
A huge bird named Peng(鵬程萬里)

A huge bird named Peng(鵬程萬里)


(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He wrote a story.


There was a very huge bird in ancient times, the name of this bird was (Peng).

When (Peng) stood on the ground, his body was like a mountain, and his wings were like clouds on the mountain.


When (Peng) moved his wings, the wind that rolled up was like a tornado.

He can fly up to 36,000 kilometers high.


(Peng) After bidding farewell to a sparrow on the ground, he flew into the air.


(Peng) headed towards the south and flew to the South Pole.

He feels very comfortable in South Pole.


The little sparrow on the ground thought to himself.

I really don't understand why (Peng) wants to leave here to the South Pole.


The height I fly is only tens of meters, and the scope of my life will not exceed this woods.

But I live freely in this vast forest.


This forest is so good, but why (Peng) wants to leave. Is the distant South Pole really better than this side?


(Zhuang Zhou) made his comment.

We should recognize the fact that each of us is limited by our own status quo.


This idiom is used to describe a person who has a huge ideal, but others cannot understand it.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were that little sparrow, would you envy (Peng)? If you were that (), you can imagine that in the eyes of a bigger bird, you might be like a little sparrow.

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





The mood of this cockfight is very calm (呆若木雞)

The mood of this cockfight is very calm (呆若木雞)


In the Zhou Dynasty in China. Cockfighting competitions were very popular among the nobles at that time, and even the king was very keen.



At that time there was a famous cockfighting training coach, his name was (Ji Luzi). .


The king specially hired him to conduct secret training in the palace.


(Ji Luzi) Picked a chicken from the chicken flock in the palace, he told the king.


I will formulate different training strategies for each chicken. You have to be patient.


The king said no problem.


After ten days, the king went to (Ji Luzi)'s training ground for the first time, and he asked (Ji Luzi).


Excuse me, have you finished training.


(Ji Luzi) answered,

I haven't trained well yet, this chicken is very young and has a proud attitude. I think it will take a while to complete the training.


Ten days later, the king went to (Ji Luzi)'s training ground for the second time, and he asked (Ji Luzi).


Excuse me, have you finished training.


(Ji Luzi) answered,

I haven't trained well yet. This chicken will get emotional when it hears other chickens. I think it will take a while to complete the training. .


Ten days later, the king went to (Ji Luzi)'s training ground for the third time, and he asked (Ji Luzi).


Excuse me, have you finished training.


(Ji Luzi) answered,

I haven't trained well yet, this chicken will want to launch an attack when he sees the eyes of other chickens. I think it will take a while to complete the training. .


Ten days later, the king went to the training ground of (Ji Luzi) for the fourth time, and he asked (Ji Luzi).


Excuse me, have you finished training.


(Ji Luzi) answered,

I have finished training this chicken.

Even if the other chicken takes the initiative to provoke, the emotion of this chicken can remain calm.


look. When this chicken is standing at attention, he is like a statue.


If this chicken is now participating in a cockfighting competition. I believe that no cockfight can beat him.


This idiom was originally used to describe a person who can keep calm no matter how the outside world changes.


But now it is usually used to describe the appearance of a person unable to move because of fright.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Can you keep calm under any circumstances? If you are a king, can you wait patiently?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Not being greedy is my most important treasure(不貪為寶)

 Not being greedy is my most important treasure(不貪為寶)


There was a man in the Song Kingdom who dug a large rough jade stone one day.

In China, jade is the most noble treasure.


He took this rough stone to visit a minister of the Song Kingdom.

The minister's name is (Zihan).


He said to (Zihan). I have already asked the jade craftsman to appraise this rough stone. The quality of this jade is very good.

So I want to contribute it to you.

Because of your noble status, you are qualified to own this noble jade.


(Zihan) said to him.

To you, this piece of jade is a treasure, but to me. Not being greedy is my most important treasure.


If you give me this jade, you will lose your treasure.

If I accept this piece of jade, I will also lose my treasure.


If I accept this gift, it will not benefit both of us.

So I can't accept your gift, please take this jade back.


This person said to (Zihan).

My identity cannot match this piece of jade.


