
He tidied his clothes and sat upright(正襟危坐)



He tidied his clothes and sat upright(正襟危坐)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Jia Yi), and a story about him is recorded in the history books.


One day he was talking to another minister called Song Zhong. They were discussing some methods of ruling a kingdom that were recorded in ancient classical books.


After chatting for dozens of minutes, Jia Yi said to Song Zhong

I suddenly remembered that I had read an ancient classical book. The book said that in ancient China there were many very clever and highly moral people. Some of these people would serve as officials in the central government to help the king rule the kingdom well, and some people would work as doctors to cure the people's diseases.

There are also a few people who have a special job, which is to help others with divination.


I know many central government officials and many doctors, but I have never had the opportunity to meet a fortune teller. Let's go talk to a fortune teller. Do you think it is a good idea?


Song Zhong answered after hearing these words.

Like you, I know many officials and doctors, but I have never seen a fortune teller.

I think your suggestion is very good. Why don't we go to the capital together after work to find out who is the most powerful fortune teller, and then we can find that fortune teller together.


After work, the two of them went to the capital together. They found out that there was a very famous fortune teller called (Sima Jizhu), so they went to a small shop run by (Sima Jizhu).


It was raining heavily just a few dozen minutes before they arrived at (Sima Jizhu's) shop, so there were very few people in the shop.


Sima Jizhu was sitting in his shop. He had several of his disciples sitting in front of him listening to his lectures.

When Lord Sima Ji saw Jia Yi and Song Zhong enter his shop, he invited Jia Yi and Song Zhong to sit in front of him.


After Sima Jizhu exchanged greetings with Jia Yi and Song Zhong, he continued to teach his students.


Sima Jizhu analysed many important laws of the world and explained the relationship between the changes of the stars in the sky and the human world. Sima Jizhu also explained a lot of professional divination knowledge. Sima Jizhu taught the students how to read the signs of good and bad fortune from the changes around them in their daily lives.


After Sima Jizhu spoke for 20 minutes, Jia Yi and Song Zhong felt that the theories Sima Jizhu said were very novel but logical, so they both felt that Sima Jizhu was indeed a very knowledgeable and wise man. .


The attitude of the two of them changed from relaxed to very respectful.

The two of them put on their clothes neatly and sat upright.

The two of them, together with Sima Jizhu's disciples, listened attentively to Sima Jizhu's lecture for about an hour until the end of the class.


The literal translation of this idiom is that a person tucks his clothes in neatly and sits upright.

This idiom is used to describe a person's serious and respectful attitude.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever had a fortune-telling experience? Do you think people can really predict the future through divination?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



正襟危坐(He tidied his clothes and sat upright)










































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