
Everyone loves him because of his elegant demeanour(風流可愛)


Everyone loves him because of his elegant demeanour(風流可愛)


In the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, the Southern Dynasty had four kingdoms, among which there was an important minister named (Zhang Xu).

History books tell a story about him.


He was a very learned man, and he once served as the director of education at that time.

His speech was very refined, and he had an open and free heart, and he did not stick to some of the rigid etiquette norms of the time.


His students and friends once described how they felt when they talked to him.

Every time I listen to him speak, I lose track of time, and even if the talk goes on for a long time, I do not feel tired or hungry. I often listen to his lectures, but every time I hear new knowledge and views, I am surprised, I think his knowledge is too deep, like a vast ocean.

Every time I listen to him, I feel a sense of sacredness. I think it might be because he is in awe of knowledge and wisdom from the bottom of his heart.


At that time, several willow trees brought from Sichuan Province were planted in the imperial palace.

The king was very fond of these rare willow trees.

These willow trees have a characteristic, the branches are very long and very thin, which from a distance looks like many silk threads hanging from the tree.


Several times the king addressed the ministers who were walking with him.

When the branches of these willows are blown by the wind, I seem to see the flow of the invisible wind, and I seem to hear the sound of the river.


I feel that the image and the voice are very beautiful and elegant, exuding a unique temperament.

Every time I see these willows, I think of Zhang Xu.


This idiom means that it is used to describe a person's elegant demeanour, so he is loved by everyone.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

What plant would you use to describe yourself? What is your favourite plant?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Doing two things at once (一身兩役)


In the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was an important minister in the Kingdom of Nanliang, and his name was (Zhang Chong).

History books record a story about him.


His father was an important official in the central government, and his father lived in the capital while he and his mother lived in their hometown.


He doesn't like to study. He hangs out with his friends every day.

One day he went hunting with his friends and they had a great day.


On the way home that afternoon, he and his friends passed a pier.

He heard his name being called and turned to see his father standing on the edge of the pier.


He hadn't seen his father for a long time, so he got off his horse and respectfully walked up to his father.


He was very disturbed in his heart and didn't dare to look at his father directly.

Before his father took office in the capital a few years ago, he had always encouraged him to study hard, but for the past few years, he had been playing every day.


His father's face was angry, but his voice was calm.

His father said to him

With an eagle in your left arm and a dog in your right, wouldn't you be overwhelmed with two things at once?


He felt very ashamed in his heart.


He knelt down before his father and said to him.

I know I was wrong, I am 29 years old this year, I am still having fun every day instead of studying seriously to enrich my knowledge and virtue.


I will correct my mistakes from today, please believe me, I will make my own changes.


A year later, when his father returned to his hometown and saw him again, his father saw that he had really changed, and his father said to him sincerely, "You made mistakes, but you are willing to change.

You have made mistakes, but you are willing to change immediately, I am so proud of you.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a person doing two things at the same time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever regretted a mistake you have made? What actions have you taken to change after you regretted?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




I want to leave a good reputation after my death(人死留名)


I want to leave a good reputation after my death(人死留名)


China was very turbulent in the period 907-960 AD.

Many kingdoms rose quickly and many kingdoms died quickly.

The first kingdom to be established during this period was the Houliang Kingdom.


There was an important general in the Houliang Kingdom, and his name was Wang Yanzhang.

He participated in the founding of the Houliang Kingdom and helped the founding king of the Houliang Kingdom win many battles.


He was illiterate and could not read, but he was very principled.

He adopted a saying as his motto.

The proverb means

A leopard leaves its beautiful fur after death, and a man leaves his good reputation after death.


When he was old, he was captured in a war with the Houtang Kingdom.


The king of the Houtang Kingdom knew that he was a loyal and brave general, so the king of the Tang Kingdom said to him.

I can keep you alive, I will not execute you, I hope you can join my kingdom, I want you to serve me.


he replied.

I have sworn allegiance to the Kingdom of Hou Liang, I will neither surrender nor serve you.

The King of Hou Liang has placed great trust in me, and I must not disappoint him.

If I do, I will be ridiculed by all Chinese as a disloyal person.


The war between the Houliang and Houtang kingdoms has lasted more than ten years, and I have been defeated by you today.

I beg you to sentence me to death as soon as possible. I don't want to live in the humiliation of being captured any longer.


After much lobbying, the king of the Later Tang Kingdom still couldn't convince him.

Soon after, he was killed.

