
You are an outstanding young man(後起之秀)


You are an outstanding young man(後起之秀)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous person who was also a famous minister. His name is (Wang Chen).

History books tell a story about him.


His family was a famous political family at that time, he was very talented, and his talent was recognised by his family.

One day he went to visit his uncle.


He arrived at his uncle's house and his uncle was talking to a young man. This young man's name is (Zhang Xuan).


His uncle said to him.

Zhang Xuan is a few years older than you, and the two of you are about the same age.

I think your knowledge and talents are at the top of your class.

You two have a chat first, I'll go to the toilet.


After his uncle left, he sat across from Zhang Xuan.

Neither of them took the initiative to speak.

They just looked at each other in silence.


During the period of silence when they were looking at each other, his expression was very relaxed, while (Zhang Xuan) felt a little nervous.


Ten minutes later, his uncle returned to the living room. Seeing that the atmosphere was awkward, his uncle took the initiative to start a conversation with them.


That evening, after Zhang Xuan left his uncle's house, his uncle said to him

When I went to the toilet just now, the atmosphere between you was awkward.

Why don't you take the initiative and talk to Zhang Xuan?


he said with a smile.

Why did I take the initiative to talk to him? I felt very comfortable at the time.

If he feels that the silence makes him nervous, he should offer to talk to me.


His uncle laughed.

His uncle said to him

You are an excellent young man with a very stable personality.


He told his uncle with a smile.

Because I have a very good uncle, I have a very stable personality.



This idiom is used to describe a very outstanding young man. It is usually used to describe someone younger than oneself.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you usually greet others, or do you wait for others to greet you? If it were you, would you feel nervous in an atmosphere of silence?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He seems to be unable to hear other people's unreasonable insults to him, he is very calm.(詬如不聞)


He seems to be unable to hear other people's unreasonable insults to him, he is very calm.(詬如不聞)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous official named (Fu Bi).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He liked learning since he was a child and was a very persistent person.

He has a big heart and he never gets angry when people criticize and insult him.


A man once said to him

Some people have been criticizing your behavior lately.


He answered.

are you sure? Are you sure someone has criticized my behavior recently?

I think these people must not be criticizing me.


The man said to him.

The one these people are criticizing is you.

They say your name first and then criticize your behavior.


He answered with a smile.

I think these people must not be criticizing me.

There are so many people in China, there must be many people with the same name and surname as me.

So I think they are criticizing someone else, not me.


For those criticisms and insults that have no factual basis, he will not be angry or respond, and always maintain a calm heart.


This sentence is used to describe a person who is unaffected and calm in the face of unreasonable insults from others.


Dear friends, after hearing this story, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have?

How would you react if someone insulted you unreasonably? When you hear criticism from others, do you look at yourself first or do you blame others?

Hope this story can give you new harvest.



I am very grateful to you, you are like my patron saint. (感戴二天)


I am very grateful to you, you are like my patron saint. (感戴二天)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty, his name was (Su Zhang).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very upright man.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, China had more than a dozen states. He was appointed governor of one of them.


After he took office, he discovered that the mayor of a city in his state was suspected of corruption. The mayor was an old friend of his.


After careful investigation, he found that the evidence of the crime was conclusive and he was very saddened.


After gathering all the evidence, he came to this city.

The mayor gave a dinner in his honour.


At the dinner, he chatted very happily with his good friend.

The two of them seemed to return to the happy times when they were young.


The mayor said to him.

Each of us has a patron saint, but I am different, I have two.

You are my other patron saint.


He said to his good friend.

I am not your patron saint.

I am your friend today, and when I see you tomorrow, I will be your immediate commander.

I will see if you have done your duty with fairness and justice.


The next day, when he saw his good friend again, his attitude was very serious, and he presented the evidence of his good friend's corruption that he had already collected.

He arrested his friend according to the laws of the time.


This idiom means that I am very grateful to you, you have been of great help to me like my patron saint.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you try your good friend according to the law? Do you think everyone has their own patron saint?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Guo Jie (郭解/翁伯)


Guo Jie (郭解)(BC?-BC?)

His surname is Guo, his parents called him Jie and his friends called him Weng Bo when he was growing up. He was born in Henan Province, China.


The meaning of the outer city wall. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Anatomy means. Untie the meaning.

The meaning of old man. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means the eldest of several brothers.  It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a commoner whose story is written in the history books because of his simple and humble character and his moral and just actions.


One day he received a message.


