
He wept bitterly, he shed tears.(痛哭流涕)



He wept bitterly, he shed tears.(痛哭流涕)


In the Han Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister called Jia Yi.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He entered the central government of the Han Dynasty as an official at the age of 22. He once wrote a very famous paper in which he presented his analysis of the current situation of the Han Dynasty.


A passage from his article is as follows


In the last years of the Han dynasty, the powerful Xiongnu kingdom in the north often invaded us.

From the beginning of the Han Dynasty to the present, many laws and regulations were not strict enough, so several princes in the dynasty rebelled.


Among the problems that our country needs to pay attention to today, there is one that makes me cry with sorrow when I think about it. There are two other issues that make me shed tears when I think about them. I also sigh deeply over the other six issues.

In addition to these big issues, there are countless smaller issues that need political reform.


I have watched some ministers around me, and they have all said that the current situation of our country is very good, but my view is different from theirs. I think there are many problems in our country that need to be dealt with properly.


I think those ministers who tell you that there are no problems in our country are so stupid. They only see the superficial phenomena and do not see the hidden problems.


The present situation in our country is like a man sleeping on a pile of wood. There is a small fire burning at the bottom of the pile of wood. The person sleeping on it feels that he is sleeping very peacefully.

If the person doesn't put out the little fire quickly, it won't be long before the pile of wood starts to burn.


I think the situation in the Han Dynasty was such a danger. Our national system was chaotic, our laws were lax, and we did not focus on solving the really important problems.


So please allow me to explain my views to you.

I have a number of methods to make the politics of the Han Dynasty cleaner and more efficient, and I have also formulated a number of strategies to make the whole of society more stable.


The literal translation of this idiom is that he cried out in grief and shed tears.

It is used to describe the extreme sadness of a person.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think there are pressing problems in your country? What problems in your life do you think need to be solved right away?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




痛哭流涕(He wept bitterly, he shed tears.)





































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