
He stole the glory of God(貪天之功)


He stole the glory of God(貪天之功)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the 22nd king of the Jin Kingdom was named (Ji Chong'er).

He was 43 years old in 656 BC. In that year, he left the Jin Kingdom with a few loyal subordinates and went into exile in other kingdoms.

One of these subordinates was named (Jie Zhitui).


In 636 AD, (Ji Chong'er) returned to the Jin Kingdom, and he was 62 years old that year.

He became the 22nd king of the Jin Kingdom.


He is very grateful to these subordinates who followed him during his most difficult time. He gave these subordinates important positions in the kingdom and gave them a lot of gold. These subordinates are very happy to accept his rewards and gifts.


There is only one exception, and that person is ((Jie Zhitui)).


his mother asked him.

Why did you refuse to accept these rewards and gifts?

He said.

(Ji Chonger)'s father and brother have both passed away, and among all the members of the royal family, he has the highest seniority and the oldest age. He is the rightful first in line to the throne.


I am very grateful to God, because it was through His care that Ji Chong'er was able to return to the Kingdom of Jin and inherit the throne.


During our 19 years in exile, we have experienced many dangers and difficulties.

I think it's thanks to the gods that we can safely return to the Kingdom of Jin.


If a person steals other people's property, he is considered a thief.

If a person takes the glory of God for himself, shouldn't he be considered a thief?


Ji Chong'er should thank God first, not just reward his subordinates.

My friends should also thank God first, my friends should be ashamed to accept these gifts and rewards.



This idiom means that he stole God's glory.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you agree with him? Have you ever thanked God for something?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




I will order my army to retreat 30 kilometres(退避三舍)


I will order my army to retreat 30 kilometres(退避三舍)


The period from 770 BC to 476 BC is called the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history.

At that time, the supreme leader of China was the King of Zhou Dynasty. The King of the Zhou Dynasty divided the land of China among 140 princes.


These princes set up their own kingdoms on the land they owned.

In these kingdoms, there were many stories of father and son turning against each other or brothers killing each other in order to succeed to the throne.


The 22nd king of the Jin Kingdom is called (Ji Chonger) and there is a story about him in the history books.


He is the second of his father's five children. The mothers of his five brothers are all different.

His father was infatuated with the fourth wife, his father abolished his elder brother's claim to the throne, and his father gave the succession to the son of his fourth wife.


As a result, he and his brothers were forced to leave the Jin Kingdom in 656 BC and went into exile in other kingdoms.

He was in exile for a total of 19 years and did not return to the Jin Kingdom until 636 BC, when he became the 22nd king of the Jin Kingdom.


In 638 BC he fled to the Kingdom of Chu. He lived in the Chu Kingdom for several months.


The king of Chu Kingdom recognised his noble character. The king of Chu Kingdom saw many talented and upright people gathered around him, so the king of Chu Kingdom treated him very well.


At a banquet, the king of Chu Kingdom said to him

You are a nobleman who has been in exile for a long time, but I do not despise you and I welcome you very warmly.

If one day you can return to Jin Kingdom and become the king of Jin Kingdom, how will you thank me? What gift will you give me?



He replied.

The Kingdom of Chu is rich in resources, gold and silk.

The Kingdom of Chu has a vast land, many rare animals and hardworking people.

You are the king of this great kingdom, and I don't think you lack anything.

So I don't know what gift to give you.


The King of Chu Kingdom said to him with a smile.

My life is not as perfect as you say, do you really have no gift for me?


He thought for a few minutes before answering very seriously.

I can think of one gift to give you, and that is my promise.

I promise you that when I return to Jin Kingdom one day and become King of Jin Kingdom.

I will do my best to maintain a peaceful relationship with the Kingdom of Chu.


But if one day there is a conflict between our two kingdoms because of the interests of the country, I am willing to take the initiative to give in.

At that time, I will order the army of Jin Kingdom to retreat 30 kilometres.


