
He is very enthusiastic to help others out of danger.(急人之困)


He is very enthusiastic to help others out of danger.(急人之困)


(Wei Wuji) was a famous nobleman of the Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

His older brother was the king of the Wei Kingdom. His sister is married to the Prime Minister of Zhao Kingdom, and his brother-in-law's name is (Zhaosheng).


One of his stories is recorded in the history books.


In the 20th year of his elder brother becoming king, the army of the Qin Kingdom surrounded the capital of the Zhao Kingdom.

His sister wrote several letters to him and his brother in succession.

In these letters, his sister begged his brother to send an army to assist the Kingdom of Zhao in resisting the attack of the Kingdom of Qin.

In these letters, his sister begged him to persuade his brother to send the army.


His brother ordered a general with 100,000 soldiers to rescue Zhao Kingdom.The general's name is (Jin Bi).

The king of Qin Kingdom sent an envoy to Wei Kingdom after receiving this news.


The envoy of the Qin kingdom said to the king of the Wei kingdom.

The capital of the Zhao Kingdom is about to be captured by us, if you dare to send your army to the rescue. After our army of the Qin Kingdom captured the Zhao Kingdom, the next goal is to attack you with all the strength of the whole country.


The Qin Kingdoms intimidation took effect. The king of the Wei Kingdom ordered the army to stop immediately. He ordered the army of 100,000 people to be stationed on the border between the Wei Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom to prevent the Qin Kingdom from attacking.


The situation in the capital of the Zhao Kingdom became more and more critical.

His brother-in-law wrote a letter and sent a messenger to deliver it to him.

The contents of the letter are as follows.


You are a person with a high moral level and you have a great sense of justice.

You have always been zealous in helping many people out of trouble.

The capital of the Zhao Kingdom is about to be breached, and everyone in the city is facing the threat of death. We are anxiously waiting for the reinforcements of the Wei Kingdom.


Even if you don't want to help our Zhao Kingdom out of this crisis, don't you even care about your sister's life or death?


After he received the letter, he was very anxious and distressed, so he went to his brother.

He begged his brother to order the 100,000 soldiers to rescue Zhao Kingdom.

But his brother was too afraid of the threat from the Qin Kingdom, and his brother did not agree to his request.


He saw that his brother still refused to agree to send troops, and he made a decision.

He called his 3,000 guests, and he collected 100 carriages.

He was determined to sacrifice his own life.

He was going to take these 3,000 guests and 100 carriages to the capital of the Kingdom of Zhao to support the Kingdom of Zhao,


This idiom means that he is very enthusiastic to help others solve their difficulties.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, what would you do? Are you willing to sacrifice your life for something?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



A public place where many people gather(眾人廣坐)


A public place where many people gather(眾人廣坐)


(Wei Wuji) was a famous nobleman of the Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

He respects those who are morally high or very intelligent and knowledgeable, and he often takes the initiative to make new friends.


One of his stories is recorded in the history books.


The name of the administrator of the east gate of the capital is (Hou Ying).

(Hou Ying) is very respected by the people and is a person with a high moral level.


He invited (Hou Ying) to his house for dinner, and he personally drove the carriage to carry (Hou Ying).

(Hou Ying) Deliberately said that he was going to find a friend and procrastinated for a long time.


He sat in the carriage and waited, he didn't urge (Hou Ying), and he didn't show an expression of impatience.

His expression was natural and pleasant. His entourage was even more angry than him when they saw this.


By the time they arrived at his house, it was past the scheduled meal time.

Many generals, ministers and guests of the Wei Kingdom have been seated for a long time, but everyone can only wait because he has not returned.

He is the master of this banquet, and this banquet cannot be held until he returns.


He entered the banquet hall with (Hou Ying), and he took (Hou Ying) to the seat next to him, which was the seat for the most important guests.


All the guests looked surprised and puzzled, and all the guests did not understand why he paid so much attention to this ordinary-looking old man.


Halfway through the banquet, he picked up the wine glass and toasted (Hou Ying).


(Hou Ying) stood up, his attitude changed from being arrogant to being humble.

(Hou Ying) said to him.

I'm just a lowly-ranked gatekeeper. But you personally drove the carriage to pick me up in a public place where many people gathered.


