
Reduce the stove to deceive the enemy(減灶之計)


Reduce the stove to deceive the enemy(減灶之計)


During the Warring States Period of China, there was a famous military strategist whose name was (Sun Bin).

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 342 BC, the combined armies of the Kingdom of Wei and the Kingdom of Zhao attacked the Kingdom of Han.

The Kingdom of Han sent envoys to the Kingdom of Qi to request military support.


The king of Qi sent an army to assist the kingdom of Han. The commander of this army is Tian Ji, and the military advisor is Sun Bin.


Tian Ji wanted to lead the Qi Kingdom's army to surround the Wei Kingdom's capital, thereby forcing the Wei Kingdom's army to return to defense.


However, the Wei Kingdom's army returned to the defense very quickly. According to information, the Wei Kingdom's army could catch up with the Qi Kingdom's army in just four days.


At that time, the Qi Kingdom's army will face the crisis of being pinched by the Wei Kingdom's army left in the capital and the returning army.


At this critical moment, (Sun Bin) came up with a bold strategy.


He gathered all the soldiers in the army and said to all the soldiers.


Our army is organized in groups of 25 soldiers.

These 25 people have to dig four stoves to cook after camping every evening.


After camping tomorrow evening, these 25 people can only dig two stoves to cook.

After camping in the evening the day after tomorrow, these 25 people can only dig a stove to cook.


This is a military order that everyone must actually obey.

Although the soldiers of Qi Kingdom did not know why they did this, they still obeyed his orders.


His strategy really succeeded in deceiving the generals of the Wei Kingdom.


The general of the Kingdom of Wei is a person with a keen eye for observation. He saw that in the camp where the Kingdom of Qi was stationed, the number of stoves used for cooking became less and less every day, and he made a judgment.



He judged that the soldiers of the Qi Kingdom were afraid of being defeated, so many people secretly fled the army every day.


He believed in his own judgment, and his mood was very excited. He ordered his staff to lead the infantry to continue to the capital of Wei Kingdom.


He moved forward quickly with the most elite cavalry in the army. He thought he could lead this elite force to capture Tian Ji, the commander of the Qi Kingdom, and Sun Bin, the military advisor of the Qi Kingdom.


This idiom means that a person hides his strength in order to deceive his enemies.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you think something is going well, do you remind yourself to be prepared for failure? When you encounter difficulties, how do you find new solutions?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



We should follow the situation and lead this matter to a situation that is beneficial to us.(因勢利導)

We should follow the situation and lead this matter to a situation that is beneficial to us.(因勢利導)


During the Warring States Period of China, there was a famous military strategist whose name was (Sun Bin).

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 342 BC, the combined armies of the Kingdom of Wei and the Kingdom of Zhao attacked the Kingdom of Han.

The Kingdom of Han sent envoys to the Kingdom of Qi to request military support.


The king of Qi made Tian Ji the commander and Sun Bin as his military advisor to assist the Zhao Kingdom against the attack of the combined forces of the Wei Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom.


This time, Tian Ji followed the method of the battle in 354 BC and led his army to the capital of the Wei Kingdom.


He did not expect that the general who led the Wei Kingdom's army remembered the lesson of the last failure.

Therefore, before they successfully surrounded the capital of the Wei Kingdom, the Wei Kingdom's army had quickly returned to defense.


The strength of the Wei Kingdom's army is stronger than that of the Qi Kingdom's army. If the two sides go to war head-on, then Qi Kingdom's army will definitely be defeated.


Tian Ji hurriedly called for a military meeting and asked (Sun Bin) for his opinion.


Sun Bin said.

Our current situation is very critical, and we must think from the position of the generals of the Wei Kingdom.

If we can guess his thinking logic, we can follow his thinking logic and lead the development of this war to the result we hope to get.


Tian Ji nodded in agreement.


Sun Bin continued.