His nephew was going to a banquet. During the banquet, his nephew had a conflict with others because he kept forcing others to drink, so his nephew was killed in the fight.


His sister said to him.

You should avenge your nephew.


He replied.

I will not avenge your son, I have considered the matter carefully.

Because your son forced others to drink, your son does not respect others and forces others to drink, so your son was killed.

I am very sad that this has happened, but I think your son bears the greatest responsibility for this tragedy.


In the town where he lived, a young man treated him very rudely.

Friends around him said to him

You are someone we all respect and this young man despises you, we hit him.


He blocks these friends, he said to his friend.

You shouldn't try to beat him up.

Because in his eyes my moral cultivation is not high enough, so he doesn't respect me.

I should check myself.


There were two people in Luoyang City who were hostile to each other because of a misunderstanding. After he mediated, they reconciled.


He did not emphasise to the public that the reconciliation between the two men was his own achievement. On the contrary, he asked the two men to conceal the fact that he had intervened in the mediation.


He maintained a respectful demeanour and assiduously helped many to mediate disputes without taking credit.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were his sister, would you forgive his decision? How would you react if someone insulted you?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He's small in stature, but he's smart and capable.(短小精悍)

He's small in stature, but he's smart and capable.(短小精悍)


Sima Qian is the most eminent historian in China. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).


The characters recorded in the books written by historians before him were nobles.


When he wrote this history, he added special chapters in which he recorded the biographies of commoners who behaved morally and justly, with simplicity and humility of character, and who behaved differently from the general public.


The protagonist of one of the biographies is called (Guo Xie).


Guo Xie lives in the province of Henan, China.

He is small in stature, but his character is shrewd and capable.

He never drinks.

When he was young, his personality was very impulsive, and he killed those who disagreed with him on several occasions.


He knows many gangsters and values his friendship with them.

If someone hurts his gangster friends, he will try his best to avenge his gangster friends.


He has also done a lot of bad things. He ganged up with his friends to rob, he minted coins privately, and he even dug graves. The number of illegal activities he committed is also innumerable.


He was almost arrested several times, but was lucky to escape at those critical moments.


When he reached middle age, he regretted the absurd things he had done in his youth.

He made up his mind, he changed completely.

His behaviour changed a lot.


He is kind to those who are rude to him, and he is at peace with everyone.

He often helps others and doesn't boast.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is shrewd and capable and who is small in stature.


Dear friend, after listening to this story, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have?

Have you ever regretted the mistakes you made when you were young? Have you ever decided to change your bad habits?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




He is very enthusiastic and takes the initiative to help others solve their problems.(趨人之急)


He is very enthusiastic and takes the initiative to help others solve their problems.(趨人之急)


Sima Qian is China's most outstanding historian. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).


The characters recorded in the books written by historians before him were nobles.


When he wrote this history, he added special chapters in which he recorded the biographies of commoners who behaved morally and justly, with simplicity and humility of character, and who behaved differently from the general public.


One of the biographies reads as follows


Shandong Province is the hometown of Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, and there are many Confucian scholars there.

There was a man called Zhu Jia who lived in the period between the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty.


It was a chaotic time. After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, wars broke out all over China.

Many people lost their homes, many people lost loved ones, and the place where he lived was no exception.


If he found someone living in poverty in the town where he lived, he would actively and enthusiastically help them.

He spent all his family's money on others, he wore ragged clothes and his food was very simple. His means of transport is a bullock cart, he is busy helping others every day, and he values other people's difficulties more than his own needs.


If he helps you, he won't ask for anything in return, he won't brag about what he has done for you, he will even avoid you because he doesn't want you to feel indebted to him.


To give an example, there is a man called (Ji Bu), (Ji Bu) was listed as a wanted criminal by the founding king of the Han Dynasty.

He helped (Ji Bu) through that difficult time.

(Ji Bu) was later pardoned by the King of Han Dynasty. (Ji Bu) wanted to repay his kindness several times, but he refused.


He helped too many people. Among the people he helped, there are hundreds of people who became famous like (Ji Bu), and there are countless other ordinary people.


All those who knew him respected him greatly, and those who did not know him admired him greatly when they heard about his behaviour.

He was such a special person that I wrote his biography for him.



This idiom is used to describe a person who is enthusiastic and proactive in helping others solve difficulties.


Dear friend, after listening to this story, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have?

If you had a lot of money, what would you do with it? Have you thought about a question? What can you leave to the world when you die?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




Well-deserved reputation (名不虛立)


Well-deserved reputation (名不虛立)


Sima Qian is China's most outstanding historian. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).