Therefore, if I own this piece of jade, I will probably cause trouble for myself.

So please accept this piece of jade.


(Zihan) said to this person.

You are a wise person, and your considerations are very reasonable.


I offer a suggestion. You entrust this jade to me to sell it.

Then I give you all the money I got from selling this jade.


What do you think of this solution.

This person thanked (Zihan) again and again.


This idiom is used to remind us that we should rethink what is truly important treasure.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Why do you think (Zihan) thinks this person is very wise? Which of these two treasures do you think is more important?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I have lost my love for him(色衰愛弛)

 I have lost my love for him(色衰愛弛) 

During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Han Fei), he wrote a story.


There is a handsome minister in the Wei Kingdom, his name is (Mi Zixia)

The king of the Wei Kingdom loved him very much.


Once, (Mi Zixia)'s mother suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night.

Without the permission of the king, he drove his mother in the king's carriage to the clinic.


After the king knew about this, he did not blame (Mi Zixia), but instead praised (Mi Zixia).

The king said to him. You are really filial, I think you must be too anxious. So I will not punish you.


Once again, the king went on an outing with (Mi Zixia).

Suddenly (Mi Zixia) saw a peach tree with ripe peaches growing on it.


He picked one and took a bite.

He said in surprise.

This peach is so delicious, I have never eaten such a sweet peach.


He handed the peach to the king.

The king ate the peach.


The king said to him. I am very touched. Because this peach is so delicious, you are reluctant to eat it, you love me too much,


A few years later, (Mi Zixia) is getting old. His appearance is no longer handsome.

The king had been with him for several years, and the king gradually stopped loving him.


Once, (Mi Zixia) made a slight mistake.

The king said to him.


You bore me so much. I will punish you severely.

I remember years ago,

Once you drove my carriage without my permission,

Another time you even gave me a peach that you had eaten.


Thinking of these two things makes me very angry.


Finally (Han Fei) made a comment. He said.

(Mi Zixia)'s behavior has not changed, but over time, the king's mentality is different from before.

When we get along with the same person, we must adjust our coping styles at different time periods.


This idiom is used to describe that some people have lost love for their partner because of a change in their appearance.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Which one do you think is more important, the external appearance or the internal behavior of a person? How do you manage your relationship with your partner?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Yan Hui(顏回/子淵)

 Yan Hui(顏回)


(Yan Hui) (521 BC-481 BC)

His last name is (Yan), his parents gave him the name (Hui), and his friends call him (Ziyuan) when he grows up. He was born in Shandong Province, China.


The meaning of color. It is also one of the Chinese surnames. 

The meaning of turning

The original meaning is the meaning of a baby. . It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of whirlpool. There are also profound meanings. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is Confucius' favorite student. He died at the age of 40.

About (Yan Hui). There are some stories about him in history books.


Confucius once praised (Yan Hui).


He is very poor. He usually only eats a little rice at each meal.

He usually can only drink plain water every day.

The place where he lives is very simple, his home is in a narrow alley.


If most people are poor like him,

Then these people will lament their own difficulties in life.

Then these people will envy other rich people.


But he lives happily every day.

Because of his inner satisfaction, the external environment cannot affect him.


Confucius once again praised (Yan Hui).


When I talked to him, he always looked at me with a smile.

He usually listens to me quietly,

Sometimes I think he is too stupid.

He didn't understand the idea I wanted to convey to him. .


But I continue to observe his daily life.

I was surprised to find that he put the knowledge and learning I taught him to practical use in life.

It turns out he is very smart.


Confucius once again praised (Yan Hui).


In his work, if his boss gives him an important job, he will do his best to complete it.

In his work, if his boss gives him an unimportant job. After he finished this job, he took the time to study and enrich himself.

Whether it is reused by the boss does not affect his work attitude.


(Yan Hui) died and Confucius cried. Confucius said.


When you are angry, you will not vent your anger on others.

You review your behavior and language every day, and if you make a mistake, you will immediately correct it.


I'm so sad, I should never find a student as good as you.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Can you be like (Yan Hui), keep your heart firm and strong, without being influenced by the outside world? If you will die tomorrow and you only have today, what will you do today?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.



