
 It's a happy family(宜家宜室)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest poetry collection in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.


The first category is the folk poetry from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poetry of the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


There is a poem in it.



The peach blossoms on this peach tree are in full bloom, you see those bright red peach blossoms.

There is a young and beautiful girl who is getting married. Look at her, she is ready to go to this new family.


The peach blossoms on this peach tree are in full bloom, look at those huge peaches.

There is a young and beautiful girl who is going to get married, look at her, she will definitely be able to build a happy family


The peach blossoms on this peach tree are in full bloom, you see those emerald green peach leaves. .

There is a young and beautiful girl who is going to get married. Look at her, he will definitely be the strong backing of everyone in this family.


This idiom means a happy family.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you think is usually the most important person in a family? What do you think a happy family needs to have?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




This bronze mirror, which is divided into two halves, becomes one again(破鏡重圓)

This bronze mirror, which is divided into two halves, becomes one again(破鏡重圓)


In the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, the Nanchen Kingdom had a minister named (Xu Deyan).

His story is recorded in the history books.


His wife is the princess of Nanchen Kingdom and she is very beautiful.

They are very in love.


In 589 AD, on the eve of the destruction of the Nanchen Kingdom.

He said to his wife.


The situation is very critical, and the army of the Sui Dynasty has surrounded our capital.

If we lose, you and I will be prisoners.

We may never have the chance to meet again.


He threw the bronze mirror in the room to the ground, and the bronze mirror split into two halves.

He gave half of the bronze mirrors to his wife.


He said to his wife.

If I am still alive after I am separated from you, I will find a way to get to the capital of the Sui Kingdom.

If you are also alive, maybe we can rely on this bronze mirror to find each other.


Both of them cried that night.


A few days later, the capital of the Nanchen Kingdom was breached.

As he guessed, his beautiful wife was captured by the enemy.


A year later, after a difficult journey, he arrived at the capital of the Sui Kingdom.

He wandered and inquired in the capital of the Sui Kingdom, but there was no news of his wife.



One day, in a market. He found a soldier hawking with a half-piece bronze mirror in his hand.


He was shocked, he took out his half-piece bronze mirror from his bag, and the two bronze mirrors were combined together to become a complete mirror.


He asked excitedly.

May I ask who asked you to sell this bronze mirror?


The soldier answered.

This bronze mirror is owned by my hostess, the concubine of a great general of the Sui Dynasty.


He heard the soldier's answer. .

He was sad, but he was also happy.

He was happy to hear that his wife was alive, but he felt sad that he could not be with his wife.

He wrote a poem on this half-piece bronze mirror of his wife.


After noon, the market ends.

The soldier returned to the general's house and told his hostess about it.


His wife was so upset when she heard the soldier's report that she couldn't help crying.


At dinner that day, the general saw that her eyes were red and swollen from crying and she didn't eat.


The general asked.

What happened today, why are you crying.


She dared not say the real reason.


she says.

Nothing happened, I was just a little sick.


The general felt that something was wrong, so he secretly investigated the matter and understood the whole thing.


A few afternoons later, he took his concubine to a room in his home.

(His concubine is Xu Deyan's wife)


When his concubine walked into this room, she saw (Xu Deyan) standing in the room.

Both of them were surprised, they looked at each other, not knowing what to say.


The general looked at the two of them.


The general said to the two of them.

I know that the two of you love each other. Although you were separated because of the war, your love for each other has not changed.


The general said to his concubine.

I give you freedom, you can leave my house.


The general said to him.

I'll give you a sum of money, take your wife and go, you have to take good care of her.


The two of them did not expect this ending, and the two hugged tightly.

They later returned to their hometown and stayed together for the rest of their lives.


This idiom is used to describe the reunion of a husband and wife after a period of separation, or the return to the original intimacy after a period of separation.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were this general, what would you do? What do you think is the expression of true love for someone?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




I was shocked by what I saw(觸目驚心)

 I was shocked by what I saw(觸目驚心)


In the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, the king of the Southern Qi Kingdom had a younger brother whose name was (Xiao Yi).