The Kingdom of Wei has trained a group of powerful troops over the past few years, and their number of soldiers far exceeds ours.

Their soldiers think they are braver than our soldiers in Qi Kingdom, and they often laugh at our soldiers for being very weak in combat.


We can use their proud heart to reverse the current disadvantage.


This idiom means that we should follow the situation to lead a thing to a situation that is beneficial to us


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What advice do you think he would make? Have you ever looked down on others and thought you were better than others?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Attack the opponent's vitals(批亢擣虛)


Attack the opponent's vitals(批亢擣虛)


During the Warring States Period of China, there was a famous military strategist whose name was (Sun Bin).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He was framed by his classmates, he lost his legs, and his face was tattooed to represent him as a prisoner.


But because he was a very knowledgeable and wise man, after he absconded to the Qi Kingdom, he became an important advisor to a famous general of the Qi Kingdom.

The general's name is (Tian Ji).


In 354 BC, the Kingdom of Wei dispatched an army to attack the Kingdom of Zhao. The Kingdom of Zhao was in critical condition, so he sent envoys to the Kingdom of Qi for help.


The king of Qi State appointed Tian Ji to lead the army to assist the Kingdom of Zhao against the attack of the Kingdom of Wei.

At the military meeting before departure, Tian Ji said to Sun Bin.


Due to the critical situation in the Kingdom of Zhao now, we will immediately march to the Kingdom of Zhao tomorrow to jointly resist the attack of the Kingdom of Wei. Do you think there are any omissions in my decision?


He answered Tian Ji with a smile.

If we were trying to unravel a tangled ball of silk, we must not pull hard.

We want to stop two people who are fighting and we must not join the fight too.

We were supposed to attack these two people who were fighting, and the two would naturally let go and stop attacking each other.


The Wei Kingdom sent this army to attack the Zhao Kingdom, and this action also indicated that the domestic military defense of the Wei Kingdom was reduced.

So I make my proposal.


We are indeed going to march in a hurry tomorrow, but we are not going to Zhao Kingdom, our army is going to the capital of Wei Kingdom.


When the army of the Wei Kingdom attacking the Zhao Kingdom heard the news that we were going to attack their capital, they would definitely return to the defense.


We don't have to actually attack the capital of the Wei Kingdom, we just surround their capital and wait quietly and set up an ambush.

We can win this war with the least losses.


Tian Ji laughed after listening to his suggestion.

Tian Ji said. Your suggestion is so good, totally beyond my imagination.

We do just that.


The result of this war was that the Qi Kingdom defeated the Wei Kingdom's army and won a nice victory.


The direct translation of this idiom means that when we attack the Kingdom of Wei, we are assisting the Kingdom of Zhao.

This idiom is used to describe a person attacking an enemy's weakness and forcing him to abandon his present action.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

When you see two people fighting, how do you stop the fight? Does this story remind you of that event in your life?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Use another kind of thinking to win (圍魏救趙)

Use another kind of thinking to win (圍魏救趙)

During the Warring States Period in China, various kingdoms often attacked each other for their own interests.

Once, the Kingdom of Wei suddenly sent troops to attack the capital of the Kingdom of Zhao. The Kingdom of Zhao could not withstand the violent offensive of the Kingdom of Wei, and the situation was very critical.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom hurriedly sent envoys to the Qi Kingdom to request support.

The king of the Qi Kingdom dispatched an army to go to the Zhao Kingdom to help resist the army of the Wei Kingdom.

But at this time there was a very clever general, his name was (Sun Bin).

He put forward his opinion. (Sun Bin) said.

If we see two people fighting on the road,

What we should do is not to join this fight.

Then think about how to make these two people stop by themselves.

The army of the Wei Kingdom has now surrounded the capital of the Zhao Kingdom.

After our army rushed to the Kingdom of Zhao for a long distance, it immediately confronted the army of the Kingdom of Wei who had been resting for several days.

Our odds of winning will be small.

