
He holds his stomach and laughs(捧腹大笑)




He holds his stomach and laughs(捧腹大笑)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister called (Jia Yi), and there is a story about him in the history books.


One day he and another minister called Song Zhong went to see a very famous fortune teller called (Sima Jizhu).


After listening to Sima Jizhu's lecture, they spoke to Sima Jizhu with great respect.

We know many famous people, but we think your appearance and knowledge are far beyond those we know.

We feel very astonished. You are a very intelligent and talented person. You can do very noble work, but why don't you do it?

Why are you willing to put yourself in such a humble position?


After hearing these words, Sima Host held his stomach and laughed for several minutes, then said to them

Forgive me for being rude, but based on my observation, I think you two are very knowledgeable and cultured people, so I didn't expect you to ask me such a superficial question, so I laughed until my stomach hurt.

Let me ask you a question.

What job do you think I should do?


they replied.

We think you should work in the central government. You can have a very important position and get a high salary. You shouldn't be a fortune-teller.


Sima Jizhu wiped the smile from his face and replied in a very formal manner.

I have observed that in today's central government, most officials only flatter the king. Most of the officials collude with each other for their own selfish interests and exclude upright officials.

Most officials receive government salaries, but always exploit loopholes in the law to benefit themselves and their families. These people should be ashamed of their actions.

Because there are too many such people in the central government, I am not willing to work in the central government.


I like being a fortune teller.

Based on the principles of justice in the world and observing the changes of the four seasons, I give answers to those who are doubtful and confused about their lives. I help my clients


I enjoy being a soothsayer.

Based on the principles of justice in the world and observing the changes of the four seasons, I give answers to those who are doubtful and confused about their lives. I help my clients to understand how to face their lives. I think my work is very valuable.


A truly worthy person does not like to work with those treacherous villains, so these people usually choose jobs with low social status. These people like to observe society in an inconspicuous way.

A truly wise and talented person is often not eager to pursue money and fame.Instead, he chooses to quietly help others and use his own power to make society a better place.


The literal translation of this idiom is that a person laughs until his stomach hurts, so he hugs his stomach.

This idiom is used to describe a person who laughs out loud.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?Are you proud of your work? Do you think your work can bring positive value to others?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




捧腹大笑(He holds his stomach and laughs)








































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