He was a very simple and kind man.

His story is recorded in the history books.


After he died, he had a subordinate named (Le Ai) who wanted to build a monument for him.


(Le Ai) wrote to a famous writer at that time.


The contents of the letter are as follows.


After Mr. (Xiao Yi) passed away, I want to build a monument for him.


I was born in a very poor place and I have no prominent family background. I am a very ordinary person.

He didn't look down on me for that.


Because of his trust, I can have enough food and clothing, and I have the opportunity to develop my talents. .

He is the person I most admire.


I often bless him, I thought a good man like him would have a long life, but I didn't expect him to die so young.


Although he is dead, he has left many visible and invisible buildings in our state.

I am amazed every time I see these buildings.

So I wanted to build a monument to him.


You are the best writer in our kingdom,

I implore you to write the inscription on this monument for us.


This idiom means that what I saw shocked me


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you think has had the greatest influence on you so far in your life? What do you think of the phenomenon of a good person dying young?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




He has three heads and six arms(三頭六臂)


He has three heads and six arms(三頭六臂)


According to the Buddhist worldview, each of us enters reincarnation after death.

We will enter one of the six realms of samsara because of our actions and virtues in this life.

 One of them is Asura.


Asuras are between righteousness and evil, and their strength is so great that they can even compete with the gods.


They have bad tempers, they complain and get angry often, and they like to fight with others.


There is a description of them in a Buddhist classic of the Tang Dynasty in China.


They like to use force to solve problems, and they often cause a lot of disputes.

They would fight with each other, and they would provoke the gods in the heavens.


They like to hear some flattering words, they often want to deceive others, and their hearts are full of resentment and anger.


Their bodies and faces are ugly, they have three heads and eight arms, and they have amazing strength.


They are so tall that they can catch the sun with a raised hand and smash the clouds with a wave.

Their stride can go over mountains, and their stride can go over the ocean.


The original text of this idiom is that he has three heads and eight hands. But it was later rewritten that he had three heads and six hands.


This idiom is used to describe a person with great abilities.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you usually solve the problems you encounter? How do you keep yourself from getting angry and complaining easily?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



I was forced to do this(逼上梁山)


I was forced to do this(逼上梁山)


There are four classic novels in China. One of the books is called (Water Margin).


This book is one of the earliest novels written in colloquial Chinese in Chinese history.


The two books (Water Margin) and the British (Robin Hood) are often compared by many scholars.


Because the writing process of these two books is very similar in terms of plot and characters.


After comparing the two books, readers can see some differences in the way of thinking and the value of life in Eastern and Western cultures.


The background of the story of this book is the Song Dynasty in China. The king at that time was (Zhao Ji).

He is the most famous artist in history, he is a famous painter, calligrapher, poet, lyricist and collector, he has a very high talent in art, and he has a very high personal taste.


But he was also the most failed king in Chinese history.


The officials in the central government under his leadership were very corrupt, and these officials colluded with local evil forces to persecute the kind-hearted people at the bottom of the society.


There were many good and righteous people who had to become robbers, and these people gathered to resist the oppression of those in power.


This book is about these people.


There is an important character in the book, this person's name is (Lin Chong).


He is the head martial arts coach of the capital's Royal Guard.

He was framed by a very bad minister, so he was sentenced to prison.


On his way to jail, this very bad minister sent someone to assassinate him.

He escaped the assassination.


After he was imprisoned, this very bad minister sent people to set fire to his place in the middle of the night.

He escaped the assassination again.


But he broke the law in the process of escaping, and he became a wanted man.

If he is caught he will be executed immediately.


He had nowhere to go, so he took refuge in a fortress called (Liangshanbo).

He has since become a robber.


This idiom means that I am forced to do this.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Is the government of the country you live in clean? Can you appreciate and respect people from different cultural backgrounds with an inclusive heart?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




I don't know what to do to be right.(不知所措)


I don't know what to do to be right.(不知所措)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was an outstanding statesman in the Qi Kingdom. He is known as one of the most capable prime ministers in Chinese history. His name is (Guan Zhong).


