
Forgetting the important things and chasing after the unimportant things(背本逐末)


Forgetting the important things and chasing after the unimportant things(背本逐末)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous minister in the Kingdom of Cao Wei, and his name was (Wang Chang).

History books tell a story about him.


He attached great importance to the education of children, and he wrote an article for his two sons.

There is a paragraph in the article that reads as follows


You are still very young, you are living in this stage of life, I think you should pay attention to these three points.

1- Take care of your body.

2- You must correct your own behaviour.

3- Make your family proud of you.

These three points seem very simple, but they are very difficult to do.


Many young people ignore them. When these young people reach adulthood, their personal health and financial crisis often occurs. They are often unable to live a kind and positive life.


You also need to cultivate yourself to have the four qualities of filial piety, respect, benevolence and justice.

A good character can enable you to behave well and produce correct values.


A filial person, a person who respects others, will have harmonious interpersonal relationships.

A benevolent and just person will win the respect of others.


You must always keep this in mind.

A person's character and moral cultivation are like the roots of a tree, which are the most important assets in your life.

All the money, wealth, and power on the outside, all the compliments and flattery from other people, are like the leaves of a tree.

The leaves may be very beautiful and lush, but if the roots of the tree rot, the leaves of the tree will soon die and rot.


I am not saying these words to ask you not to be a rich and famous person,

I just want to remind you that you should always practice your own character and moral cultivation, and use reasonable and legal methods to get the money, power and wealth you want.


You must first know what is most important in your life.

You don't forget the most important things and chase after the unimportant things.


This idiom means to forget the most important things and chase after the unimportant things.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Is everything you are chasing now really what you want?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




When you see your name, you must think of what your name represents.(顧名思義)


When you see your name, you must think of what your name represents.(顧名思義)


During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a famous minister in the Kingdom of Cao Wei, and his name was (Wang Chang).

History books tell a story about him.


He attached great importance to the education of children, and he wrote an article for his two sons.

In this article he admonishes his two sons.


You must learn to be content, a person who knows how to be content is a truly rich person.

If you are greedy, you may lose everything you have now.

We can see many examples in the history books.

The end of life for those whose desires are endless is usually miserable.


Many people spend their lives blindly chasing after lots of wealth and fame. You must learn when to go on and when to stop.

If you do that, you will have no regrets at the end of your life.


From some cultural relics in ancient China, we can see that the ancient Chinese used to engrave some mottos on their daily necessities. This is their way of reminding themselves not to forget these maxims.


The names I gave you when you were born represent my expectations of you.

Of the two of you, the older brother's name means be quiet and talk less, and the younger brother's name means be humble and keep calm.


I hope that every time you think of your own name, you will think of the meaning of your name.

I hope that your name will always remind you and motivate you to be a person of noble character.


I admonish you to be patient.

Look at those beautiful flowers, they bloom in a few months and then they wither. Don't be those beautiful flowers.


Look at those simple pine and cypress trees, they can still keep their leaves green through the harsh winter.

You should be those pines and cypresses that do not rot and wither,


This idiom means that when you see your name, you must think of what your name represents.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Does your name mean anything to you? What do you expect from yourself?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



Li Yuanhong (李元紘/大綱)



Li Yuanhong (李元紘/大綱)(AD? - AD 733)


His surname is (Li), his parents gave him the name (Yuan Hong), and his friends called him (Outline) when he was growing up. He was born in Henan Province, China.


The meaning of plum tree. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of the beginning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

(This word has many meanings, here are just a few).

Hat band meaning. Outline meaning.

Big meaning. Important meaning.

The rope that lifts the net means. Outline meaning.


He was once the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty and there is a story about him in the history books.


The capital of the Tang Dynasty was located in what is now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China.

Both the Qin and Han dynasties of China used this city as their capital.

One incident happened when he was the mayor of Xi'an.


