
He is a very strategic person(胸有甲兵)



He is a very strategic person(胸有甲兵)


During the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a famous minister in the Northern Wei Kingdom, his name was (Cui Hao).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He was a famous scholar in the Northern Wei Kingdom. The king of the Northern Wei Kingdom often listened to him explain some ancient Chinese classics.


He also had extensive knowledge of divination and astrology.

He could accurately see the connection between heavenly phenomena and human affairs.


The king would ask for his advice when he had a difficult decision to make, or even some important decisions in governing the country.

He would advise the king by divination and by watching the stars in the night sky.

Because his predictions were so accurate, the king valued his opinions highly.


The king often came to his house to ask him questions, and the king often ate at his house.

The king also asked him to hold several important positions in the kingdom.


Once, after a meeting, the king said to him

You were an important adviser to my grandfather and father. After the death of my grandfather and father, you continued to help me run the Northern Wei Kingdom.

You are clever and wise, so I like to be close to you.

You will see what I am doing wrong and advise me. Often, after you reproach me, I feel very unhappy and refuse to listen to your advice.

But later I would reflect on myself and find that everything you said was right. You accused me for my own good.

You are a loyal person.


Once at a banquet, the king spoke to many distinguished guests from other kingdoms.

Cui Hao is thin and his appearance is very weak.

If you put him in a duel with an ordinary soldier, he will definitely lose.


But why do I value him so highly and why is he my most important advisor?

This is because he is a very strategic man, with wisdom in his head that can lead an army of tens of thousands. His wisdom has enabled me to defeat many enemies.


There have been many difficult moments in my life, and it was only after I followed his advice that I made the right decision.



This idiom means that he is a very strategic person.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who is your life mentor? When you face a problem in life, whose advice would you like to listen to?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.


His reputation spread far and wide(名聞遐邇)



His reputation spread far and wide(名聞遐邇)


During the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a famous minister in the Northern Wei Kingdom, his name was (Cui Hao).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


One day the second king of the Northern Wei Kingdom said to him

My health is very bad and I often fall ill.

I often have hallucinations and my mental state is very bad.

I may die, and if I die, my sons will be very young, and I am afraid that the Northern Wei Kingdom will fall into chaos.

What do you think is the most important thing for me to do now?


he said to the king.

You are still very young, and your moral character is very good. I believe your illness will be cured soon.

I think the most important thing for you now is to choose a royal heir as soon as possible.


The king nodded and listened.

If the succession is decided later, your sons will all want to fight for the right to inherit the throne, causing instability within the royal family.


Common sense dictates that you should make your eldest son the Crown Prince. And based on my observations, I also think you should make your eldest son the Crown Prince.


After you make your eldest son the Crown Prince, you must select a few upright and loyal ministers to serve as the new Crown Prince's teachers, let these ministers assist your eldest son, let these ministers train your eldest son, and let your eldest son participate in how to manage the army, how to manage and govern a kingdom.


Your eldest son is a clever and wise man, and he has a gentle temperament, so I think he is the best candidate for crown prince.


The king agreed with his proposal.

After appointing his eldest son as Crown Prince, the King appointed six wise and upright ministers to assist the new Crown Prince.


Under the guidance of these teachers, the new Crown Prince learned step by step how to be a good king.


A few months later, the king of the Northern Wei Kingdom was very happy. At a public meeting, he publicly praised Cui Hao.

Cui Hao's reputation spread far and wide, and everyone in the kingdom knew that Cui Hao was an intelligent, knowledgeable and wise man.

I can prove that he is indeed such a person.



This idiom is used to describe a person's reputation.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you hope to become a famous person? Do you think it is really a good thing for a person to be famous?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



The Relationship Between Heavenly Phenomena and Human Affairs(天人之際)


The Relationship Between Heavenly Phenomena and Human Affairs(天人之際)


During the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a famous minister in the Northern Wei Kingdom, his name was (Cui Hao).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He was a famous scholar in the Northern Wei Kingdom. The king of the Northern Wei Kingdom often listened to him explain some ancient Chinese classics.


He also had extensive knowledge of divination and astrology.

He could accurately see the connection between heavenly phenomena and human affairs.

The king would ask for his advice when he had a difficult decision to make, or even some important decisions in governing the country.


He would advise the king by divination and by watching the stars in the night sky.

Because his predictions were so accurate, the king valued his opinions highly.


