
Your king is afraid of you, because your contribution is too great.(震主之威)



The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang), and the name of the most important general who assisted him in establishing the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He has a very important staff who is proficient in physiognomy. The name of this staff officer is (Kuai Tong).

(Kui Tong) suggested that he break away from the Kingdom of Han and establish a new kingdom by himself.


(Kuai Tong) said.

You must remember the story of the famous king (Goujian) of the Yue Kingdom and his two famous ministers (Fan Li) and (Wen Zhong) in the Spring and Autumn Period. This case is very classic.


(Please refer to this blog.) https://chinesewordingconsultant.blogspot.com/search?q=%E8%8C%83%E8%A0%A1




A person who acts unjustly for his own benefit(鄉利倍義) / People's heart is unpredictable (We can't predict a person's heart(人心難測)


A person who acts unjustly for his own benefit(鄉利倍義)

People's heart is unpredictable (We can't predict a person's heart(人心難測)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang), and the name of the most important general who assisted him in establishing the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He has a very important staff who is proficient in physiognomy. The name of this staff officer is (Kuai Tong).

(Kui Tong) suggested that he break away from the Kingdom of Han and establish a new kingdom by himself.


Han Xin replied after pondering.

I can't follow your advice, because Liu Bang, king of the Han Dynasty, is my very good friend.

He treats me like his brother and he treats me very well.

He shared with me all his belongings, from carriage and clothes to food.


He was so kind to me and I am very grateful to him.

I should help share his worries, and I should do my best to repay him.

I don't think one should violate loyalty and justice for one's own benefit.


(Kuai Tong) answer.

Do you really think that Liu Bang regards you as his biological brother? I don't think you are right in thinking that.

You treat Liu Bang with loyalty and justice, but do you think Liu Bang will treat you with the same standard?


There was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty. This person is also your good friend. He is (Zhang Er).

(Zhang Er) Once had a good friend named (Chen Yu).

The two of them used to be very close, and both of them expressed their willingness to sacrifice their lives for each other.


Then a life-threatening incident actually happened.

When the test came, the two of them changed from friends to enemies because the other's behavior did not meet their expectations.

The two of them became very resentful towards each other, and a few years ago, (Chen Er) killed (Chen Yu) in a war.


I think there are two things that will never change, greed can lead to disaster, we can't predict a person's heart.


(Kuai Tong) paused.

Han Xin listened intently to him.


(Kuai Tong) continued.

The identities and backgrounds between the two of them are similar, and they have a friendship of more than ten years, but they became enemies in the end.


You and Liu Bang are not equal in status and background, he is the king and you are his general.

You haven't known each other for long, so I don't think you should conclude that Liu Bang is like you. I don't think Liu Bang will treat you with the same justice and loyalty.


The first idiom means that a person does an unjust act for his own benefit.

The second idiom means that it is difficult for us to predict a person's heart.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Have you ever had this kind of good friend who is like your biological brother? Is your relationship still so deep now?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




Three equal forces(三分天下)

Three equal forces(三分天下)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He has a very important staff who is proficient in physiognomy. The name of this staff officer is (Kuai Tong).

(Kui Tong) first used physiognomy to observe his bones, face, speech and actions, and then analyzed the situation in China at that time.

(Kuai Tong) put forward his own suggestion to him.


(Kuai Tong) said.

I offer my advice sincerely, you may think my advice is not good so you don't take my advice.

But I still want to offer my opinion.


There are only two powerful kingdoms in China now, and this situation is dangerous.

An item needs to have at least three legs if it is to stand.

A triangle is the most balanced and stable structure.


So I suggest that you should form a new kingdom by yourself.

If you do this, there will be three equal forces within China.


You are a wise and capable general, and you have a kind heart.

You have a brave and numerous army. The lands of Qi Kingdom, Yan Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom have now been occupied by you.


When you start a new kingdom, the kings of these two kingdoms will think about one thing, if they continue to fight each other, if they continue to consume their own national power, they will put themselves in a dangerous situation.


You can attack them at any time, and you will be the biggest beneficiary.


