
A ferocious wolf walking arrogantly on the road(豺狼橫道)

A ferocious wolf walking arrogantly on the road(豺狼橫道)



There was an official in China's Western Han Dynasty, his name was (Hou Wen).

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


He is an official in the capital city government. He is a very upright person. He conducts official business according to government regulations.


The mayor of the capital thought that he was not tactful enough, so he had a bad relationship with the mayor.

One day he said to the mayor.

I'm sick, so I want to apply for early retirement.


The mayor of the capital quickly agreed to let him retire early.


A few years later, the king issued a new personnel order.

The old mayor of the capital was transferred to other posts. The name of the new mayor of the capital is (Sun Bao).


Sun Bao is a very honest official. After taking office, he wanted to promote security reform in the capital.

Sun Bao heard that Hou Wen was a very upright person, so Sun Bao invited Hou Wen to join his government team.


Hou Wen refused Sun Bao's invitation.


Sun Bao was not discouraged by Hou Wen's refusal. He continued to visit Hou Wen.

Each time he met Hou Wen, he told him about the reforms he wanted to promote in the capital.


A few months later, Hou Wen was moved by Sun Bao's sincerity, and Hou Wen agreed to join the municipal government team led by Sun Bao.


A few months after Hou Wen joined Sun Bao's city government team, Sun Bao held a meeting with him.


Sun Bao said to him

I think we should start doing something. If we want to strengthen security in our capital, our first priority is to investigate and arrest those who behave illegally. Even if the person who acted illegally is a noble or an official, we should try them according to the law.


Hou Wen nodded in agreement with Sun Bao.


Sun Bao asked.

You have lived in the capital for a long time. Which person do you think we should investigate first?




Hou Wen replied.

I think we should investigate (Du Xuji) first.


(Du Xuji) was a famous person at that time, and his relationship with the royal family was very good.


After Sun Bao heard this answer, he looked a little embarrassed and asked.

Besides (Du Xuji), who do you think is the second person we should investigate?


Hou Wen looked into Sun Bao's eyes and said firmly.

If a wolf is walking arrogantly on a big road, why are you asking the foxes hiding on both sides of the road?


After listening to his answer, Sun Bao was silent for a few minutes.


This idiom means a ferocious wolf walking arrogantly on the road.

It is used to describe a very arrogant and evil person.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Hou Wen, would you insist on your integrity? What would you do if you disagreed with your boss?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Obey happily and sincerely(心悅誠服)

Obey happily and sincerely(心悅誠服)


There is an important Confucian scholar, his name is (Meng Ke).

There is a story in his book.


One day he had a disciple called (Gongsun Chou) talking to him.


Gongsun Chou asked.

If a kingdom has a very strong military and a large land area, is it a great kingdom?


Meng Ke replied.

If there is a kingdom with a very strong military, and that kingdom attacks other kingdoms through war to gain more resources.

I don't think this kingdom can be considered a great kingdom.


Gongsun Chou asked.

Why do you think this kingdom cannot be considered a great kingdom?


Meng Ke replied.

When a kingdom uses force to attack other kingdoms in order to gain more resources, from the outside, you will think that the defeated kingdoms are very subordinate to this kingdom with strong military power.

But if you look closely, you will see that those defeated kingdoms are not willing to surrender to that strong military kingdom.


Gongsun Chou asked.

What do you think a leader of a great kingdom should look like?


Meng Ke replied.

If the leader of a kingdom is full of love and compassion, if the leader of that kingdom rules the kingdom according to fairness and justice.

Even if that kingdom has a small land, it can still be considered a great kingdom.


Gongsun Chou asked.

Can a kingdom with a small territory and a weak military command the respect of other kingdoms?


Meng Ke replied.

In Chinese history, the first king of the Shang Dynasty and the first king of the Zhou Dynasty are two good examples.


The lands of these two kingdoms were originally very small, but because these two kings treated their people and other kingdoms with morality and justice, other kingdoms at that time were very happy and sincerely obeyed these two kingdoms.


Confucius, the most famous educator in Chinese history, is also a good example.

Confucius did not have much money or power, but because of his noble character, he had more than 3,000 students who obeyed him willingly and sincerely.