Around Xi'an, there is very fertile and vast land that can be cultivated for food. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, complete irrigation canals have been built.


The king heard that the farmers were complaining that the canals were not getting enough water, which was affecting the harvest.

The king ordered the canals to be dredged.


After investigating, he found that the canals were not clogged.

The amount of water irrigating these farmers was not enough, mainly because many powerful nobles had built many water mills next to these canals.


He used public power to demolish the water mills built by these nobles.

His action made all the peasants very grateful to him, but it also made many nobles unhappy with him.

It can be seen from this matter that he is a very righteous person.


After he became Prime Minister, his salary and status were greatly improved.

But he didn't buy a newer and bigger house, he still lived in his own older and smaller house.



The carriage he used for his daily journeys was not replaced, nor did he buy many expensive items to decorate his home, and he maintained his previous simple living habits.

He gave all the money beyond his daily needs to his relatives and friends who were not financially well off.

You can see from this incident that he is a very honest person.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Is there a politician in your country who is clean? Are you a person who is willing to share good things with relatives and friends?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.





The verdict of this case will never be changed(南山鐵案)


The verdict of this case will never be changed(南山鐵案)


In the Tang Dynasty there was a famous and upright minister, his name was (Li Yuanhong).

History books tell a story about him.


He was once an administrative official in the state of Yongzhou, and his duty was to deal with civil disputes.


One day, a monk from a temple angrily said to him

There is a very old stone mill in our temple.

A few days ago, the princess came to visit our temple. She saw the stone mill and liked it very much. She asked us to give it to her.


We did not agree to her request, so she took the mill by force.

We'll file a civil suit against her.


The next day he went to investigate the matter and found that what the monk had said was true and that the princess had indeed taken the mill from the temple.


He immediately passed judgement and demanded that the princess return the mill immediately.

Because of administrative procedures, he passed the verdict on to his superiors.

The judgement had to be approved by his superiors before it could take legal effect.


Having seen the verdict, his superiors gave it back to him.

His superiors said to him

The princess is the king's sister and she has a lot of power, so I suggest you change your judgement.

You should not ask the princess to return the stone mill.


After hearing his superior's order, he said to his superior

My judgement is based on the principles of justice and I will not change my judgement.

Even if you have the ability to move this mountain near the capital, you can't change my decision.


This idiom is used to describe a case where the judgement will never be changed.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you change your judgement? If you were his superior, what would you say to him?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He was able to defeat his enemies without using force(兵不血刃)

He was able to defeat his enemies without using force(兵不血刃)


At the end of the Han Dynasty in China, the military power of the warlords in different parts of China surpassed the central government, and the central government lost control over the warlords in different parts of China.


These warlords were constantly at war with each other, and in the end three forces remained.

The leaders of these three forces established the three kingdoms of Wu Kingdom, Shuhan Kingdom and Cao Wei Kingdom.

Chinese history books call this period the Three Kingdoms period.


The name of the founding king of the Wu Kingdom was Sun Quan.

History books tell a story about him.


Once, one of his ambassadors had a conversation with the king of the Cao Wei Kingdom.


Asked the king of Cao Wei Kingdom.

What do you think are your king's personal qualities?


The ambassador replied.

I think our king is wise, intelligent, kind and full of wisdom. He has great talent, he has extraordinary strategic vision.


Asked the King of the Kingdom of Cao Wei.

Can you give me some specific examples?


The ambassador replied.

He recruited (Lu Su) from among many scholars as his staff. This showed his intelligence.

Among many soldiers, he promoted (Lu Meng) to be his general, which shows his intelligence.

He once captured the general (Yu Jin) of the Kingdom of Cao Wei, but later released (Yu Jin), which showed his kindness.

He once acquired the land (Jingzhou) from the Kingdom of Shuhan. In that war, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Wu won the victory without the blood of the enemy on their weapons. This incident reveals the full extent of his wisdom.


The ambassador paused and continued.

