
We are just like prisoners in prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relative to each other.(楚囚相對)

We are just like prisoners in prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relative to each other.(楚囚相對)


There was a famous prime minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Wang Dao).

There is a story about him in the history books.


China's Jin Dynasty is divided into the Western Jin Dynasty (266 AD - 316 AD) and the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 AD - 420 AD). The capital of the Western Jin Dynasty was Luoyang City, and the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was Jiankang City.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell. In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


Officials of the Eastern Jin dynasty used to gather for open-air banquets in the suburbs on days when the weather was fine.


These officials would eat and drink while looking at the natural scenery. At the same time, these officials also discussed official matters and exchanged their own ideas.


One day, during an open-air banquet, a minister named (Zhou Yi) suddenly said

I saw such a beautiful landscape today, so I was in a very happy mood, but suddenly I felt a little sad.

Why am I sad? It's because I thought of something.

I suddenly remembered that when we were in Luoyang City, we used to have open-air banquets in the suburbs, just like today.

But now we can no longer see the beautiful natural scenery around Luoyang City.


After he said these words, all the officials felt bad.

Everyone was silent, and some officials even shed tears.


A few minutes later, Wang Dao spoke.

Wang Dao stood up and said to all the officials.

We should not feel sad like some prisoners in jail who can only cry to their faces.

If we are prisoners and locked up in prison, we have no way of changing our environment.

But we are not prisoners, we can change the status quo, and we should all work together to find ways to regain our land occupied by the (former Zhao) kingdom.

I believe that as long as we all work together, we will definitely be able to return to Luoyang City, and then we will hold a grand open-air banquet together on the outskirts of Luoyang City.


This idiom means that we are like prisoners in a prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relatively.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a status quo that you would like to change? Do you think you can change your status quo?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



楚囚相對(We are just like prisoners in prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relative to each other.)





































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