This phrase means happy and sincere obedience.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you agree with Meng Ke's view? Which countries do you think use force to make other countries surrender?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Zhu Maichen (朱買臣/翁子)


Zhu Maichen (朱買臣)(AD ?- AD 115)


His surname is (Zhu), his parents gave him the name (Maichen), and when he grew up his friends called him (Wengzi). He was born in Jiangsu Province, China.


It means red. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means to buy something. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means minister. It means to surrender.

It means a child. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means old man. It is also a Chinese surname.



He was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty of China and his story is recorded in history books.


In his 40s he was still living in poverty, his wife divorced him and he worked as a woodcutter.

When he was about 50 years old, he had a great opportunity.

He went to the capital and met the king.

After talking to him, the king thought he was a very talented person.

The king employed him as an official in the central government.


A few years later, he was dismissed from his position as an official because of mistakes he made at work.


At that time, the provincial governments of each province in China set up an exclusive office in the capital.

When some officials from those provinces have to go to the capital for business, the officials from those provinces stay in the provincial office in the capital.


Since his hometown is in Kuaiji Province, he became very good friends with the staff of the Kuaiji Province office in the capital when he worked there for several years.

After he was dismissed as an official, he did not return to his hometown.

He stayed in the capital. When he had nothing to do, he would often go to the Kuaiji provincial office in the capital to talk to his friends and eat.


He was very fortunate that a few months after he was dismissed from his post, the king appointed him to a new position.

His new position was governor of Kuaiji province.


At noon on the day he received the personnel order, he went to the Kuaiji provincial capital office as usual.

He chatted with friends from his office in the capital and they had lunch together.



During the meal, he and his friends drank some Chinese rice wine and got a little tipsy.

Suddenly he smiled and said to an administrator in the capital office

I am very grateful to you for not neglecting me after I was dismissed as an official.

The King has appointed me to a new position and I will leave the capital today.


Said the administrator happily.

What is your new position?


He said.

I will be the governor of Kuaiji Province.


The administrator laughed.

I think you're joking, you must be talking big.


He smiled and took a small bag from his pocket and handed it to the administrator.

I'm not lying to you, look at the contents of this little bag and you'll believe me.


The administrator opened the pouch and there was a seal in the pouch.

In ancient China, every important official had a seal representing his position.

When that official issued any official document, he had to stamp that seal on every official document.

This seal represented his authority and responsibility for that official document.


The administrator saw the seal and immediately rushed out of the office cafeteria.

The administrator announces the news to all the other staff in the office.


After more than ten minutes, everyone in the office knew about the King's latest personnel order.


All the staff in this office gathered in the restaurant and stood respectfully in front of Zhu Maichen.


Zhu Maichen smiled and said to all the staff in this office

Don't be so nervous.

I will return to Kuaiji Province to take up my post this afternoon.

I will return to the capital many times to report to the king, and we will meet often in the future.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been fired? Why do you think he told his friends know about his new position in this way?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Zhu Maichen's wife looks down on him because he is a woodcutter(買妻恥樵)


Zhu Maichen's wife looks down on him because he is a woodcutter(買妻恥樵)


In the Han Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Zhu Maichen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


His family is very poor, but he likes to study.

As an adult, he became a lumberjack because his family had no land to farm.


After he married in his 20s, his wife lived with him.

His wife goes with him every day to the mountains to cut firewood, and then they go down the mountain to sell the firewood in the small town where they live.


He likes to read a lot. He goes up the mountain every day to chop wood, and on his way home after chopping wood, he uses the walking time to read.

He is in the habit of reading aloud.


After he and his wife had been married for 20 years, their relationship started to deteriorate.

His wife had accumulated a lot of unhappiness in her heart.


One day the two of them went up the mountain to cut firewood, and on their way back he was still reading aloud.

His wife suddenly said to him angrily.

I have told you many times not to read aloud while walking.

Your behaviour makes me very ashamed. Pedestrians on the street will secretly laugh at us if they see you reading aloud while walking.


he said to his wife.

You're so sensitive, I don't think others will laugh at us.

Even if others laugh at us, you can choose not to care what others think.


