
Meng Jia's hat was blown off by the wind(孟嘉落帽)

Meng Jia's hat was blown off by the wind(孟嘉落帽)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous scholar named (Meng Jia).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


Meng Jia served as a confidential aide to a general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The general's name was Huan Wen.


One day, Huan Wen held a grand outdoor banquet, and his seat was placed near Huan Wen's seat.

The banquet was very lively and many people attended. Many wonderful music and dance performances were arranged during the banquet.


Suddenly, a strong wind blew outside. Because Meng Jia was so focused on enjoying the performance, he didn't notice that the hat on his head had been blown to the ground by the wind.


Halfway through the banquet, Meng Jia got up and went to the toilet.

Huan Wen said to several officials around him.

(Meng Jia's) hat was blown off by the wind and he didn't notice it.

We took the hat and put it on his seat. We wrote a note and put it on his hat. We can write these words on this note. You didn't even notice that the wind blew your hat off, haha.


Huan Wen said to the officers with a smile.

Let's see Meng Jia's reaction. I think his cheeks will be red and he will feel embarrassed.

These officers also smiled and agreed with Huan Wen's suggestion.


A few minutes later, Meng Jia returned to his seat. He saw the hat and the note on his seat.

After Meng Jia read the words on the note, his reaction was different from what the general expected. After putting on his hat very elegantly and calmly, he said to Huan Wen, 'I suddenly had an inspiration and wanted to write something. This article is a record of what happened today.


After taking out his pen and paper, he did not think or pause. In about ten minutes he wrote a wonderful short article.

When he had finished writing this article, he showed it to Huan Wen.

After Huan Wen read it, he stood up and said to everyone.

Meng Jia's article is very profound and poetic, and his talent is truly amazing.

I am circulating this article to everyone so that everyone can appreciate how he used the incident of his hat falling to the ground to remind him of the meaning and value of life.


Meng Jia changed this situation that others might find embarrassing. Meng Jia used his elegant and calm attitude and his extraordinary literary talent to turn this situation, which was originally unfavourable for him, into a very favourable one.


The literal translation of this saying is that Meng Jia's hat was blown off by the wind.

The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person who has high literary talent and is elegant and calm.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation? If you were Meng Jia, how would you react when you saw the note and the hat?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




孟嘉落帽(Meng Jia's hat was blown off by the wind)










































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