In this book, he refers to the historical and social phenomena he observed.


The ancient historians, the characters in the books they wrote, were all nobles.


If you are a commoner, you quietly practise your own behaviour and pay attention to your own integrity.

You keep your promises and are careful in your actions.

You defend the value of life you insist on, you don't care what the general public thinks, and you are willing to sacrifice your life to defend your beliefs.


Your actions are as worthy of record as those of the nobles revered by the people, and can inspire many generations to come.

But since you are not an aristocrat, no one will write your personal biography for you.


As a historian, I sigh when I think of that.

So when I was writing this history, I decided to write a biography of those common people who were moral and just, simple and humble, and who behaved differently from the general public.


The time before the Han Dynasty is too far away from the present, so I have no way of verifying it. I have chosen a few commoners from the Han Dynasty whose lives I can verify.


These are the people I write into the history books, and my criteria are as follows.


These people cannot rely on their wealth and power to bully the poor.

These people cannot use violence to oppress the weaker classes.

These people have high moral standards and do not indulge their desires.

Their behaviour is recognised and respected by everyone in society.


I hope that through this biography I have written, these people can be known and emulated by future generations.

This idiom is used to describe a person whose reputation matches his actual behaviour.


Dear friend, after listening to this story, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have?

If you were to write your own autobiography, what would you include? Would what you said match what you did?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




He follows the tides of the world(與世沉浮)

He follows the tides of the world(與世沉浮)


Sima Qian is China's most outstanding historian. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).

In this book, he refers to the historical and social phenomena he observed.


From the history books we can see that there are some scholars who have high moral standards. These scholars believe that only their own views are right and everyone else's views are wrong.

These scholars think that they are better than everyone else, and these scholars have a narrow vision.


From the history books, we can see that there are other scholars who have shown themselves to have high moral standards, but these scholars follow the trend of the world, and these scholars get money by shaping the image of their high moral standards and reputation.


From the history books we can also see another kind of people.

These people are not of high status, and they may not have read many books.


But this type of person has one characteristic. Although most people think that the behaviour of this kind of people is morally low, and the behaviour of this kind of people does not conform to the legal norms, this kind of people have their own unique life values.


These people attach great importance to reciprocity between people. If you treat him well, he will find a way to repay you.

If he promises you something, he will keep his promise.


They defend the value of life they insist on, they don't care what the general public thinks, and they are even willing to sacrifice their lives to defend their beliefs.


Between these two types of people, we tend to think that these scholars have made greater contributions to society.

We tend to look down on those of lower status.


But I have learned a surprising fact from the history books: when these scholars encounter dangers and difficulties in their lives, those who really help them are often not the friends of their scholars, but those who take practical action A person who defends his own life value.


There is a saying that goes like this.

I don't care if a person has a reputation for justice and benevolence, if he is willing to help me, then he is of irreplaceable value to me.



If you look at it that way, then it applies to those scholars who are in danger and trouble.

A person who is truly willing to take action to help him will be his true friend.


This phrase is used to describe a person who follows the worldly trend and has no independent mind.


Dear friend, after listening to this story, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have?

When you are in trouble, who are the people who are really willing to help you? Do you think that the people around you are your real friends?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




He is trustworthy in his words and decisive in his actions.(言必信,行必果)


He is trustworthy in his words and decisive in his actions.(言必信,行必果)


Sima Qian is China's most outstanding historian. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).

In this book he mentions a class of people he has observed.


From the history books we can see many people with high moral standards.

Some of these people were once slaves, some were put in prison, some had no food to eat, some were forced to do menial work, and these people often encountered many dangers.


Most of us have average moral standards, and each of us will encounter many unexpected disasters in our lives.


But I see that there is another kind of people in society. Although their behaviour is judged by most people to be of a low moral standard, and their behaviour does not conform to the norms of the law, these people have their own unique moral standards.


He is willing to sacrifice his life to help those in need.

If they have done you a great favour, they will not boast about it and will not expect anything in return.

He is very trustworthy in his words and very decisive in his actions.

He will do what he says he will do and is very honest.


I think that although the behaviour of such people is not up to the standard of good people recognised by the general public, there is still something worthy of our praise and learning from such people.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

How do you view the various hardships you encounter in your life? Do you judge the moral level of others in an unobjective way?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.



A simple and empty thatched hut.(空室蓬戶) / He wears clothes made of coarse cloth and eats rough food.(褐衣疏食)


A simple and empty thatched hut.(空室蓬戶)

He wears clothes made of coarse cloth and eats rough food.(褐衣疏食)


Sima Qian is the most outstanding historian in China. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).


