
Not worth mentioning (不足掛齒)


Not worth mentioning (不足掛齒)


The Qin Dynasty was the first centralized dynasty in Chinese history.

The Qin Dynasty existed from 221 BC to 207 BC.


Although it only lasted 15 years, the Qin Dynasty had a profound impact on later generations in many aspects, such as culture, economy, and politics.


The name of the second king of the Qin Dynasty was (Hu Hai).

His story is recorded in the history books.


In 210 BC, Qin Shi Huang died, and in 209 BC, in this place in Shandong Province, a group of people assembled to resist the Qin Dynasty.


(Hu Hai) After hearing this, many scholars were called together.

he asked these scholars.

Recently there was a riot in Shandong Province, why do you think it happened and how should we deal with it?


A scholar answered.

I think these people are dissatisfied with the current political situation, they don't like the way you are leading, and we should send the army to quell this riot as soon as possible.


Many scholars agree with this view.


After hearing this answer, an unhappy expression appeared on his face.


At this time, another scholar said.

My opinion is different from theirs.

I think you are a wonderful king, you enact very strict laws, and all the people love your leadership.


The riot will soon be quelled by the local government in Shandong province

The problem is not serious. We don't have to take it to heart.


He had a happy expression on his face when he heard these words.

He said,

You are right, I think so too. You're right in your judgment, so I'm going to give you a lot of rewards.


I'm the best king and I don't need to adjust my leadership.


But contrary to what he knew, the uprising continued to expand, with more and more people from all over China rallying against the Qin Dynasty.

Two years later, Hu Hai committed suicide. The Qin Dynasty fell in 207 BC.


This idiom is used to describe a person or a thing that is not worth mentioning.



Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

When you hear a point of view that is different from your own, do you accept or deny it? When you encounter a problem, do you first examine whether you have made a mistake?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



I don't have any relatives anymore(舉目無親)


I don't have any relatives anymore(舉目無親)


There was a scholar in the Song Dynasty in China whose name was (Li Fang). He collected many materials and records, and compiled a collection of fantasy stories totaling 500 volumes.


There is a story in this book.


There was a man in the Tang Dynasty, and his name was (Wang Xianke).

His father died when he was a child, and he went back to his grandfather's house with his mother.


His mother's brother has a daughter whose name is (Wu Shuang).

They grew up together.

He has a very good relationship with her. He wants to marry her.

But his uncle was against their marriage.


A few years later, there was a rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, and he lost contact with his uncle's family.


After another three years, he met a man who had been a servant in his uncle's house.

He knew from the mouth of this servant that great changes had taken place in the past few years.


His uncle and aunt died, and (Wu Shuang) became a maid in the palace.


he lamented.

I raised my head and opened my eyes to look around, there are no relatives of mine in this world.


After he calmed down, he began to think about how to save (Wu Shuang) from the palace.


He asked a lot of people to help.


Then a friend of his found a medicine that was like Juliet's.

If a person takes this medicine, he will enter a state of suspended animation.


(Wu Shuang) escaped from the palace by this method.


The two of them eventually got married and had children. They lived happily ever after.



This idiom is used to describe a person who is very lonely without any relatives.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

How many relatives do you have alive? If you had the chance, who would you most like to spend the rest of your life with?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The days ahead are still long(來日方長)

The days ahead are still long(來日方長)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was an upright minister. His name is (Huang Zhen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


There was a severe famine in the county when he was chief executive.

He wrote an official document reporting the situation and asking for assistance from the central government.


The key points of this letter are as follows.


There are many refugees in our place due to famine, and the food reserves of our county government have been used up.


We have some wealthy merchants here, and they still have food in their homes, but these merchants refuse to sell at a lower price to save the victims.


The situation is very critical now.


I can't think of any other way to solve the current predicament.

I donated all my salary and put up some announcements to raise some money and we bought some rice to make porridge to help these hungry refugees.


We think that maybe our ability is not enough, but if we can save one person, we will save one person. We can make a person live one day and we try to make him live one more day.


At present, the number of refugees we help every day, regardless of gender, is about 700.

And the money we raised is almost exhausted.


We hope we can help these people through this difficult time.

Otherwise, our hard work will be wasted.


More and more people need help, but the days ahead are still very long.