When I got into the carriage you were driving, I made an unreasonable request to visit a friend, and you complied with my request and showed no displeasure at all.


I deliberately chatted with my friend and made you wait over 15 minutes on the side of the road.

You sit on the carriage with a smile, the people around you point at you but you don't care. You continue to maintain a respectful attitude.


I am embarrassing you like this today, but your performance has made your reputation.


After this incident, I believe that everyone in the capital will admire and respect you even more,

Everyone will be more convinced that you are indeed a very cultivated person, and that you are willing to let go of your identity and make genuine friends with those of us who are of low status.


After this banquet, (Hou Ying) became good friends with him, (Hou Ying) often went to his house for dinner, and he also regarded (Hou Ying) as the most important guest hospitality.


This idiom means a place that is open and gathers a lot of people.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you maintain courtesy and respect for others under any circumstances? How do you think a truly noble person should behave?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The seat on the left is reserved for the most important guest.(虛左以待)


The seat on the left is reserved for the most important guest.(虛左以待)


(Wei Wuji) was a famous nobleman of the Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

He respects those who are morally high or very intelligent and knowledgeable, and he often takes the initiative to make new friends.


More than 3,000 guests eat at his home every day.

The relationship between these guests and him is as equal and close as friends.


There is a story about him in the history books.


One day, a guest said to him.

The name of the administrator of the east gate of the capital is (Hou Ying), and he is 70 years old.

He was well respected by the people, and he was a man of high moral level.


He answered.

I often pass this gate and I don't even know him.


The next day, he brought a very expensive gift to visit (Hou Ying).

He said to (Hou Ying).

I heard that you are a person of high moral level and I want to be your friend.


(Hou Ying) Answer.

Although I am poor, I insist on my integrity.

We can be friends, but I refuse to accept your precious gift.


He says.

Then can I invite you to my house for dinner with us tomorrow?


(Hou Ying) Answer.

No problem.


At noon the next day, he personally drove a carriage to (Hou Ying)'s home to pick him up.


It is customary in ancient China that among the two side-by-side positions, the one on the left is for the more distinguished person.

He vacated the seat on the left for (Hou Ying) to sit, and (Hou Ying) also sat down in that seat unceremoniously.


(Hou Ying) suddenly said to him two minutes after getting in the car.

Excuse me, I forgot one thing.

I have a good friend who is a butcher who lives near the slaughterhouse and I need to ask him for help.

Can you drive me to find him first?

We'll go to your house for dinner later.


He says.

No problem.


He drove the carriage to the butcher's house.


After arriving at the butcher's house, (Hou Ying) got out of the car to find his butcher friend.

(Hou Ying) Started chatting with this butcher friend, and they chatted for at least 15 minutes.


He just sat in the carriage and waited, he didn't urge (Hou Ying), and he didn't show an impatient expression either.

His expression was natural and pleasant.


Many people were curious to see this strange situation from a distance.

These people wondered why the most famous nobleman in the kingdom (Wei Wuji) personally drove a car to this area and respectfully waited for the poor old man who usually served as the gatekeeper at the city gate.


This idiom means that the seat on the left should be reserved for the most important guest

This idiom is usually used when receiving guests.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Wei Wuji, would you wait patiently (Hou Ying)? Would you despise a person just because he is poor?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




魏無忌(Wei Wuji)


魏無忌(Wei Wuji)(西元前?-西元前243)



Wei Wuji (魏無忌) (? Year BC - 243 BC)

His surname is (Wei), his parents gave him the name (Wuji), and he was born in Henan Province, China.



The meaning of the tower on the ancient Chinese palace gate. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Means no. It means invisible. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Hate meaning. Jealousy means. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous nobleman of the Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

There is a story about him in the history books.


In order to strengthen their influence and political power, the nobles at that time would hold dinner parties in their homes every day, and they would entertain many guests every day.


As long as you have any kind of special skill, you can live for free in the house he provides, you eat and sleep there every day, but if he needs it, you must provide your own such skill.


These noble guests were friends with the nobles rather than servants, and they were free to leave at will.


According to historical records, more than 3,000 guests of this type eat at his home every day.

He also got a nickname because of this, which is (Xinling Jun).


One day, he played Go with his brother.