But although he died, his reputation for loyalty, like the saying he often uttered, has been passed down and is remembered by many people in future generations.


This idiom means I want to leave a good name after my death


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think a person's reputation or life is more important? If you were him, would you surrender?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He is a very clean official(兩袖清風)


He is a very clean official(兩袖清風)


In the Ming Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named Yu Qian.

History books tell a story about him.


His personality is very upright and very clean.

At that time, the atmosphere in the central government was very corrupt. When many local officials wanted to return to the capital for meetings, they would bring a lot of precious and rare local products as gifts for socialising.


He couldn't stand this atmosphere, so he wrote a poem to express his feelings.

The general idea of the poem is as follows.


Many officials took a lot of precious silk, shiitake mushrooms and local specialities and gave them to the dignitaries in the capital. The people did not enjoy the benefits of these products, but suffered disasters because of them.

When I returned to the capital for a meeting, my hands were completely empty. I didn't want to promote my official position. I just wanted to leave a good name in the city where I was stationed.


The direct translation of this idiom means that there is nothing in the hands, only the invisible wind in the hands.

This idiom is used to describe an official who is very clean.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you bring some souvenirs to your relatives and friends when you travel? Do you like to buy those special souvenirs?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




His job doesn't allow him to fully develop his talents(牛鼎烹雞)


His job doesn't allow him to fully develop his talents(牛鼎烹雞)


In the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, there was a famous scholar named (Bian Rang).

History books tell a story about him.


In his youth, he had served under one of the most important generals of his time.

At that time, there was a famous official in the central government. His name was (Cai Yong).

(Cai Yong) was very impressed with his talent.


(Cai Yong) said to this important general.


I think Bian Rang is a very good talent.

His family was not well off, his parents died when he was very young.

So he didn't complain about fate, and he studied very seriously when he grew up.

He's a very polite and well-behaved young man.

He has the ability to think and judge independently, and he will quote many classics to support his views.

Everyone who knows him respects him.


Although he is very young, I think that his ability to work exceeds all others and that he should hold a more important position.

I think it is most improper to cook a whole chicken in a big pot that can hold a whole cow.


He is like a big pot that can cook a whole cow. You should give him a correspondingly important job. I believe he will make a greater contribution to our kingdom.


The general nodded in agreement after listening to (Cai Yong's) words.

A few days later, he was assigned to be the mayor of a city.


The literal translation of this phrase means that his work does not allow him to fully develop his talents.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Does your current job allow you to develop your full potential? Do you have the ability to think for yourself?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



Bian Rang(邊讓/文禮)


Bian Rang(邊讓) (AD?-193 AD)


His surname is (Bian), his parents gave him the name (Rang), and when he grew up his friends called him (Wenli). He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means edge. It means border. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means to give in. It means courtesy.

It is the meaning of words. is the meaning of the article. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means etiquette. It means etiquette. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He was a famous minister in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and a famous writer.

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


He showed outstanding talents when he was young.

He was very eloquent and good at writing.


One day, an older, more senior official met him for the first time.

He was a little nervous, so his performance that day was a little off.


The senior official saw his reaction and smiled at him.

A little story from history suddenly came to mind.

In ancient China there was a great king. The king once went to visit a very wise man.

After seeing this great king, this very wise man was very calm.


After hearing this from the high official, he understood that the high official was teasing him.


He took a deep breath, relaxed and smiled as he replied to the official.

You've just arrived in our city as the chief administrator, so I don't know if you'll be as fair and generous as that great king in ancient times.

That's why I'm so nervous.


He responded intelligently and politely to the senior official's teasing.


He and the senior official later became very good friends.


When he grew up, he entered the central government of the Eastern Han Dynasty as an official.

He lived during the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the royal family of the Eastern Han Dynasty lost control over the princes and generals throughout China.

All of China was in chaos.


He retired early and returned to his hometown.

After returning to his hometown, he often criticised the unfair behaviour of one of the most powerful warlords in the Eastern Han Dynasty at the time.

This warlord hated him so much that he later found an opportunity to kill him.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been teased by others? If you were him, how would you respond to the teasing of this high official?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Occupying the commanding heights(高屋建瓴)

Occupying the commanding heights(高屋建瓴)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang), and the name of the most important general who helped him found the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).

History books record a story about them.


202 BC. (Liu Bang) thought (Han Xin) was about to rebel, so he ordered (Han Xin) to be arrested.

Han Xin has a good friend called (Tian Ken). Tian Ken was an important minister in the Han Dynasty.


Tian Ken went to see Liu Bang.

