
He is extremely cruel and vicious(窮兇極暴)


He is extremely cruel and vicious(窮兇極暴)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Su Jun.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He had his own army, and he took his army to submit to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Dissatisfied with the administrative control of the central government being held by another minister he did not like, he led his army to attack the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.


Due to the strong military power he controlled, the government forces in the capital were unable to resist his attack. After a few weeks, he successfully captured the capital.


He led the army to occupy the palace and captured the king of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

He did not kill the king of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he said to the king.

I will not kill you, but from today I will have all administrative control over the Eastern Jin Dynasty. All appointments and other important decisions within the central government must be approved by me.

If you don't obey me, I will kill you and install another king who will obey me.


After leading the army to occupy the capital, he revealed his extremely cruel and vicious personality.

He had all the officials of the central government arrested and beaten and forced them to do hard labour.

He ordered all the maids and servants in the palace to take off their clothes, and he was so amused to see how ashamed they were of not having any clothes on that he laughed.

Finally, he set fire to all the precious silks and supplies in the palace.


He allowed his soldiers to rob the property of the people in the capital, and his soldiers harassed the people in the capital at will. After his army occupied the capital of the Jin dynasty, everyone in the capital of the Jin dynasty felt extremely great pain and fear.


This idiom means that he is extremely cruel and vicious


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you met some very evil people, how would you deal with them? If you were him, how would you deal with the king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom after you captured the capital?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



窮兇極暴(He is extremely cruel and vicious)































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