
The power of the whip will decrease with the length(鞭長莫及)

The power of the whip will decrease with the length(鞭長莫及)

In the Spring and Autumn Period of China,

(Chu Kingdom) sent troops to attack (Song Kingdom), the army of (Chu Kingdom) has surrounded (Song Kingdom).

The king of (Song Kingdom) sent people to (Jin Kingdom) to seek assistance.

After the king of (Jin Kingdom) received the messenger of (Song Kingdom) and understood the whole situation,
He wanted to send an army to assist (Song Kingdom).

There is a minister named (Bo zong) in (Jin Kingdom) who is against sending troops.

He said to the king of (Jin Kingdom).

Because our country has solid diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Song, it is right to send troops to help this decision.

But according to the current situation,

(Song Kingdom) has been surrounded by the army of (Chu Kingdom), and the army of (Chu Kingdom) will then rest fully, and then attack with full force at the right time.

We are now sending an army expedition, and when our army arrives (Song Kingdom), our soldiers must be very tired.

Although our country is strong, like a long and powerful whip,
But the power of the whip will decrease with the length of the whip.

So please consider again whether to send troops.

The king finally decided not to send troops to assist (Song Kingdom).

This idiom is used to describe that the distance is too far apart so the power cannot be conveyed.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

Why when (Bo zong) communicates with the king, he first expresses his agreement with the king's decision? If you are (Bo zong), how would you express your opinion to the king?

Hope this story will give you some new gains.


Yin Hao(殷浩)

Yin Hao (303 AD-356 AD)

His surname is Yin. His parents gave him the name Hao. When he grew up, his friends called him Yuanyuan. He was born in Henan Province, China.

Describe grand meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
Describe the immense water potential.
Describe the state of deep water. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The source of water. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

He was a politician during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in China.

About (Yin Hao). There is a story about him in the history book.

(Yin Hao) is very knowledgeable and has his own unique insights on many issues.

(Yin Hao)'s nephew, named (Han Kangbo). (Han Kangbo) is smart and polite, so (Yin Hao) likes him very much.

One day, (Yin Hao) happened to hear (Han Kangbo) chatting with several of his friends.

(Han Kangbo) showed a proud look.

After a few days, (Yin Hao) talked to (Han Kangbo) in private.

(Yin Hao) said to (Han Kangbo). I heard you chatting with your friends a few days ago.

Some of the points you mentioned that day quoted my point of view.

These unique insights were obtained by me after repeated study and reflection.

I like you very much and you are also very smart. So I expect you to study hard and integrate your knowledge.

You must construct your own unique insights, and this will be your real asset.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

Do you develop your own ability to think independently? Or do you take other people's views as your own insights?

Hope this story will give you some new gains.



Dan tai Ming ming(澹臺滅明)

Dan tai Ming ming(澹臺滅明)

His surname is (Dan tai), his parents gave him the name (Ming Ming), and when he grew up, his friend called him (Zi Yu). He was born in Shandong Province, China.

Describe the appearance of water fluctuations.
High and flat buildings. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
Describe the meaning of extinction.
Describe bright meaning.
The original meaning is baby, and it is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The meaning of feathers on birds

Confucius did not teach him, but because he continued to promote Confucius' thoughts throughout his life, later generations still classified him as a student of Confucius.

About (Zi Yu). There is a story about him in the history book.

(Zi Yu) admires Confucius very much. He hopes to become a student of Confucius and learn more knowledge.

But because (Zi Yu)'s appearance was very ugly, Confucius rejected him.

Although (Zi Yu) was rejected, he still respected Confucius.

He studied independently and continued to promote Confucius' ideas.

A few years later, (Zi Yu)'s knowledge and character were recognized by many people.

After a few more years, (Zi Yu) established a school. In school, he taught people how to put Confucius' thoughts into practice.

Confucius heard (Zi Yu)'s later achievements and heard that he influenced many people and made them better.

Confucius introspected himself and shared it with his students.

He was influenced by (Zi yu)'s appearance, so he made a wrong judgment about (Zi yu).

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?
Would you judge a person based on one's appearance alone? If you make a mistake, would you sincerely face your own mistakes?
Hope this story will give you some new gains.

澹臺滅明(Dan tai Ming ming)















A white horse runs past(白駒過隙)

A white horse runs past(白駒過隙)

(Confucius) ask (Lao Zi) what is (Tao).

(Lao Zi) answered. Do you want to know what (Tao) is,

The first step is to abandon all current knowledge,
The second step is to have an open mind. Admit that what you know is limited.