Tian Ken said.

In the past two years, many good things have happened in our Han Dynasty. You must feel very happy.


Liu Bang asked Tian Ken suspiciously.

You are referring to several things.


Tian Ken said.

I think there are three good things.

(Han Xin) was arrested and sent to prison, that is the first good thing.


The second good thing is that you found a great place and built the capital of the Han Dynasty,

The capital of the Han Dynasty was surrounded by a vast and fertile plain. The plains are surrounded by natural mountains and rivers as barriers.


This piece of land is in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and this piece of land has a very good strategic advantage.

If we were to attack the enemy, it would be like a man standing on a roof with a full bottle of water, and that man would use the water in that bottle to attack another person standing on the ground.

The man on the ground cannot escape the attack.


The third good thing is that we received the land near the Shandong Peninsula from the Chu Kingdom.

There are many rich resources around this piece of land, and the strategic location of this piece of land is very important.

Because we obtained this piece of land, we were able to surround and defeat the Chu Kingdom.


Liu Bang was aware of (Tian Ken's) intention at that time.

The Han dynasty was able to acquire this piece of land around the capital, as well as the Shandong Peninsula, and eventually defeated the Kingdom of Chu. The greatest hero was (Han Xin).

Tian Ken reminded him that Han Xin had always been very loyal to him, and that he should check whether Han Xin really wanted to rebel.


This idiom is used to describe a person who occupies the commanding heights, and those who stand on the lower ground cannot resist that person's attack.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

If you want to persuade Liu Bang to release Han Xin, what method will you use to persuade Liu Bang? How do you think Han Xin's life will end?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



He changes his attitude and approach(改弦易轍)


He changes his attitude and approach(改弦易轍)


There were two famous ministers in the Han Dynasty, their names were (Zhang Tang) and (Du Zhou).

Both of them served as the highest judges in the country.

Both of them were also liked and trusted by the king.

They both had a lot of power.


(Zhang Tang) arrested many wealthy businessmen and officials who broke the law during his tenure. His power even exceeded that of the Prime Minister at that time. However, he was later framed and sentenced to death. After his death, the king was very sorry.

So the king treated his son well.



(Du Zhou) As the head of the country's highest judiciary, he handled many important cases at that time.

More than 100 illegal high-ranking officials were arrested by the judiciary under his leadership.

According to history books, he handled more than 1,000 cases every year.

In these more than 1,000 cases, the number of people he arrested was as high as 70,000.

He died in office.


(Zhang Tang's) son was called (Zhang Anshi), and (Zhang Anshi) later became an important official of the Han Dynasty.

(Zhang Anshi)'s personality is completely opposite to his father's. (Zhang Anshi) has a cautious personality and doesn't like to be in the limelight.


(Du Zhou)'s son is called (Du Yannian). (Du Yannian) later became an important official in the Han Dynasty.

(Du Yannian)'s personality is very different from his father's. (Du Yannian) has a gentle personality and is willing to stand up for justice.


A famous scholar in the Song Dynasty wrote a book.

The scholar wrote the story of father and son in the book.

This scholar commented on the two pairs of father and son.

(Zhang Anshi) and (Du Yannian) are so different from their father that they are like a guqin with different strings, and this guqin produces a different sound.

They are like a carriage with a different driver, and this carriage has taken a different road.


This phrase means that a person changes his attitude and practice.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you have the same personality as your father or mother? Do you identify with the behaviour patterns of your father or mother?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Du Zhou(杜周/長孺)

Du Zhou(杜周/長孺) (BC?-95 BC)


His surname is (Du), his parents named him (Zhou), and his friends called him Changru when he grew up. He was born in Henan Province, China.


Intended to refer to a deciduous tree. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Surrounding and comprehensive meaning. It is also a Chinese surname.

The meaning of length. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Meaning young children. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty.

History books tell a story about him.


He is a very cautious person, he will think carefully before making a decision.


People who do not know him will think that he is very light-hearted, but in fact his personality is very serious.

It is difficult for others to see what he is really thinking.


He was once the highest judicial officer in the Han Dynasty.

The cases he heard were all of the celebrities and high officials in the capital at the time.

He will consult with the king before trying some important cases, and he will understand the king's views during the consultation.


If the king hates the criminal, he will use the strictest law to judge him.

If the king likes the criminal, he will use the most lenient law to judge that person.


One day his good friend said to him.

You should judge these criminals fairly according to the laws of the land and not according to the king's opinion.


He replied.