Asked the King of Chu Kingdom.

If our two kingdoms clash, can you retreat more than 30 kilometres?


he replied.

Yes, that is my bottom line, I will only retreat 30 kilometres at most.

If you are still not satisfied and insist on making further concessions, I will use all the power of the Jin Kingdom to launch a counterattack against the Chu Kingdom.


This idiom is used to describe a person who actively backs down to avoid conflict.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever taken the initiative to give in to avoid conflict with others? What is the moral outcome of your life and work?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Bo Yan(伯顏)


Bo Yan(伯顏)( AD 1236-AD 1295)


His surname is (Bo), his first name is (Yan), and he was born in Mongolia.


It means the eldest of several brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of colour is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous general of the Yuan Dynasty who led the Mongol army to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty.

History books record several stories about him.


He led an army of 200,000 men and led the army of 200,000 men to win many wars.

In the process of attacking the Southern Song Dynasty, he usually sent envoys to talk to the defending generals of the Southern Song Dynasty.

He would only attack if the Southern Song generals insisted on not surrendering voluntarily.


Once, at a banquet, the prince of the Yuan Dynasty asked him

I'm about to lead an army, what do you think I should pay attention to?


He replied.

You must be careful about the influence of alcohol and women on the soldiers, you must lead these soldiers with strict discipline, and you must give these soldiers many practical rewards and favours.

As for the daily training of these soldiers and the way they are managed in the army, because you are still young, you should not change it, just follow the rules I have laid down before.


He led the army to attack the Southern Song Dynasty. He never looted gold and silver himself, but he did not forbid the soldiers under his command from doing so.


After successfully wiping out the Southern Song Dynasty, he led the army back to Mongolia. One day, he summoned all the soldiers and suddenly ordered a strict search of their belongings.

He ordered the confiscation of the gold and silver that the soldiers had looted privately, and he gave all the gold and silver to the treasury.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

In your current position, how many people do you have to manage? If you were the prince, would you reform the army immediately after taking over the leadership of the army?

I hope this story has given you some new insights.




They are equal in status(分庭抗禮)


They are equal in status(分庭抗禮)


(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He wrote a story.


One day, Confucius took his students to teach outside the school by a river.

Confucius sang while playing the Chinese guqin, and his students sat on the grass and read.


There was a fisherman in a boat on the river. When the fisherman saw them, he stopped the boat by the river and chatted with them.


Confucius could tell from the fisherman's behaviour that he was not an ordinary person.

Confucius said to the fisherman with a very respectful attitude.

I am 69 years old and have been searching for the truth all my life, would you share some words of wisdom with me?


Seeing that Confucius was very polite, the fisherman told Confucius some of his observations about life and the world.


After hearing these words, Confucius said to the fisherman

Your wisdom is so profound that it has removed many doubts in my heart.

I am very happy to have met you today.

I hope to learn more from you, may I be your student?


After the fisherman smiled and said no, he left in his boat.


After the fisherman had gone, Confucius' disciples asked Confucius.

Teacher, you are an important minister of the Kingdom of Lu and the most famous scholar of our time.

Your status is so high that the kings of various kingdoms dare not despise you when they meet you, and they all treat you with the same courtesy. Why do you show such respect to this ordinary fisherman?


Confucius said to his disciples.

What this old man said to me is beyond your understanding.

You only see his appearance as a fisherman, but I see him as a person of almost perfect moral cultivation.

He was a truly wise man, and I have the utmost respect for him, so I am humbled.


This idiom is used to describe two people of equal status, and it is also used to describe two people of equal status against each other.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever felt inferior in front of someone? Are you ashamed because you do not have money or because your morals are not perfect?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He turned these stones into gold(點石化金)


He turned these stones into gold(點石化金)


There is an important series of books on Taoism in China. This set of books brings together dozens of research books on Taoism during the period from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty.