His older brother was the king of the Wei Kingdom.


Suddenly a soldier rushed to the king's side.

The soldier said to the king.

A warning came from the northern border.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom led many people to gather near the border.

The defenders at the border judged that they should want to raid the Wei Kingdom.


The king was very nervous, and the king put down the pawn in his hand.

said the king to the soldier.

You go and gather all the ministers, we must have a meeting on this emergency.


At this time, his expression was very relaxed, he said to the king.

Don't be nervous, I know the reason why the king of Zhao Kingdom assembled a lot of soldiers at the border today. He is going to go on a hunting activity with some ministers of Zhao Kingdom.


The king said to him in surprise.

Why did you make this judgment, and what is the basis for what you said.


He answered calmly.

I have many guests, and these guests have their own special connections scattered in the courts of the various kingdoms.

Zhao Kingdom is no exception.

Their event was ad hoc, but my guests have received the news and told me about it.


The king did not believe what he said.

The king stopped playing chess and called an urgent military meeting, in which the king demanded that the frontier be fortified.


Another news came from the border that night.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom has returned to the capital of the Zhao Kingdom.

Judging from the state of the scene, the king of Zhao Kingdom was only out hunting this time.


Late that night, the king lost sleep after receiving the news from the border.

The king said to himself.

My brother is horrible.

His personal intelligence network actually surpassed our Wei Kingdom's intelligence network.

I can't trust him, I'm going to be on guard against him.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were the king of the Wei Kingdom, what would you think of Wei Wuji? Do you think this matter will have any impact on Wei Wuji's life?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Takes a long time(曠日持久)


Takes a long time(曠日持久)


During the Warring States Period of China, there was a famous general in the Kingdom of Zhao, whose name was (Zhao She).

His story is recorded in the history books.


In 270 BC, he led the Zhao Kingdom's army to defeat the Qin Kingdom's army, and he became a famous general of the Zhao Kingdom.


A few years after he became a general, something happened.

The Kingdom of Yan sent an army to attack the Kingdom of Zhao.


The king of the Zhao Kingdom listened to the proposal of the Prime Minister (Zhao Sheng) and spent a lot of money to hire a famous general of the Qi Kingdom to help defend against the Yan Kingdom's attack. The general's name is (Tian Dan).


He got angry when he heard the news, he went to see (Zhao Sheng).


He said to (Zhao Sheng).

Why do we spend so much money to hire (Tian Dan) to assist us?

There are many wise and capable generals in our kingdom.

If you put me in command of the army, I promise I can defeat them in 100 days, and I can in turn take many of their territories.


(Zhao Sheng) replied.

We have made a decision and we will not change our decision.


he said angrily.

I think your decision is wrong, so I'm going to explain my point in more depth.


(Tian Dan) once led the Qi Kingdom's army to defeat the Yan Kingdom's army under very difficult circumstances. So you think that only he can resist the Yan Kingdom's army, so you will hire him to be the commander-in-chief of our army.


If he is the commander-in-chief of our army, I think there are only two outcomes.

The first is that he is not qualified for the position, he will be defeated.

The second is that he can hold a position and he will win the battle.


(Zhao Sheng) nodded.

There is really no third possibility.


He says.

If it is the second case, do you think he will use the fastest time and the least cost to defeat the opponent?

Or will he fight a protracted battle with the opponent that will cost a lot of time, manpower, and money?


(Zhao Sheng) did not answer.


He says.

He is from the Qi Kingdom, so he will definitely not stand in our position to fight for our interests. He will give priority to the interests of the Qi Kingdom.


He will certainly lead the war to a protracted war that will take years to fight.

When the kingdoms of Yan and Zhao were greatly weakened due to this war, the Qi Kingdom could take this opportunity to become stronger and stronger.


(Zhao Sheng) did not answer.

His opinion was ultimately not adopted.


A few years later, the outcome of this war was just as he predicted, Zhao Kingdom spent a lot of money and manpower, but only achieved a small victory.


This idiom means that it took a long time.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Why do you think Zhao Sheng didn't listen to him? Do you think this story reminds you of that war?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





A dignitary(修劍拄頤)


A dignitary(修劍拄頤)


Tian Dan was a very famous general in the Qi Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

His story is recorded in the history books.