We can't find any other way and urgently need support from the central government.


So I want to ask you to order. Transfer some from other counties to help us.


The lives of these victims are in your hands.

We implore you to see our needs and help us.


This idiom means that the days ahead are still very long


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever experienced hunger? Have you ever experienced famine? Do you value the food you eat every day?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Murong De(慕容德/玄明)


Murong De(慕容德)

Murong De(慕容德)(336 AD - 405 AD)


His surname is (Murong), his parents gave him the name (De), and his friends called him (Xuanming) when he grew up. He was born in Liaoning Province, China.



It means envy. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means to accommodate. It also means appearance. It is also one of the surnames of Chinese people.

Moral meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Profound meaning. It also means black.

It means bright. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He was the founding king of the Nanyan Kingdom during this famous period of division in Chinese history from AD 304 to AD 439.

His story is recorded in the history books.


When he was 65 years old, he established the Nanyan Kingdom.

Once he had a dinner with all the ministers.


Halfway through the dinner, everyone was already a little drunk.

He smiled and said to all the ministers.


After I founded our kingdom, I was not arrogant, I worked hard every day.

Because I know that my ability is not enough.


Do you think that my performance as a king can be compared to that king in Chinese history?


A minister answered.

After the demise of the Yan Kingdom, you established the Nanyan Kingdom in the midst of hardship.

You are so great, you are as great as the (Shaokang) king of the Xia Dynasty and the (Guangwu) king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history.


After hearing this answer, he was very happy to say to the minister.

I will give you a thousand pieces of cloth as a reward.


The minister replied.

Thank you king. The rewards you have given me are far beyond my imagination.

Why do you give me so many rewards?


He said.

You use these two famous kings as an analogy to me, and I don't think you're telling the truth, you're flattering me.

So I treat you the way you treat me. I'm not telling the truth, and I won't give you so many rewards.


The minister was very terrified when he heard this answer.


Five minutes passed. another minister said.

I think this minister did make mistakes, but you shouldn't allow yourself to make the same mistakes as him just because of his mistakes.


As a king, your words should be very trustworthy.


After he was silent for a while, he spoke to the other minister.

I think the advice is right, I will reward you with 50 pieces of cloth.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you prevent yourself from being arrogant because of the flattery of others? If you were the king, would you admit that you made mistakes too?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




A beautiful person must also be smart(妍皮不裹痴骨)


A beautiful person must also be smart(妍皮不裹痴骨)


Yeonpi is not covered in idiots (beautiful appearance cannot have stupid inside)

A beautiful person must also be smart


AD 304 - AD 439 is a famous period of division in Chinese history.


At that time, the southern part of China and the Yangtze River Basin were controlled by the Jin Dynasty.

At that time, five major nomadic peoples established 16 kingdoms successively in northern China and the Yellow River basin.


Chinese history calls these 135 years an era consisting of 16 kingdoms.


In 370 AD, the Qianyan Kingdom was destroyed by the Qianqin Kingdom.


In 384 AD, a prince of the Qianyan Kingdom established a new kingdom.

The name of this prince is (Murong Chui). This new kingdom is the Houyan Kingdom.


His nephew's name is (Murong Chao).

His story is recorded in the history books.


He was born in AD 385, his father died before he was born.

He lives in the Houqin Kingdom with his grandmother and mother.


When he was ten years old, his grandmother told him before he died.

Your uncle is the king of Houyan Kingdom.

When you grow up, you must find a way to return to the Houyan Kingdom and play for the Houyan Kingdom.


Because of his special status, he was monitored by soldiers sent by the king of Houqin Kingdom 24 hours a day.

He pretended to be a lunatic and begged on the street every day.


There was a general in the Houqin kingdom who said to the king

I think he's pretending to be crazy, he must be trying to escape our kingdom, so I suggest you set a trap to test him.


The king accepted the general's proposal.

But he wasn't fooled by the king's test, he acted like a real lunatic.


The king said to the general with a smile.

You are thinking too much.

There is a saying. A beautiful person must also be smart.

But I don't think it applies to him.

He is tall and handsome, but he has the heart of a fool.


The king's control over him was gradually loosening. A few years later, he found a suitable opportunity and he fled back to the kingdom of Houyan.