Once a rabbit appeared near the king's bedroom. The king was very puzzled because the administration of the palace was very strict. According to common sense, a wild rabbit would never escape into the heavily guarded palace.


The king thought that this might be an omen, so he asked Cui Hao for his opinion.

Cui Hao told the king the next day.

Based on my knowledge of divination and astrology, I believe that the appearance of a wild rabbit in the palace is a good omen.

In the near future you will have a beautiful concubine.


The next year, just as he had predicted, a kingdom friendly to the Northern Wei Kingdom sent a beautiful woman to the king of the Northern Wei Kingdom.


The king was very happy and trusted Cui Hao even more.



This saying refers to the interrelationship between heavenly phenomena and human affairs.


Dear Friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you know these astrologers? Do you think a person can predict their future through astrology?

I hope this story gives you some new insights.






I am worried about problems with my logistical support. (後顧之憂)


During the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a famous minister in the Northern Wei Kingdom, his name was (Li Chong).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He has a nephew named Yin Shisun. (Yin Shisun's) father died when he was very young.


He took care of his nephew for a long time, and his nephew has a good relationship with his family.

He loved his nephew like his own child.


Because he was a man of great integrity and strong working ability, the king at that time liked and valued him very much.

The king made him his chief secretary.


Li Chong had a neighbour who wanted to become a central government official.


(Yin Shisun) said to the neighbour when he heard the news.

You can prepare a wonderful horse as a gift for my uncle.

After my uncle accepts your gift, he will use his influence to make you a central government official.


His neighbour prepared a big horse and gave it to Yin Shisun.

(Yin Shisun) took the horse as his own. Li Chong did not know anything about this.


A few months later Li Chong found out by chance and was very angry.


He had (Yin Shisun) arrested and tried him according to the laws of the time.

(Yin Shisun) was sentenced to death.


After his death, the king was very sad and paid his respects at his grave.

The king said to Li Chong's grave.

You are a kind and wise person, and I trust you very much.

You are loyal and upright, so I let you manage all the affairs of the central government on my behalf. You have also done your work diligently.


This is a chaotic time. I have been leading troops into battle for many years, but I never worry because I know that you will take care of the officials in the capital for me. So when I go out to fight, I never worry. There will be problems with my logistical support.

I didn't expect you to pass away suddenly due to illness, and I was very sad in my heart.


This idiom means that I am worried about problems with my logistical support.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, would you forgive Yin Shisun? Among your deceased relatives and friends, who do you miss the most?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




What I hear and see is completely different from before(耳目一新)



What I hear and see is completely different from before(耳目一新)


There was a famous poet during the Tang Dynasty in China, his name was (Bai Juyi).

He left behind more than 3,000 poems, the most among all the poets of the Tang Dynasty.


In 832 AD he was 60 years old. A good friend of his died and he wrote an epitaph for his good friend.

His good friend's family gave him a small amount of money as a thank you.


He was the governor of Henan Province at that time, and he used the money to repair a temple in Luoyang City, Henan Province. The name of the temple was (Xiangshan Temple).

He mentioned it in an article.


I gave the money to the monk in charge of the temple to coordinate and plan the whole renovation.

I also asked for the help of some capable soldiers under my command.


Before we start, we make a list of all the areas that need to be repaired.

The list includes the pavilion and bridge in front of the temple, as well as a stone building.

On the east side of the temple, there are 11 large rooms used to house Buddha statues.

There are 7 houses on the south side of the temple, which are used to accommodate guests who come to worship at the temple.

There are also 13 walkways connecting these bridges to these houses.


We worked for three months. Under the supervision of the monks who manage the temple, we renovated the houses whose roofs had collapsed and repaired the rooms whose walls had collapsed.

We ended up repainting the houses and levelling the floors in all the houses.

These houses, which originally looked like an aging old man, were transformed into brand new temples.


Once the work was completed, we were happy to see that the monks in the temple could practise in peace.

We are also able to accommodate many travellers passing through this place.


After the construction was completed, many people from the city came here during their holidays to enjoy the beautiful scenery around the temple.


The people who came here to play said happily.

We feel that the scenery here has a sense of the vastness of the frontier. We feel that this beautiful mountain and the lake in the mountain are integrated with the architecture of this temple.

What we hear, see and feel here is completely different from before the restoration. We think this new look is very good and we like it very much.


