
The cause of the disaster was due to internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu(禍起蕭牆)



The cause of the disaster was due to internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu(禍起蕭牆)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a famous minister in the Kingdom of Lu. This minister was called Ji Sun.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He has the greatest power in the Lu Kingdom, and his power is greater than that of the king of the Lu Kingdom.

At that time there was a small kingdom next to the Lu Kingdom, and the name of this small kingdom was (Zhuanyu).

The Lu Kingdom was in political turmoil. In order to increase his influence in the Lu Kingdom, Ji Sun ordered an attack on the (Zhuanyu) Kingdom.


When Confucius heard about this incident, he commented on it.

Confucius said.

The difference between a prosperous kingdom and a declining one is not the size of the land or the number of people.

If a kingdom has a small land area and a small population, but the leader of the kingdom does not allow unequal distribution of wealth and social injustice in the kingdom, and the leader of the kingdom manages to make the people live in a safe environment, then the nature of the kingdom will become more and more prosperous.

When a kingdom is very prosperous, many people from other kingdoms will naturally want to come and live in that kingdom. Then the population of that kingdom will naturally increase, and the national power of that kingdom will become stronger and stronger.


The Jisun should rule the Lu Kingdom with justice and benevolence. When the Lu Kingdom becomes powerful, it will naturally attract the people of the (Zhuan Yu) Kingdom to follow.

Now Jisun wants to use force to force the Zhuan Yu Kingdom to obey the Lu Kingdom. I think his behaviour is completely wrong.

Under his leadership, I saw the domestic chaos in the Kingdom of Lu.

The Kingdom of Lu was on the brink of collapse, but he failed to see the real problems within the Kingdom of Lu.



The reason for the disasters of the Lu Kingdom was the internal problems of the Lu Kingdom. The disasters of the Lu Kingdom were not caused by threats from outside forces.

The Jisun wanted to use force to attack the Kingdom of Zhuanyu and hoped to use this war to consolidate their power. I think what the Jisun did was definitely wrong.


The literal translation of this idiom is that the cause of the disaster was internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu.

This idiom is used to describe a disaster that occurs in an organisation. The reason for the disaster is that there are problems within the organisation.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What issues do you think need urgent reform in your country? Can people in your country live safely?

I hope this story brings you something new.



禍起蕭牆(The cause of the disaster was due to internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu)































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