
My neighbor may be the thief(智子疑鄰)

 My neighbor may be the thief(智子疑鄰)


During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Han Fei), he wrote a story.


There is a rich man living in Song Kingdom.

He lives in a big house, he has a big yard, his house has a lot of antiques and gold.


In July of a year, there were torrential rains for several days.

One part of the fence surrounding his house was destroyed by rain.


At the end of the rainy season, his son told him.


Dad, we should quickly find workers to repair the fence.

In this situation, a thief can easily enter through this gap.


His neighbor saw that one of his fences was destroyed by rain.

His neighbor reminded him enthusiastically.


You have to quickly find workers to repair the fence.

In this situation, a thief can easily enter through this gap.


The rich man thinks this matter is not particularly urgent. So he did not immediately find workers to repair the fence.


Unexpectedly, that night, the thief sneaked into his home.

The next morning, when he got up, he found that many antiques and gold in his home had been stolen by thieves.


His first reaction was to say.

My child is really alert, he reminded me yesterday, but unfortunately I did not listen to his advice.


He then thought.

My neighbor is very suspicious. When he came to my house yesterday to remind me to repair the fence, his expression was very unnatural.

How could he predict that there will be a thief? Maybe he is the thief.


This idiom is used to remind us that we often have different prejudices because of our relationships with others.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Do you have the experience of causing you great loss due to procrastination? Have you ever been deceived by feelings and influenced your judgment?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.



If you are willing to study, you will definitely gain.(開卷有益)

 If you are willing to study, you will definitely gain.(開卷有益)


In the Song Dynasty of China, the name of the second king was (Zhao Kuangyi).


In his second year as a king, he ordered more than 10 important scholars in the country to compile a set of 1,000-episodes encyclopedias from more than 80,000 books in the Royal Library.


There are more than 2,579 books and articles cited in this encyclopedia.


After six years, this set of books was finally completed. The name of this set of books is (Taiping Yulan).


After this set of books was completed, the king was very happy, and he made a decision.


He set himself a goal to read three episodes a day, and he could finish the encyclopedia in just one year.


So he followed the goal he had set. Read three episodes of books every day.


There are many things to worry about as the king of a country. Sometimes there is really no way to study that day.


But after he finishes the books that should be read the next day, he will finish the books that he didn't read the day before.


So he achieved his goal a year later.


He often said to those around him: As long as you are willing to open the book and read, you will definitely get benefits. "


This idiom is used to remind us that as long as you are willing to read, you will definitely get a lot of knowledge from books.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you often set your own goals but can't achieve them? Are you really too busy to study?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Qin Yue ren (秦越人)

Qin Yue ren (秦越人)

Qin Yue ren (407-310 BC)


His last name is (Qin), his parents gave him the name (Yue Ren), and he was born in Hebei Province, China.


The name of a kingdom and dynasty in China. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of crossing. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Human meaning.


He is one of the most famous Chinese physicians in Chinese history.


In ancient China, the outstanding Chinese physician was named (Bian Que). (Qin Yue ren) is one of (Bian Que).


About (Qin Yue ren). There is a story about him in history books.


Once, he met with the king of Qi Kingdom.

He told the king during the meeting.


According to my observation, you are already sick.

Fortunately, your illness is currently very mild.


The king answered him with a smile. I don't think I'm sick.


When the meeting was over, the king said privately to his entourage,

I think he deliberately said that I was sick, he just wanted to show off his medical skills.


Ten days later he met the king again.

This time he said to the king solemnly.


Your condition has worsened, please let me treat you quickly.

The king still did not accept his suggestion.


Ten days later, he met with the king for the third time.

This time he said nervously to the king.


Your condition is rapidly deteriorating, would you like me to treat you.

The king still felt that he was not sick.

The king shook his head, with an impatient expression on his face.


Ten days later, he met with the king for the fourth time.

He stopped mentioning the king's illness this time.


The king asked him in wonder.

Why do you stop mentioning to treat my disease this time.


He replied.

My abilities are limited. If the patient's illness is really too serious, I will be helpless.


He left the Qi Kingdom the next day.

Five days later, the king of Qi Kingdom felt unwell, and then died suddenly.


This story is also an idiom.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is unwilling to face his own problems and does not accept others' suggestions.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Are you willing to listen to the opinions of others? How can you avoid preconceptions about others?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.




When do you think the sun is closer to us(辯日炎涼)

 When do you think the sun is closer to us(辯日炎涼)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famous thinker (Lee Yukou), he wrote a story.


Once when Confucius was walking on the road, he saw two children arguing.

Confucius approached them and said to them.