This idiom means that what I hear and see is completely different from before.

This idiom is used to describe a significant change in the appearance of a person or thing.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you prefer to live in a new house or an old one that has been renovated? Have there been any new changes in the city where you live in recent years?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Fighting the enemy in close combat with short weapons(短兵接戰)

Fighting the enemy in close combat with short weapons(短兵接戰)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived for 30 years, and his legendary life has been passed down by many Chinese people in later generations.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


At the beginning of 202 BC, he was chased by more than 5,000 soldiers of the Han Dynasty, and only 26 people followed him. He took these 26 people with him and fled to the banks of the Wujiang River.


He finally decided not to run away, but to die gloriously on the battlefield.


5,000 Han soldiers approached him step by step.

The Han general gave the order, and the Han soldiers rushed towards him with their weapons.


He held short weapons in his hands and fought closely with these Han dynasty soldiers.

Because he was very strong and his martial arts were very good, these soldiers could not withstand his attacks.


He killed hundreds of Han soldiers. His body was covered in blood and he also suffered many injuries.

The soldiers of the Han Dynasty were terrified. The Han soldiers formed a circle around him, and he stood in the centre of the circle.


He looked around. The Han soldiers did not dare to move forward to attack him.

He saw a very familiar face among the Han army. This person was his childhood friend, and his name was (Lü Matong).


He said loudly to (Lü Matong).

My old friend, have you also joined this army that is chasing me?


(Lü Matong) felt ashamed, so he bowed his head and dared not look at him.


He laughed and said to Lu Matong

I heard that Liu Bang has ordered that whoever kills me will receive many bonuses and many prizes.

It's rare to see an old friend on the battlefield. Instead of letting others take my body to collect rewards, I would rather let you get those bonuses and prizes.

I have decided to give you my body.


Having said this, he picked up the knife and killed himself.


His move was so sudden that all the soldiers around him were shocked.

The riverbank with more than 5,000 people is so quiet that you can hear the sound of the flowing water and the sound of the wind.


He chose suicide to end his legendary life at the age of 30.



This idiom means that he fights the enemy in close combat with short weapons.

This idiom is used to describe two people fighting at close quarters.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How would you judge his life? If you could choose, how would you like to die?

I hope this story can help you gain something.



I feel so ashamed and don't know how to face my relatives and friends in my hometown.(無顏見江東父老)

I feel so ashamed and don't know how to face my relatives and friends in my hometown.(無顏見江東父老)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived for 30 years, and his legendary life has been told by many Chinese people in later generations.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In early 202 BC, he was chased by more than 5,000 soldiers of the Han Dynasty, and only 26 people followed him.

He took these 26 people with him and fled to the banks of the Wujiang River.


There was an official stationed along the river who was in charge of traffic on the river.

The official said to him

I have a boat here. Hurry up and get on it. I can take you across the river.

As long as you cross the river, you can escape the pursuit of the Han Dynasty army.


Xiang Yu looked back at the 26 people following him. He was silent for several minutes.

His emotions were mixed and many thoughts ran through his mind in those few minutes.

He thought back to his glorious moments.

Then he thought that after these few years of war, all his friends who had followed him away from home to fight everywhere had died on the battlefield.


he said to himself.

Judging from the current situation, the Han Dynasty's army has controlled almost all of China.

Although I can return to my hometown by crossing the river, since I am Liu Bang's most feared opponent, Liu Bang will definitely gather all his troops to launch a fierce attack on my hometown to kill me.

At that time, many people in my hometown will die.


His mood suddenly changed. Originally, he wanted to flee, but he made a new decision.

He said to himself, "Things have come to this, and I will no longer run away.

I accept my failure and would rather die fighting here.

I was a hero when I lived, and I will die a hero.




When he found out, he smiled and said to the official

It is God who wants to destroy me. How can we, mortals, have the power to disobey God's actions?

All my good friends from my hometown who followed me in the revolution a few years ago have died in the war. Even if the people in my hometown are willing to forgive me, I cannot forgive myself.

I feel so ashamed and I don't know how to face my relatives and friends in my hometown.


he continued, addressing the officer.


I rode this horse and it followed me for several years. It is a very good horse. I give this horse to you. Please take this horse back to my hometown.

The Han army will be arriving soon. Hurry and get on the boat and sail away immediately.


I want to stay, I want to stay here.

