
They conspired together and did many bad things together.(朋比為奸)


They conspired together and did many bad things together.(朋比為奸)


There is a very famous novel in China. The author of this novel was born in the late Yuan Dynasty. His name is Luo Guanzhong.


He wrote another popular novel based on the history of China from the late Han Dynasty to the early Jin Dynasty.

In the first paragraph at the beginning of the book, he describes the situation of the central government at the end of the Han Dynasty.


In the last years of the Han Dynasty there were two very bad kings. One of these kings was called Liu Zhi and the other was called Liu Hong.


Liu Zhi liked to be flattered by others. He trusted some of the eunuchs in the palace at that time. He imprisoned those ministers who were loyal to the country.


Like Liu Zhi, Liu Hong trusted one eunuch in the palace very much. This eunuch was called Cao Jie. Cao Jie framed several loyal ministers, and these loyal ministers were killed.


Liu Hong also trusted ten ministers. These ten ministers formed a group. They conspired together and did many bad things together.


During Liu Hong's reign, everyone in the central government was corrupt and abused power.

People throughout the Han dynasty lived in fear and anxiety.


The economic situation was very bad at that time. There were many poor people who had nothing to eat and no savings. In order to survive, these poor people became robbers and thieves.


There was chaos all over China, and the central government lost control over the local governments.

Many warlords arose at this time, and these warlords relied on their military power to control certain areas and people.


This idiom is used to describe a group of people who get together and do many bad things together.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Is your country's central government clean? Is your country's economic situation good?

I hope this story can help you gain something



朋比為奸(They conspired together and did many bad things together.)


































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