Stop arguing, let me comment and see who is right.

The two children nodded and said yes.


The first kid said.

I think the sun is close to us in the early morning and the sun is far away from us at noon.


My reason is that the early morning sun looks as big as a wheel.

The sun at noon looks as small as a plate.


The first kid then asked Confucius.


If there is a person far away from you, that person will look very small.

If there is a person very close to you, that person will look very big.


This is a very simple truth.


The second kid said.

I don't agree with his opinion.

I think the sun is far away from us in the early morning, and the sun is close to us at noon.


My reason is that every day in the early morning, we feel cool.

Every day at noon, we feel hot.


The second kid then asked Confucius.


If a bonfire is far away from you, you will feel cool.

If a bonfire is close to you, you will feel hot.


This is a very simple truth.


Confucius did not know how to judge. He smiled awkwardly.


The two children also laughed. They said to Confucius.

Do you still think you are smarter than us.


This idiom is used to describe a child who is very smart.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think that a person's wisdom is absolutely proportional to age? Have you ever seen your own self-righteousness in a conversation with children?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You can't beat this dog(白往黑歸)

You can't beat this dog(白往黑歸)


(Yang Zhu) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He lives with his brother, whose name is (Yang Bu).


One day (Yang Bu) went to visit a friend. It suddenly rained heavily on the way.

He arrived at this friend's house.

The white clothes on his body are completely wet.


This friend said to him,

The two of us are about the same figure. Let me change you one of my clothes to prevent you from catching a cold.

He put on the black clothes his friend gave him.


The conversation between the two of them ended.

It was still raining when he was going home.


This friend said to him,

Your clothes have not dried yet. You go home wearing my clothes and return my clothes to me next time.

He agreed and thanked this friend.


He took his friend's umbrella and walked back to his home.

He arrived at his home.


A white dog ran out and barked at him. This dog was raised by him.

He was very angry and scolded the dog loudly.


This stupid dog, I have raised you for so many years, don't you know me?

He picked up a stick in the yard and was about to beat the dog.


(Yang Zhu) Because he heard the barking of the dog, he went to the yard to find out the situation.

He saw that (Yang Bu) wanted to hit the dog, so he immediately stopped him.


He said to (Yang Bu).

You can't hit this dog,

Suppose your dog was a white dog when he went out, but turned into a black dog when he came back.

You might also misunderstand that he is not your dog.


If you think from another position, you will have the same reaction as him.


This idiom is used to remind us that we should put ourselves in the perspective of others to look at problems, and we must learn to understand others.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If a person misunderstands you, will you first review this person or yourself? When you encounter a misunderstanding, what mentality would you use to solve this problem?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





Yang Zhu(楊朱/子居)

 Yang Zhu(楊朱)


(Yang Zhu) (450 BC-370 BC)

His last name is (Yang), his parents gave him the name (Zhu), and when he grew up, his friends called him (Ziju).


The meaning of poplar. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of red. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of a baby also means a child. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of residence. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is an outstanding thinker. He is also one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

About (Yang Zhu). There is a story about him in history books.


On one trip, he stayed in a hotel in the Song Kingdom.

The hotel owner has two concubines, one is beautiful and the other is ugly.


When he was eating dinner in the hotel that evening, he observed a phenomenon.


The hotel owner treated the ugly concubine very tenderly and chatted with her happily.

The hotel owner ignored the beautiful concubine, he was very impatient when he talked to her.


After dinner, (Yang Zhu) took an opportunity to ask the hotel buddy.


According to common sense, hoteliers should like beautiful concubines.

Why does the hotel owner like ugly concubines instead.


The dude answered.


This beautiful concubine, she knew she was beautiful, so she was very proud.

Everyone feels bad when they get along with her.


That ugly concubine, she knew she was ugly, so she was very harmonious.

Everyone feels good when they get along with her.


(Yang Zhu) said to the students who traveled with him.


We must remember this.

If a person behaves kindly and does not show off his kindness,

He thinks that a person's kindness is normal.


This person will be liked wherever he goes.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are you bothered by your appearance? What kind of qualities do you think can maintain long-term attractiveness?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



You really know me too well(高山流水)

 You really know me too well(高山流水)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famous thinker (Lee Yukou), he wrote a story.


(Yu Boya) and (Zhong Ziqi) are very good friends.

But why do they become such good friends?


(Yu Boya) is a very good Chinese Guqin player.

Once he played a piece of his own writing at a party.


This piece describes the vastness he felt when he climbed a very high mountain.

After he finished playing, all the audience praised him.


(Zhong Ziqi) is one of the audience, he said.

