
When something becomes extremely good, it begins to become bad.(物極必反)


When something becomes extremely good, it begins to become bad.(物極必反)


(Li Er) is one of the most famous thinkers and philosophers in China. Later generations respectfully called him (Laozi).

He wrote a book called the Tao Te Ching.


He had a disciple called (Wenzi).

Wenzi wrote a book in which he recorded many of the essence of Taoist thoughts that Laozi said.


There is a passage in this book that says


If we observe the natural phenomena we see, we will be able to discover a law that governs how the universe works.

This law is that when something is extremely good, it will begin to go bad.


If we look at the sun during the day, we can see that the sun is directly above the sky at noon, and then begins to slowly descend towards the west.

If we observe the Moon at night, we can see that after each full Moon, the Moon begins to slowly change into different lunar phases.


Some famous sages in ancient China understood this truth, so they always reminded themselves to remain humble. They did not dare to become arrogant, and they did not allow themselves to fall into the phenomenon of decay through self-satisfaction. .


Some great kings in ancient China understood this truth, so they drank water from a very special cup. If we fill this cup with water, it will overturn. If we fill the cup halfway with water, the cup will stay upright.


Human nature is the same, each of us likes nobility but hates being humble, likes gains but hates losses, likes benefits but hates losses, likes to be stronger than others and hates to be weaker than others.


Each of us desperately pursues these things we want, but most of us ignore what I call this simple law of the universe.


Most people go after what they want and don't stop until they reach their limit.

But when the things these people pursue really reach the limit, the things these people pursue will fall into regression and decline because they have exceeded the limit.

These people often end up not being able to get and keep everything they want.


So I think a really intelligent person will follow the laws of the universe.

These truly wise people will pursue progress every day, but this person will remain humble, and this person will always remind himself not to be complacent about his achievements.

Only in this way can these truly wise people truly achieve a state where their moral character and abilities improve every day without deteriorating.


The meaning of this idiom is that when something becomes extremely good, it begins to go bad.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you always remind yourself to be humble? What other laws do you think govern the way the universe works?

I hope this story can bring you some new gains?



物極必反(When something becomes extremely good, it begins to become bad.)









































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