So I suggest that our army should raid the capital of the Wei Kingdom.

When the generals of the Wei Kingdom heard the news of danger in the capital, they would definitely mobilize the army back to defense.

After their army rushed back to the Wei Kingdom, our army had been resting for several days.

I judge that we will defeat the Wei Kingdom, and at the same time we will smoothly resolve the crisis in the Zhao Kingdom.

Qi Kingdom proceeded according to (Sun Bin)'s plan, and the result was just as Sun Bin expected.

This idiom is used to describe when facing a conflict, instead of facing the opponent head-on, but attacking the opponent's weakness to force the opponent to save himself and have reached a strategy of defeating the opponent.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Is (Sun Bin)’s roundabout war strategy more effective than frontal conflict? Do you think Sun Bin’s thinking logic can be used in those areas of our lives?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


Tian Ji's three horses(田忌賽馬)

Tian Ji's three horses(田忌賽馬)


During the Warring States Period of China, there was a famous military strategist whose name was (Sun Bin).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He was framed by his classmates in the Wei Kingdom, he lost both legs, and his face was tattooed to represent him as a prisoner.


He absconded to the Qi Kingdom. He became a guest of a famous general of the Qi Kingdom.

The general's name is (Tian Ji).


At that time, horse racing and betting on horse racing were very popular among nobles in various kingdoms.

The nobles of the Qi Kingdom are no exception.

The rules of the race are that each side must send three horses to race three times, and the winner must win at least two races.


In a major event, after several rounds of competition, Tian Ji's three horses entered the final.


In the final, he said to Tian Ji.


I can get you to win this game in a legal way, and if you're going to win a lot of money, you can raise your stakes.


Tian Ji looked at him in surprise.

Seeing his firm expression, Tian Ji laughed.


Tian Ji told him.

Well, I don't know what you're going to do, but I'd like to believe you.


The next day, Tian Ji bet 1,000 gold coins.


Before the race, both sides selected the three best horses.

The game starts ten minutes later.


He didn't pay attention to Tian Ji's horses, instead he calmly observed his opponent's actions.

Five minutes before the game, he said to Tian Ji.


According to my observations, our opponents put the fastest horse in the first race.

They put the second fastest horse in the second race and the slowest horse in the third race


How do you now schedule the races on our side of the three horses?


Tian Ji replied.

I will be like them.


He says.

If we were like them, we wouldn't necessarily win this game.

If we change our strategy, we put the slowest horse in the first race, the fastest horse in the second race, and the second fastest horse in the third race .

I guarantee you can win this game.


Tian Ji followed his advice.


The final began, the first game, Tian Ji's horse lost. The other party is very happy.

But in the next two races, Tian Ji's horses won two consecutive victories.


The crowd cheered.


After this incident, he became Tian Ji's most important staff advisor.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who wins in a wise way.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What are your natural strengths? Do you think it is more important to use your strengths or make up for your weaknesses?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



The duel between Sun Bin and Pang Juan(孫龐鬥智)

The duel between Sun Bin and Pang Juan(孫龐鬥智)


Sun Wu was one of the most famous military strategists in Chinese history. Sun Tzu's Art of War, which he wrote, influenced many descendants.

He has a descendant named (Sun Bin), (Sun Bin) is also a famous military strategist.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He lived in the Warring States Period in China.

During the Warring States Period of China, China was divided into more than 20 kingdoms.

Among these more than 20 kingdoms', 7 kingdoms are relatively powerful.


Wars often fought between these kingdoms over land and resources.

When he was young, he and many other classmates learned how to fight and train the army from some retired generals.


Among these classmates, he has several good friends.

One of them is named (Pang Juan).


After the two of them graduated, (Pang Juan) went to the Kingdom of Wei.

The king of the Wei Kingdom admired Pang Juan's ability to lead and train the army, and (Pang Juan) became the general of the Wei Kingdom.