This series of books records many Taoist methods of health maintenance and practice, as well as the biographies of many Taoist priests.


There is an interesting little story in this series of books.

In the Jin Dynasty there was a famous scholar who was also an official and a Taoist priest. His name is Xu Xun.


He was once the mayor of a city in Sichuan Province called (Jing Yang).

He is a man of great integrity and rules the city with great care.

He tried criminals with a very cautious attitude, and he made the atmosphere of the administrative unit clean.

He enforced correct moral values in the city and ruled the city with clear and just laws.


One year, a severe famine occurred in this city due to climatic factors.

The lives of many people fell into poverty, and many people could not pay taxes due to reduced income.


He has become a supernatural being through his own practice, but these things are not known to others.

In order to help these people, he came up with a way.


He turned many stones into small pieces of gold.

He scattered these small pieces of gold in the official fields.

He issued a brief administrative order that the citizens of this city must help cultivate this official field.


Those citizens obeyed his administrative order to cultivate that field.

While cultivating the field, the citizens were surprised to find many small pieces of gold in the field.


The citizens picked up the gold and reported it to him.

He said to the citizens.

The gold is yours if you find it.

You can use this gold to pay your taxes, and if you have any left over, you can use it for your daily needs.


All the people cheered loudly when they heard this order.


This idiom is currently used to describe an average article that has been partially revised to become a great article.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

If you had this power, when would you use it? If you were him, how would you help these people?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



He uses the moonlight to read(映月讀書)


He uses the moonlight to read(映月讀書)


In the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, there was a famous minister in the Southern Qi Kingdom, and his name was (Jiang Mi).

History books tell a story about him.


His father was an official, but according to the records, the family's financial situation was very poor when he was a teenager.

He was forced to drop out of school to learn the skill of making shoes out of wood, which he used to earn money to improve his family's financial situation.


He would go to work during the day and it would be dark by the time he got home.

He couldn't afford oil for the lamp, so he couldn't use his evenings to read.

His heart is very eager to have more time to learn more knowledge, so he is very distressed.


On a clear summer night, he saw that the courtyard was very brightly lit by the moonlight.

Suddenly he had an idea, he said to himself.

I can use this bright moonlight to read a book.


From that day on, whenever there was a clear moonlit night, he would study hard.

Since the moon moves, he moved his seat every hour or so to follow the direction of the moon.


Because he studied very seriously, he became a very professional scholar.

When he grew up, he joined the government and became an official.


He eats only vegetables. He doesn't eat fish or pork.

Friends who had just met him asked him why he didn't eat meat.

He replied with red eyes.

I don't eat meat because of my mother.


His friends, who had just met him, were curious and asked again.

Is your mother a vegetarian?


He replied.

My mother is not a vegetarian.

When I was young, my family's financial situation was very bad. To make us healthier, my mother gave us all the meat that was rarely available at home.


My mother died very young, and I often think that if she were still alive, I could buy meat for her every day.



Every time I see meat, it reminds me of my mother's love for me, and I feel sad and regretful.

So I don't eat meat.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is still studying diligently under very difficult circumstances.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Did your education go well? Do you have any regrets about your life?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Marriage between the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Jin(秦晉之好)

Marriage between the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Jin(秦晉之好)


The period from 770 BC to 476 BC is called the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history.


At that time, the supreme leader of China was the King of the Zhou Dynasty. The King of the Zhou Dynasty divided the land of China among 140 princes.

These princes fought many tragic wars with each other for land and resources.

It was a time of great chaos.


These princes united and fought against each other for their own interests.

In order to strengthen mutual friendship and gain mutual trust, there are often royal marriages between these kingdoms.


The Kingdom of Jin was located in what is now the Shanxi Province of China, and the Kingdom of Qin was located in what is now the Shaanxi Province of China.

The borders of the two kingdoms are contiguous.

In 654 BC, a princess from the Kingdom of Jin married the king of the Kingdom of Qin.