He controlled the land of the three states in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. He managed that land very well. He made the Wu Kingdom one of the three most powerful powers in China. This incident shows his great talent.


He knows that the current fighting power of the Wu Kingdom is still not enough to compete with the Cao Wei Kingdom, so he showed respect and obedience to you, which revealed his extraordinary strategic vision.


The king of the Cao Wei Kingdom laughed when he heard these words.


This idiom means He was able to defeat his enemies without using force.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

What are your personal characteristics? What personality traits would you most like to have?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Those vicious robbers can easily attack us. (開門揖盜)

Those vicious robbers can easily attack us. (開門揖盜)


At the end of the Han Dynasty in China, the military power of the warlords in various parts of China surpassed the central government, and the central government lost control over the warlords in various parts of China.


These warlords were constantly at war with each other, and in the end three forces remained.

The leaders of these three forces established the three kingdoms of Wu Kingdom, Shuhan Kingdom and Wei Kingdom.

Chinese history books refer to this period as the Three Kingdoms period.


The name of the founding king of the Wu Kingdom was Sun Quan.

History books tell a story about him.


His father and elder brother were well-known warlords of the time, and their family controlled the area that is now the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

His father died in a war in 191 AD. His elder brother succeeded his father as leader.

His elder brother was very close to him. His elder brother brought him up after his father died. His elder brother was like another father to him.


In 200 AD his elder brother was assassinated. He was only 19 years old that year.

He was very sad, and his mood was very melancholy.


One day someone close to the family told him.


I know how you feel when your brother dies suddenly.

But I must advise you to get out of that sad mood quickly.


Now all of China is in chaos, we are surrounded by many powerful warlords who want to destroy us and occupy our land and resources.


Your brother is dead and you have officially succeeded us as leader, but your power base is not yet secure.

These vicious, brigand-like warlords are planning to take advantage of our fragile moment of transition to attack us.


You must quickly adjust your mentality, you bear a great responsibility, you must inherit the wishes of your father and brother, you must lead us to defeat all the other warlords, and you must lead us to unite all of China.


After hearing these words, he wiped away his tears.

He knew he couldn't wallow in grief any longer.

He actively held many meetings and listened to the opinions of all the staff officers, and he succeeded in inheriting the military power of his father and brother.


He became a great leader, founded the Wu Kingdom, and served as its king until his death in 252 AD.


This idiom means that our gate is open at the moment, and these vicious robbers can come in and attack us at any time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever wallowed in sadness? How did you get out of that sad feeling?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



Outspoken (心直口快)

Outspoken (心直口快)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named Wen Tianxiang.

History books tell a story about him.


He was a minister of integrity, courage and loyalty.

In 1279 AD, after the fall of the Song Dynasty, he was taken prisoner to the capital of the Yuan Dynasty.


The king of the Yuan Dynasty said to the prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although Wen Tianxiang was once our enemy, I admire his character.

I hope you can find a way to persuade him to surrender. If he joins the central government of the Yuan Dynasty, I believe it will be of great help to our Yuan Dynasty.


After receiving this order, the Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty sent someone to persuade Wen Tianxiang to surrender.

This person was a general in the Song Dynasty, and his name was (Lu Wenhuan).

After Lu Wenhuan was captured by the Yuan Dynasty, he surrendered and joined the central government system of the Yuan Dynasty.


Wen Tianxiang was imprisoned in the prison of the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. One day (Lu Wenhuan) came to see him in prison.

(Lu Wenhuan) said to him.

The Song Dynasty has fallen. If you are willing to surrender, the King of Yuan Dynasty is willing to restore your freedom. The King of the Yuan Dynasty will even allow you to join the central government system of the Yuan Dynasty.


He said angrily to Lu Wenhuan.

You are a disloyal person. A few years ago, you led the Song Dynasty army against the Yuan Dynasty army. After you were defeated, you joined the Yuan Dynasty camp to save your own life.


