
I didn’t kill him directly, but his death was related to me. I killed him indirectly. (我不殺伯仁但伯仁由我而死)


I didn’t kill him directly, but his death was related to me. I killed him indirectly. (我不殺伯仁但伯仁由我而死)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He has a good friend. This good friend is called Wang Dao. Wang Dao is the Prime Minister of the Eastern Jin Kingdom.

Wang Dao's cousin is called Wang Dun, and Wang Dun controls the most powerful army in the Eastern Jin Kingdom.


In January 322 AD, Wang Dun launched a military coup because he was unhappy with the decisions of the Eastern Jin Kingdom's king. Wang Dun led his army to surround the capital.


Wang Dao said to Zhou Yi.

I and all my family disagree with Wang Dun's actions, and we are very loyal to the king.

You are someone the king trusts, and I hope you can help us intercede with the king.

If you don't help me, I think the king will think that I and everyone in my family are rebelling against him like Wang Dun, and I and everyone in my family will be killed.


After hearing Wang Dao's words, Zhou Yi did not make a verbal promise to Wang Dao, but he did privately intercede for Wang Dao and the Wang Dao family before the king.


Zhou Yi's behaviour caused Wang Dao to misunderstand.

Wang Dao believed that Zhou Yi had failed to help him and his family members when they faced a great crisis.

As a result, Wang Dao held a grudge against Zhou Yi.


In March of 322 AD, the army led by Wang Dun captured the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom.

The king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom was also forced to listen to Wang Dun.

Wang Dun became the de facto most powerful person in the Eastern Jin Kingdom.


Wang Dun said to Wang Dao.

I have taken control of the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. Except for Zhou Yi and one other official, all the other officials in the central government have surrendered to me.

I know that you and Zhou Yi are good friends. How should I treat Zhou Yi?

Wang Dao said nothing, because he resented Zhou Yi for not helping him when his family was in great trouble.


Wang Dun said to Wang Dao, "If you have no objection, I will kill Zhou Yi.

Wang Dao still didn't speak.

Wang Dun ordered Zhou Yi to be killed.


A few months after Zhou Yi's death, Wang Dao learned from the king that Zhou Yi had spoken kind words for him before the king while he was still alive.

Wang Dao and all of his family were spared death in the early stages of Wang Dun's rebellion, all because of Zhou Yi's contribution.

Wang Dao was shocked when he discovered the truth and told his wife.

I did not kill Zhou Yi directly, but Zhou Yi's death was connected to me. I killed him indirectly.

Zhou Yi is my best friend, but I misunderstood him. My heart is full of regret.


This idiom is used to describe a person who indirectly kills another person.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever misunderstood your best friend? Have you ever misunderstood someone and regretted it?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He throws away his dignity to survive(草間求活)


He throws away his dignity to survive(草間求活)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell.

In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty named (Sima Rui) announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


The establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was mainly due to the help of a very powerful family at the time, whose surname was Wang.


There are two leading figures in the Wang family, one of whom is named (Wang Dao). Wang Dao served as the Prime Minister of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and Wang Dao controlled the highest administrative power of the Eastern Jin Kingdom.

The name of another person in the Wang family is (Wang Dun). Wang Dun served as the general of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and Wang Dun controlled the largest military force in the Eastern Jin Kingdom.


Because the power of the Wang family was too great, it caused fear in the heart of King Sima Rui of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. Therefore, a few years after the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, Sima Rui began to think of ways to weaken the power of the Wang family.


Sima Rui's behaviour made Wang Dun very angry. In 322 AD, Wang Dun launched a military coup. Wang Dun led his army to capture the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom.


Zhou Yi was close in age to Wang Dun and Wang Dao, and the three of them were good friends.

After Wang Dun captured the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, the ministers in the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom saw that the situation was wrong, and most of them took the initiative to show their goodwill to Wang Dun and expressed their willingness to surrender.


Those ministers who surrendered to Wang Dun told Zhou Yi

Now that Wang Dun has taken control of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, if you don't express your willingness to surrender to Wang Dun, you may be killed.

Zhou Yi replied to the ministers.

We are all officials of the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. We are loyal to the King of Eastern Jin Kingdom. How can you betray the king?