Sun Quan (孫權/仲謀)

Sun Quan (孫權)

(Sun Quan)(182 AD-252 AD)

His surname is (Sun), his parents gave him the name (Quan), and his friends call him (Zhongmou) when he grows up. He was born in Zhejiang, China.


The meaning of grandson. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of weights. It also means power. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The second-ranked man among brothers.

The meaning of the plan.


He is an outstanding statesman. He is one of the most famous kings in Chinese history.

About (Sun Quan). There is a story about him in history books.


(Sun Quan) became the new king of the Wu Kingdom, and the celebration banquet is about to end.

He stood up, took his own glass, and toasted all the ministers one by one.


A minister named (Yu Fan) pretended to be drunk to avoid drinking one-on-one with him.

(Sun Quan) felt that (Yu Fan) did not respect him. He was very angry.

He raised the sword, he wanted to kill (Yu Fan).


Everyone was taken aback by this sudden situation.


At this time, a minister named (Liu Nong) stood up to stop him.

(Liu Nong) said to him.


Although (Yu Fan) made a mistake, this mistake can be forgiven.

You are a noble king, you have the power to decide the life or death of others, but you must not kill him.


All our ministers have followed you for a long time.

We are all willing to continue to work for you,


It is because we all think that you respect the professional knowledge of each of us.

You are willing to humbly accept the opinions we all provide you,


What kind of king do you want to be?


You hope that you are a wise and upright king who makes our kingdom grow,

Or do you want to be an irrational and murderous king?


At this time, (Sun Quan) was so angry that he threw his sword on the ground, and then left the banquet venue.


The next day, (Sun Quan) issued an order.

Starting today, if I give any order after drinking, it will not be executed.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever seen or experienced the experience of making mistakes because of drinking? How do you remind yourself that you must calm down and delay judgment when you are very angry?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.




I found a great horse (按圖索驥)

 I found a great horse (按圖索驥)


There was a famous editor-in-chief in the Song Dynasty of China, and his name was Li Fang.

There is a story in the collection of short stories he edited.


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a person named (Sun Yang).

His specialty is that he can accurately distinguish the quality of each horse.


He wrote his own experience into a book.

This book is the first book in China that specifically records how to distinguish the quality of a horse.


After he finished writing this book, he told his son.

I wrote my experience of how to distinguish a horse in this book.

I also painted a lot of pictures so that you can identify good horses more efficiently.


I give you a task.

You take this book and go to find some good horses everywhere, and then bring these horses back.


A year later, his son returned, but his son told him.

I searched everywhere, but I didn't see a horse exactly like the one in these pictures.


(Sun Yang) said to his son.

Of course you cannot find a horse exactly like the one in these pictures.

You go out and look for it again, this time you have to remember. A good horse usually has several characteristics in common.


The first point is its head bones, which appear to bulge upward.

The second point is that its eyes should be bright and slightly protruding.


The third point is that its spine is straight and powerful.

The fourth point is that when it walks, the rhythm is continuous and fast.


You should look for a horse that meets these characteristics, not a horse that looks the same as the picture.


His son expressed his understanding and went out to search again.

But this time his son came back soon.


He said to (Sun Yang).

I saw a horse in the yard. He meets the first three characteristics of all good horses, but the fourth one is not.

Please come out and help me identify it again.


Sun Yang followed his son out of his home, and his son pointed to a toad and said. All its conditions are almost in line with the characteristics of a good horse.


Sun Yang smiled at this time, he understood that his son was not suitable for inheriting his own profession.


He said to his son. This task is cancelled, and you dont have to learn how to identify horses anymore.


Some people use this idiom positively.

It means that a person follows the established steps to complete the work.


Some people use this idiom negatively.

Describes a person who only considers the principles of work, but does not consider the results of the work that he really wants to achieve.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When you work in accordance with the existing process, do you think about the rationale behind it? Have you ever thought about how to optimize your daily fixed work?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



A person who chases the sun(夸父逐日)

A person who chases the sun(夸父逐日)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famous thinker (Lee Yukou), he rewritten an ancient Chinese myth.

The original text of this story comes from the book (Shan Hai Jing).