You are a very shameless person, and if I were free, the first thing I would do would be to kill you, traitor.

I will never surrender, you kill me, I would rather die than betray the Song Dynasty.


When Wen Tianxiang said these words, his tone was very firm. He insisted that he would not change his principles and beliefs even under the threat of death.


After Lu Wenhuan reported to the Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty, the Prime Minister of the Yuan Dynasty said

Wen Tianxiang is a true man, his character is straightforward, he can say whatever comes to his mind, he expresses his inner thoughts directly, and he is not influenced by the outside world.


This idiom means to be outspoken.

This idiom means that his character is straightforward, and he says what he thinks in his heart.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

What is your most important personal principle? How do you think a real man should behave?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.









There was a famous genius poet in the Tang Dynasty, his name was (Li Bai).

He died in 762 AD and was 61 years old. He is one of the greatest poets in Chinese history.


After his death, another famous poet of the Tang Dynasty came to pay his respects at his grave. This poet was called (Bai Juyi).


(Bai Juyi) When he saw Li Bai's tomb, his heart was full of emotion, so he wrote a poem.


Standing by the Caishi River, I saw many untidy weeds surrounding the tomb, and a few lonely white clouds in the distant sky.


I was deeply saddened.

Li Bai wrote many poems in his lifetime. These poems have great momentum and energy, these poems are earth-shattering, and these poems have influenced many people.


But after his death, he was forgotten and buried in this small grave in this desolate place.


I am deeply saddened.

Li Bai is such a great poet. He experienced more dangers and difficulties in his life than ordinary people, and his desolation and loneliness after death also surpassed those of ordinary poets.


This idiom is used to describe an extremely loud sound.

This idiom means earth-shattering.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

What is the most shocking poem you have ever read? Have you ever seen the grave of a famous person?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Yingdang(嬴蕩)(329 BC - 307 BC)


His surname is (Ying), his parents gave him the name (Dang), and he was born in Shaanxi Province, China.


Means to win. The meaning of victory. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Turbulent meaning. Candid meaning.


He was the king of the Qin Kingdom in the Warring States Period.

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


The founding king of the Xia Dynasty cast nine tripods in bronze. The nine tripods represent the nine states of China.

These nine tripods were placed in the capital of the Xia Dynasty, and these nine tripods were specially used to worship Heaven and Earth and the ancestors.

These nine tripods have survived the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty.

The Nine Tripods represent the symbols of the rulers of China.

These nine tripods represent the supreme ruling power of the kings of the Zhou Dynasty.


The Zhou Dynasty was the last hereditary dynasty in Chinese history to fully implement the feudal system.

The king of the Zhou dynasty divided the land of China among various princes.


These princes fought each other and competed for land and resources.

By the end of the Zhou dynasty, only 7 of these 140 vassal states remained.

The seven kingdoms were the Qin, Qi, Yan, Chu, Wei, Zhao and Han kingdoms.


In the last years of the Zhou dynasty, the king of the Zhou dynasty was only formally the supreme ruler of China. In reality, these seven vassal states did not obey the orders of the Zhou dynasty at all.


In 311 BC, (Ying Dang) was 18 years old and became king of the Qin Kingdom.

His body is very strong, his strength is great, he likes to fight and wrestle.

After he became king, he promoted many famous strong men of the Qin Kingdom to become officials in the kingdom.


He actively built the Qin Kingdom and appointed several very wise ministers.


Five years after he became king, the national power of the Qin Kingdom became very strong.


In 307 BC, he led a mission to visit the capital of the Zhou Dynasty.


The king of the Zhou dynasty held a grand banquet for him.

During the banquet, he saw the nine tripods in the Zhou palace, which represented the supreme power of the king of the Zhou dynasty.


He was a little drunk, and he went up to one of the tripods and said to the king of the Zhou dynasty.