This idiom means that a person is beautiful and the person must also be smart.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think a good-looking person must have a smart mind? If you could only choose one of the two, which one would you choose?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




She's taken care of because she's slender and delicate(楚楚可憐)


She's taken care of because she's slender and delicate(楚楚可憐)


In the Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous person who was also a famous minister. His name is (Sun Chuo).


His story is recorded in the history books.


When he was young, he lived in this place in Kuaiji for more than ten years. He enriched his knowledge during this time.


When he came of age he published an essay whose main gist is as follows.

I am content with the status quo, but if given the chance, I hope to achieve something, and I am willing to work hard for our dynasty.


This essay caused a great response.


In the yard of his home at that time, he planted a pine tree, which he took care of every day.


He has a neighbor who is an official who was not taken seriously and retired early. His name is (Gao Shiyuan).


One day, (Gao Shiyuan) saw him watering and pruning this pine tree.


(Gao Shiyuan) smiled and pointed at him and the pine tree.

You take good care of this pine tree, because this pine tree is slender and delicate.

But I don't think this pine tree will ever be chosen as the main material for building houses.


(Gao Shiyuan) mocked that he would never be the pillar of the Jin Kingdom.


He was not angry when he heard these words, he replied with a smile.

Look back at your yard. Have those giant willows and maples in your yard been chosen as the main material for building your house?


His neighbor blushed and did not speak.


This idiom was originally used to describe a pine tree being cared for because it is slender and delicate. It is often used to describe a woman who is cared for because she is slender and delicate.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you satisfied with the status quo? If you were him, how would you respond to (Gao Shiyuan's) mockery?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Find and accept those good opinions(察納雅言)/ I don't know what I'm talking about(不知所言)


Find and accept those good opinions(察納雅言)

I don't know what I'm talking about(不知所言)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.

The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death his throne was succeeded by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


Because (Liu Chan) was too young, the person who really held the national power at that time was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, whose name was (Zhuge Liang).


Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


The last paragraph of the letter reads as follows.


You are the supreme leader of our kingdom, so all major decisions in our kingdom are ultimately subject to your consent.


I hope you will allow me to send troops this time, and I implore you to entrust me with this important task.

Allow me to accomplish this important task entrusted to me by your father.


If I fail to achieve this goal, it means that my ability is not enough and my judgment is wrong.

You can punish me for my wrong decision.


If the ministers I recommend don't try their best to give good advice, then you can punish them for their dereliction of duty.


I also hope that you should remember your father's lesson that you should take the initiative and actively find a good way to govern our kingdom.


Your discovery and adoption of some good ideas will make our kingdom stronger and stronger.


All my life I have been trusted and cared for by your father and you. I am very grateful to your father and you.


This time, I led the troops on the expedition, and I dont know when I will be able to return home victoriously, and I dont know when we will be able to meet again.


As I write this letter, I feel very sad, and I shed tears as I write.


Because my mind is too chaotic, I can't think of a well-structured article.


I write whatever comes to my mind, so maybe this letter doesn't read so smoothly to you. You don't understand what I really mean.


Please forgive me if this confuses you.


There are two sentences in this paragraph.


The first idiom means to discover and accept some good advice

The second idiom means that the content of a person's speech is illogical and incomprehensible.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Why do you think there is so much good advice that people often have a hard time accepting? Have you ever had an experience where your mind was so cluttered that you couldn't articulate your thoughts?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Sighing with worry from morning till night(夙夜憂嘆) / Distinguish and measure the good and the bad of a thing(斟酌損益)


Sighing with worry from morning till night(夙夜憂嘆)

Distinguish and measure the good and the bad of a thing(斟酌損益)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.

The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death his throne was succeeded by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


Because (Liu Chan) was too young, the person who really held the national power at that time was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, whose name was (Zhuge Liang).

Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


Part of the letter reads as follows.


Your father's ideal during his lifetime was to unify the whole of China. Before he died, he entrusted this ideal to me. He trusted my ability and thought that I could complete this difficult task in his place.


From that day on, I sighed with sorrow every morning and evening, because this goal was too difficult, and I was very worried that I would not be able to accomplish this task.


In the years after your father's death, I have strengthened the training of the army and prepared enough rations.

I led the army to expand the territory of our kingdom of Shuhan to the south.