I won't throw away my dignity just to survive like you. I will not surrender to Wang Dun.


Zhou Yi rebuked Wang Dun in public and accused Wang Dun of being disloyal. Wang Dun felt very angry at being publicly rebuked, so he ordered Zhou Yi to be killed.


In 322 AD, Zhou Yi was publicly executed at the age of 54. He died quietly, defending the values he believed in.


This idiom is used to describe a person who throws away his dignity in order to survive.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were a minister of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, would you choose to surrender to Wang Dun or accuse Wang Dun? What do you think is more important, life or dignity?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.

Click on a word to see suggestions or rewrite the whole sentence.



His ambitions are high, but his talents are limited.(志大才短)

His ambitions are high, but his talents are limited.(志大才短)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He has three brothers. He is the eldest of several brothers.


One winter solstice, he and his family got together to drink and eat.

The winter solstice was a very important festival in ancient China.


His mother said to her three sons.

You are all senior officials in the central government. You have brought glory to our family. I am proud of you.

I am so happy to be with my beloved family on this important day.

I hope that we can gather every winter solstice until I die of old age.


After hearing his mother's words, he and his little brother nodded happily to show their agreement with their mother.

But his second brother had no smile on his face after hearing this.


his mother asked his middle brother.

Why aren't you smiling? Don't you want to get together with us every winter solstice?


his second brother replied.

Of course I like to eat and get together with my family every year, but I feel a little uneasy in my heart. I am very afraid that your wish will not come true?


asked his mother, confused.

Why do you feel that way?


His second brother replied.

All three of us brothers have our own strengths and weaknesses.

The eldest brother has high ambitions, but his talents are limited. He is famous but not knowledgeable enough.

When he sees someone else making a mistake, he will put them down to show that he is smarter than them.

This is a major flaw in his character, one that I think will cause him trouble one day.


My personality is impatient and prone to anger, and I often offend others unintentionally.

I want to change this flaw, but I can't. I believe that this flaw will bring me disaster one day.


The current era is very chaotic, and it is very likely that my eldest brother and I will inadvertently offend other people because of our character flaws, which will lead to death.


Among our three brothers, I think the younger brother has no outstanding advantages, but he also has no obvious shortcomings.

I think that of our three brothers, the younger one has the best chance of living his life in peace.


His brother's fears were later realised, and he and his brother were killed in a military coup in 322 AD.


This idiom is used to describe a person whose ambitions are high but whose talents are limited.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think your character has any serious flaws? Have you ever inadvertently offended others?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He is like a steep stone peak.(嶔崎歷落)



He is like a steep stone peak.(嶔崎歷落)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Huan Yi).

There is a story about him in the history books.


His father was an official in the Western Jin Dynasty. His father died when he was a young child.

His mother raised him.


The financial situation of his family was very poor when he was a child, and he often went hungry. However, his character was very optimistic . He accepted his current situation and faced life's hardships with a positive attitude.


He took the initiative to learn on his own, he liked to observe people and he also studied physiognomy on his own.

This later became one of his specialities. He could analyse a person's character and interpret their true inner thoughts based on their words and actions.


He later recommended many people to work in the central government, and these people he recommended performed very well.


He has several good friends who like him very much.

He has a good friend called (Zhou Yi).


Zhou Yi once said to his friends

I think Huan Yi is a very special person.

To me, he is like a steep stone peak.

His words and actions are direct and frank, and his attitude to others is sincere.

He has his own opinions and independent thoughts, and he is not bound by the social norms that everyone in this society follows.

Because his behaviour is different from most people's, many people think he is ridiculous, but I think he is a very sober person.


The direct translation of this saying is that he is like a steep stone peak.

It is used to describe a person who is noble and pure, who does not succumb to power.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think are the characteristics of your personality? Can you face difficulties in life with a positive attitude?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




You think the ugly Wu Yan is as beautiful as Xi Tzu, you have offended the beautiful Xi Tzu(刻劃無鹽唐突西施)


You think the ugly Wu Yan is as beautiful as Xi Tzu, you have offended the beautiful Xi Tzu(刻劃無鹽唐突西施)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


One day, one of his good friends said to him

You are a great man, and we all feel that your way of dealing with people is very similar to a famous minister of the Western Jin Dynasty.