In 651 BC, the king of the Jin Kingdom died, and there was much turmoil in the Jin Kingdom over who would inherit the throne.

In 636 BC, a princess of the Qin Kingdom married a prince of the Jin Kingdom who had fled to the Qin Kingdom. The prince's name was (Chong'er).

In 637 BC, with the military support of the Qin Kingdom, Chong'er returned to the Jin Kingdom and became the king of the Jin Kingdom.


As the political marriage between the two kingdoms had a great impact on the situation in China at that time, the marriage between the Qin and Jin kingdoms became an idiom.

This idiom is used to describe the marriage of two families.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think that a person's family will influence his marriage relationship? Are there any famous family marriage stories in the history of your country?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He is like the warm sun in winter(冬日可愛)


He is like the warm sun in winter(冬日可愛)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous prime minister in the Kingdom of Jin. His name was Zhao Shuai.


He helped the king of the Jin Kingdom for a long time. The King of Jin Kingdom trusted him a lot.

He helped the King of Jin build a powerful army and formulated many important laws. He led the Jin Kingdom to become the most powerful kingdom at that time.


He is not greedy for power, he is very selfless, and the starting point of many of his actions is to make the Jin Kingdom stronger.


The king of the Jin Kingdom originally wanted him to lead the army of the Jin Kingdom, but he told the king.

My military talent is insufficient, so please don't let me lead the army of the Jin Kingdom.

According to my observations, there are several young officers in our kingdom whose ability to lead and train the army is far greater than mine.

Please appoint these young officers as generals.


The king followed his advice, and his vision proved to be very accurate.

These generals won many victories for the Jin Kingdom in the future.


After he died, his son succeeded him, and his son's name was (Zhao Dun).

(Zhao Dun)'s style of behaviour is completely different from his. Zhao Dun's style of running the country is very harsh. Zhao Dun insists on his own opinions and does his best to implement what he thinks is right, without being willing to compromise with others.


People at the time commented on the difference between father and son in this way.

(Zhao Shuai) It feels warm and comfortable, like the sun in winter.

(Zhao Dun) is like the summer sun that makes people feel hot and poisonous.


This idiom is used to describe a person who makes others feel warm and comfortable.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Have you ever met someone who makes you feel warm and comfortable? If you were a manager, what leadership style would you like to have?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The person has to depend on others to live, he has no independence of his own(傍人門戶) / The man's life is already half over(半截入土)


The person has to depend on others to live, he has no independence of his own(傍人門戶)

The man's life is already half over(半截入土)


In ancient China there were two famous gods. The names of these two gods were (Shen Shu) and (Yu Shu).

Their job is to catch the ghosts that harm people.


During the Lunar New Year in ancient China, each family would prepare a peach wood board and then draw pictures of the two gods on this board and then hang this board on the door of the house.

It is believed that this will protect the whole family for a whole year.

This board is replaced every year.


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival in China.

This day is an important turning point for the seasons. After this day, the weather will become more and more humid and hot, and many poisonous insects will appear in nature.

On this day, the Chinese tie a bundle of wormwood in the shape of a man and hang the wormwood man on the door.

People use this behaviour to drive away these poisonous insects in nature.


(Su Shi) is the most outstanding writer and poet in Chinese history.

He wrote a fable about these two objects.


One day, at the end of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, he was taking a nap, and in his sleep he heard the peach-wood board hanging on the door say to the wormwood-grass man,

You rude fellow, why are you standing on my head?

You came into this family later than I did, how can you have a higher status than me?


Replied the wormwood man.

Almost half of this year has passed, you only have half a year to live, and you will be discarded in half a year, your value is much lower than mine.


The peach-wood plank and the wormwood man argued for about ten minutes.


Suddenly the two gods on the peachwood board spoke.

Said the two gods.


Why are you arguing? We are all in the same situation. We will eventually be abandoned by this family, and we are only temporarily attached to the door of this house. Our value comes from the head of the family, we have no independence of our own.