I think we are well prepared and we should declare war on Wei Kingdom and Wu Kingdom.


My talents are mediocre, but I am confident that I can defeat evil and violent enemies. I believe we can conquer these two kingdoms and unify the whole of China.

It's a tough job, but it's what I should do and what I have to do.


You have to improve yourself, I will not be able to assist you for a while, but I have arranged several loyal ministers Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun to assist you. I believe that you will be able to manage our kingdom well, you must be able to clearly distinguish the good from the bad, you can make appropriate judgments and countermeasures, and our kingdom will definitely become more prosperous day by day.


There are two sentences in this paragraph.


The first idiom means that a person sighs with worry from morning till night.

The meaning of the second idiom is to be able to distinguish and measure the good and the bad of a thing.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is your important responsibility in life? Have you ever worried about something for a long time?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Close to the upright and stay away from the treacherous(親賢遠佞) / This thing can be done soon.(計日可待)


Close to the upright and stay away from the treacherous(親賢遠佞)

This thing can be done soon.(計日可待)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.

The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death his throne was succeeded by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


Because (Liu Chan) was too young, the person who really held the national power at that time was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, whose name was (Zhuge Liang).

Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


Part of the letter reads as follows.


If you read history books, you can see why a kingdom is strong, and you can see why a kingdom declines.


If the leader of a kingdom is close to the righteous and he is far from the treacherous, then the kingdom will be strong.

If the leader of a kingdom is close to the treacherous and he is far from the righteous, then the kingdom will decay.

Before your father died, he often sighed because of the decline of the Han Dynasty.


So you should get close to the people I mentioned because they are all honest and loyal.

If you do, then I believe that our kingdom will soon be strong and strong.


When it comes to your father, it reminds me of when we first met, 21 years ago.


I was originally an ordinary farmer, I just want to live an ordinary life, I don't want to be a celebrity, I just want to live a peaceful life in this chaotic era.


The person who changed my mind was your father.

Your father was an enthusiastic and idealistic man. He actively came to my house to find me. He came to my hut three times in a row to ask for my advice.


He does not despise me because of my poverty. When I discuss the situation in China with him, he agrees with my point of view very much. He attaches great importance to my opinion, and he trusts my judgment very much.


I was so moved by his passion and conviction that I have followed him my whole life.


There are two sentences in this paragraph.


The first idiom means to be close to the upright and stay away from the treacherous

The second idiom means that this thing can be achieved very quickly.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who is the most influential person in your life? How important do you think friends are to a person?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.








Find and make up for omissions and deficiencies. (裨補闕漏) /Let everyone do the job that suits him. (優劣得所)

Find and make up for omissions and deficiencies. (裨補闕漏)

Let everyone do the job that suits him. (優劣得所)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death his throne was succeeded by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


Because (Liu Chan) was too young, the person who really held the national power at that time was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, whose name was (Zhuge Liang).


Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


Part of the letter reads as follows.


During the period when I led the army to go out to fight, you can consult (Guo Youzhi), (Fei Yi) and (Dong Yun) the opinions of these three people on anything in the kingdom.

If you are going to introduce a new policy, you should discuss it fully with them before implementing it.


Each of us has our own thinking habits and prejudices.

In the process of discussing with them, you will definitely find that there are omissions and deficiencies in your ideas.

You can make up for these deficiencies and omissions in advance, so that the policy you want to implement can be carried out smoothly.


I also arranged for the general (Xiang Chong) to be responsible for the security of the capital area and to protect your safety.

He is a very talented person, he can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each person, and then arrange these people in their respective positions. His subordinates trust him, and the army he manages is very united.


More importantly, these people are all kind and honest, and they are all trusted by your father, and they are very loyal to our kingdom.


There are two sentences in this paragraph.


The first idiom means to find and make up for omissions and deficiencies.

The second idiom means to let everyone do his suitable work.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is more important between a person's character and work ability? Do you think it is more important to do a job that suits your personality or to make a lot of money?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





What he said was inappropriate and unreasonable.(引喻失義) / He did something bad and he broke the law. (作奸犯科)


What he said was inappropriate and unreasonable.(引喻失義)

He did something bad and he broke the law. (作奸犯科)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death his throne was succeeded by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


Because (Liu Chan) was too young, the person who really held the national power at that time was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, whose name was (Zhuge Liang).


Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


Part of the letter reads as follows.


You are the supreme leader in our kingdom, but you should remain humble in heart.

You should listen to your ministers and you should not make your comments lightly.


You are the supreme leader of the kingdom, so you should pay attention to every word you say.

Because what you say may be misinterpreted by others or deliberately misinterpreted by others.


You should respect the existing system of rewards and punishments.


Our entire kingdom is one, and everyone in and outside the palace should be held to the same standards.


If someone in the palace does something bad and breaks the law, or if someone does a good thing and deserves a reward, you should leave it to the competent officials to decide how to punish and how to pay the reward.


You should not overstep your authority and interfere with the decisions of the competent officials.

You should be aware that if you favor and interfere, there will be two different sets of rewards and punishments in our kingdom.

This will lead to bad consequences.


There are two sentences in this paragraph.

The first idiom means that a person speaks inappropriately and unreasonably.

The second idiom means that a person does something bad and breaks the law.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you pay attention to every word you say, will it be misunderstood by others? In your opinion, how can a good leader avoid being misled by wrong information?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.







I will do my best(股肱之力)

I will do my best(股肱之力)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei). The name of the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shuhan is Zhuge Liang.

The two of them are 20 years apart in age. But the two of them have a very close relationship.


Liu Bei respected Zhuge Liang very much, because Zhuge Liang was wise and loyal.

Zhuge Liang respected Liu Bei very much because Liu Bei trusted him very much and gave him full authority.


In AD 223, before the 62-year-old Liu Bei died, at his bedside stood (Zhuge Liang) with his son and the most important ministers in the kingdom.


He said his last words to everyone.


He told his 16-year-old son.

You are very young, and when I die, you will inherit my throne.

You have to respect Zhuge Liang as you respect me.

If you have any questions, you should consult with him and listen to his advice.

You have to seriously learn how to run a kingdom.


He said to Zhuge Liang.

China is now split into three kingdoms, and your wisdom and talent are the highest among the leaders of these three kingdoms.

I believe that you will be able to fulfill the ideal that I wanted to unify the whole of China during my lifetime.


He said to his son again.

Your talent is relatively poor, and ruling the entire kingdom may be too much of a challenge for you.

If you are not qualified for this position, you hand over the throne to Zhuge Liang, I think he is a more suitable leader of the kingdom than you.


He said to Zhuge Liang again.

I believe that you will seriously train my son to be a good leader, but if he really has no way to be a good leader, when he hands over the throne to you, please take this important responsibility.


Zhuge Liang answered with tears in his eyes.

I believe your son will be up to this role, and I will do my best to assist him.

I will be loyal to our kingdom, and I will thank you to the death for your favor.


The literal translation of this idiom means the strength of the thighs and arms. This idiom is used to describe a person who does his best.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you passed away today, who would you wish to be by your side? If you passed away today, would you regret that any of your dreams have not been fulfilled?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




A fly in the ointment(美中不足)

A fly in the ointment(美中不足)


At the end of the Ming Dynasty in China, there was a playwright whose name was (Wu Qiu Rui).


He wrote a play.

The protagonist of this play is a famous minister of the Jin Dynasty, whose name is (Tao Kan).


There is a passage in the play as follows.


One day, (Tao Kan) had a dream.

In the dream, he grew wings.


He was happy to fly into the sky, he flew to heaven, he passed one gate, two gates, three gates.


After he flew past eight huge and beautiful doors in a row, he saw the largest and most beautiful door in front of him.


He accelerated and flew towards the ninth door.


At this time, a gatekeeper suddenly appeared from the side, and the gatekeeper took out a large wooden staff and hit him.


He did not expect to be attacked, his left wing was injured and he fell from the air to the ground.


He woke up from his dream.

He woke up with pain in his left hand.


The next day he found a dream interpreter. He wondered why he had this strange dream.


After listening to his narration, the dream interpreter told him happily.


This is a very auspicious dream.


There are nine provinces in China, and a gate represents a province.

Because he passed through eight gates, it means that he will rule eight provinces in China in the future.


But the fly in the ointment, if he is not attacked and he passes through the ninth gate, he will be able to rule the nine provinces of China later.


This idiom means a fly in the ointment


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Do you think perfect must be good?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...