I want to finish this last battle of my life with glory.



This idiom means that I feel so ashamed that I don't know how to face my relatives and friends in my hometown.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been afraid to face someone? Are you ashamed of anything?

I hope this story can help you gain something.





I am not a person who is not good at fighting.(非戰之罪)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived for 30 years, and his legendary life has been told by many Chinese people in later generations.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In early 202 BC, the 300,000 elite troops of the Han Kingdom fought head-on with the 100,000 troops led by Xiang Yu at Gaixia.

The army of the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu suffered a disastrous defeat. Forty thousand died on the battlefield, another 20,000 were captured, and another 20,000 were missing.


That evening, Xiang Yu led about 20,000 soldiers back to their military camp in Gaixia.

The Han army immediately surrounded them.

The soldiers of the Chu Kingdom endured hunger and fatigue and defended strongly around the Chu Kingdom camp.


Late that night, Xiang Yu led more than 800 elite soldiers to break through the Han siege.

They ran desperately, with more than 5,000 Han soldiers in pursuit.


They crossed a river and then wandered into a swamp because the road was unfamiliar.

When they finally got out of the swamp, they found that the Han soldiers had surrounded them again.

At this point, there were only 28 soldiers following him.


Xiang Yu saw that the situation was rather unfavourable for him, so he made a short speech to the soldiers following him.

It has been more than eight years since I joined the revolutionary army.

In those eight years I have participated in more than 70 battles.

In these more than 70 battles, I have never lost a single battle. In these more than 70 battles, no one can resist my attack.


I used to be the most powerful military leader in China, but today I am besieged in this place. I think

I am not a person who is not good at fighting. My failure is because God wants to destroy me.


We are now in dire straits, and there is a good chance that we will die fighting here today.

Each of us is a brave warrior, let us fight bravely against the enemy together. Our fighting skills are very strong. We are all good at fighting. We will definitely be able to defeat the enemy and escape from the enemy's siege.


But if we really can't break through the siege and die here, it must be God's will.


He once again broke through the enemy's siege with a few remaining soldiers.

He alone killed more than 100 soldiers of the Han Kingdom during this escape.


This idiom means that I am not a person who is not good at fighting.

This idiom is generally used by people to express that this failure has nothing to do with me.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think Xiang Yu really didn't make any strategic mistakes in his life? If you were him, would you still have the courage to break through the enemy's siege?

I hope this story can help you gain something.





He is surrounded by enemies and is isolated and helpless(四面楚歌)


He is surrounded by enemies and is isolated and helpless(四面楚歌)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived for 30 years, and his legendary life has been passed down by many Chinese people in later generations.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


At the end of 203 BC, the Kingdom of Han united with a total of 600,000 soldiers from other kingdoms to besiege the 100,000-strong army of the Kingdom of Chu, led by Xiang Yu.


The Chu army had just ended a war that had lasted several months. With all the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom unable to obtain sufficient supplies, their combat effectiveness was greatly diminished.


Xiang Yu retreated to Gaixia with his 100,000 troops to set up a military camp.


I In early 202 BC, the 300,000 elite troops of the Han Kingdom fought head-on with the 100,000 troops led by Xiang Yu at Gaixia.


The Chu army led by Xiang Yu suffered a disastrous defeat. Forty thousand died on the battlefield, another 20,000 were captured, and another 20,000 were missing.


That evening, Xiang Yu led about 20,000 soldiers back to their military camp in Gaixia.

The Han army immediately surrounded them.

The soldiers of the Chu Kingdom endured hunger and fatigue, and defended the Chu Kingdom camp strongly.


Around ten o'clock that day, the sound of many people singing came from the Han army surrounding them. The Chu soldiers were taken by surprise. After listening carefully to the songs, the soldiers shed tears.


These people from the Han army are singing traditional Chu songs.



After the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom heard these familiar songs of their hometown, the soldiers thought of their beautiful hometown and their relatives and friends who lived in their hometown. Those soldiers felt very sad.

These soldiers cried when they thought that they might never be able to return to their hometown.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is surrounded by enemies and is isolated and helpless.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Can you sing the songs of your hometown? Will you miss your hometown?

I hope this story can help you gain something.