Then (Lao Zi) said, I am still learning. But I can share with you my understanding now.

Each of us has only a few decades in life, and time is so short.

I felt as if I was hiding inside a house and looking out from the narrow door gap.

At this time, a white horse ran in front of the house.

For me, life is like this, the time is too short, so I have no time to react, and I can't see clearly at all.

Everything in this world is changing from moment to moment.

Every minute someone is born and every minute someone will die. Birth and death are commonplace.

But we are happy about birth and we are sad about death.

I think this is because we have not really realized that there is no difference between birth and death.

If we think that death is just a cessation of physical activity,

After our bodies and spirits cease to be active,

Living in another way that we cannot see, we should not feel sad.

This idiom means to describe a person's life is so short.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think about birth and death? Do you think human life is short or long?

I look forward to this story giving you some new gains.



Dong Yu(董遇)

Dong Yu (Year of?AD-Year of ?AD)
His surname is (Dong), his parents gave him the name (Yu), and his friends called him (Ji Zhi) when he grew up. His place of birth was not recorded in detail.

The meaning of supervision and management. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The meaning of meeting or happening to meet. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The youngest of brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
Straight meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

He was a famous scholar in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era. .

About (Dong Yu). There is a story about him in the history book.

(Dong Yu) has a good knowledge. One day, someone came to him.

This person told (Dong Yu), I admire your knowledge very well, I want to be your student, please let me learn with you.

When (Dong Yu) listened to this request, he directly refused. And answer this person. I think I know too little, so I can't be your teacher.

Then (Dong Yu) said, but I am willing to share with you my method of studying.

This method is. Those classic books can't be read only once, and only after reading them again can you realize the meaning of the books.

The man replied. Your experience is great, but not for me. Because I am too busy, I have no time.

(Dong Yu) said. Who is not busy, I will share more, that is, I have used those three special periods of study.

The person asked (Dong Yu) those three special time periods.

Dong Yu answered. The first period is winter, and winter is the harvest season, so there will be less work. I use this time to study a little more every year.

The second period is in the evening. When I return home from work at night, I will spend a little time every day reading more books.

The third period is when it rains. When it rains, I often don't want to go out, so I will use this period to study a little more.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think this person is really too busy to study? Can you, like (Dong Yu), set yourself a plan to study and keep studying?

Hope this story will give you some new gains.




















Let me help it grow (揠苗助長)

Let me help it grow (揠苗助長)

During the Warring States Period in China, (Mencius) spoke a fable.

There is a farmer in the Kingdom of Song. This farmer worked hard to water and fertilize every day after he set aside the rice seeds in spring.

A month later, the farmer felt that the rice seedlings in his field were growing slower than others. This matter made him very anxious.

On this day, he thought of an idea.

He spent a whole day pulling up every rice seedling in the middle of the paddy field by a few centimeters.

He thought to myself that if I did this, I would definitely help the rice grow faster.

When he returned home, a happy smile appeared on his face.

The farmer's family asked him why he was so happy, and he told his family what he did today.

After listening to his words, his child immediately ran into the farmland to see the rice seedlings in the field.

As a result, he saw all the rice seedlings withered.

This idiom means to describe that a person wants to quickly achieve results and take some action, but instead produces bad results because of this action.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have what you hope to achieve? Are you taking slow but sure actions, or do you just want to achieve results quickly?

I look forward to this story giving you some new gains.

Let me help it grow (揠苗助長)
















I don't understand this(不恥下問)

I don't understand this(不恥下問)

In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a country called the Kingdom of Wei, and there was a person named (Kong Yu) in this country.

The kings and people of Wei Kingdom respect him.

Confucius has a student named (Zi gong).

One day (Zi gong) told (Confucius).

I would like to ask the teacher a question.

The problem is that (Kong Yu)'s knowledge and ability are indeed very good, but there are many people in the Wei Kingdom who are better than him.

Why do people respect him particularly?

(Confucius) answered (Zigong).

According to my observation. Because (Kong Yu) has a trait that few people have.

This trait is that (Kong Yu) if he hears anything that anyone is talking about, there is anything he does not understand, he will ask this person humbly.

Even if this person's identity, status or academic qualifications are inferior to him, (Kong Yu) still maintains the same humility.

(Zi gong) answered (Confucius). Thank you teacher for sharing.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is very humble. Willing to learn from people whose status, status or knowledge is not as good as themselves.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you are faced with something you dont understand, someone with an identity or status or knowledge that is less than you. Are you willing to learn (Kong Yu) to be humble?

I hope this story will give you a bit of gain.


