
He throws away his dignity to survive(草間求活)


He throws away his dignity to survive(草間求活)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell.

In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty named (Sima Rui) announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


The establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was mainly due to the help of a very powerful family at the time, whose surname was Wang.


There are two leading figures in the Wang family, one of whom is named (Wang Dao). Wang Dao served as the Prime Minister of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and Wang Dao controlled the highest administrative power of the Eastern Jin Kingdom.

The name of another person in the Wang family is (Wang Dun). Wang Dun served as the general of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and Wang Dun controlled the largest military force in the Eastern Jin Kingdom.


Because the power of the Wang family was too great, it caused fear in the heart of King Sima Rui of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. Therefore, a few years after the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, Sima Rui began to think of ways to weaken the power of the Wang family.


Sima Rui's behaviour made Wang Dun very angry. In 322 AD, Wang Dun launched a military coup. Wang Dun led his army to capture the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom.


Zhou Yi was close in age to Wang Dun and Wang Dao, and the three of them were good friends.

After Wang Dun captured the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, the ministers in the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom saw that the situation was wrong, and most of them took the initiative to show their goodwill to Wang Dun and expressed their willingness to surrender.


Those ministers who surrendered to Wang Dun told Zhou Yi

Now that Wang Dun has taken control of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, if you don't express your willingness to surrender to Wang Dun, you may be killed.

Zhou Yi replied to the ministers.

We are all officials of the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. We are loyal to the King of Eastern Jin Kingdom. How can you betray the king?

I won't throw away my dignity just to survive like you. I will not surrender to Wang Dun.


Zhou Yi rebuked Wang Dun in public and accused Wang Dun of being disloyal. Wang Dun felt very angry at being publicly rebuked, so he ordered Zhou Yi to be killed.


In 322 AD, Zhou Yi was publicly executed at the age of 54. He died quietly, defending the values he believed in.


This idiom is used to describe a person who throws away his dignity in order to survive.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were a minister of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, would you choose to surrender to Wang Dun or accuse Wang Dun? What do you think is more important, life or dignity?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.

Click on a word to see suggestions or rewrite the whole sentence.



草間求活(He throws away his dignity to survive)







































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