He wrote a book.


There is a chapter in the book where he writes what he thinks a good king and a good minister should behave like.


In this chapter, he also listed the behavior patterns of six bad kings and six bad ministers.


There is a pattern of behavior of a bad king in it as follows.


This type of king can suddenly be happy and suddenly angry.

You don't know why he's happy or angry.


If a subordinate makes a mistake, he will punish the person with the most severe punishment. He has no mercy.


His ministers were always in a state of panic. These ministers were afraid of being executed by the king, so they would suit the king's mood to cater to the king.


These ministers don't say what's in their hearts


If the king of a kingdom is this type of person, then the decree and policy of the kingdom is like a fake, because whether a thing is right or not depends on his mood.


The kingdom will gradually decline, and unrest will begin.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who is in a state of panic and does not know what to do to be right.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have the same type of friend as this king? What do you think is the most important trait of a good leader?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.







I like you so I will like everything about you(愛屋及烏)

I like you so I will like everything about you(愛屋及烏)



There is one of the most important classics in China, the name of this book is (Shangshu).

(Shangshu) is the earliest compilation of historical documents in China.


(Shangshu) is the political textbook and theoretical basis for Chinese rulers to govern the country in the past dynasties.


The time span of this book is very large, and it contains some important documents of the ancient Chinese royal family from about 2300 BC to 1100 BC.


It is said that this book was edited by Confucius in his later years.

There is a story in this book.


The name of the first king of the Zhou Dynasty was (Ji Fa).


After he destroyed the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty, he pondered a question.

This question is how to treat some officials, nobles and common people of the Shang Dynasty.


He raised the question in a meeting.


The first minister answered.

If I like a person, I will like everything about him, and I will even find his birds cute.

If I hate someone, I hate everything about him. I was disgusted by the sight of his fence.

So I think we should kill all these people.




The second minister replied.

I think we should look into these people carefully and kill one of them if they ever made a mistake. If there is one person who never makes a mistake, let him live.




The third minister replied.


I think we should maintain the status quo. Let them continue to live their original lives, let them continue to live in their original houses. Let them do their original work.

We only have one thing to change.


The king asked curiously.

What are we going to change.


The third minister replied.


We want to choose those who are upright and honest to serve as government officials. We want all the people to know that a man of integrity and honesty will be praised.


The main reason why the Shang Dynasty was defeated by us was not because we were very powerful, but because the officials appointed by the kings of the Shang Dynasty were all wicked people, cunning people, and people who oppressed the people. In this environment, many people who were originally upright were also forced to do evil.


When we do this, all the people will know that the Zhou Dynasty is an upright and honest Dynasty.

All the people will love us, and our dynasty will last long.


After the king heard the answers of the three ministers, he finally adopted the advice of the third minister.


This idiom is used to describe that if a person loves a person, he will also love everything related to him.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were the king, which minister's opinion would you adopt? Do you think the effect of forcing others to accept it or allowing others to accept it willingly will be more durable?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





Wei Liao(尉繚)

 Wei Liao(尉繚)


Wei Liao(尉繚) (BC? Year - BC? Year)

His surname is (Wei), his parents gave him the name (Liao), and he was born in Henan Province, China.


A military officer title in ancient China.

Means to wrap around and wrap around.


He was an outstanding military strategist. His deeds are rarely recorded in the history books.

He was one of Qin Shi Huang's right-hand men.

His surname is derived from his military attaché title.

There is a tradition in ancient China that if a person's official position becomes his surname.


The military books he wrote have survived to this day.

In this book, he records 12 common mistakes that he thinks a good military general should avoid.


The 12 points are as follows.


1-Appoint someone you don't trust, you will regret it eventually.

2- You may not kill at will, this act is a sin.

3- You can't be selfish, or your actions will be partial.

4-If you don't like hearing others point out your mistakes, you won't be able to improve.

5- You must be in moderation or your most important military money will be wasted.

6- You have to be careful about being alienated, it will make you lose sight of the truth.

7- Decisions you make rashly will not produce good results.

8- If you stay away from those who are wise, you will be shallow.