In remote ancient times, there was a man whose name was (Kuafu).

One morning, (Kuafu) looked at the sun that had just risen, and an idea came to him.


I am going to chase the sun.

I want to go and see above the sun, I want to know what it looks like over there.


He set this goal.

He began to run towards the sun.


He ran from morning to noon, and he felt that the sun was getting closer.

The sun stays in the middle of the sky.


He was tired, so he took a break.

He took a nap, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he was startled, how could the sun go so far to the west all at once.


He quickly got up and continued running.


He ran from noon until evening, but he felt that the speed of the sun was getting faster and faster.

The sun was farther and farther away from him.


He was very anxious, and he tried all his strength to chase the sun.

He watched the sun disappear from the valley ahead. He did not succeed.


He suddenly felt very tired, he didn't even have the energy to take another step.

He felt intense thirst at this time, and he saw a river beside him.


He crawled over, and drank the entire river in one breath.

But there is still no way to make him feel satisfied.


He remembered that there was a very large lake in the north. He struggled to stand up, and then walked slowly to the north. He wanted to drink water from that lake to relieve his thirst.


But his strength was completely exhausted, and he could no longer support it.

He fell down, and he died on the road, and the wooden stick he was carrying with him fell beside his body.


After decades and hundreds of years, the stick rotted and became the nutrients of the land.

A whole forest of hundreds of kilometers wide grew on the land.


When many people saw this wood, they thought of Kuafu chasing the sun.


Some people use this idiom positively.

Describes a person who continues to move toward his dream, he can even pay his own life for his dream.


Some people use this idiom negatively.

To describe some people who don't know that their abilities are actually not enough, but this person has set a goal that is impossible for them to accomplish.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What dreams do you have that you are willing to spend your whole life pursuing? Have you seen people around you who have big dreams like (Kuafu) and put them into action?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



We could not find the lost sheep (歧路亡羊).

 We could not find the lost sheep (歧路亡羊).


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famous thinker (Lee Yukou), he wrote a story.


There is a famous thinker whose name is (Yang Zhu).


One day, his neighbor said to him.

I have a sheep lost. I summoned everyone in my family. We are going to find that sheep.

I want to ask your students to help find it.


(Yang Zhu) said, do you need so many people to find a sheep?

The neighbor replied. Because there are many forked roads, and each forked road has many forked roads.

So we need a lot of people to help.


(Yang Zhu) then ordered several students to help.

That night, these students returned. (Yang Zhu) asked these students, have you found this sheep?

The student answered. We searched all day but couldn't find the sheep. Because there are too many forked roads along the way.


(Yang Zhu) showed a serious expression. Then he did not speak for several days.


A few days later, a famous scholar (Xinduzi) came to visit (Yang Zhu).

After the two of them talked, the students asked (Xinduzi).

In the conversation, did the teacher reveal why he felt so heavy about the loss of sheep by his neighbor?


(Xinduzi) answered.


(Yang Zhu) From this incident, let him think of an important question.

The most important truth in the world is usually simple, but on the way to this important truth, we will encounter many forked roads.

Too many people are lost in these forked roads in the process of pursuing the truth.


These people have been busy all their lives, but they don't know that they have lost their way. They are like this lost sheep.


All of us should always remind ourselves.

When we learn all kinds of knowledge, we must not forget what is the real most important value for a human being.


This idiom is used to remind us that we should grasp the basic truth and the most important value, so as not to let us go into a fork in the road.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

What do you think is the most important value in your life? Do you recall the important choices you have experienced in your life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


We should remain humble(老馬識途)

 We should remain humble(老馬識途)


During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Han Fei), he wrote a story.


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Qi Kingdom personally led an army to attack the Guzhu Kingdom.


They left the Qi Kingdom in the spring. When the war is won and the army is about to return to the Qi Kingdom, the season is already winter.

The scenery in spring and winter is very different. So the army lost its way.


At this time a minister named (Guan Zhong) said to the king

According to my observations, many animals have a more acute perception of the environment than humans.


We can pick out a few old horses, untie the reins, and let them walk freely in the front of the army. Maybe we can find the way home.


The king agreed with (Guan Zhong)'s opinion.