Once he led an army to attack a neighboring kingdom, the kingdom of Di.

On the eve of his departure, he had dinner with a good friend of his.

The name of this good friend is (Lu Zhonglian).


(Lu Zhonglian) said to him.

I think you will fail this time.


he said with a smile.

I once led the army of Qi Kingdom to defeat Yan Kingdom in the most difficult situation. Your judgment is wrong and I will not fail.


He set out with his army, and after three months he was unable to defeat the Kingdom of Di.

The soldiers were killed and wounded, and he was terrified.

He remembered what Lu Zhonglian said, and he sent soldiers to bring Lu Zhonglian to the front.


He said to Lu Zhonglian.

You once told me that I would fail this time when I sent troops. Why did you say that at that time?

I want to hear your opinion.


Lu Zhonglian said.

There is a song recently that will answer your question.

You wear a hat that can only be worn by a huge general, and you are equipped with a long sword that can only be worn by a general.

You attacked the Kingdom of Di but could not capture it, and the soldiers on the front line suffered heavy casualties.


You recall that when you were the mayor of (Jimo) city, you worked with the soldiers and were on the front lines together.

You have the determination to defend the kingdom of Qi, and all the soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives for the kingdom of Qi.

So you can defeat the Yan Kingdom.


Over the past few years, after you became the most powerful general in the Qi Kingdom, you focused on managing your property every day, and you often went out to play with your noble friends.

You are not as determined to win as you used to be, you are no longer standing with your soldiers, and that is why I think you will lose this war.


After listening, he said after a few minutes of silence.

Thank you, I know what I should do.


the next day. He personally went to the forefront, and he inspired all the soldiers of the Qi Kingdom.

In the next war, he stayed in the most dangerous places on the front line to fight with all the soldiers, and he issued orders in time to dispatch the army.

A few weeks later, he led the army to victory in the war.


The direct translation of this idiom means that his sword is long enough to touch his cheek.

This idiom means a dignitary.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you forgotten that you should maintain the spirit of hard work and struggle because of your current wealth? Have you become arrogant and arrogant because of your success?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Tian Dan recovers the kingdom of Qi(田單復國)


Tian Dan recovers the kingdom of Qi(田單復國)


During the Warring States Period in China, the troops of the Yan Kingdom captured more than 70 cities in the Qi Kingdom.

In the Qi Kingdom, only two cities (Juxian) and (Jimo) were left that had not been captured by the Yan Kingdom.


At this critical moment, (Tian Dan) took over as the mayor of (Jimo) City, and he also served as the War Commander of (Jimo) City.


He uses a lot of special tactics, he uses psychological warfare and espionage warfare to influence the enemy.


Three years after he took over as mayor, he thought the time was ripe for a counter-offensive, and there was only one last thing he had to do, and that was to let the Yan Kingdom's army completely relax its vigilance.


He sent messengers to negotiate with the generals of the Yan kingdom.

The messenger brought 1000 pieces of gold. The messenger said to the general of the Yan Kingdom.


We want to surrender.

The 1,000 pieces of gold were raised by all the citizens of our city.

We take this gold as a gift, hope you will treat us well after we surrender so that we can live in peace

The generals of the Yan Kingdom happily accepted the gold.


That night, many soldiers of the Yan Kingdom also drank and celebrated. These soldiers have been away from their hometown for a long time, and they are very happy to hear that the war is coming to an end.


In the middle of the night that night, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Yan suddenly heard a loud noise in their sleep. When the soldiers ran out of the tent, they saw many red monsters rushing towards them.


The soldiers of the Yan Kingdom did not know what was going on. They saw their comrades crying and shouting in panic. They saw many comrades being hit and killed. They didn't even have time to put on their clothes, so they quickly fled the camp.


Where did these monsters come from?

It turns out that this is a new tactic created by (Tian Dan).


He requisitioned all the cattle in (Jimo) city, there were more than 1,000 cattle in total.

He ordered the soldiers to tie sharp knives to the two horns of each cattle.

He made many red robes with dragon totems on them, and put these robes on the cattle.


He had dug several secret passages in advance, and he drove the cattle out of the passages at night.

