
His mind is in turmoil and his soul is shaken(神蕩魂搖)



His mind is in turmoil and his soul is shaken(神蕩魂搖)


There was a famous novelist and playwright in China's Ming Dynasty, his name was (Feng Menglong).

He wrote a collection of short stories.

One of the stories is a fictional story he created with a very famous person from the Ming Dynasty as the protagonist.


This famous person is called Tang Yin. When he was growing up, all his friends called him (Tang Bohu).

He is very clever and very knowledgeable.

He can write poems and articles. He is a good painter and a good musician.

His character was bold and uninhibited, and he was proud of his talents.


His hometown is Suzhou, China.

Suzhou is a beautiful and prosperous city with a permanent population of over 500,000 and thriving economic and cultural activities.


There are a total of six gates outside the city of Suzhou. These gates are accessible not only by land but also by river, so traffic and transportation are very convenient.


One afternoon, Tang Yin hired a boat that stopped on the river at the busiest gate in Suzhou City. He sat alone on the boat, drinking tea and watching the scenery.


As he drank his tea, people kept coming up to the boat he had built to ask him to paint and write poems. These people wanted to buy his words and poems.

At first he agreed to their request, but later he found them annoying because there were so many people, so he ordered his servants not to allow them to board the boat.


He sat facing the middle of the river. He told the servant to bring Chinese rice wine. He sat by the window and began to drink Chinese rice wine. He continued to enjoy this rare afternoon.


About half an hour later, a large, ornately decorated ship with exquisite carvings suddenly appeared in the distance. This large ship caught his attention.

As the ship passed in front of him, he saw a girl dressed in green sitting on the ship. This girl was very beautiful and had a very well-proportioned figure.

The girl's eyes met Tang Yin's. She looked at Tang Yin and Tang Yin looked at her. This beautiful ship passed by very quickly, in less than a minute.


Tang Yin turned her head in the direction the big ship was going. She saw that the girl seemed to be looking back at her. The girl covered her mouth with her sleeves and seemed to be smiling.


Tang Yin felt that his mind was in turmoil and his soul was shaken.

He had never seen a girl so attractive.


The literal translation of this idiom is that he feels disturbed in his mind and shaken in his soul.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is so stimulated by the outside world that he cannot concentrate.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who has ever had a strong attraction for you? What are the qualities that usually attract you to people of the opposite sex?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




神蕩魂搖(His mind is in turmoil and his soul is shaken)





















他面朝著河中央而坐, 他命令僕人端來中國米酒,他坐在窗戶旁邊開始喝中國米酒,他繼續享受這個難得的午後時光。





















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