As (Guan Zhong) expected, they found their way back to the Qi Kingdom.


But at this time there are new problems.

The army has been walking for a long time, but it didn't pass the stream along the way. All people are very thirsty.


At this time another minister named (Xipeng) said to the king.

According to my observation, ants will build their nests on the south side of the mountain in winter because the south side is warmer.

In summer, ants build their nests on the north side of the mountain, because the north side is cooler.

In addition, ants will build ant dens where groundwater passes.


So as long as we find the big ant nest and dig down beside the ant nest, we may find a source of water.


The king agreed with (Xipeng)'s opinion.

As a result, as (Xin Peng) expected, they resolved the crisis of lack of water.


Finally (Han Fei) made a comment. Smart people like (Guan Zhong) and (Xi Peng), they all remain humble and learn from the old horse or the ant.


But today, many people are neither smart nor willing to learn from others.

We should use this story to warn ourselves.


This idiom is used to remind us that we should remain humble and that we should learn from those who have experience.

This idiom is usually used to describe someone who is very experienced.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you remind yourself that you should be humble at all times? Can you find in others the advantages you don't have?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I only feel a little sadness(悲心更微)

 I only feel a little sadness(悲心更微)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famous thinker (Lee Yukou), he wrote a story.


There is a person who was born in Yan Kingdom.

He immigrated to the Kingdom of Chu with his parents when he was very young.


He has lived in the Chu Kingdom for decades, and he is now an old man. .

He suddenly wanted to go back to his birthplace and take a look. He arranged a trip.


He joined a tour group to the Kingdom of Yan,

The tour group went for several days and passed through countless fields.

On this day, a city appeared in the distance.


A member of the group said to the old man.

Look, that city is our destination, which is your hometown.

The old man looked at the distant city, and he was very excited.


A group of people entered the city. Several hours passed.

The group member pointed to a house in the distance and said to the old man.

Do you remember that house, it is your family club.


The old man looked at this house. He remembered being here as a child.

Sorrowful for the passage of time, he sighed.


The group continued to move forward. A few minutes passed.


The group member pointed to a cemetery in front and said to the old man.

Come here, that is your family cemetery.

The old man shed tears at this time. He cried.


When the group member saw the old man crying, he actually laughed. He said to the old man.

I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I deceived you. This is not the Yan Kingdom. This is actually the Jin Kingdom.


The old man is well cultivated, he is not angry, but he feels very embarrassed because he actually cried in front of everyone.


After the tour group left the Jin Kingdom, several days later, they really arrived at the Yan Kingdom this time.

The old man arrived in the capital of the Yan Kingdom. When he saw his family club and family cemetery, he was only a little sad.


This idiom is used to remind us that if something happens repeatedly, we will gradually feel that it is not worth moving.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you cherish the time you spend with your family or closest friends? Can you remain as simple as a child when facing things that move you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Is your worry necessary(杞人憂天)

 Is your worry necessary(杞人憂天)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, a famous thinker (Lee Yukou), he wrote a story.


There is a person in Qi Kingdom, and he is worried about two things.


The first thing he worried about was that he was afraid that the sky would collapse.

The second thing is that he is afraid that the land will fall.


His good friend said to him.


This space we live in is composed of countless air combinations.

We breathe in this space every day, so we have life.

You don't have to worry that the sky will collapse.


The land we live in is composed of countless soils.

We live on this land every day, and the human race continues for generations.

You don't have to worry about the land falling.


After hearing this, the man felt that what his friend said made sense, and he was no longer worried about these two things.


There was a wise man named (Chang Luzi) in the Chu Kingdom.

He made his comment on this incident.

He said.


Although the world we live in is so huge for us,

But compared with the universe, our world is so small.

So I think that if after a long time, the sky and the land will disappear one day.


(Lee Yu Kou) also published his comments.

He said.

None of us can be sure whether the sky and the land will disappear or not.

So when we face things we don't know, we should remain flexible and in awe.

We should not insist on our own views, nor should we be bothered by these things.


This idiom is used to describe a person who has unnecessary worries.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you feel worried about things you can't control? Do you agree that we should remain resilient and awed when facing the unknown?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...