If you raise a tiger, you will eventually bring disaster upon yourself.(養虎為患)


If you raise a tiger, you will eventually bring disaster upon yourself.(養虎為患)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In the more than four years between the fall of the Qin Dynasty in 207 BC and the founding of the Han Dynasty by Liu Bang in 202 AD, there were many wars between the Han Kingdom led by Liu Bang and the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu.


In 203 BC, the armies of the two kingdoms faced each other in Henan Province, China, and the war was extremely stalemated.

In the same year, he accepted the peace treaty proposed by Xiang Yu.

He and Xiang Yu agreed that both sides would withdraw their troops at the same time and stop fighting immediately. They agreed to use a canal as the border between the two kingdoms.


After the peace treaty was signed, Xiang Yu immediately led the Chu army back to the Chu capital.


But at that time, two military staff officers from the Han Kingdom said to Liu Bang

Now our military strength has far surpassed that of the Chu Kingdom, and we already own more than half of the entire territory of China.


Xiang Yu is a very formidable opponent, as powerful as a tiger.

There is an old saying that says

We should not raise a tiger, for our behaviour in raising tigers will one day bring disaster upon us.


After Xiang Yu leads the Chu army back to the Chu capital, I believe that Xiang Yu will train a group of powerful troops again within a few years.

By then, Xiang Yu will definitely become the biggest obstacle to our unification of all of China.


Therefore, we propose that we unilaterally tear up the peace treaty.

We should cross the agreed border and launch a surprise attack on Xiang Yu's army.


Xiang Yu's army has been fighting a war of attrition for several months, and his soldiers are very tired. His soldiers have not received sufficient supplies, and their combat effectiveness is much lower than ours.

We should use this opportunity to defeat Xiang Yu.


After Liu Bang listened to the suggestions of the two military leaders, he thought for a few minutes.

He decided to follow their advice.


This idiom means that if you raise a tiger, you will eventually bring disaster upon yourself.

This idiom reminds us that if we do not get rid of our enemies, we will face disasters caused by our enemies in the future.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Liu Bang, would you behave so dishonestly? Do you think Liu Bang's plan can succeed?

I hope this story can help you gain something.




The middle border agreed upon by the warring parties(楚河漢界)



The middle border agreed upon by the warring parties(楚河漢界)


In the more than four years between the fall of the Qin dynasty in 207 BC and the establishment of the Han dynasty by Liu Bang in 202 AD, there were many wars between the Han dynasty led by Liu Bang and the Chu dynasty led by Xiang Yu.


After the death of Xiang Yu's main military advisor in 204 BC, the situation between the Chu Kingdom and the Han Kingdom reversed, and the Chu Kingdom began to suffer several consecutive defeats.


In the same year, another army of the Han Kingdom defeated another army of the Chu Kingdom in Shandong Province, China.

The main force of the Chu Kingdom, led by Xiang Yu, was surrounded by two armies of the Han Kingdom.


After a long period of attrition, every soldier in Xiang Yu's main army was exhausted.

The Chu Kingdom's logistical supply route had been cut off by the Han army, so the army's food supply was also in trouble.


Xiang Yu was forced to send envoys to find Liu Bang.


The messenger delivered Xiang Yu's message to Liu Bang.

I threatened to kill your father before, but I didn't kill him and he's still alive.

Although your wife was captured by me in the last war, I did not kill her.

I'd like to make a deal with you now.

We will sign a peace treaty and use this canal at the site of our war as the border between our two kingdoms.


The eastern side of this canal belongs to the Chu Kingdom, and the western side belongs to the Han Kingdom.

If you agree to my terms, I will return your father and wife to you.


After hearing the messenger's message, Liu Bang immediately convened an emergency meeting with the military staff of the Han Kingdom.

Liu Bang finally decided to sign this peace treaty with Xiang Yu.


This idiom is used to describe the middle line agreed upon by two opposing parties.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Liu Bang, would you sign a peace treaty with Xiang Yu? Does your country share a border with that country?

I hope this story can help you gain something.




We use a duel to decide the outcome(一決雌雄) / I want to compete with you, who is smarter. I don't want to compete with you as to who is stronger.(鬥智不鬥力).



We use a duel to decide the outcome(一決雌雄)

I want to compete with you, who is smarter. I don't want to compete with you as to who is stronger.(鬥智不鬥力)



In the more than four years between the fall of the Qin Dynasty in 207 BC and the establishment of the Han Dynasty by Liu Bang in 202 AD, there were many wars between the Han Kingdom led by Liu Bang and the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu.