A few years later, he went to the Wei Kingdom to find (Pang Juan), and he hoped (Pang Juan) would introduce him to the king of the Wei Kingdom.

But he didn't expect that after these years, the simple friendship between the two of them had changed.


Because he is smarter than (Pang Juan), his academic performance in school is better than (Pang Juan).

(Pang Juan) worried that he would be replaced by (Sun Bin).

So (Pang Juan) set up a trap to frame him.


The Warring States Period in China was a chaotic era. Many cruel punishments are carried out in the various kingdoms.


He was found guilty and his legs were chopped off.

He had tattoos on his face, and anyone who saw the tattoos on his face knew that he was once a criminal.

Everyone dared not trust him, and everyone was reluctant to approach him.


But he did not become decadent and lost his ideals and hopes.


He absconded to the Qi Kingdom, where he later became a famous military general of the Qi Kingdom.

A few years later, he led the Qi Kingdom's army to defeat the Wei Kingdom's army led by (Pang Juan).

He succeeded in revenge, he killed (Pang Juan).

The story of him and (Pang Juan) was heard by almost everyone in China as a child.


The direct translation of this idiom means the duel between Sun Bin and Pang Juan.


This idiom is used to describe two people who were originally good friends but then became enemies.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a former good friend who is now an enemy? What happened between you two?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles. (當斷不斷反受其亂)

If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles. (當斷不斷反受其亂)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

There is a story about him in the history books.


His lover became the Queen of Chu Kingdom, and he and his lover's children became the Crown Prince of Chu Kingdom.

The kingdom of Chu Kingdom did not know about this matter.


His lover's brother is called (Li Yuan). (Li Yuan) was originally his staff.


After Li Yuan's sister became the queen of Chu Kingdom, the king of Chu Kingdom made him an important official in the central government. The power of (Li Yuan) ranked third in the Chu Kingdom.


Although (Li Yuan) has been given such an important position, in his mind, (Li Yuan) is still a staff member with a much lower status than him, and (Li Yuan) is still loyal and obedient to him as before. .


He didn't notice the change in (Li Yuan's) mentality.

(Li Yuan) does not want to be called by him anymore, (Li Yuan) wants to replace him, (Li Yuan) longs to be the prime minister of the kingdom.


He has a very close guest named (Zhu Ying).

(Zhu Ying) observed that (Li Yuan)'s mentality has changed.

Zhu Ying) told him.

(Li Yuan) is planning to send a killer to assassinate you.

He did not heed (Zhu Ying)'s reminder.


His 25th year as prime minister. The king of Chu Kingdom died.

He was assassinated by the killer sent by (Li Yuan) completely unprepared.


(Li Yuan) replaced him as the new Prime Minister of the Chu Kingdom.


China's most outstanding historian (Sima Qian), wrote his evaluation in his history book.

How smart and brave he was when he was young, but why did he die so suddenly and worthless.

His story reminds me of a famous Taoist saying. When a matter is faced with the need to make a decision, you must make a decision immediately, you do not delay.

If you procrastinate, if you don't make a decision, you face the bad consequences of not making a decision.


This idiom means that we should make a clear decision right away at a critical moment when we should make a decision. If we don't make a clear decision, we're going to face results that we don't want to see.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Which decisions in your life are the most important to you?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



當斷不斷反受其亂(If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles.)










































Unexpected happiness and unforeseen disasters(毋望之福毋望之禍)

 Unexpected happiness and unforeseen disasters(毋望之福毋望之禍)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

There is a story about him in the history books.


In his 25th year as prime minister, the king of the Chu Kingdom became seriously ill.


He has a very close guest named (Zhu Ying).

(Zhu Ying) said to him.

Each of us in this world will encounter some unforeseen happiness and some unforeseen disasters.


We live in a world full of change, and we also get help from some unexpected people.


He asks.

I don't understand what you're trying to say? Why are you saying these words to me all of a sudden?