Since the founding of the Han dynasty, the laws had changed from simple to complex.

The sources of these laws have been continually revised by the kings of successive dynasties to become what they are today.


Each king will change the law according to the environment of the time and adapt it to the real situation.

Each king has the absolute power to propose and formulate laws.


So I respect the opinion of the current king more than the letter of the law, and I think it's the right thing to do.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Is the legal system in your country sound? Do you agree or disagree with his ideas?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.





His figure is strong and tall(魁梧奇偉)


His figure is strong and tall(魁梧奇偉)



Su Shi is one of the most famous writers in Chinese history. He is also a famous politician.

His poems and prose are very good. His calligraphy and painting are also very good.


When he was young, he wrote an article about the inspiration he felt after reading the biography of Zhang Liang, the founding hero of the Han Dynasty.


The summary of the sixth paragraph of this article is as follows


After reading Zhang Liang's biography, I thought of Liu Bang, the founding king of the Han Dynasty, whom he assisted.

Liu Bang was able to lead the Han kingdom to defeat the most powerful kingdom of Chu at that time.

I think the most important reason is that Liu Bang is a person who is not influenced by his emotions.


The kings of Chu were the greatest generals and heroes of their time.

He led the army of the Chu Kingdom to many victories. However, at several critical moments, he let his emotions get the better of him and made the wrong decisions, leading to his ultimate failure.


Unlike the king of the Chu Kingdom, Liu Bang was able to control his emotions and endure the humiliation of others when the kingdom was at its lowest ebb, so that the Han Kingdom retained the fighting power that could later unite the whole of China.

He also showed his anger when the generals in the kingdom violated his ideas, but he was still able to control his anger afterwards.


I think Liu Bang can have that kind of performance, and the most important person who influenced him is Zhang Liang.


If you don't know Zhang Liang's strong personality, you might think that a person with such a strong will should be big and strong. But I didn't expect him to be so handsome and gentle as a woman.

I think this strong contrast is also one of the reasons why Zhang Liang is praised and recited by later generations.


This idiom means that he is strong and tall


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think a person's appearance or personality is more important? Do you have a strong willpower?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




His knowledge and talent are at the top of the contemporary(蓋世之才)

His knowledge and talent are at the top of the contemporary(蓋世之才)


Su Shi is one of the most famous writers in Chinese history. He is also a famous politician.

His poems and prose are very well written. His calligraphy and painting are also very good.


When he was young, he wrote an article about the inspiration he felt after reading the biography of Zhang Liang, the founding hero of the Han Dynasty.


The summary of the fourth paragraph of this article is as follows

Zhang Liang was born into an aristocratic family in the Kingdom of Han. He was educated at a high level, and his knowledge and talents are among the best in the contemporary world.

He knows how to appreciate life and how to avoid getting into dangerous situations.


He is a very intelligent person. If he is willing to think calmly, he will know that he should learn from those ancient sages and use his wisdom to undermine the regime of the Qin Dynasty.


However, the fact that he tried to assassinate the King of Qin with his own power shows that he was controlled by anger, which is why he made the wrong decision.


After meeting the reclusive wise old man, the old man gave him a hidden test.

The old man deliberately treated him in an arrogant and disrespectful manner.


After the failed assassination attempt, his personality was honed to be very calm during his escape, and he no longer allowed his emotions to affect his reason.


Because he can prevent his emotions from affecting his reason, he was able to pass the old man's test and get the old man's approval and get the book on the art of war written by the old man.


This idiom means that his knowledge and talent are the best in the contemporary era.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think your personality can be changed? How would you react if someone treated you in an arrogant and disrespectful way?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Various harsh and cruel punishments(刀鋸鼎鑊)

Various harsh and cruel punishments(刀鋸鼎鑊)


Su Shi is one of the most famous writers in Chinese history. He was also a famous politician.

His poetry and prose are very well written. His calligraphy and painting are also very good.


When he was young, he wrote an article about the inspiration he felt after reading the biography of Zhang Liang, the founding hero of the Han Dynasty.


The second and third paragraphs of this article read as follows


According to historical records, Zhang Liang had a strange experience in his life.


He met an old man who gave him a book on the art of war.

Because he had finished reading this book on the art of war, he later became the founding hero of the Han Dynasty.


Many people say that this old man who suddenly appeared is a supernatural being, but I think these people's ideas are too absurd.

I think this old man should be a reclusive wise man.

The old man used a special method to find suitable people to learn the book on the art of war he wrote.