He tied greased reeds to each cattle's tail and set them on fire.

The fire on the reeds tied to the tails of the cattle burned the tails of the cattle, and the cattle rushed furiously and furiously towards the camp of the army of the Yan kingdom.


Following these cattle were 5,000 strong soldiers of the Qi Kingdom, and in the city (Jimo) behind the soldiers, all the citizens beat the bronze utensils in their hands and shouted loudly.


The well-disciplined Yan Kingdom's army disintegrated, and the generals who led them were killed.

Tian Dan led the 5,000 heroic soldiers of the Qi Kingdom to annihilate the most powerful main force of the Yan Kingdom.


In the next few weeks, he led these soldiers to recover many lost territories of the Qi Kingdom one after another, and the people of the Qi Kingdom in many occupied areas also responded to their army. The number of people in his army became more and more day by day. On the contrary, The number of the Yan Kingdom's army is decreasing day by day.


A few months later, he recaptured almost all of the lost cities, and the Qi Kingdom was spared its demise.


This idiom means that Tian Dan recovers the kingdom of Qi.

This idiom is used to encourage us not to give up in desperate situations.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How is your life now? If your current living situation is not good, have you tried every means to improve your current situation?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



His tactics are very peculiar and full of changes(出奇無窮)

His tactics are very peculiar and full of changes(出奇無窮)


In 284 BC, a great general of the Yan Kingdom led an army to attack the Qi Kingdom. The general's name is (Le Yi).

(Le Yi) captured more than seventy cities in the Qi Kingdom within half a year, and the capital of the Qi Kingdom was also breached.


In the Qi Kingdom, only two cities, Juxian City and (Jimo) City, have not been captured, and the Qi Kingdom is on the verge of extinction.

The person who saved the Qi Kingdom and recovered many cities was named (Tian Dan).


At this very critical moment, he took over as the mayor of (Jimo) city, and he also served as the war commander of (Jimo) city at the same time.


He worked and trained with the soldiers every day.

He put his wife and all of his family into the logistical support of the war.


He sent a few spies to the capital of the Kingdom of Yan to spread rumors that General (Le Yi) wanted to defect. The King of the Kingdom of Yan believed the rumors, so the King of the Kingdom of Yan removed General (Le Yi) from the front line.


He ordered all citizens of (Jimo) city to make sacrifices to their ancestors every day, and to use grain instead as offerings. These grains attract many birds to come and peck.


He sent several spies to the Yan Kingdom's army to spread rumors. Therefore, many soldiers of the Yan Kingdom believe that this is because the gods are helping (Jimo) city, so there are so many birds circling over (Jimo) city every day.


He ordered an ordinary soldier to pretend to be a great prophet.

He said to all the citizens. This great prophet can receive the will of God, and he will help us win against our enemies.


The spies he sent to Yan Kingdom's army spread two new rumors, and the generals who led Yan Kingdom's army believed both rumors.


The general of the Yan Kingdom ordered that the noses of all Qi's captives be cut off, and that all the bodies in the cemetery outside the city be dug up and burned.


Citizens saw the noses of their compatriots cut off, and the citizens saw the bodies of their deceased relatives being dug up and set on fire.

These two things aroused the anger of all (Jimo) citizens.


All the citizens are actively fighting to join the army, and the fighting spirit of all the citizens is very high.


After doing these things, he believed that the time for a counter-offensive was ripe, and there was only one last thing he had to do, and that was to let the Yan Kingdom's army completely relax its vigilance.


There was a very famous historian in the Han Dynasty in China, and his name was (Sima Qian).

(Sima Qian) In the history book he wrote, he praised (Tian Dan).

In the battle between the two armies, in addition to confronting the opponent head-on, they must also be able to use special tactics to launch surprise attacks.

(Tian Dan) is a great general, his tactics are very peculiar and full of changes.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you heard those rumors? Living in an era where you can receive a lot of information every day, do you have the ability to think and judge independently?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.






Tiandan(田單) (BC? Year - BC? Year)

His surname is (Tian), his parents gave him the name (Dan), and he was born in Shandong Province, China.


Means farmland. Farming means. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Simple meaning. Single meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a very famous general of the Qi Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China, and he saved the Qi Kingdom from perishing.


His story is recorded in the history books.