The place represented by this tripod is the Qin Kingdom. I think this tripod should no longer be placed in the capital of the Zhou dynasty, but this tripod should be placed in the capital of the Qin dynasty.


After hearing this sentence, everyone at the banquet was terrified and dared not speak.


He turned his head and said to a minister of the Qin Kingdom

You lift this tripod and I will take it back to the Qin Kingdom.


This minister is a famous strongman in the Qin Kingdom.

The minister walked over to the side of the tripod, and the minister lifted the tripod, which weighed more than 200 kilograms. Since the tripod was too heavy, the minister supported it for a few seconds and then put the tripod back in its original place.


When he saw this, he laughed.

It seems that your strength is too weak, so I have to carry this tripod by myself.


He walked in front of the tripod, lifted the tripod weighing more than 200 kilograms and took a few steps forward.

The cauldron was really too heavy, after he walked a few steps he couldn't carry it any further, the cauldron slipped out of his hand, the cauldron was pressed against his thigh, and his thigh was broken on the spot.


Everyone in the banquet hall was shocked to see this sudden accident.

Many ministers of the Qin Kingdom immediately rushed to his side, and these ministers of the Qin Kingdom worked together to lift the tripod and save him immediately.


He bled profusely that night and died in the capital of the Zhou dynasty.

He was 23 years old that year.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Did you do anything ridiculous when you were young? How do you feel about the sudden death of a young man?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





Have you forgotten the promise between us?(息壤在彼)


Have you forgotten the promise between us?(息壤在彼)


During the Warring States Period in China, there was a famous minister in the Qin Kingdom. His name was (Gan Mao).

History books tell a story about him.


He led the army of the Qin Kingdom to attack the Han Kingdom.

The Qin army surrounded an important Han city called (Yiyang).


Although he was sure of victory, he felt that a forced attack would cause too many casualties in the Qin army. So he planned a series of protracted wars.


He led the army to surround (Yiyang) City and sent spies to spread false information in Yiyang City.

He publicly shouted to the army of the Han Kingdom.

If you are willing to surrender, I will guarantee the survival of the people of this city.

At the same time, he launched surprise attacks on (Yiyang) City from time to time, and the morale of the Han troops in (Yiyang) City gradually weakened.


One day, he received an order from the King of Qin.

The King of Qin ordered him to return to the capital.


After the King of Qin met him, the King of Qin said to him

This war has lasted for five months, but we have still not been able to take (Yiyang) City.

I think we should reconsider whether we should continue to attack the Kingdom of Han.


Having heard these words, he knew that the king's resolve to conquer the Han Kingdom had been shaken.

He did not answer the king's question directly.


He smiled and said to the king.

Five months ago, the two of us signed a treaty together in the city of (Xi Rang).

Time flies so fast, five months have passed in a flash.


After the king heard this sentence, he remembered what he said to (Gan Mao) five months ago.


He said to Gan Mao at that time. I agree with your ability, and I promise to trust you. To dispel your doubts, I am willing to make a treaty with you. I believe that you can lead the army of the Qin Kingdom to defeat the Han Kingdom.


The King of Qin was silent for a few minutes.

He said to Gan Mao

If you need any support, you can tell me, I believe you can lead the Qin army to win this war.


Gan Mao returned to the front, and a few weeks later the city of (Yiyang) was successfully taken by the Qin army under his leadership.


This idiom is used to remind a person not to break his promise.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever broken a promise you made to a friend? If you were the king, would you keep your contract with Gan Mao?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





Zeng Shen killed a person(曾參殺人)


Zeng Shen killed a person(曾參殺人)


During the Warring States Period in China, there was a famous minister in the Kingdom of Qin. His name was (Gan Mao).

History books tell a story about him.


The king of the Qin Kingdom asked him to lead the army to attack the Han Kingdom.

Gan Mao told the king a story.


In the Spring and Autumn Kingdom of Lu, there was a famous scholar with high morals. His name was Zeng Shen.

