
We have no retreat, we can only fight bravely.(破釜沉舟)


He sank the boat and broke the pot(破釜沉舟)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived for 30 years, and his legendary life has been told by many Chinese people in later generations.

There is a story about him in the history books.

In 208 AD, the army of the Qin Kingdom attacked the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom.

The Qin army surrounded the city (Julu) where the Zhao revolutionary army was stationed.

Many revolutionary armies from other kingdoms also came to (Julu) City to help the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom resist the army of the Qin Dynasty.

After Xiang Yu arrived with the Chu revolutionary army, he first sent a secret army to attack the Qin army's food transport troops.

After leading the main army of the Chu Kingdom across a river near the main army of the Qin Dynasty, he ordered his soldiers to sink the ships and break the cooking pots.

He said to the Chu soldiers

There is only one way for us to leave this battlefield alive, and that is to defeat the Qin army.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty are not terrible. We have a strong will and firm confidence. We will definitely defeat the Qin army.

His courage inspired all the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom, and the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom were determined to win. Everyone's eyes are shining with passion, and everyone believes that this war can be won.

He led the army of the Chu Kingdom and the army of the Qin Dynasty in nine very tragic battles on the plains outside Julu City.

A few days later, (Xiang Yu) led this army of only 50,000 men to defeat the 400,000-strong army of the Qin dynasty

The direct translation of this idiom means that he scuttled the ship and broke the cooking pot.

This idiom is used to describe a person who bravely faces difficult challenges with the determination to die.

Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you have to do before you die? Have you already started?

I hope this story can give you some new insights. 



I don’t feel tired because it’s enjoyment.(樂此不疲)

I don’t feel tired because it’s enjoyment.(樂此不疲)

During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a very capable king named (Liu Xiu).
According to historical records, China was in a state of division.
The army led by (Liu Xiu) unified the entire China.

But after (Liu Xiu) completed this difficult task, he did not indulge in pleasure.
He further thought about how to govern the whole country.

(Liu Xiu) started working every morning and did not leave his office until sunset.
But after returning home, all he thought about were government affairs that had not yet been dealt with.

Sometimes, he temporarily thinks of something that needs improvement in the country, and he will immediately convene many relevant ministers to discuss.
So he often goes to bed in the middle of the night.

When his son saw (Liu Xiu) busy from morning till night, he advised him to pay more attention to his health.
But (Liu Xiu) heard his son's advice. He smiled and said to his son.
I am very happy to do these things, which is a kind of enjoyment for me. So I don’t feel tired at all.

This idiom is used to describe a person who likes to do something, and others think he is tired, but he actually feels happy.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.
Do you love your job like (Liu Xiu)? What interests or hobbies do you have that makes you feel happy to do this?
I hope this story will give you some new gains.


What is your purpose. (南轅北轍)

 What is your purpose. (南轅北轍)

During the Warring States Period in China, the king of the Wei Kingdom was preparing to send an army to attack the Zhao Kingdom.


At that time there was a person named (Ji Liang) who wanted to stop this war.

When he met the king of the Wei Kingdom, he told the king a story.


(Ji Liang) said. I met a friend I haven't seen for a long time a few hours ago.

I asked him where he was going.

He answered me. Because the weather is too cold, I am going to the warm south.


I answered him. This is a good idea, but this road is to the north.

He answered me. No problem, my horse runs very fast.

I answered him. No matter how fast the horse runs, you can't get to the south. This road is wrong.


He answered me. Don't worry, I am carrying a lot of money.

I answered him. Although you are rich, but this road leads to the north.


He answered me. I have a dedicated driver who has a lot of driving experience.

I answered him. This driver's driving experience is great, but as long as you don't order him to adjust the direction, he will never be able to take you to your destination.


(Ji Liang) Said to the king at this time.

My king, why do you want to attack the kingdom of Zhao.


The real reason is because you want the kingdoms around us to respect us. I hope they can value our opinions.


But the method of force cannot make our kingdom truly win the respect of other kingdoms.

Dont you think this action of yours is similar to the action of my friend who wants to go to the south but keeps going north?


This idiom is used to describe a person whose actions cannot lead him to achieve his goals, and will even get farther and farther away.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were (Ji Liang), how would you advise the king? If you were the king, after hearing (Ji Liang)'s advice, would you change your decision?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Zhang Ba(張霸/伯饒)

Zhang Ba(張霸)

(Zhang Ba) (? A.D -? A.D.)

His last name is (Zhang), his parents gave him the name (Ba), and his friends call him (Bo Lao) when he grows up. He was born in Sichuan Province, China.

means to open, and is also one of the Chinese surnames.

the leader of the ancient alliance of princes.

the number one man among the brothers.

means forgiveness, and is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a statesman in the Eastern Han Dynasty in China.

About (Zhangba). There is a story about him in history books.


(Zhang Ba) was dispatched to (Le) as the chief executive.

This is a difficult area to govern because there are some powerful thieves in the area.

Several officials before him could not eliminate these thieves.


Zhang Ba made a bold decision.

He understands that most thieves are forced to become thieves because they don't have a stable income.

He issued an order.


If these thieves are willing to surrender, the government will forgive them for their previous mistakes and help them to find employment so that everyone can survive.

When this order came out, most thieves didn't believe it, so the effect was not good.

But Zhang Ba insisted on his idea, continued to promote the dialogue with the thieves, and fulfilled his promise.


After several years of hard work, all thieves in this place have become ordinary people living and working in peace and contentment.

Zhang Ba is a believer of Lao Tzu, a well-known Chinese philosopher.

After he completed this difficult task, he made an unexpected decision.

He said to his colleague.

The sun will gradually set westward every day after 12 noon. The moon is also the same, it can't always be a full moon state.

I have managed this area well, so now is the time for me to leave.

I am leaving at this moment. Although others will think I am stupid, I believe this will be the right decision.

Zhang Ba resigned from his official position and returned to his hometown.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with Zhang Ba, the solution of turning the enemy into your own friend? Do you agree with his decision to resign?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



A person is as small and insignificant as a cow's hair(九牛一毛)


A person is as small and insignificant as a cow's hair(九牛一毛)


(Sima Qian) is China's most outstanding historian. The history book he wrote is the most classic book in China.

In his youth, he traveled all over China and conducted detailed fieldwork.

In  his middle age, he began to organize the Chinese history of China from 2700 BC to 100 BC based on the collected materials.


Around 100 BC, his book was almost half completed.

In this year, his opinion made the king of China unhappy, and the king sentenced him to castration.


This is a punishment that is embarrassing and unacceptable for men.

He once wanted to commit suicide.


But he thought of his dream.

He has devoted a lifetime of hard work and preparation for this book.


In a letter he wrote to his friend, he described his life as small and insignificant as a cow's hair.

He believes that human life is so short, but books can be passed on forever.

So he inspired himself to persevere, he endured everyone's ridicule and contempt.


He finally finished this book. In this book, he objectively recorded many people and events worthy of being recorded.

The influence of his book is huge. From 2100 years ago to now.

All people who have read this book have got a lot of inspiration.


This idiom is used to describe a person or an object as small or insignificant.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think there is something in your life that will make you feel more important than your life? Can you endure the humiliation and persist in completing it?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...