
He is like grass plucked from the mountains(出山小草)


He is like grass plucked from the mountains(出山小草)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a very knowledgeable and witty official named (Hao Long).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


The name of one of the top military generals in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was (Huan Wen).

(Huan Wen) controlled the military and administrative power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and even the king of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not dare to offend him.

(Huan Wen) dominated the appointment of all government officials at that time, and all government officials at that time had to obey his orders.


(Huan Wen) I heard that there was a very talented man who lived in seclusion in a mountain near the capital. This man's name was Xie An.

(Huan Wen) sent an envoy to invite (Xie An) to serve as an official in the central government of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.


(Xie An) didn't like (Huan Wen), but because (Huan Wen) was very powerful, he accepted (Huan Wen's) invitation.

Xie An ended his life of seclusion in the mountains and went to the capital to serve as a low-level government official in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.


One day. (Huan Wen) and (Xie An) and (Hao Long) had dinner together.

During the meal, (Huan Wen) picked up a Chinese herbal medicine from a plate and said to (Xie An) and (Hao Long).

The herbal medicine in this dish is very valuable.

The name of this herbal medicine is Polygala, which literally means high ambition. From this name, we can sense that the effectiveness of this herbal medicine must be very good.

But this herbal medicine has another nickname, this nickname is Xiaocao. It literally means worthless grass.

I find it very interesting, why does this traditional Chinese herbal medicine have two names with opposite meanings?

Do you know the reason?


When Xie An was about to answer this question, Hao Long answered first.

Hao Long said.

I know the answer to that question, and it's very simple.

When this kind of herbal medicine was growing in the mountains, before it was discovered and harvested, the name of this herbal medicine was (Polygala).

But after this herb was harvested and put in a box, the name of this herb was (Xiaocao).

(Hao Long) After saying these two sentences, he looked at Xie An with an expression that seemed to be a smile, but was not a smile.


Xie An felt that Hao Long's words were directed at him, and that Hao Long was using this Chinese herbal medicine to ridicule himself.

Xie An felt a little ashamed.


(Huan Wen) felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so (Huan Wen) laughed and said.

Although (Hao Long's) explanation is interesting, I think it's just nonsense.

His answer wasn't the real answer.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person who has been reclusive for a long time and suddenly emerges as a government official.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Xie An, would you feel ridiculed? If you were Huan Wen, how would you resolve this embarrassing situation?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



出山小草(He is like grass plucked from the mountains)















































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