He had a little bit of the noble blood of the Qi Kingdom, and he held a small official position in the capital.

In 284 BC, a great general of the Yan Kingdom led an army to attack the Qi Kingdom. The general's name is (Le Yi).


(Le Yi) captured more than seventy cities in the Qi Kingdom within half a year, and the capital of the Qi Kingdom was also breached.

The king of the Qi Kingdom fled to the city of Juxian.


In the Qi Kingdom, only two cities, Juxian City and (Jimo) City, have not been captured, and the Qi Kingdom is on the verge of extinction.


All Qi people wanted to flee to these two cities, and he and his family were no exception.


On the eve of their escape, he showed his extraordinary insight.

He said to everyone in his family.

The capital is about to be breached, and everyone wants to escape from here as quickly as possible. There will be many carriages on the way.


The axle part of the wheel of a carriage is an important and very fragile part.


If the axle of the wheel of a carriage accidentally collides with another carriage, the axle of the wheel of the carriage can easily break.

If the axle of one wheel breaks, the carriage can no longer be used.


So we have to strengthen this part of the protection tonight.


He and his family wrapped the axles of the wheels of all the carriages in the house with iron sheets overnight.


His prediction was correct.

On the way to escape, many carriages were abandoned on the roadside because of broken axles.

The owners of these carriages had to leave on foot, and these people were later captured by the troops of the Yan Kingdom.


A few days later, he successfully led everyone in his family to Jimo, 166 kilometers away.


A few months later, the troops of the Kingdom of Yan besieged the cities of (Juxian) and (Jimo). The mayor of the city of (Jimo) died in a battle.


The citizens of (Jimo) city must elect a new mayor.

Citizens of (Jimo) city told him.

You showed your wisdom in the process of escaping, and you led your family to successfully escape to our city.


So we want to ask you to lead us, and we believe that only you can lead us through this difficult crisis.


He complied with the citizen's request.

He became the mayor of (Jimo), and he also served as the war commander of (Jimo) city.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When a crisis occurs, will you calmly think about the changes that may occur next? If you were him, would you be willing to accept this important position bravely?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Lu Zhonglian(魯仲連)/ Peacemaker(魯仲連)

Lu Zhonglian(魯仲連)/ Peacemaker(魯仲連)


Lu Zhonglian(魯仲連)(305 BC - 245 BC)

His surname is (Lu), his parents gave him the name (Zhonglian), and he was born in Shandong Province, China.


The original meaning is delicious fish. stupid meaning. The name of a kingdom in ancient China. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The second-ranked man among the brothers.

Connection means. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a man of high moral character in ancient China, and his name was (Lu Zhonglian).

His name is an idiom. This idiom means peacemaker.


His story is recorded in the history books.


A nobleman of the Qi Kingdom, his name is (Tian Wen).

He has made many friends and has more than 3,000 guests eating at his house every day.


One day, he had a conversation with (Tian Wen).

(Tian Wen) said.

One of my guests, I think he has no talent, he is a very mediocre person, so I want to ask him to leave my house, I don't want to host him anymore.


He answered.

Are you sure he's really worthless? Or are you not seeing his strengths?

If you drop a monkey into the water and you make the monkey compete with a fish in a swimming competition, you must think the monkey is clumsy.

If you ever let a horse climb a mountain, and you let it compete with a fox in a mountain climbing competition, then you must think that the horse is clumsy.

If you ask a warrior to plow a field, and you put the warfighter in a farming competition with a farmer, you must think the warrior is clumsy.


Everyone has different strengths, and everyone has their own weaknesses.

If a leader puts a person in an inappropriate position for this person, and then the leader says to this person, you are a mediocre person, how would you evaluate the leader?


If a leader puts a person in an inappropriate position, then the leader dislikes the person for being clumsy, and the leader fires the inappropriate person, how would you feel if you were the fired person Woolen cloth?

Would you resent the leader for this and want to get revenge on the leader?


Do you think this leader is a good leader? Can he be a role model for other leaders?


After listening to these words, (Tian Wen) said.

You are right, I should first review whether I have the vision to use people's strengths, rather than easily deny a person's value.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What are your strengths and weaknesses? What qualities do you think a good leader must have?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...