After the Qin Kingdom had eliminated the Han Kingdom, it wiped out the other five kingdoms one by one.

After the Qin Kingdom unified all of China, the king of the Qin Kingdom used various harsh punishments to deal with the dissidents.

Even if you are a brave fighter, you cannot stand against the entire state system.


At that time, there were still countless innocent people. Although these people had no intention of rebelling against the Qin Kingdom, they were also arrested and killed for no reason.


At that time, the Qin Kingdom used strict laws and sharp knives to rule the people of all of China with great pressure.


Zhang Liang lived in that time, and he did a very impulsive thing when he was young.

He couldn't control his anger towards the King of Qin Kingdom, and he wanted to assassinate the King of Qin Kingdom with his own power.


This time the attempt failed and he was declared a wanted man. During this time he felt the constant threat of death.


This idiom means all kinds of harsh and cruel punishments.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Who is the most important person in your life? When you were young, did you ever do things that brought you into crisis because of your impulsiveness?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



Go bravely into battle(挺身而鬥)


Go bravely into battle(挺身而鬥)


Su Shi is one of the most famous writers in Chinese history. He is also a famous politician.

His poems and prose are very good. His calligraphy and painting are also very good.


When he was young, he wrote an article about the inspiration he felt after reading the biography of Zhang Liang, the founding hero of the Han Dynasty.


The first paragraph of this article reads as follows


In ancient China, there were many people with outstanding talents and high moral character.

These people are revered by generations of people.


These people not only have higher moral integrity than ordinary people, but also their open-mindedness is far better than others.


When a person hears someone insulting him, he feels very angry and immediately draws his sword; this person bravely challenges the opponent to fight him because he wants to defend his dignity.


The average person might think that this man is a brave man, but I don't share that opinion.


I think that a truly brave person should show this behaviour.

When faced with a sudden crisis, he is very calm and does not panic.

He can control his anger when others insult him for no reason.


How could a truly brave person display such behaviour?

The main reason is that he has high ambitions and high aspirations.


This idiom means to go bravely into battle.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you get angry when someone treats you with disrespect? How do you think a truly brave person should behave?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.





He suddenly became rich and his lifestyle became very extravagant and wasteful(夥涉為王)


At the end of the Qin Dynasty, a man named (Chen Sheng) led a group of people to rebel against the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

History books tell a story about him.


When he was young, he worked as a hired labourer for a while.

Together with some other young people, he was responsible for helping to plough the fields.

He ate, slept and worked with these young people every day and became very good friends with them.


In 209 BC, the revolutionary army he led occupied many cities, and he publicly announced that he had founded a new kingdom, and he became the founding king of this new kingdom.

He built a tall and magnificent palace in the capital city he had founded.


One day, as he was leaving the palace, he saw soldiers surrounding a man at the gate of the palace.

The man called out his name as soon as he saw him.


He looked closer, he knew this man.

He went over to the man.


The man said to him happily.

Do you know me?


He replied.

I know you. We worked together as hired hands some years ago, helping the landlord plough the fields.


Said the man.

I have heard that you have built a kingdom and become king. So I have come here to visit you.

Would you like me to stay in the palace for a few days?


He replied.

No problem, my good friend, I will welcome you to my palace for a few days.


He led the man into the palace.


The man was amazed when he saw the very extravagant decorations in the high palace.

This is amazing, I didn't expect you to build a kingdom. I didn't expect you to have the accomplishments you have today.


He looked at his friend with a smile and said to him

I must attend to the affairs of the kingdom.

I welcome you to stay at the palace for a few more days, and if you have any needs, you can make them known directly to the servants at the palace.



About a week later, a minister came to see him.

The look on the minister's face was serious.


He asked the minister.

Is something bothering you? Why do you look so serious?


Said the minister.

Your friend is behaving inappropriately and I think I must report it to you.


He looked at the minister suspiciously.


The minister replied.

Your friend is living in the palace these days, he has been bragging about being your good friend, his attitude is very arrogant.

He told some ministers about some stupid things you did when you were young.

His attitude has affected many servants and maids in the palace, and these servants and maids have become less and less respectful of you.


When he heard these words, he was very angry.

He immediately checked what the minister had said.

He found that what the minister had said was true.


He ordered the soldiers in the palace to arrest his friend.

He killed this friend.


This idiom is used to describe that after a person suddenly becomes rich, his lifestyle also becomes very extravagant and wasteful.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Why do you think he was so angry? How would you judge his friend's behaviour?

hope you can gain something from this story.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...