When his wife heard these answers, she said to him angrily.

You don't take my feelings into account at all, I want to divorce you.


He did not console his wife. On the contrary, he smiled and said to his wife

Don't divorce me. I think I am almost successful. I can see that in the near future I will become a central government official and earn a lot of money.

When I make a lot of money, you won't have to work hard.

You can have fun every day and not worry about money.


His wife got even angrier when she heard his answer.

said his wife.

You have been saying that you will be successful soon for more than 20 years, but we have been married for more than 20 years and we are still living a poor life.

I think you will never have money in your life. I have made up my mind, this time I must divorce you.


Several years passed after the divorce.

One day, by chance, Zhu Maichen came to the capital and met the king.


After Zhu Maichen talked to the king, the king thought he was a very talented person, so he hired him as an official of the central government.


The literal translation of this saying is that Zhu Maichen's wife looked down on him because he was a woodcutter.

This saying is used to describe a person's short-sightedness.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think his wife really wanted to divorce him? If your partner wanted to divorce you, would you stay with him?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He created the illusion of sufficient food and successfully deceived the enemy (唱籌量沙)


He created the illusion of sufficient food and successfully deceived the enemy (唱籌量沙)


During the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, there was a famous general in the Liu Song Kingdom, his name was (Tan Daoji).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 430 AD, he led the army of the Liu Song Kingdom to fight against the army of the Northern Wei Kingdom.

The armies of the two kingdoms fought more than 30 battles in 20 days.

He led the army to most of the victories.


However, due to the lack of logistical support for the army, the army of the Liu Song Kingdom faced food shortages.

Therefore, he had to order the army to retreat first.


After the generals of the Northern Wei Kingdom learned through spies that the Liu Song army was short of food, the generals of the Northern Wei Kingdom ordered all troops to gather and launch a large-scale attack on the Liu Song army.


In the camp of the Liu Song Kingdom, news of the food shortage also spread among the soldiers.

He felt the fear of the soldiers of the Liu Song Kingdom.

At this critical moment, he came up with a plan.


That night, he arranged a play.

He ordered the most important cronies in the army to put sand in sacks of rice overnight, and then ordered a count of how many sacks of rice were left in the army.

In the dark, his cronies loudly counted the amount of food in the army in public.

His cronies counted loudly. When the soldiers of the Liu Song Kingdom heard that the amount of rice was very large, the mood of all the soldiers changed from fear to relief.

The next morning, the general of the Northern Wei Kingdom discovered that the soldiers of the Liu Song Kingdom had changed from fear to confidence after one night. Surprised, he ordered a temporary halt to the attack.




At noon the next day, the generals of the Northern Wei Kingdom received the latest intelligence from the spies hiding in the Liu Song Kingdom.

This latest information indicated that the Liu Song army still had a lot of food in reserve.


After assessing the situation, the general of the Northern Wei Kingdom ordered all armies to stop attacking.


Tan Daoji relied on his wit to successfully resolve the crisis.


This idiom means that he created the illusion of sufficient food and successfully deceived the enemy.

This idiom is used to describe a person who creates an illusion and successfully deceives the enemy.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, could you think of a better way to keep the soldiers of the Liu Song Kingdom from panicking? Have you ever been deceived by your enemies?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Yuan Can (袁粲/景倩)


Yuan Can (袁粲)(420 AD - 477 AD)


His surname is Yuan. His parents named him Can. As he grew up, his friends called him Jingqian. He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means a long garment. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means brilliant and it means very good white rice.

It means landscape. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means something beautiful.



He was a famous official in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China. He was also a famous writer.

There is a fable written by him which is recorded in the history books.


In ancient times, there was a small kingdom. In a place in this kingdom, there was a spring.

The water quality of this spring is very sweet, and the people of this kingdom drink the water from this spring every day.


Although the water quality of this spring is very good, people who drink this spring water for a long time will gradually go mad.

The people of this kingdom drank the water from this spring for so long that they all went mad.


The king who ruled this small kingdom lived in a royal palace which contained a well.

This well is for the king's exclusive use, and the king drinks only water from this well every day.

Because the king did not drink from the well in the square, he was the only normal person in the kingdom.


