湮沒無聞(His deeds were buried, no one remembers him)




































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