The first idiom is used to describe a person who is dependent on others to live, this person has no independence of his own.

The second idiom is used to describe a person who is halfway through life.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Have you ever had a heated argument with someone? Looking back, was it necessary for you to have a heated argument with someone?

I hope this story will give you some new insights.





He laughs while eating, so the food in his mouth squirts out.(令人噴飯)


He laughs while eating, so the food in his mouth squirts out.(令人噴飯)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous statesman and painter, and his paintings of bamboo were very famous.

His name is (Wen Tong).

His cousin is one of the most outstanding poets in Chinese history. His cousin's name is (Su Shi).


(See this blog 2021/04/30)


In 1072 AD, at the age of 54, he was appointed mayor of a city in what is now Shaanxi Province, China.

This place is far from the central administrative centre, it is a very poor and marginal city.

He maintains a cheerful mood in the face of an unsatisfactory life.


The city is near the Han River, and there are many bamboo trees in this city.

One day, he and his wife went to play in a valley full of bamboo on the outskirts of the city.

When he returned home in the evening, he saw a letter from Su Shi in his letterbox.


His wife quickly cooked a meal with bamboo shoots as the main course.

He and his wife started to eat.


He opened the letter while eating and chatting with his wife.

In this letter, Su Shi wrote his miss and concern for him, and Su Shi wrote a poem at the end of this letter.

The general idea of the poem is as follows.


The town where you live is a town rich in bamboo. Every day, many people go to pick bamboo shoots and sell them to make a living.

To whom do they sell so many bamboo shoots? I think they were all eaten by the honest and tasty mayor.


He couldn't stop laughing after reading the poem.

He choked and the food in his mouth sprayed out.


After a few minutes he caught his breath and said to his wife after laughing.

I think the person who understands me best in the world is Su Shi.


The direct translation of this idiom is that all the rice in his mouth is spraying out of his mouth.

This idiom is used to describe a very funny thing.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you think knows you best? Do you talk with your family at mealtimes?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



These cows and horses wear human clothes(馬牛襟裾)


These cows and horses wear human clothes(馬牛襟裾)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).

He wrote a poem to his son to encourage him to study hard.

The third stanza of the poem is as follows


There was a big puddle on the road because of the heavy rain.

But no matter how big that puddle is, because there is no new source of water, the puddle will dry up soon after the sun comes out.


We have to keep learning, we have to keep absorbing new knowledge.

We must read the ancient classics and also the latest popular articles.

If a person does not constantly seek knowledge, he is like a cow or a horse in human clothes, looking human on the outside, but ignorant and stupid in his mind.


We must take our reputation seriously.

But we must remember that this reputation is based on our loving hearts and high moral standards.

We should not do some hypocritical things.


Now that the season has entered autumn, the weather has become rainy and cool.

You should take advantage of this pleasant weather and read more books seriously.


I think of you from morning to night, and I hope you will cherish this time.

I am writing down my life experiences and admonitions for you.

I hope you can make up your mind to pursue your goals with determination.


This phrase is used to describe a person who is ignorant and without wisdom, like an animal.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Did your father give you a motto? How do you manage your time?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He quickly rose to a very high position.(飛黃騰達) /He is a low-ranking servant. (馬前卒)


He quickly rose to a very high position.(飛黃騰達)

He is a low-ranking servant. (馬前卒)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).

He wrote a poem to his son, encouraging him to study hard.

The gist of the second stanza of the poem is as follows


The lives of these two men were so different.

One is like the legendary horse that flies in the air without touching the ground when running at full speed.

The other is like a toad that can only jump slowly at the side of the road.


Why is there such a gulf between these two people? I think the reason lies in whether they decided to study seriously when they were young.


The person who studied hard became an important pillar of the country and lived in a mansion in the capital.

The person who didn't study hard later became a low-ranking servant who helped important officials travel safely.



