
We must watch the enemy and wait for the enemy to make a mistake before taking action. (觀釁伺隙)


We must watch the enemy and wait for the enemy to make a mistake before taking action. (觀釁伺隙)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous general in the Soochow Kingdom, his name was (Lu Kang).

There is a story about him in the history books.


His father was a famous minister in the Soochow Kingdom, and his father's name was (Lu Xun).

Like his father, he was very loyal to the Soochow Kingdom.

He led the army that guarded the borders of the Soochow Kingdom for many years.

He was a very wise military commander. He once wrote to the king of the Soochow Kingdom to give his suggestions.


I have read two books, the first is (Book of Changes). I think the most important point in this book is to remind us to learn to observe changes in situations and take action according to the current situation.

The other book is a history book written by a famous scholar in the Spring and Autumn Period. The name of the book is (Zuo Zhuan).

I think the most important point of this book is to remind us to wait for a good time before acting.


I think if we make good use of these two points in these two books, we can make any decision well.

In Chinese history, the two important historical stories of the Shang Dynasty defeating the Xia Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty defeating the Shang Dynasty also prove the importance of these two points.


In this chaotic era of ours, if we want to complete our dream of defeating the other two kingdoms and unifying the entire China, we must examine our current situation based on these two priorities.


Given the current situation in our kingdom, our main focus should be on maintaining our fighting strength. We should not rashly send out troops and wait for a good time before attacking the enemy.


According to the current situation in our kingdom, our most important task at the moment is to gather more talents and food for the war, instead of rashly sending out troops and wasting our precious resources.


We should watch the enemy and wait for them to make a mistake before taking action. We should not rush to attack. I think if we do that, we will have a chance to defeat the other two kingdoms and achieve final victory.


This idiom means that we should watch the enemy and wait for him to make a mistake before we take action.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Will you use these principles to help you make decisions? Can you make good use of the knowledge you have gained from reading?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




觀釁伺隙(We must watch the enemy and wait for the enemy to make a mistake before taking action. )


































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