Several blind men touch the same elephant(盲人摸象)

Several blind men touch the same elephant

A fable is recorded in a Buddhist classic circulated in China.

There was a king who called a few blind men to touch the elephant.

After the blind men touched the elephant, the king asked the blind people what they thought the elephant looked like.

The blind man who touched the elephant's teeth said, "The elephant should look like a white radish."
The blind man who touched the elephant's ear said, "The elephant should look like a dustpan."
The person who touched the head of the elephant said, "The elephant should look like a stone."
The person who touched the elephant's nose said, "The elephant should look like a pestle."
The person who touched the elephant's foot said, "The elephant should look like a wooden mortar."
The person who touched the back of the elephant said, "The elephant should look like a bed."
The person who touched the belly of the elephant said, "The elephant should look like a big bucket."
The person who touched the tail of the elephant said, "The elephant should look like a rope."

These blind people only touched a part of the elephant, but because they couldn't see the whole elephant, their understanding of the elephant also produced different imaginations according to the places they touched.

The meaning of this idiom is used to describe that what we see is usually only a part of the whole, but we often think that the part we have seen represents the whole.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

The same fact that each of us sees with our own eyes may have different perceptions because of the different viewing angles of each of us. Have you had similar experience?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.













Shen Bu Hao(申不害)

(Shen Bu Hao) (420 BC-337 BC)
His surname is (Shen), and his parents gave him the name (Bu Hao). He was born in Henan Province, China.

The original meaning is constraint, and it also means repetition. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The word means no. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The meaning of injury or damage.

He is an outstanding thinker. There is a story about him in the history book.

The Warring States Period in China.

The king of the Kingdom of Han hoped that the kingdom could be strong, so he hired (Shen Bu Hao) to serve as prime minister.

(Shen Bu Hao) Tell the king. The actual implementation of the law is the first step in the reform.

The king replied (Shen Bu Hao). Please teach me what to do.

(Shen Bu Hao) Answer the king. We must grasp two principles.

The first principle. We want to reward the meritorious, and then punish those who made mistakes.

The second principle. We must actively discover outstanding experts, and let these people hold important positions in our kingdom.

(Shen Bu Hao) continue to say.

In the case of our kingdom, many important positions are held by relatives and friends of some kings. It is often difficult for these people to punish if they make mistakes.

And this situation will also lead to excellent experts not being reused.

The king answered ashamedly. Thank you for your teaching, I will improve.

A few months later, (Shen Bu Hao) in a meeting with the king.

(Shen Bu Hao) said to the king.

I especially report one thing to you. I have a cousin who recently came to the Kingdom of Han. I will arrange a position for him.

The king answered after about a minute of silence.

Sure, no problem, but I want to confirm again, is your cousin an excellent expert?

(Shen Bu Hao) Hearing the king's answer, he said to the king ashamedly.

Thank you for reminding me that I made a mistake in this matter.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

We often see other people's problems very clearly, but we cannot see clearly that we have the same problem. Do you have the same experience as (Shen Bu Hao)?

Hope this story will give you some new gains.


























Li Si (李斯)

Li Si (284-6208 BC)
His surname is (Li), and his parents gave him the name (Si), and his friends called him (Tong gu) when he grew up. He was born in Henan Province, China.

The meaning of the plum tree. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of chopped. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

No clogging, meaning of passing
Originally meant ancient. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

He is an outstanding politician.

He is one of the most capable prime ministers in Chinese history.

About (Li Si). There is a story about him in the history book.

When (Li Si) was young, he served as a low-ranking official in a small town. He lives a plain life every day.

One day, he was assigned to a city by the chief to help sort out the granaries.

When (Li si) opened the granary door, he was shocked.

Because he saw this huge granary full of bags of rice.

He also saw many mice in the granary. These mice were not afraid of seeing people, and each mouse was chubby.

He thought of his own office in a small town at this time.

There are also many mice beside the toilet in that office.

When the mice there heard the footsteps of people or dogs, they hurried away in fright. And the mice there are very thin.

So (Li Si) said to himself.

I'm like these mice.

If I continue to live by the toilet, I can only continue to live a life of fear every day.

Only when I leave the present environment and find a granary can I live a comfortable life every day.

So (Li Si) resigned and left his hometown.

In the end (Li Si) came to the Kingdom of Qin, and because of this, he had the opportunity to help the Kingdom of Qin unify the entire China.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you agree with (Li Si)? If you have a chance, will you bravely leave your comfort zone and face the unknown fear?

Hope this story will give you some new gains.
























    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...