We live in this world, we have to learn to distinguish what is really valuable.

Gold and jade are things that most people think are valuable, but can gold and jade still belong to us?


The only thing that we can always carry with us, that we will always accumulate, and that we will never lack, is the knowledge in our heads.


The achievements and wealth of our parents have nothing to do with us, we should be responsible for our own lives.


We are surrounded by many people with high morals and who have contributed to society. The original families of these people are of a low social class.

There are many poor families around us, but their ancestors are very prominent officials.


My son, I have some advice for you.

You must study hard and really learn and practise the principles of life and action in these classic books.

These principles will not only help us become better people, but will also enable us to have sufficient economic independence.


The first idiom means that there is a horse running very fast. When the horse runs with all its might, its four hooves seem to fly off the ground.

The first idiom is used to describe the rapid promotion of a person to a very high position).


The second idiom is used to describe a lowly servant who is responsible for maintaining traffic as the coach moves forward.

The second idiom is used to describe a person as a low-ranking servant.



Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think that morality is more important or money is more important? What do you think is more valuable, gold or knowledge?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.



A dragon and a pig (一龍一豬)


A dragon and a pig (一龍一豬)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).

He wrote a poem to his son encouraging him to study hard.

The gist of the first stanza of the poem is as follows


It takes a lot of tools and a long time for a carpenter to turn a piece of wood into a useful object.

Only by reading many books and constantly enriching oneself can one become a mature person who can contribute to society.


If you do not read, your mind will be empty.

If a person reads seriously, he will definitely gain a lot.


We are all equally gifted, and those who are particularly bright and those who are particularly stupid are a minority.

But why do we all have different achievements when we grow up?

I think the most important key is whether we read seriously.


There are two children who were born in the same year.

These two children grew up together and played together every day. Except for their looks, the two children had almost no difference in other conditions.


But after the two children graduate from primary school, and when the two children reach the age of 20, the difference between them will become larger and larger over time.


When these two young people grow up to be 30 years old, we can probably deduce what these two young people will achieve in this life.


The difference in the final achievements of these two people may be very great.

One of them may look like a dragon who can fly into the sky.

The other may be like a pig living in the mud on the ground.


The direct translation of this saying is that one of these two people is like a dragon flying in the sky and the other is like a pig on the ground.


It is used to describe the great gulf between two people.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Did you study hard when you were young? Have you thought about what kind of person you will be in ten years?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




A toad cries in the middle of the night(蛤蟆夜哭)


A toad cries in the middle of the night(蛤蟆夜哭)


He is a famous statesman and gourmet, an outstanding writer and calligrapher. He is one of the most popular poets in Chinese history. His name is (Su Shi).


He has written a collection of fables, and the protagonist of this book is called (Ai Zi).

There is a story in this book.


Ai Zi was a scholar in the Warring States period of China. Once he went out to sea in a boat.

In the evening, the ship docked at a jetty on an island, and he slept on board that night.

In the middle of the night, he heard someone talking in his sleep, and the conversation was mixed with the sound of crying.


When he woke up, he listened carefully and found that the crying sound was coming from the bottom of the boat.

The bottom of the boat is the sea, but why there is a sound of crying in the sea, he felt very puzzled. So he listened carefully.


He heard one of the voices, which sounded like an old man.

said the voice.

Yesterday, the Dragon King, who rules the sea, gave an order.

All creatures in the sea that have tails must be beheaded.

I'm a Chinese alligator with a tail, so I'm about to be beheaded.

I cry with sorrow that I am about to be killed.

But I am confused, you are a toad and you have no tail, why are you crying sadly?


Another younger voice answered.

I have no tail now, but I had a tail when I was a tadpole.

I'm afraid that the dragon king who rules the sea will use this as an excuse to chop off my head.


This idiom is used to describe a good person who is being framed.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Have you ever been framed? How do you see these injustices in the world?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...