The war between these two kingdoms has caused the death of many people in China, and the people of all China will be glad to see you bring the two kingdoms to a truce.


I believe that the kings and people of all kingdoms will agree and support you in promoting peace.

You will earn the respect of all, and the kings and people of all kingdoms will obey you.


There is an old proverb.

When God bestows blessings on you, you should be grateful and accept them. If you don't accept the blessings God has given you, you will be punished instead.

Another old proverb

You should take your chances, and if you don't take your chances, then you will suffer.

I therefore implore you to take my advice.


After hearing these words, Han Xin fell into deep thought.


This idiom is used to describe that there are three equal forces in one place, and these three forces are mutually restraining.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Have you ever missed those good times? How often in your life have you felt God has blessed you?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




His death was very miserable(肝膽塗地)


His death was very miserable(肝膽塗地)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He has a very important staff who is proficient in physiognomy. The name of this staff officer is (Kuai Tong).

(Kui Tong) used physiognomy to observe his bones and face as well as his speech and actions, and then offered him some advice.


(Kuai Tong) said something to him.


After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, China was divided into many kingdoms.


Among these kingdoms, the most powerful are Chu Kingdom and Han Kingdom.

These two kingdoms are fighting each other, and both kingdoms want to defeat the other to become the only great power.


The war between these two kingdoms was very tragic, and many innocent people were implicated. The brains and internal organs of these people were scattered on the ground.

There are corpses all around the battlefield, and these corpses have not been buried.


All the people suffer because of the war, all the people mourn and sigh because of the war. Everyone doesn't know what the future will hold, and everyone is at a loss.


The birthplace of the Chu Kingdom is in Jiangsu Province.

The army of Chu Kingdom is very powerful.

This army defeated countless enemies, and people all over China feared this army.


But this army also encountered a strong enemy.

The armies of the Chu Kingdom and the Han Kingdom fought in Henan Province, and the armies of the two kingdoms stalemate in this place for three years.


The army of the Kingdom of Chu had a manpower advantage but could not defeat the army of the Kingdom of Han.

Although the army of the Kingdom of Han had an advantage in terrain, they were still unable to break through the defense line of the Kingdom of Chu.


In 203 AD, the Kingdom of Chu finally defeated the army of the Kingdom of Han in an attack.

Liu Bang, king of the Han Kingdom, was also wounded in this battle, and he fled to the southwest of Henan Province.


The army of the Han Dynasty suffered this serious setback, the morale of all the soldiers was low, and the grain in the warehouse was almost exhausted.


(Kuai Tong) After a pause for a few seconds, he said to Han Xin.


According to my observations and suggestions, we should change China's current chaotic state in the shortest possible time. I think only a person with outstanding vision and ability can bring China back to peace.


You are the key third party, because whoever you help can win in this contest.


(Kui Tong) looked at (Han Xin) quietly after saying this.

(Han Xin) fell into thinking.


The direct translation of this idiom means that when a person is killed, the person's brains and internal organs are scattered on the ground.

This idiom is used to describe the tragic death of a person.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Have you seen the cruelty of war? Have you ever made those efforts for peace?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




I will never make a mistake(萬不失一)


I will never make a mistake(萬不失一)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, there were many resistance forces in China. Among these resisting forces, the two largest forces are the Chu Kingdom led by (Xiang Yu) and the Han Kingdom led by (Liu Bang).


In 204 BC, a war broke out between the Kingdom of Han and the Kingdom of Chu.

In this battle, the Kingdom of Chu lost 200,000 elite soldiers.

After this battle, the military strength of the Han Kingdom and the Chu Kingdom reversed, and the military strength of the Han Kingdom began to surpass that of the Chu Kingdom.


After the war ended, (Han Xin) had a very important staff officer named (Kuai Tong) tell him.

You may not know that I am well versed in physiognomy.

Can I give you some advice using my expertise in physiognomy?


Han Xin replied.

Physiognomy is a very profound science.

What kind of physiognomy skills do you know?


(Kuai Tong) answer.

I will look at a person's skeleton first, and I can see a person's whole life from a person's skeleton.

I use this method to judge whether this person will be very successful or ordinary in the future.

