
He paints the eggs that are about to be eaten and carves the wood that is about to be burned.(畫卵雕薪)



He paints the eggs that are about to be eaten and carves the wood that is about to be burned.(畫卵雕薪)


During the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, there was a famous minister in the Northern Wei Kingdom, his name was Yuan Chen. There is a story about him in the history books.


He has royal blood. He is a very greedy and corrupt person. When he was a local official, he used unfair means to plunder people's property.

The people of the town he was in charge of hated him.


He built a house in the style of a royal palace, and the well in his house was made of jade.

The water bottle he drank from was made of gold, and he used fine silk for his rope.


He raised dozens of horses, which he bought from the far west. He used silver to make cribs and gold to make horse gear.

He also has more than 300 very beautiful maids, and he likes to show off his wealth to his friends.


Once, while drinking and chatting with his friends, he said arrogantly.

The most famous rich man of China's Jin Dynasty was called Shi Chong. According to the records in the history books, he wore clothes made of expensive furs, and everything he used was very splendid.

He was very wasteful, drawing pictures on eggs he was about to eat, carving on wood he was about to burn.


Compared to him, I come from a royal family, I am a noble, and he does not have the status of a noble.

So my behaviour should be more extravagant and wasteful than his.


I won't regret not being able to see Shi Chong's luxury.

My only regret is that I couldn't let Shi Chong see that my luxury is far greater than his.


After saying these words, he laughed arrogantly.


The literal translation of this idiom is that he draws pictures on the eggs that are about to be eaten, and he carves on the wood that is about to be burned.

This idiom is used to describe a person's life that is extremely luxurious and wasteful.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think a rich person has good taste? Do you value the limited resources on this earth?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



畫卵雕薪(He paints the eggs that are about to be eaten and carves the wood that is about to be burned.)



































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