In this book he mentioned a phenomenon he observed.


I saw recently that there are many Confucian scholars who are very famous. These scholars served as high officials in the central government of the Han Dynasty. The king trusted these scholars and these scholars had great influence.


In addition, I saw some other Confucian scholars. These scholars don't care whether they have status or fame. These scholars concentrate on reading and doing research. These scholars have higher moral standards than ordinary people, stick to their own principles, and will not be influenced by secular trends.


Many rich and powerful people will laugh at these scholars.


These scholars are like (Ji Ci) and (Yuan Xian), two famous students of Confucius.


These two people lived in an empty thatched hut all their lives. The two students of Confucius ate very simple and wore ordinary clothes every day.

But although they did not have any power or money during their lifetime, their influence continues to this day, and their lifestyles are respected and imitated by many people.


These two idioms are both used to describe a person's life is very poor.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you want to live brilliantly or peacefully? Do you think matter is more important or mind is more important?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



An official should not focus on private interests(拔葵去織)

An official should not focus on private interests(拔葵去織)


In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a famous prime minister in the Kingdom of Lu. His name was (Gongyixiu).

History books record a story about him.


His character is very good, he respects the law, and he insists on his principles of dealing with others.

He was very upright, and the conduct of his officials was very good.


He said to the officials of the Kingdom of Lu.

Each of us has a different identity and a different responsibility.

A good official should focus on how to improve the people's sense of happiness and let all the people live with peace of mind.


Since officials have the power to make laws and execute laws, all officials, regardless of their rank, cannot operate private profit-making enterprises.


One day, he was having dinner at home, he said to his wife.

This green vegetable is very delicious. Which vegetable farmer did you buy it from?


His wife answered.

These vegetables are grown by myself in the yard.


He said to his wife.

I am the prime minister, and my monthly salary is very high.

You should not grow your own vegetables in the future, you should go to buy vegetables from those farmers, so that these farmers who work in agriculture can make money from it.


Another time, his wife brought him a new dress. he said to his wife.

The fabric of this dress is very fine, who did you buy this fabric from?


Said his wife.

This piece of cloth was woven by me.


He said to his wife.

I am the prime minister, and my monthly salary is very high.

You should not weave your own cloth in the future, you should go to buy cloth from those women who depend on weaving for a living, so that they can earn more money from it, and let them live better because they earn more money.


This idiom means that an official should not focus on private interests.



Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you agree with him? How do you think money should be used to maximize its value?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



Gongyi xiu (公儀休)

Gongyi xiu (公儀休)(BC?-BC?)

His surname is (Gongyi) and the name his parents gave him is (xiu).


Fair meaning. Public meaning. Masculine meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

System meaning. Ritual meaning.

The meaning of rest. Means to stop.



He was a famous prime minister of the Kingdom of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period.

History books record a story about him.


The location of the Kingdom of Lu is approximately in present-day Shandong Province.

Shandong Province is close to the sea, and he likes to eat sea fish very much.


Because of his high position, he often has many visitors.

Several times when several visitors came to visit him, they brought very precious and rare sea fish as gifts.


After seeing the gifts of these visitors, he smiled and said to these visitors.

Thank you for bringing such a precious gift, but I cannot accept your gift.

Please take this gift back with you when you leave later.


His younger brother thought it was strange and asked him.

Why don't you accept these precious and rare marine fish from this visitor?

As far as I know, you like fish very much, this is a gift that you will definitely like.


He answered his brother with a smile.

I like this gift very much, but since I am the prime minister of the Kingdom of Lu, I cannot accept this precious gift from them.

This visitor must have a special request for me, so he brought this precious gift. If I accept this gift, I must agree to his request.


If I agree to their request, I may be breaking the law.

If I break the law, I will be punished and removed from the post of prime minister.


If I lose my position as prime minister, do you think these people will still visit me? Do you think these people will still bring me the precious sea fish that I like to eat most?


His younger brother shook his head in answer.

I don't think these people will ever visit you again.


He said.

I like to eat precious sea fish. I have the ability and money to buy these sea fish by myself.

I cannot accept these gifts out of greed.


From this incident, I would like to share with you a personal life experience of mine.

We should not rely on anyone, we should strengthen our own strength.

We should not expect people to give, we should let ourselves satisfy our desires with our own strength.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you have an independent source of income that does not depend on anyone? If you were him, would you accept these precious gifts?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest




He is very poor(不名一錢)


He is very poor(不名一錢)


Deng Tong is one of the most famous super rich in Chinese history.