One day, while his mother was weaving at home, a neighbour rushed into the house. The neighbour said to his mother

I have heard the shocking news that your son has killed someone.

Zeng Shen's mother replied with a smile after hearing this sentence.

Zeng Shen's self-cultivation is very good, it is impossible for him to kill people.


Ten minutes later, the shopkeeper in the alley outside his house rushed into his house and told his mother.

I have heard the incredible news that your son has killed someone.

Zeng Shen's mother replied with a smile after hearing this sentence.

Zeng Shen's character is very gentle, he couldn't possibly kill anyone.


After another ten minutes, a woman who lived nearby rushed into his house and spoke to his mother.

Have you heard the news? Your son has killed someone.

When Zeng Shen's mother heard what the woman said, her face became very sad and frightened.

Zeng Shen's mother put down her weaving and his mother rushed out of the house to look for Zeng Shen.


Gan Mao paused and asked the King of Qin.

Do you think Zeng Shen has killed anyone?


The King of Qin replied.

I think it's a rumour.


Gan Mao replied with a smile.

It is true that Zeng Shen did not kill anyone, it is indeed a rumour, but after three consecutive people told Zeng Shen's mother the rumour, his mother believed the rumour.


Gan Mao said very seriously to the King of Qin.

I have full confidence, I think we can definitely defeat the Han Kingdom, but I think it will take several months to completely defeat them.


You trust me very much now, and you are willing to fully authorise me to command and dispatch the Qin army.

But I think that if I lead the army to the front to fight the army of the Han Kingdom, there will be people with malicious intentions in the Qin Kingdom who will speak ill of me to you.


Then you will be like Zeng Shen's mother. You will doubt me, you will lose faith in me.

For this reason, I am unwilling to accept the task of leading the army to attack the Kingdom of Han.


The King of Qin said to Gan Mao.

I agree with your abilities, and I promise to trust you. To remove your doubts, I am willing to make a treaty with you.


A few days after the king of the Qin Kingdom signed a treaty with Gan Mao, Gan Mao led the army of the Qin Kingdom to attack the Han Kingdom.


The literal translation of this idiom is that Zeng Shen killed a person.

This idiom is used to describe rumours that are very frightening.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever believed these rumours? How do you know if what you hear is a rumour?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




His Words Have Great Power(一言九鼎)


His Words Have Great Power(一言九鼎)


During the Warring States period in China, there was a man named Mao Sui in the Kingdom of Zhao.

He joined a 20-man mission led by (Zhao Sheng) to seek military assistance in the Kingdom of Chu.


Thanks to his help, this mission was successfully completed.

After the mission returned to the Kingdom of Zhao, (Zhao Sheng) told (Mao Sui) at the celebration dinner.


China's first dynasty was the Xia Dynasty. The founding king of the Xia Dynasty divided the whole of China into nine states after founding the Xia Dynasty.


The founding king of the Xia Dynasty cast nine tripods in bronze. The nine tripods represent the nine states.

These nine tripods were placed in the capital of the Xia Dynasty, and these nine tripods were specially used to worship Heaven and Earth and the ancestors.


These nine tripods have passed through the Xia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty and are currently placed in the capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

The nine tripods represent the symbols of China's rulers.

These nine tripods represent the supreme power of the kings of the Zhou Dynasty.


(Zhao Sheng) paused for a moment, then shook (Mao Sui)'s hand gratefully.

(Zhao Sheng) said.


What you say has great power. What you say is as precious and important as the nine tripods placed in the capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

What you say is irreplaceable.


You have turned the situation around by relying on your own personal ability, and you have brought the Zhao Kingdom out of this great crisis.

On behalf of Zhao Guowang, I would like to express my gratitude to you.


This idiom is used to describe what a person says with great force.

It is also used to describe a person who is very trustworthy.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Are you a trustworthy person? Will you always remind yourself to be careful when talking to others?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...