I will then look at a person's face, and I can see from a person's face the luck of the person for the next few months.

I use this method to judge whether this person will encounter good or bad things next.

In the third way, I will see whether a person has decisiveness from his words and actions.


My research on physiognomy is very in-depth, I have rich practical experience, and I will never make mistakes.


Han Xin replied.

If that's accurate, then please share your observations about me.


(Kuai Tong) answer.

Because what I say next involves your privacy.

Should I just say it now? Or would it be better for you to ask the people around you to leave first?


Han Xin said with a smile.

You are very considerate, I order the guards to temporarily leave this room.


After the guards left, (Kuai Tong) said.

After observing your face, I deduce that you will become a marquis in the near future, but behind this good thing is hidden something bad.


After I observed the bones of your whole body, I came to a conclusion.

If you make the right decision, you will become a person of great status, and your status will surpass everyone else.


(Han Xin) asked after listening to these words.

Can you explain more clearly?


(Kuai Tong) said.

The fate of each of us is inseparable from this era.

We all live in this time and space.


A few years ago, many brave and smart people from various kingdoms ruled by the Qin Dynasty gathered to rebel against the Qin Dynasty. These smart and brave people gathered together like clouds in the sky. There are as many of these people as there are countless scales of a fish.


These people gather together, the enthusiasm of these people is like the blazing heat of the burning side of the flame, and the power of these people is like a violent wind, nothing can stop it.

Everyone has only one belief, and this belief is to overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


After (Kuai Tong) finished speaking, he looked at (Han Xin).

Han Xin thought for a few minutes after listening to this passage, and (Han Xin) nodded in agreement.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is absolutely sure about something.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Do you want to predict the future? Do you think that a person can produce different results through independent choices in his life?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



He trusts completely and follows all my advice.(言聽計用) / He shared his clothes and food with me(解衣推食)

He trusts completely and follows all my advice.(言聽計用)

He shared his clothes and food with me(解衣推食)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, there were many resistance forces in China. Among these resisting forces, the two largest forces are the Chu Kingdom led by (Xiang Yu) and the Han Kingdom led by (Liu Bang).


In 204 BC, a war broke out between the Kingdom of Han and the Kingdom of Chu.

In this battle, the Kingdom of Chu lost 200,000 elite soldiers.

After this battle, the military strength of the Han Kingdom and the Chu Kingdom reversed, and the military strength of the Han Kingdom began to surpass that of the Chu Kingdom.


After the war, (Xiang Yu) sent an envoy to see (Han Xin).


The messenger said to (Han Xin).

You should break away from the Kingdom of Han and form a new kingdom yourself.

If you form a new kingdom, (Xiang Yu) will support you and become your ally.

This is a good opportunity, you are a smart person, and you should make this choice that is best for you.


(Han Xin) answered the messenger.

Before I came to the Kingdom of Han, I originally joined the army of the Kingdom of Chu, because I think the army of the Kingdom of Chu is the most powerful in the whole of China, and I really want to realize my ideal in this place.

I served as a low-ranking guard in the army of Chu Kingdom,

I have put forward many suggestions to (Xiang Yu), but (Xiang Yu) has not adopted my opinion.

I felt that I was not taken seriously, so I left the army of Chu Kingdom later.


After I arrived in the army of the Han Kingdom, (Liu Bang) did not ignore me because of my young age. He attached great importance to my suggestions and adopted them all as long as they were my suggestions.

(Liu Bang) was also very kind to me, he was a king, he shared his food and clothes with me.

He trusted me very much, he let me serve as the supreme leader of the army of the Kingdom of Han, and he allowed me to command an army of tens of thousands of people according to my own ideas.


I can have such an achievement today, I think the main reason is because (Liu Bang) believes in my ability and he fully empowers me.


I am so close to (Liu Bang), and he trusts me so much.

I will never betray him, and I will serve him until the day I die.


(Han Xin) paused, and finally answered the messenger.

I am very grateful to (Xiang Yu) for his advice, he is the general I respect the most. Please say thank you to him for me.

I will not betray the Kingdom of Han, and I will never start a new kingdom myself.


