
He doesn't judge others.(臧否人物)


He doesn't judge others.(臧否人物)


In the Chinese kingdom of Cao Wei, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer and poet. His name was Ruan Ji, and a story about him is recorded in history books.


He was a person with a very free personality. He did not follow the social etiquette of the time and did what he thought was right.

He does not talk to people easily. When he does talk to others, he usually discusses some topics such as philosophy and metaphysics.

Another characteristic of him is that he never comments on others.


After his mother died, according to the social norms of the time, he should look very sad, abstain from drinking Chinese rice wine and enjoy large meals.

But his behaviour was contrary to the social norms of the time.

He attended the banquet as usual. He also drank Chinese rice wine and enjoyed the delicious food at the banquet. Some ministers who attended the same banquet were dissatisfied with his behaviour and criticised him. He did not defend himself, nor did he respond to these people with words.


Near his home there is a small Chinese rice wine store run by a young couple.

The husband of this young couple is in charge of managing contacts with suppliers and purchasing goods, so he is usually not in this small shop. The wife of this young couple is responsible for selling in the small shop, so the wife spends all day in this small shop.

He often goes to this small shop to buy Chinese rice wine.


Several times he drank too much Chinese rice wine in that small shop and got drunk and slept in that small shop.


His behaviour caused a lot of comments from the neighbours, who said to the couple's husband

Ruan Ji always goes to your little shop to drink Chinese rice wine. When he gets drunk, he sleeps in your small shop.

Your wife is young and pretty. We think Ruan Ji has bad intentions towards your wife.


The husband of the couple said to these neighbours with a smile.

Based on my understanding of Ruan Ji, I think that although his behaviour does not conform to social etiquette, his heart has high standards for his own moral level, so I am not worried about him at all.


If you don't believe him, you are welcome to secretly gather evidence that he has bad intentions towards my wife. I think you will find that he is, as I said, a very upright man.



This idiom means that he does not comment on the strengths and weaknesses of others.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever met someone who likes to comment on others? Do you care more about other people's opinions or do you prefer to follow your own heart?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



臧否人物(He doesn't judge others.)






































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