History books record a story about him.


His relationship with the king was very good, and the two of them often ate and drank together.

His personality is relatively withdrawn, he doesn't like to make new friends, and he doesn't like to try new things.

He also stays at home when he is on vacation.


Once, the king fell ill, and there were sores on the king's body.

The king was in great pain, and he stayed by his side and took good care of him.


The king was very moved, the king said to him.

You take care of me so hard, I am very grateful to you.

I think you love me more than my family loves me.


He answered.

I think the prince loves you more than I do. If he has the opportunity to take care of you, he will do better than me.


A few days later, the king saw the prince visiting him.

The king said to the prince.

I want you to stay and take care of me.

The prince stayed to take care of the king that day, but the prince was very unhappy, and his face showed impatience.

Seeing the prince's expression, the king sighed.


Hearing the king's sigh, the prince felt ashamed that he had not been patient with his father.

A few minutes later the prince felt angry. He felt that because of Deng Tong's behavior, his father felt that he was not good enough.


A few years later, the king died. The prince succeeded to the throne as the new king.

The new king did not like Deng Tong, and the new king removed Deng Tong from his official position.


The new king sent someone to check Deng Tong's accounts. The new king found that Deng Tong used copper from the copper mine given to him by the king to cast legal coins, and he also used copper from other copper mines to cast legal coins.


This was a serious crime, since copper from other mines was the property of the king.

He has seriously violated the king's interests.


The king seized all his property and asked him to pay a huge fine.

After he went bankrupt, the new king ordered.

Starting today, as long as Deng Tong earns money, the money he earns will be given priority in paying the fine.


He was forced to work in other people's homes in exchange for the most basic food and clothing in life.

A few years later, he died in poverty and hunger, without even a dollar in cash with him when he died.


The direct translation of this idiom means that he doesn't even have a dollar on him.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is very poor.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Has anyone around you ever gone bankrupt? Have you ever felt like your dad didn't love you enough?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.





Deng Tong(鄧通)

Deng Tong(鄧通) (BC?-BC?)


His surname is (Deng), his parents gave him the first name (Tong), and he was born in Sichuan Province, China.


The name of a kingdom in ancient China. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Mastery means. Unobstructed meaning.


He is one of the most famous super rich in Chinese history.

History books record a story about him.


He worked as a boatman in the palace, his work skills were not particularly outstanding, nor did he have any special talents, and he lived a peaceful life.


One day, the king had a dream.

In the dream, the king felt that his body was like a feather, and he felt as if he was going to fly.

Suddenly, the king felt his body pushed by someone, and he flew into the sky.

The king felt very happy and very free.


When the king was flying in the sky, he looked back at the ground. He wanted to see who pushed him.

The king saw that the man was wearing a yellow hat, and the man's belt was tied in a knot at the back.


The next afternoon, when the king wanted to relax after get off work, he gave an order to the steward of the palace.

You go and arrange a boatman to sail the boat for me. I want to take a boat to the lake.


The head of the palace sent Deng Tong to be the king's boatman.

When the king saw Deng Tong, the king was very surprised.

Deng Tong wears a yellow hat, and his belt is tied in a knot at the back.

The king remembered the dream he had had the previous night.


From that day on, the king installed a post in the palace for Deng Tong.

Deng Tong's main job every day is to accompany the king to eat and drink.


After a few months, one day. The king arranged for a fortune teller to divine the future of the country.

After the divination, the king pointed to Deng Tong and said to the fortune teller.

Can you help my good friend see what his future fate will be like?


After seeing Deng Tong's face, the fortune teller showed a hesitant expression on his face.


Asked the king.

You have a strange look on your face, you don't have to worry that you will be punished, you tell the future you see.


The fortune teller pointed to Deng Tong and said.

He will fall into extreme poverty in his old age, and he will starve to death because he has no money to buy food.


The king laughed when he heard this.


The king said to the fortune teller and Deng Tong.

I am the king, and I can bestow favors on anyone I like.


I now declare that I will give Deng Tong a copper mine in Sichuan Province, and I will give him a special right that he can use the copper in this copper mine to mint legal coins.

If he has no money, he can mint legal tender at any time.

I believe he will never be poor.


Because of this incident, Deng Tong became a superrich man at that time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

How much money do you hope to earn in this life? How much do you think a person can earn? Is the most important reason is fate or personal hard work?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest



    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...