The first idiom is used to describe a person who completely trusts and follows all advice from another person).

The second idiom is used to describe a person who cares a lot about another person.



Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

If you were Han Xin, would you establish a new kingdom by yourself? Is your work fully authorized?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




The three most powerful forces in China contain each other and maintain balance(三分天下)


The three most powerful forces in China contain each other and maintain balance(三分天下)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, there were many resistance forces in China. Among these resisting forces, the two largest forces are the Chu Kingdom led by (Xiang Yu) and the Han Kingdom led by (Liu Bang).


In 204 BC, a war broke out between the Kingdom of Han and the Kingdom of Chu.

In this battle, the Kingdom of Chu lost 200,000 elite soldiers.

After this battle, the military strength of the Han Kingdom and the Chu Kingdom reversed, and the military strength of the Han Kingdom began to surpass that of the Chu Kingdom.


After the war, (Xiang Yu) sent an envoy to see (Han Xin).


The messenger said to (Han Xin).

The Qin Kingdom established the Qin Dynasty after annexing all the kingdoms in China.

But the people of various kingdoms were unwilling to obey the leadership of the Qin Kingdom, so the people of all countries rose up against the Qin Dynasty.


After the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, the leaders of the various kingdoms returned to their original territories, and the various kingdoms agreed to maintain peace and not to start wars with each other.


But the Kingdom of Han broke this agreement, and the Kingdom of Han launched an army to invade various kingdoms.


I think the leader of the Han Kingdom (Liu Bang) is a very ambitious and greedy man.

(Liu Bang) wanted to follow the example of the Qin Kingdom and once again annexed the lands of various Chinese kingdoms into his own territory.



The king of the Chu Kingdom (Xiang Yu) is a merciful person.

(Xiang Yu) had the opportunity to kill Liu Bang several times, but (Xiang Yu) let him go.


The King of the Han Kingdom (Liu Bang) is a man of no credit.

He didn't thank (Xiang Yu) for his forgiveness, and after he accumulated enough force, he led the army to attack the Kingdom of Chu.

He did not abide by the agreement with Xiang Yu.


It can be seen from this that he is a person who does not keep his promise. He is an ungrateful man.


The messenger paused, and then said to (Han Xin).

There are now three largest forces in China.

The army you lead and the army of Han Kingdom and the army of Chu Kingdom present a balanced situation.


Your choice will determine which of the two kingdoms, the Chu Kingdom and the Han Kingdom, will win the final victory.


If you help the Kingdom of Chu, then the Kingdom of Han will definitely be defeated.

If you assist the Kingdom of Han, the Kingdom of Chu will definitely be defeated.


If you continue to assist the Kingdom of Han, I believe that after the defeat of the Kingdom of Chu, you will be the next target to be killed by (Liu Bang), because your military power is too strong, (Liu Bang) is a despicable and ungrateful person, He will most likely kill you then.


So I suggest you, you should break away from Liu Bang, and you should declare yourself to establish a new kingdom.

If you form a new kingdom, Chu Kingdom will support you and become your ally.


This idiom is used to describe three forces in a group or country that check and balance each other.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

If your friend does not keep his promise, will you continue to be his friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




I will launch a surprise attack when the enemy crosses the river. (半渡而擊)

I will launch a surprise attack when the enemy crosses the river. (半渡而擊)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He was the commander-in-chief of the Han Kingdom's army.

In 204 BC, the Kingdom of Chu sent an army to support the Kingdom of Qi. The Kingdom of Chu was the most powerful kingdom at that time, and the name of the general who led this army was named (Longqi).


After the troops of the Kingdom of Chu arrived in the territory of the Kingdom of Qi, they camped on both sides of a river separated from the troops of the Kingdom of Han.


At the military meeting of the Kingdom of Chu, the military staff of the Kingdom of Chu said to (Long Qi).

The morale of the army of the Kingdom of Han is currently high. We should take a defensive position and deplete the opponent's food reserves.

When the Han Kingdom's army runs out of food, they will take the initiative to launch an attack, and we will counterattack at that time.


(Long Qi) answer.

You are all afraid of (Han Xin), but I am not afraid of him.

