
The fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers.(陰陽不順人情)



The fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers.(陰陽不順人情)


In China's Yuan Dynasty, there was a famous playwright named Wang Ye.


He wrote a play. The summary of the story of this play is that there is a woman who is proficient in Taoist magic. This woman's name is (Peach Blossom Girl). The story between her and another man named (Zhou Qian) who is very familiar with Taoist magic.


The two of them competed to see whose Taoist magic was more powerful. In the process of the competition, the two people turned from dislike of each other into a story of mutual love.


The story goes as follows.


There is a small village with three families. One of the three families is named Peng, another is named Ren, and one is named Shi.


The three families have very good feelings for each other. They often communicate with each other, so the people in the three families know each other very well.


There are no children in the family named Peng.

In this family named Shi, the father passed away when he was very young, leaving only a boy living with his mother.

The family named Renzhuan gave birth to a daughter, and this daughter's name was (Peach Blossom).


The boy in the Shi family was a very filial child. When he was 20 years old, he said to his mother.

I have grown up and I want to improve the economic situation of our family, so I want to go to a big city to work in business.


The boy had been away from his home for several months. The boy had not written a letter home, so his mother missed him every day.


One day, the boy's mother went to see a man named Zhou Qian. Zhou Qian's profession was to tell people's fortunes using the professional knowledge he learned from the Book of Changes.


After Zhou Qian told the fortune, he said to the boy's mother with a very serious expression.

There is a saying that means fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of their customers.

A fortune teller must truthfully tell the result of his prediction, even if the result is ominous.


According to the results of my divination, your son will die between 11 o'clock tonight and 1 o'clock tomorrow morning.


The boy's mother was shocked when she heard the result, and she returned home sadly.

The boy's mother was crying alone in the living room of his home. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of his home.

It turned out to be the girl named (Peach Blossom) from her neighbor.


Taohua saw the boy's mother crying, (Taohua) asked the boy's mother what happened.

After the boy's mother told Taohua about her fortune telling, Taohua was silent for a while, and then she said to the boy's mother.

I can also read the I Ching, and I also helped your son do divination. I want to confirm the result of this fortune teller's divination again.


A few minutes later, (Peach Blossom) said to the boy’s mother.

The fortune teller's prediction was accurate. Your son will lose his life during the period he said.

But don't worry, I have a way to change your son's fate.

If saving your son's life requires you to do a few things, are you willing to try them?


The boy's mother answered after hearing what (peach blossom) said.

I'm not sure whether what you said is true, but as long as there is a slight possibility, I am willing to do what you said.



The meaning of this proverb is that the fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think people can change their destiny through human means? Have you ever been deceived by a fortune teller?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



陰陽不順人情(The fortune tellers should not worry about the subjective feelings of customers.)























































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