After the death of Xiang Yu's main military advisor in 204 BC, the situation between the Chu Kingdom and the Han Kingdom reversed and the Chu Kingdom began to suffer several successive defeats.


In 203 BC, the armies of the two kingdoms faced each other in Henan Province, China, and the war was extremely stalemated.


One day, Xiang Yu sent an envoy to Liu Bang.

The envoy delivered Xiang Yu's message to Liu Bang.


Our two kingdoms have been at war for several years.

In recent years, many strong young men in the Chu Kingdom have followed the army I lead to fight everywhere.

Almost everyone in the Chu Kingdom has to support our army with supplies.

The wars of the past few years have consumed a considerable amount of our human and financial resources.


I believe the situation in the Han Kingdom is similar to ours.

Your people have also suffered greatly from the war, and your people hope for peace as soon as possible.


The armies of our two kingdoms are roughly equal in strength, and the war between us has become a long-term war of attrition.


So I have made a proposal.

I will represent the Kingdom of Chu, and you will represent the Kingdom of Han.

The two of us agreed on a time, and then we had a one-on-one duel in front of the armies of both sides. We used the duel to decide the outcome.


The person who loses the duel must order the army of his realm to surrender. Whoever wins the duel can unite all of China.

What do you think of my proposal?


After listening to the message from Xiang Yu's envoy, Liu Bang smiled and said to the envoy

You go back and report to Xiang Yu.


I want to compete with you, who is smarter. I don't want to compete with you as to who is stronger.

I don't accept his offer.



The first idiom is used to describe a duel between two people or two groups to determine the outcome.


The meaning of the second idiom is I want to compete with you, who is smarter. I don't want to compete with you as to who is stronger.

Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you want to be a very strong person or a very wise person? Why do you think Xiang Yu made this suggestion?

I hope this story can help you gain something.




Can you share a bowl of meat soup with me(分我杯羹)


Can you share a bowl of meat soup with me(分我杯羹)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In the more than four years between the fall of the Qin Dynasty in 207 BC and the establishment of the Han Dynasty by Liu Bang in 202 AD, many wars occurred between the Han Kingdom led by Liu Bang and the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu.


205 BC,Xiang Yu went out to fight with his army.

Liu Bang formed a joint army with five other kingdoms and sent troops to attack and occupy the capital of the Chu Kingdom.

Xiang Yu returned to the capital of the Chu Kingdom very quickly with 30,000 of his most elite troops and counterattacked.

The result of this war was that the Chu Kingdom won a huge victory. Liu Bang's father and Liu Bang's wife were also captured by Xiang Yu after the war.


After Xiang Yu's most important military adviser died in 204 BC, the situation between the Chu Kingdom and the Han Kingdom reversed, and the Chu Kingdom began to suffer several consecutive defeats.


In 203 BC, after the Han army defeated the Chu army several times, Xiang Yu felt very anxious.

Xiang Yu sent an envoy to tell Liu Bang.

If you don't withdraw your troops I will kill your father.

I will throw your father into a large pot filled with water and heat the pot so that your father will be cooked and your father will die in agony.


The envoy returned to the camp of the Chu Kingdom and reported back to Xiang Yu.

When Liu Bang heard that you wanted to cook his father in a big pot filled with water, he was neither angry nor worried.

he tells me.

Go back and tell Xiang Yu that he and I both swore allegiance to the king of the Chu Kingdom before the fall of the Qin Dynasty.

I have made a pact with him, and we must treat each other as our biological brothers. At that time, the relationship between the two of us was very good, and he respected my father as much as he respected his own father.


I would not withdraw my troops, and there was nothing I could do to stop him from killing my father.

If he really killed my father in such a cruel way, please tell Xiang Yu.After he cooked my father in a big pot of meat soup, he asked him to share a bowl of this special meat soup with me.

I want to hold this bowl of meat soup to remember my father.


The messenger reported back to Xiang Yu.Liu Bang's expression looked like he didn't care if his father died.He really was a heartless man.


This idiom means is can you share a bowl of meat soup with me

This idiom is usually used when a person wants something from another person.


Dear friend, after listening to this story, what inspirations or thoughts do you have?

Do you think Liu Bang is really a ruthless person? If you were Xiang Yu, would you kill Liu Bang's father after hearing Liu Bang's answer?

I hope you can gain something from this story.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...