One day, the people of this kingdom had a great feast.

Because of this lively celebration, all the people became even more crazy than usual.


Suddenly, one of the people pointed at the king and said loudly to the others.

Our king is so strange.

Our king is very sober. Why hasn't he gone mad?

Why is our king so different from us? Our king must be ill.


All the people shouted, and these people locked the king up.

The people tried many different ways to cure the king's illness.


After being imprisoned by these people, the king was in great pain.

The king knew that these people had gone mad because they drank the water from this spring.

The king lives in a kingdom where all the people have gone mad. The only normal king is considered abnormal by these mad people.


After being imprisoned by these people for several days, the king made a decision.

He stopped drinking from the well in the palace and joined the ranks of these people. Together with them, he drank from the spring in the square of the kingdom.


After the king drank the water from the spring, dozens of minutes later, the king also began to fall into a state of madness.

When these people saw that the king had gone mad, they cheered loudly.


These people said happily.

The king was finally cured of his illness, he was finally back to normal, he was finally like all of us.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Why do you think he wrote this story? How did you feel after reading this story?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





Chu Jie (褚玠/褚溫理)


Chu Jie (褚玠)(528 AD - 580 AD)


His surname is Chu, his parents called him Jie, and his friends called him Wenli when he was growing up. He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means clothes made of silk floss, which means storage. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means a kind of jade used for worship in ancient China.

It means warmth. It means mild. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means to govern. It means to organise. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He was a famous official in the Nanchen Kingdom during the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China.

There is a story about him in the history books.


At that time, there was a county where corruption was very serious. This county was roughly located in the present province of Zhejiang in China.

He was an integrity and incorruptibility man, so the king at that time appointed him as the county magistrate.

When he took office, he immediately investigated the local tax evasion situation and enacted fair laws to punish the tax evaders.


There is a famous bully in this county, and this tyrant has bully in this county.

An important central government official was secretly taking bribes from this bully, so the previous county magistrate tolerated the bully's evil deeds.


After investigating the situation, he refused to give in to the evil forces. He arrested the bully according to the law.

He gave the bully a severe judgement and punishment.

His behaviour shocked all the officials and people in the county.


But his integrity eventually got him into trouble.

The high official of the central government who had accepted the bribe from the bully secretly slandered him in front of the king, so the king dismissed him from his post as county magistrate.


After he left the position of county magistrate, he continued to live in the county.

Some local people asked him.

Why don't you go back to the capital?


He said with a smile.

I have no money because during the year I served as district magistrate, I did not take bribes or use my position and power to obtain illegal money.

So I was very poor, so poor that I didn't even have the money to travel back to the capital.


After leaving the post of district commissioner, he continued to live in the district.

Some local people laughed at him.

You're incompetent and that's why you were fired.

He replied with a smile.

When I was the District Commissioner, I collected more taxes than any previous District Commissioner.

When I was county magistrate, I arrested and punished many bad people.

When I was the county magistrate, people in the county government did not dare to commit corruption.


If using one's own power to gain a lot of illegal benefits is a talent, then I really have no talent.


But his integrity also brought him new opportunities.

The Prince of Nanchen Kingdom admired his talents, and the King's son believed in his integrity and incorruptibility.

The Prince of Nanchen Kingdom found a way to bring him back to the capital, and he became an important advisor to the Prince.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How would you react if you were treated unfairly? If you were him, would you still insist on integrity and incorruptibility if you were poor?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Xie Zhen (謝貞/元正)


Xie Zhen (謝貞)(534 AD - 585 AD)


His surname is (Xie), his parents gave him the name (Zhen) and when he was growing up his friends called him (Yuanzheng). He was born in Henan Province, China.



It means thank you, it means thank you. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means steadfastness, it means loyalty.

It means beginning. It means root. It is also a Chinese surname.

This word has many meanings, here are some important ones.

It means upright. It means pure. It is also a Chinese family name.

This word has many meanings, here are just a few important ones.


He was a famous official in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China.

There is a story about him in the history books.


His father died when he was 14 and he lived with his mother.

Two years after his father's death, a rebellion broke out in the Nanliang Kingdom where he lived.