9- You must not be greedy for possessions, because this will bring serious disasters.

10-If you love those who flatter you, it will do you irreparable damage.

11- You must adhere to these strict disciplines or you will perish.

12- The order you give must be very clear, otherwise it will cause serious harm.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have some personal principles that you think are the most important? Do you make the same mistakes over and over again?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





He is like a tiger or a wolf(如狼似虎)



During the Warring States Period in China, there was a very important book on the Art of War.

The author of this book is called (Wei Liao). The title of the book is the author's name.


There is a passage in this book as follows.


A good military general must overcome the limitations of time, space and people.


A good military general, he will take war seriously.

Because he knows that a weapon can kill a person, and war is an immoral act.

As long as a war is waged, there will be casualties, and he controls the life and death of all soldiers on the battlefield.

Therefore, he will only wage war when he has to.


A good military general will do his best to avoid war.

But if war must be waged,


He will quickly make a total judgment based on the timing and terrain, as well as the combat power between himself and the enemy.

He considers so many factors but he is not limited by any of them.

He will find out a suitable war strategy.


If you observe his troops from the side, you will find that his army is like a person.


His army was concentric and consistent.


His army was as fierce as a wolf and as powerful as a tiger.

The rhythm of his army's attack was like a gust of wind, and the precision of its attack was like a shower of rain.


His army was as terrifying as thunder. His army was as fast as lightning.


He will shock everyone.



This idiom is used to describe a person who is quick and brave like a wolf or a tiger.

Now it is often used to describe a person as ferocious as a wolf or a tiger.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you described yourself as an animal, what animal would you use? Are you underestimating the harm that war can bring?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



He is well-fed and well-dressed(豐衣足食)

 He is well-fed and well-dressed(豐衣足食)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous monk who was also a famous poet at that time. His name is (Qiji).


Once, one of his students was going to study Buddhism at a famous temple at the time.


Before leaving, he wrote a poem as a gift to the student.


The gist of this poem is as follows.


You should stay away from delicious food and nice clothes.


What you really need to do is find your inner peace and tranquility.


When one day you can comprehend the true meaning of Buddhism and the truth of life, you should be able to understand how I feel now.


This idiom means that a person has enough food and clothing.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Is your life now rich? Do you feel serenity and peace in your heart now?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Rare birds and animals (珍禽奇獸) / He stopped when he was only one step away from success(功虧一簣)


Rare birds and animals (珍禽奇獸)

He stopped when he was only one step away from success(功虧一簣)



There is one of the most important classics in China, the name of this book is (Shangshu).

(Shangshu) is the earliest compilation of historical documents in China.


(Shangshu) is the political textbook and theoretical basis for Chinese rulers to govern the country in the past dynasties.


The time span of this book is huge, including some important documents of the ancient Chinese royal family from about 2300 BC to 1100 BC.


It is said that this book was edited by Confucius in his later years.


There is a story in this book.

The Zhou Dynasty's national strength was strong, and the Kingdom of Brigade sent a precious mastiff to the Kingdom of Zhou.

The king of the Zhou Kingdom liked this dog very much and spent a lot of time playing with it every day.


A minister of the Zhou Dynasty wrote an article to exhort him. This minister is called (Zhao Gong).


The second half of this article follows.


I advise you.

You have to rely on an honest heart to guard your thoughts.

You must rely on an upright heart to accept the counsel of others.


You don't do those unhelpful things that will waste your time.

You have to do those things that are good for you to be successful.


You should not pay attention to those rare items, you should pay attention to whether the daily necessities of the people are sufficient.

You don't have to spend a lot of money and time on raising those rare animals, you should take good care of our local livestock.


O our wise king, all kingdoms honor you because you don't care about the precious and special things that other kingdoms have given you.


Because you love and value those who are upright and capable, our kingdom can be stable and prosperous


You should remind yourself that many people end up in big trouble because they don't correct their small mistakes right away.

You should always remember that many people stop when they are only one step away from success, and the hard work ahead of this person is in vain.