When I was listening to this piece, I felt that I was climbing a very high mountain.


(Yu Boya) Very surprised.

But he thought it might just be a coincidence.


A few days later he played another piece he had written in another party.


This piece describes the speed he felt when he was on a boat.

After he finished playing, all the audience praised him.


(Zhong Ziqi) is one of the audience, he said this time.

When I was listening to this song, I felt like I was riding a fast boat.


Since then, the two of them have become very good friends.


Because every time (Yu Boya) plays, (Zhong Ziqi) can accurately say what he wants to express.

(Yu Boya) said to (Zhong Ziqi).


I'll go there and find a good friend like you.

Only you can fully understand my inner feelings.


This idiom is used to describe a piece of music that is very nice. It is also used to describe two people as confidants.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you like listening to music? Have you ever tried to feel the mood of the composer from the notes?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




高山流水(You really know me too well)











































Chang Sun Sheng(長孫晟)

 Chang Sun Sheng(長孫晟)

Chang Sun Sheng (551-609 AD)

His surname is (Chang Sun), his parents gave him the name (sheng), when he grew up, his friends called him (Ji Sheng), he was born in Henan Province, China.


Long meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of grandson. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of bright.

It means the youngest of the brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of bright.


He is an outstanding general. He is also one of the famous archers in Chinese history.

About (Changsun Sheng). There is a story about him in history books.


During the period from 200 AD to 589 AD, China was very turbulent for more than 300 years.

Many kingdoms quickly rose up, and many kingdoms quickly died out.


In the following AD 589-907, China prospered for more than 300 years.

This period is the famous Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty in China.


(Changsun Sheng) was born at this moment of generational change.

In this era because of frequent wars, all the nobles are good at horseback riding and archery.


He showed extraordinary talent when he was young.

Both of his skills far exceed those of his peers.


At that time, there was a kingdom in China that was the Kingdom of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The Northern Zhou Kingdom and the Turkic Kingdom wanted to strengthen the relationship between the two kingdoms through intermarriage.


(Changsun Sheng) was chosen as the escort, he protected the princess to the Turkic Kingdom.


The Turkic Kingdom is a kingdom composed of nomads. They especially respect people who are good at horse riding and archery.

The king of the Turkic Kingdom became good friends with him.


They often go out hunting together.

Once, when a group of them were hunting, suddenly the sound of an eagle came from the sky.


Everyone looked up.

There are two eagles fighting for a rabbit in the air.


The king said to him.

Eagles are the hardest bird to shoot. It is rare for them to fly at low altitude. Can you shoot them down?


He accepted the challenge.

He drew an arrow, then aimed to shoot the arrow.

This arrow pierced through the bodies of two eagles at the same time, and (Chang Sun Sheng) shot two eagles with just one arrow.


The people at the scene were stunned.


This story later became an idiom.

This idiom is used as a metaphor for achieving two goals in one move. This is also one of the most commonly used idioms in China.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever had this kind of experience, do one thing and get two different results at the same time? Do you think success is accidental or does it require hard practice?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




What we see with our eyes may not be true (知人不易)

 What we see with our eyes may not be true (知人不易)


During the Warring States Period in China, the prime minister of the Qin Kingdom (Lu Buwei) edited a set of books.

There is a story in the book.


Once, because of the war, Confucius and his students had not eaten rice for six consecutive days.


At noon on the 7th day, there was a student named Yan Hui. He brought back a pack of rice.

When he saw Confucius taking a nap, he didn't tell Confucius that he was back.


In his sleep, Confucius heard the sound of cooking rice. He opened his eyes and saw (Yan Hui) cooking rice.

Confucius then fell asleep again.


When Confucius woke up again, he opened his eyes and saw (Yan Hui) grabbed a handful of rice with his hand and then ate the rice.


After about ten minutes, (Yan Hui) brought a bowl of rice to Confucius.


Confucius said to him that although we are hungry, we still have to observe etiquette.

We should dedicate the first bowl of rice to our ancestors.


He answered Confucius. Report teacher, when I was cooking rice just now, a little soot fell into the rice.

These rice is not perfect. It is no longer suitable for dedication to our ancestors.


He went on to say. I have eaten the rice that has soot on it just now.

Because the rice is so precious, I can't bear to throw it away.


Confucius sighed when he heard his answer. I misunderstood you.


Confucius continued.

We all believe what we see with our own eyes, but even if we see with our own eyes, it is not necessarily believable.


Our hearts will deceive us. I must remember this lesson. I cannot easily make good or bad judgments about the behavior of others.