He used to be a low-ranking officer in the army of the Chu Dynasty, and I know his details very well. I think his current success is all accidental.

We should take the initiative and I think we can win this easily.


(Han Xin) also knows (Long Qi).

After Han Xin knew that (Long Qi) was the general leading the army, he already had a plan.


He stationed his army by a river.


He ordered the soldiers of the Han Dynasty to build a temporary dam on the upper reaches of the river, and the flow of the lower reaches of the river became only half of the original.


On the night when the army of the Kingdom of Chu was stationed on the other side of the river, he led the army across the river to attack the army of the Kingdom of Chu.


Then pretending he was wounded, he ordered the Han army to cross the river quickly and return to their camp.


(Long Qi) already despised him in his heart, so (Long Qi) didn't realize that this was his trick.

(Long Qi) thought this was a good opportunity, so he ordered all the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom to mobilize urgently, and all the soldiers immediately crossed the river to chase (Han Xin) and attack the troops of the Han Kingdom.


When the army of the Kingdom of Chu led by (Long Qi) marched to the middle of the river, Han Xin ordered the soldiers standing by the dam to dig open the temporary dam.


Huge amounts of water rushed downstream.

(Long Qi) successfully landed on the other side with one-third of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Chu, but they were all wiped out by the army of the Kingdom of Han.


One-third of the soldiers of the Chu Kingdom's army did not have time to land, and these soldiers died of drowning.

Another third of the soldiers of Chu Kingdom who had not yet crossed the river all scattered and fled when they saw the general who led them die in battle.


In this battle, the Kingdom of Chu lost 200,000 elite soldiers.

After this battle, the military strength of the Han Kingdom and the Chu Kingdom reversed, and the military strength of the Han Kingdom began to surpass that of the Chu Kingdom.


This idiom means that I will launch a surprise attack when the enemy crosses the river.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Have you ever looked down on others? Have you ever suffered a loss by looking down on others?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



Stop the war and let the soldiers rest(案甲休兵)

Stop the war and let the soldiers rest(案甲休兵)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He was the commander-in-chief of the Han Kingdom's army.

In 205 BC, after he led the army of the Han Kingdom to defeat the army of the Zhao Kingdom, his next goal was to attack and defeat the Kingdoms of Yan and Qi.


He asked one of Zhao's military staff officers who had been captured by him a question.

How can I achieve my goal with the least loss?


The name of this military staff officer is (Li Zuojun).

(Li Zuojun) suggested him.


According to my observation, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty you led have gone through several battles in a row, and these soldiers are already very tired.


So you should temporarily stop the war plan and let these soldiers have a good rest.


You have a lot to do that you can do during this time.

You should find a way to make the people of Kingdom Zhao accept your way of governing this land.

You should comfort the families of those fallen soldiers.

You should prepare a banquet to reward those soldiers who have made military exploits.


You have to increase the number of soldiers on the border with the Yan Kingdom, you don't have to actually fight, you just need to let the Yan Kingdom feel that you are actively preparing to launch an army attack.


Then you have to secretly send an envoy to see the king of the Yan Kingdom. The mission of this envoy is to persuade the king of the Yan Kingdom to surrender voluntarily. .


In the impression of the kings of various countries, you are a military genius, and you have led the army of the Han Kingdom to win several victories in a row.

So you only need to show the confidence that you can attack them at any time and win at any time, and they will have great panic in their hearts.


I believe that the king of Yan Kingdom will choose to surrender after weighing the pros and cons.

As long as Yan Kingdom surrenders, then the king of Qi Kingdom will also obey you.


(Li Zuojun) paused and then said with a smile.

You have to hide your weaknesses and use other people's stereotypes to reinforce your strengths in others' minds.

You can make the other party misjudge.


We want to win, not win a war.

This is the easiest and smartest way I think you can do it.


He answered after hearing these words.

I admire you very much, and I think your opinion is reasonable and can indeed be implemented. I will do as you advise me.