During the rebellion, he was separated from his mother. His mother stayed in her hometown and he went into exile in the Northern Zhou Kingdom.


After arriving in the Northern Zhou Kingdom, he was forced to work for the royal family of the Northern Zhou Kingdom.

He missed his mother every day. But he couldn't leave.


It was 25 years later that he returned to his hometown.

The regime that ruled his hometown at that time was the Namchen Kingdom, and he joined the central government of the Namchen Kingdom.

He was happy to be with his mother, who died 12 years after he returned to the Namchen Kingdom.


He was so sad after his mother died that he couldn't eat.

He became so thin and weak that he had to lie in bed.

He knew he was going to die and wrote a suicide note to his nephew.

In this suicide note he wrote his last words.


The gist of the note is as follows.

My father died when I was 14 years old, and when I was 16, I was far away from my hometown because of the war.


For the past 20 years since I left my hometown, I have continued to pray every day that I would have the opportunity to return to my hometown.

Thank God, I have been able to fulfil my wish. I finally returned to my hometown in middle age to be reunited with my mother.


I did not expect that my talents would be appreciated by the king of the Nanchen Kingdom after I returned to my hometown, so I was hired as a senior official of the Nanchen Kingdom. In the past few years, my salary and social status have increased day by day. .

But what makes me happiest is being able to stay with my mother. I got married and had a child. I am very happy with my short life.


After my mother died, I was very sad. My body was getting weaker every day. I could feel that I was going to die. But I feel very calm, I am very happy with my life and I have no regrets about my life.


When I die, I want a very simple funeral.

As far as death is concerned, I agree more with the Buddhist view of life and death.

Originally, I was hoping you wouldn't even buy a coffin and just dig a hole to bury me without any ceremony.

But I know that you will definitely not agree to my wilful request, so I ask you to buy the cheapest coffin and use the simplest etiquette.


My son is your cousin. He is only six years old this year.

He is very young and cannot handle such a trivial funeral ceremony by himself. Please help him as much as you can. Except for the most important rituals, do not perform other superfluous and complicated rituals.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What view of life and death do you agree with? Are you happy with your life so far?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Yin Buhai(殷不害/長卿)

Yin Buhai(殷不害)(505 AD - 589 AD)


His surname is (Yin), his parents gave him the name (Buhai) and when he grew up his friends called him (Changqing). He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means great. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means no.

It means harm. It means damage.

It means length. It means long. It is also one of the Chinese surnames. .

It means a respectful title for a person. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


It means great. It is also one of the Chinese family names.


He was a famous official in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China.

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


He is the eldest son in the family and has five younger brothers.

His father died when he was a teenager.

He is very filial to his mother and cares for his younger brother.


This was a chaotic time in China, with many kingdoms rising and falling in a short period of time.

He is a very filial person, he has a good moral character, and his work ability is very strong.

After the fall of the Nanliang Kingdom, the king of the Nanchen Kingdom recruited him to work in the central government of the Nanchen Dynasty.

He lived to the age of 85 before passing away.


In 554 AD, the Northern Wei Kingdom sent an army to attack the Nanliang Kingdom.

After many consecutive victories, the army of the Northern Wei Kingdom captured the capital of the Nanliang Kingdom in the winter of that year.


After the surrender of the Nanliang Kingdom, he did not leave the capital of the Nanliang Kingdom. On the contrary, he chose to stay in the capital of the Nanliang Kingdom.


The reason he stayed in the capital was because he accidentally lost contact with his mother during that fierce battle.


He said to himself. I hope my mother is still alive, but in the unfortunate event that she dies, I want to find her remains.


He searched the streets near his home, one by one. As long as he saw bodies by the roadside, he would go to each one to see if it was his mother.


It was a very cold winter and there was snow in the sky.

He was soaked to the skin, crying as he went, and searched for seven days and nights.

He was very unlucky, but also very lucky.

His mother really died innocently in that battle, but seven days later he found his mother's body by a path.


He took his mother's body home and held a simple funeral.

At this funeral his friends came to pay their respects. His friends saw that he was very emaciated and very thin, and his friends could not help but shed tears.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you a filial person? Have you ever felt very sad about someone's death?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...