Zhu Ying said.

You have been the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom for 25 years.

The king of the Chu Kingdom is now seriously ill and may die at any time, but the crown prince is still very young.


I can expect that after the death of the king of Chu Kingdom, you will become the most powerful person in Chu Kingdom.

For you, this is a sudden happiness.


He nodded in agreement.


Zhu Ying said.

After the queen gave birth to a prince a few years ago, her brother was promoted to an important position within the central government.

The Queen's brother is now second only to you, and his power ranks third in the entire kingdom.


According to my observation, the elder brother of the queen has always wanted to replace you as the prime minister of the Kingdom of Chu.

The Queen's older brother is a man with a strong desire for power, and he will do anything he can.


According to my information, he has secretly recruited a group of killers.

I think after the death of the king of Chu Kingdom, the queen's elder brother will launch an assassination on you.


After he heard these words, he asked Zhu Ying.

So what do you think I should do?


Zhu Ying replied.

You should immediately place me in a position as the king's personal bodyguard.

If the king of the Chu Kingdom passed away, all the important ministers in the central government would immediately go to the palace to negotiate how to hold the king's funeral. The Queen's brother was no exception.

I will use this opportunity to assassinate the queen's brother.


After I assassinate him, I will be killed by the other guards. But I'm still willing to do it.

You are my best friend, and I am grateful for your care and trust in me over the years.

I hope to repay your kindness to me, and I am willing to sacrifice my life for you.


He smiled and said to Zhu Ying.

I think you are thinking too much. You must not try to assassinate the Queen's brother.

The Queen's brother is a weak man, and I have a good relationship with him, and I don't think there is any chance that he would want to assassinate me.


He rejected (Zhu Ying)'s suggestion.


This idiom means unforeseen happiness and unforeseen misfortune


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever encountered those unexpected disasters? Have you ever been helped by those unexpected people?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



毋望之福毋望之禍(Unexpected happiness and unforeseen disasters)






























































He was falsely accused of a capital offense (不測之罪)

He was falsely accused of a capital offense (不測之罪)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

There is a story about him in the history books.


During his tenure as prime minister, the country remained stable for a long time.

But in this peaceful atmosphere, there is a problem that has long plagued the king of the Chu Kingdom.


The king of Chu Kingdom has many concubines, but none of these concubines have children, so the king of Chu Kingdom is very troubled, because if he dies, he will not have a son to succeed him as king.


A good friend of (Huang Xie) is also one of his important staff.

This person's birthplace is Zhao Kingdom, and his name is (Li Yuan).


One day, Li Yuan took leave to return to his hometown.

After Li Yuan returned to the Kingdom of Chu, he immediately met him.


He asked Li Yuan.

Why did you come back a few days later than expected?


Li Yuan replied.

I have a younger sister who is pursued by someone but she doesn't like that person.

I took care of it for her, so I came back late.

She lives in my house now to avoid the entanglement of the person she doesn't like.


He said with a smile.

I see.

We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'll invite you to dinner tomorrow. You can bring your sister with you.


The next day, he met Li Yuan's sister at a dinner party.

Li Yuan's sister is a beautiful and smart woman, and he fell in love with Li Yuan's sister.


A few days later, Li Yuan's sister became her lover.

About a month after he was with Li Yuan's sister, Li Yuan's sister became pregnant.


One night, Li Yuan's sister said to him.

I'm pregnant, but the two of us are not married yet, I want to have this baby, but I'm worried.


He asks.

You don't have to worry, I am willing to marry you.


Li Yuan's sister said.

I'm sure you love me, but I'm worried about the future of this child of both of us.


He says.

I will give him the best material life, I am the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom, you don't have to worry.


Li Yuan's sister said.

You are still prime minister now, but can you be sure that you will be prime minister of Chu Kingdom forever?


He was silent.


Li Yuan's sister said.

