
Of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70 to 80% make us feel that they do not meet our expectations. (天下不如意,恒十居七八。)


Of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70 to 80% make us feel that they do not meet our expectations. (天下不如意,恒十居七八。)


There was a famous general in the Jin Kingdom of China, his name was (Yang Hu).

There is a story about him in the history books.


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

In 263 AD, the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei captured the capital of the Kingdom of Shuhan, and the Kingdom of Shuhan was destroyed.

In 266 AD, a minister from the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei. This minister announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Jin in 266 AD. In that year, the Kingdom of Cao Wei fell.


In 276 AD, at a military gathering, Yang Hu said to the king of the Kingdom of Jin

I think the time has come for us to unite all of China.

Now is the best time for us to attack the Soochow Kingdom and fulfil our dream of unifying China.

After listening to Yang Hu's analysis, the king strongly agreed with Yang Hu's views.

The king announced that Yang Hu would lead the army to attack the Soochow Kingdom.


After the king announced this very important appointment, many of the ministers of the Jin Dynasty felt very unhappy.

Because the king trusted Yang Hu so much and allowed Yang Hu to take on such an important task, these ministers were very jealous of Yang Hu, and these ministers said to the king.

We think Yang Hu's opinion is very bad, and we should not follow Yang Hu's suggestion.

The Jin Dynasty is currently at war with the Xianbei Kingdom on the northern border, and we should not disperse our forces.

We should defeat the Xianbei Kingdom and then concentrate our forces to attack the Soochow Kingdom.


After listening to the proposals of these ministers, the King felt that the opinions of these ministers were reasonable, so the King said to Yang Hu.

I think these ministers' proposals are very good. We should attack the Xianbei Kingdom first and then send our troops to attack the Soochow Kingdom.


Yang Hu replied after listening to the king.

I think our main goal now should be to defeat the Soochow Kingdom, because the Soochow Kingdom has fertile land and many resources.

If we defeat the Soochow Kingdom and get all of its resources, the Xianbei Kingdom will naturally be defeated by us.


After listening to Yang Hu, the king fell silent. The king could not make up his mind. The king felt that both sides were reasonable.


When Yang Hu saw that the king could not make a decision, he said to the king

I think that in each of our lives we will encounter many things and make many decisions.

Let's say we have ten things to deal with, I think on average there will be seven or eight things that will not meet our expectations and make it difficult for us to make a decision.


I think when we get into that situation, we still have to make a decision as quickly as possible based on the situation at that time.

After making a decision, we must act immediately and without hesitation, and then reflect and review based on the results of the action.

Only then can we avoid regretting things that didn't work out because of our indecision.


The meaning of this idiom is that of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70-80% will make us feel that they do not meet our expectations.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you deal with all the things you encounter in life that do not meet your expectations? Have you ever lost an opportunity to act because of indecision?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



天下不如意,恒十居七八。(Of all the things a person encounters in life, about 70 to 80% make us feel that they do not meet our expectations.)














































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