
They maintain justice in the world on behalf of the Creator(替天行道)



They maintain justice in the world on behalf of the Creator(替天行道)


China has four novels that are recognised by future generations as the most classic. One of the books is called (Water Margin).

This book is one of the earliest full-length novels written in colloquial Chinese in Chinese history.


The background of this book is the Song Dynasty in China. The king at that time was (Zhao Ji).

He is the most famous artist in history. He is a famous painter, calligrapher, poet, lyricist and collector. He has extremely high artistic talent and extremely high personal taste.


But he was also the most unsuccessful king in Chinese history.

The central government officials he led were extremely corrupt. These officials colluded with local evil forces to persecute good people at the bottom of society.


At that time, many kind and upright people had no choice but to become bandits, and these people gathered in a place called (Liangshanbo) to fight against the government and the oppression of those in power.


These people gathered in Liangshanbo believe that their actions are to uphold justice in the world on behalf of the Creator, so these people gathered in Liangshanbo will not bully ordinary people, nor will they rob ordinary people of their money.


This book tells the stories of these people.


In the Yuan Dynasty there was a playwright named Kang Jinzhi.

Kang Jinzhi created a four-act play based on a chapter of The Water Margin.


This phrase comes from the first act of the play.


There is a man called Wang Lin. His wife has died and she and her daughter have opened a small inn.

The inn he opened was near Liangshanbo. Wang Lin and his daughter lived a quiet and peaceful life.


One day, two middle-aged men came to the inn. While the two middle-aged men were having dinner, Wang Lin's daughter came to serve them.


When the two middle-aged men saw that Wang Lin's daughter was very beautiful, evil thoughts arose in their hearts.


One of the middle-aged men said to Wang Lin, 'I am the leader of the group of people in Liangshanbo who resisted the government, and my name is (Song Jiang).

I think your daughter is very beautiful, so I want to marry her. Your daughter will return to (Liangshanbo) with me today.

Wang Lin is a very honest and sincere person. When he heard these words, he was shocked. He did not dare to resist these two middle-aged men. He watched helplessly as his daughter was taken away by these two middle-aged men.

Wang Lin felt very panicky and sad.


The meaning of this idiom is that his actions are to maintain justice in the world on behalf of the Creator.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you encountered others who were oppressing you, would you choose to resist or to endure? Is the security of the society you live in good?

I hope this story can help you gain something.



替天行道(They maintain justice in the world on behalf of the Creator)











































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