The king of Chu Kingdom trusts you very much, but his brothers don't like you.

The king of the Chu Kingdom has no children until now, and in case he dies suddenly, his throne will definitely be inherited by his brother.

At that point you will most likely lose everything you have now, and you may be falsely accused of a capital crime.


He nodded silently.


Li Yuan's sister said.

I have an idea, maybe this idea can solve your troubles and me and the king at the same time.


He asked in surprise.

What are your thoughts?


Li Yuan's sister said.

I have only been in the Kingdom of Chu for more than a month. Except for my brother and you, in the Kingdom of Chu, no one knows me, and no one knows that I am your lover.


Only you and I in this world know that I am pregnant. So I suggest you introduce me to the king of Chu Kingdom.


I am a beautiful woman, and there is a good chance the king will like me and make me his concubine.

If I became his concubine, I would have a child in over nine months.

If the child is a girl, she will be a princess.

If the child is a boy, he will become the crown prince of the Chu Kingdom.

I will become the Queen of Chu Kingdom.


After I become the Queen of Chu Kingdom, I can use my influence to make you the Prime Minister of Chu Kingdom forever.

If the current king of Chu Kingdom unfortunately passes away in a few years, our son will inherit the throne of Chu Kingdom.


The idea seems dangerous but has a good chance of being realized.

If you will, after our idea is successful, me, you and our son will have enormous power and inexhaustible money in this lifetime.


After he heard these words he fell into deep thought.


The next day. He found an opportunity to introduce his lover, Li Yuan's sister, to the king of Chu Kingdom.


This idiom is often used to describe capital crimes.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, what choice would you make? Do you think there is any flaw in Li Yuan's sister's idea?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




A lavish banquet with many guests(三千珠履)

A lavish banquet with many guests(三千珠履)


Three Thousand Pearl Shoes (a lavish banquet with many guests)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

There is a story about him in the history books.


After he became the prime minister of the Chu kingdom, he learned the practice of several famous nobles from other kingdoms.


In order to strengthen their influence and political power, the nobles at that time would hold dinner parties in their homes every day, and they would entertain many guests every day.


As long as you have any kind of special skill, you can live for free in the house he provides, you eat and sleep there every day, but if he needs it, you must provide your own such skill.


These noble guests were friends with the nobles rather than servants, and they were free to leave at will.


According to historical records, more than 3,000 guests of this type eat at his home every day.

He also got a nickname because of this, this nickname is (Chun Shen Jun).


In his fifth year as the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom, he led the army to assist the Zhao Kingdom in resisting the Qin Kingdom's attack.

In his eighth year as the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom, he led the army to destroy the Lu Kingdom. The Kingdom of Lu was located in today's Shandong Province, China, and the famous Confucius was a citizen of the Kingdom of Lu.

His personal popularity reached the peak of his career.


Once, the Prime Minister of the Zhao Kingdom sent a delegation of ambassadors to the Chu Kingdom to visit.

He threw a banquet for all members of the Kingdom of Zhao's embassy and his 3,000-odd guests for dinner.


In order to show off his wealth, Kingdom Zhao made all the members of the embassy wear a sword with a precious pearl inlaid on it, and all the members of the embassy wore hairpins made of tortoiseshell on their heads.


On the night of the banquet, all the members of Zhao Kingdom's embassy team wore beautiful clothes to attend the banquet proudly.


Shortly after all the members of Zhao Kingdom's ambassadorial group entered the banquet hall, they saw that all the guests attending the dinner were dressed in more advanced clothes than them.

The shoes of more than 3,000 guests in the banquet hall are decorated with a round and large high-quality pearl.


All the members of Zhao Kingdom's embassy team showed embarrassed and ashamed expressions.


The literal translation of this idiom means 3,000 pairs of shoes adorned with pearls.

This idiom is used to describe a lavish banquet with many guests.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you often compare yourself with others? Do you think there are any good comparisons?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...