If you remember these golden words, the people of our kingdom will be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

The people of our kingdom can live in peace and contentment, and your descendants will be kings for generations.


This idiom means some precious birds and special beasts

This idiom means to describe a person who only misses the last point and fails to complete it, and the person's efforts are all in vain.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever had a small oversight that caused a big disaster? Have you ever had that last slack that left a thing unfinished?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




A person is so obsessed with one thing that he forgets the most important goal of his life.(玩物喪志)


A person is so obsessed with one thing that he forgets the most important goal of his life.(玩物喪志)


There is one of the most important classics in China, the name of this book is (Shangshu).

(Shangshu) is the earliest compilation of historical documents in China.


(Shangshu) is the political textbook and theoretical basis for Chinese rulers to govern the country in the past dynasties.


The time span of this book is huge, including some important documents of the ancient Chinese royal family from about 2300 BC to 1100 BC.


It is said that this book was edited by Confucius in his later years.


There is a story in this book.

The Zhou Dynasty's national strength was strong, and the Kingdom of Brigade sent a precious mastiff to the Kingdom of Zhou.

The king of the Zhou Kingdom liked this dog very much and spent a lot of time playing with it every day.


A minister of the Zhou Dynasty wrote an article to exhort him. This minister is called (Zhao Gong).

The first half of this article reads as follows

O our wise king, because of your moral excellence, many other kingdoms honor you, and these kingdoms have sent you many precious and special things.


You are very kind, you have classified these gifts, you have shared many precious daily necessities with those vassals that are not related to us by blood.

You are very generous, you have classified these gifts, and you have shared many precious jades with those vassals that are related to us by blood.


These kingdoms are grateful for your love for them, and they cherish the gifts you share with them.


You are a person of moral excellence, so you will not be proud and despise others.

Because you know that if you treat officials with pride and contempt, they won't do their best for you.

Because you know that if you treat the people with pride and contempt, the people won't do their best to work for you.


You are a person of moral excellence, and you should avoid being fooled by good-looking and good-sounding objects.

You should concentrate on the business of the country so that our kingdom will be strong.


A person who does not respect others, this person will gradually lose his character.

A person who is too addicted to one thing, this person will forget the real purpose of life.


This idiom means to describe a person who is so obsessed with one thing that he forgets his most important goal in life.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a favorite item or a special hobby? Which of the two do you think is more valuable, a precious item or a noble personality?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Wang Pu(王朴/文伯)


Wang Pu(王朴)


Wang Pu(王朴) (906 AD-959 AD)

His surname is (Wang), his parents gave him the name (Pu), and his friends called him (Wen Bo) when he grew up. He was born in Anhui Province, China.


Meaning of the king. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The original meaning is Celtis sinensis, which has a simple meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of the text also has a gentle meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means the oldest of the brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is an outstanding statesman. But he died at the age of 45.


He was a minister of the Later Zhou Dynasty. One year after his death, another important minister of the Later Zhou Dynasty successfully took over the entire Later Zhou Dynasty in a peaceful way through very clever means.


The name of another important minister of the Later Zhou Dynasty was (Zhao Kuangyin).

Zhao Kuangyin renamed the Later Zhou Dynasty the Song Dynasty.


There is a story in the history books about the two of them.


After Zhao Kuangyin took over the entire Later Zhou Dynasty, he lived in the palace of the original Later Zhou Dynasty.


One day, he passed by a room in the palace, in which there were many portraits of people who had made great contributions to the Later Zhou Dynasty.


As he passed the room, the wind blew open one of the doors.

He turned his head and saw that he was facing the portrait of Wang Pu in the room.


He stood at attention, straightened his clothes, and bowed to Wang Pu's portrait.


The servants around him felt incredible when they saw his move.


A servant asked.

You are the supreme leader of our kingdom, why do you have so much respect for a person from a deceased former dynasty.


He pointed to his clothes and said to this.

He is the person I admire most, and I think he is the most outstanding minister of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

If he was still alive, then I would still be a minister of the Later Zhou Dynasty and not the king of the Song Dynasty.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who is the person you look up to the most? Why do you look up to him the most?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...