This idiom is used to remind us not to comment on others easily.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you are Confucius, can you admit your mistakes to the students frankly? Have you ever experienced similar misunderstandings?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Are you like these sparrows(燕雀處屋)

 Are you like these sparrows(燕雀處屋)


During the Warring States Period in China, the prime minister of the Qin Kingdom (Lu Buwei) edited a set of books.

There is a story in the book.


The chimney in Confucius' house broke and the roof of the kitchen caught fire.

Confucius' family members were busy fighting the fire.


Under the eaves on the other side of his house, there is a mother sparrow feeding the birds in the nest.

These sparrows look very happy.


Confucius saw these sparrows.

He thought of the kingdom where he himself now lives.


There are many crises in the kingdom that need to be dealt with immediately.

The situation in the kingdom seems to have caught fire.


But all the ministers in the kingdom only consider whether their positions can be promoted.

These ministers only consider whether their families can obtain a lot of benefits.


These ministers are like these sparrows, they cannot see the danger that is coming soon.


Confucius thought in his heart, each of us should always remind ourselves not to make the same mistakes as these finches.

We should look at our own situation from a broader perspective.


The kingdom is stable, and all families in the kingdom can be stable.

The family is stable, and everyone in the family can be stable.

Each of us should realize this.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is about to encounter tribulation, but he does not know it.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think that wisdom can only be gained by reading? How long have you not observed the little details in life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


I can't do this stunt without him(郢人運斧)

 I can't do this stunt without him(郢人運斧)


(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.


Once he went to a funeral, he walked into the cemetery, and he saw the grave of a good friend named (Hui Shi).


He told this story to a friend.


There is a craftsman from Chu, who is a famous local master. He is too proficient in using the axe, and this axe seems to have become part of his body.


He often performs a stunt with a good friend of his.

He would ask this good friend to put a little lime on the tip of his nose and stand at attention.

Then he vigorously waved the axe in his hand and slashed it towards the face of this good friend.


It's incredible. The lime on the tip of the nose of this good friend was chopped off by an ax.

During the whole process, this good friend was very calm and still smiling.


When a king heard about this, he invited him to the palace.

The king said to him, can you perform this stunt for me?


The craftsman replied sadly after hearing this sentence.

I do have this unique skill.


But my good friend has passed away a while ago. So I don't perform anymore.

I'm still as proficient in using an axe, but I can no longer find someone so brave and trusting me so much.


This idiom is used to describe a person with very proficient and superb skills.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Why do you think Zhuang Zhou told this story? Have you ever met a good friend who made you feel this way?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Ning Qi(寧戚)

 Ning Qi(寧戚)


Ning Qi (寧戚) (B.C.?-B.C.?)

His last name is (Ning), his parents gave him the name (Qi), and he was born in Henan Province, China.


The meaning of tranquility. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of relatives. It also means sadness. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is an outstanding statesman. He has written a book that records how to distinguish good and bad cows.

About (Ning Qi). There is a story about him in history books.


(Ning Qi) grew up in the Wei Kingdom.

His family is very poor and he has no money.

He applied for a job. This job is to assist merchants to deliver a batch of goods to Qi Kingdom.


After several weeks, they finally arrived in the Qi Kingdom.

He followed the convoy to camp outside the castle for the night.


At that time, the king of the Qi Kingdom reused many talented people, and the Qi Kingdom was strong.

At night, there was a sudden commotion at the gate of the castle.

It turned out that the king of Qi came out to greet a distinguished guest.


At that time (Ning Qi) was feeding the cows to eat pasture. He saw the king being surrounded by a group of guards, passing in front of him.

He thought to himself, I don't know when I will have the chance to see the king again.


He felt sad, he sang a song he had written while gently tapping the cow.

The lyrics of this song are saying that I hope I can have the opportunity to show my talents.


The king heard this song he sang.

The king ordered a guard to find him and take him back to the palace.


The next day, the king summoned (Ning Qi).

After the king talked with him, he found that his knowledge was excellent, and he was indeed a talented person.

The king was very happy and prepared to appoint him to an important position in the kingdom.


But at this time some ministers told the king.

My king, we should first investigate this person's background before deciding whether to reuse him.


The king answered with a smile.


I think there is no need to investigate.

After I talked with him, I think he is a capable person, and I think no one is perfect.

Even if the investigation proves that he has some shortcomings, I think his advantages will be far higher than his shortcomings.


I think many of his views will be of great help to our kingdom. Even if he has some shortcomings, it will not affect my decision to reuse him.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with the king's decision? Will you ignore a person's more advantages because of some of his shortcomings?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...