
When happiness without a bottom line ends, sadness begins. (樂極生悲)

ChunYu kun (淳于髡)

Xin Qiji (辛棄疾/幼安)

Unity can produce great power (眾志成城)

It is impossible to put out a fire with wood (抱薪救火)

Work non-stop from morning till night (夜以繼日)

Li Longji (李隆基)

Liu Ji (劉基/伯溫)

Sima Qian (司馬遷)

The leather cord is broken again (韋編三絕)

I'm so smart. (掩耳盜鐘)

I can teach you to be better (百發百中)

Who can move this stick? (立木為信)

A little frog living in a well. (井底之蛙)