
A person who transcends worldly norms(方外之士)



A person who transcends worldly norms(方外之士)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and there is a story about him in the history books.


He likes to read, he likes to read books on various subjects, and he can read for a month at home without getting bored. When he was young, he liked to read Confucian books. As he grew older, he preferred the thoughts of Laozi and Zhuangzi.


He and his six friends led the ideological trend of the time. Because of their influence, Taoist doctrine became the mainstream of thought at that time.


He was a literary leader of his time and was appreciated by many intellectuals and ministers.


When his mother died, many ministers from the Cao Wei Kingdom came to his home to pay their respects.


A minister named Pei Kai also came to pay his respects.

He happened to be drunk when Pei Kai arrived at his house. His hair was dishevelled and he was sitting in the living room of his house with his feet spread in a very undignified posture. He nodded and greeted Pei Kai, but did not get up to greet him.


Pei Kai was not angry at him for not getting up to greet him warmly. Pei Kai expressed his condolences according to the etiquette of the time.


After Pei Kai left his house, another minister who had gone to pay his respects asked Pei Kai.

I would like to ask you a question, okay?


Pei Kai replied to the minister.

What do you want to ask me?


Said the minister.

When we went to Ruan Ji's house to pay our condolences, Ruan Ji did not cry. I don't think he was sad at all about his mother's death.

When we went to his house to pay our condolences, he did not receive me according to formal etiquette, so I did not respond to him according to formal etiquette.

But you are different from me. He also did not receive you according to formal etiquette, but you responded to him according to formal etiquette.

I would like to ask you, why did you respond like that?



Pei Kai replied to the minister.

Ruan Ji's ideological field is different from ours. He is a person who transcends worldly norms. He believes that inner suffering is more important than outer etiquette, so he did not receive me with formal etiquette.


I am an ordinary person. I cannot completely ignore other people's thoughts and live according to my heart like he does, so I still respond to him according to formal etiquette.


The minister said after listening to him.

You respect the differences between others and yourself, but at the same time you stick to your own principles. Your approach is very appropriate and worth learning from.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person who transcends worldly norms.

It is usually used to describe Taoist priests or monks.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you judge Pei Kai's behaviour? Are you a person who sticks to your principles but remains flexible?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



方外之士(A person who transcends worldly norms)
















































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