
Reduce the stove to deceive the enemy(減灶之計)

We should follow the situation and lead this matter to a situation that is beneficial to us.(因勢利導)

Attack the opponent's vitals(批亢擣虛)

Use another kind of thinking to win (圍魏救趙)

Tian Ji's three horses(田忌賽馬)

The duel between Sun Bin and Pang Juan(孫龐鬥智)

If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles. (當斷不斷反受其亂)

Unexpected happiness and unforeseen disasters(毋望之福毋望之禍)

He was falsely accused of a capital offense (不測之罪)

A lavish banquet with many guests(三千珠履)