This idiom means to stop the war and let the soldiers rest.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Are you afraid of that person or that thing? Have you examined and rationally analyzed your inner fear?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




This fact will make your enemies see your weakness(情見勢屈)

This fact will make your enemies see your weakness(情見勢屈)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He was the commander-in-chief of the Han Kingdom's army.

In 205 BC, after he led the army of the Han Kingdom to defeat the army of the Zhao Kingdom, his next goal was to attack and defeat the Kingdoms of Yan and Qi.


He asked one of Zhao's military staff officers who had been captured by him a question.

How can I achieve my goal with the least loss?


The name of this military staff officer is (Li Zuojun).

(Li Zuojun) answered.


You are a military genius, and you have led the army of the Kingdom of Han to win several victories in a row.

This image is your greatest strength.


But you have to take into account your current disadvantage.

According to my observation, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty you led have gone through several battles in a row, and these soldiers are already very tired.


Among these two kingdoms, Yan Kingdom is weaker and closer to Zhao Kingdom, so you should attack Yan Kingdom first.


Although the Kingdom of Yan is relatively weak, their castles are very strong and their morale is high.

If you lead this army to attack the Kingdom of Yan now, I don't think you can win this war very quickly, and you will let your enemy find that your soldiers are already very tired.


Your biggest purpose in launching this battle is to weaken the power of Chu Kingdom, which supports these two kingdoms behind the scenes.

You should use your advantages to win this war. If you clarify the purpose of waging this war, you will find that it is not necessary to use force to win a war.

In my opinion, you can do it smarter.


Han Xin asked after hearing these words.

How can I do it?


This idiom means that this fact will make your enemies see your disadvantage.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Before you get into an argument with someone, do you define what victory means? Do you respect the opinions of those who are inferior to you?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



情見勢屈(This fact will make your enemies see your weakness)










































The smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will be ignorant sometimes. The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes. (智者千慮必有一失,愚者千慮必有一得)


The smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will be ignorant sometimes. The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes. (智者千慮必有一失,愚者千慮必有一得)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He was the commander-in-chief of the Han Kingdom's army.

In 205 BC, he led the army of Han Kingdom to attack Zhao Kingdom.


Because the generals of the Zhao Kingdom did not adopt the advice of the Zhao Kingdom's military staff, although the number of soldiers of the Zhao Kingdom was far greater than that of the Han Kingdom, they were still defeated by the Han Dynasty.


The name of the military staff officer of the Kingdom of Zhao is (Li Zuojun), and the name of (Li Zuojun)'s grandfather is (Li Mu). (Li Mu) was a very great general in the Warring States Period.


After the first battle, he did something that surprised everyone.

He released (Li Zuojun), and he asked (Li Zuojun) for help with a respectful attitude.

He asked Li Zuojun a question. He said.

I have defeated the Kingdom of Zhao, and my next goal is to attack and defeat the Kingdom of Yan and the Kingdom of Qi.

What can I do to achieve my goals in the smartest way?

Because his attitude is very sincere, so (Li Zuojun) replied.

I have heard two proverbs,

The meaning of the first proverb is that the smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will also be stupid sometimes.

The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes.


The second proverb means that when we hear a proud and arrogant person say big things, we don't have to deny everything he said. A wise man can select words of wisdom from these words and allow himself to be inspired.


I am an ignorant person, I put forward my opinion, because I hope Zhao Kingdom can win this battle.

The general of Kingdom Zhao was a smart man, he thought his idea was right, but it turned out that his decision-making led to the defeat of Kingdom Zhao in this battle, and he himself died in this battle.


Since you are very polite to me and ask for my opinion, then I will put forward my point of view to share with you.


You have won three battles in a row, and in this battle with the Kingdom of Zhao, you have even defeated the army of the Kingdom of Zhao, which has far more soldiers than you.


I believe that the whole of China already knows you, and the kings and nobles of all countries are afraid of you.

You lead your army to fight everywhere, and if your army passes through any village, the people of that village will put down their farm tools and stop working, because these farmers think you will bring war and death.


I think your current image is your greatest advantage.

This idiom means that the smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will also be ignorant sometimes.

The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Do you think you are smarter or dumber than others? When you have a conversation with an arrogant person, do you deny everything he says?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.





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