
You are too young, so you have not experienced enough.(少不更事)


You are too young, so you have not experienced enough.(少不更事)


There was a famous prime minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell. In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


In 322 AD, a general who controlled the largest military force of the Eastern Jin Kingdom was unhappy with some of the decisions made by the king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, so he led his army to surround the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. The general hoped to use the military power at his disposal to force the king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom to change his decisions.


After this incident, officials in the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom expressed different views on the matter.


One young official said to (Zhou Yi)

I think the king made some wrong decisions that led the general to launch this military action.

So I don't think what the general did was wrong.


Zhou Yi replied to the young official.

You are too young, so you have too little experience, so you see this conflict that way.


I don't think any of us are perfect, not even the king.

The general believed that the king had made some wrong decisions and hoped that the king would change his decisions. But were the king's decisions really wrong?

What if the king's decision was right, but the general felt that the king's decision was wrong because of his own position?

Suppose the king really did make a wrong decision, but the king is still the leader of our kingdom, and the general should respect the king.

How could the general immediately launch an army to surround the capital because the king did not share his opinion?


The young official replied after listening to Zhou Yi 's words.

Thank you for sharing your views with me. My views are indeed not comprehensive enough.


This idiom is used to describe a young person who has too little experience. This young person lacks life experience.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been angry because someone else thought differently from you? Have you ever thought that your own opinion might be wrong?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



少不更事(You are too young, so you have not experienced enough.)




































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