He asked with a smile.

Which famous minister of the Western Jin Dynasty do you think I look like?


his best friend replied.

We think your character is like that of a minister named (Le Guang) from the Western Jin Dynasty.

Le Guang is a very learned person. He is not interested in fame, wealth and power. He keeps a healthy distance from his friends.

His personality is very gentle, but he is very principled in some important matters.


After hearing this answer, he smiled and said.

During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a famous beauty called Xi Shi. I think Le Guang's character is as beautiful as Xi Tzu's.

In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a famous ugly girl called Wuyan. I think my moral character is as mediocre as no salt.


You think my moral character is as excellent as Le Guang's. Your analogy is like saying that the ugly Wuyan is as beautiful as Xi Tzu. You have insulted the beautiful Xi Tzu.


The meaning of this saying is that you should not compare ugly people and things with beautiful people and things. Your behaviour will offend and belittle the beautiful people and things.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Among your friends, whose way of life do you admire the most? Have you ever felt offend?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




You are too young, so you have not experienced enough.(少不更事)


You are too young, so you have not experienced enough.(少不更事)


There was a famous prime minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell. In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


In 322 AD, a general who controlled the largest military force of the Eastern Jin Kingdom was unhappy with some of the decisions made by the king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, so he led his army to surround the capital of the Eastern Jin Kingdom. The general hoped to use the military power at his disposal to force the king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom to change his decisions.


After this incident, officials in the central government of the Eastern Jin Kingdom expressed different views on the matter.


One young official said to (Zhou Yi)

I think the king made some wrong decisions that led the general to launch this military action.

So I don't think what the general did was wrong.


Zhou Yi replied to the young official.

You are too young, so you have too little experience, so you see this conflict that way.


I don't think any of us are perfect, not even the king.

The general believed that the king had made some wrong decisions and hoped that the king would change his decisions. But were the king's decisions really wrong?

What if the king's decision was right, but the general felt that the king's decision was wrong because of his own position?

Suppose the king really did make a wrong decision, but the king is still the leader of our kingdom, and the general should respect the king.

How could the general immediately launch an army to surround the capital because the king did not share his opinion?


The young official replied after listening to Zhou Yi 's words.

Thank you for sharing your views with me. My views are indeed not comprehensive enough.


This idiom is used to describe a young person who has too little experience. This young person lacks life experience.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been angry because someone else thought differently from you? Have you ever thought that your own opinion might be wrong?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



We are just like prisoners in prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relative to each other.(楚囚相對)

We are just like prisoners in prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relative to each other.(楚囚相對)


There was a famous prime minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Wang Dao).

There is a story about him in the history books.


China's Jin Dynasty is divided into the Western Jin Dynasty (266 AD - 316 AD) and the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 AD - 420 AD). The capital of the Western Jin Dynasty was Luoyang City, and the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was Jiankang City.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell. In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


Officials of the Eastern Jin dynasty used to gather for open-air banquets in the suburbs on days when the weather was fine.


These officials would eat and drink while looking at the natural scenery. At the same time, these officials also discussed official matters and exchanged their own ideas.


One day, during an open-air banquet, a minister named (Zhou Yi) suddenly said

I saw such a beautiful landscape today, so I was in a very happy mood, but suddenly I felt a little sad.

Why am I sad? It's because I thought of something.

I suddenly remembered that when we were in Luoyang City, we used to have open-air banquets in the suburbs, just like today.

But now we can no longer see the beautiful natural scenery around Luoyang City.


After he said these words, all the officials felt bad.

Everyone was silent, and some officials even shed tears.


A few minutes later, Wang Dao spoke.

Wang Dao stood up and said to all the officials.

We should not feel sad like some prisoners in jail who can only cry to their faces.

If we are prisoners and locked up in prison, we have no way of changing our environment.

But we are not prisoners, we can change the status quo, and we should all work together to find ways to regain our land occupied by the (former Zhao) kingdom.

I believe that as long as we all work together, we will definitely be able to return to Luoyang City, and then we will hold a grand open-air banquet together on the outskirts of Luoyang City.


This idiom means that we are like prisoners in a prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relatively.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a status quo that you would like to change? Do you think you can change your status quo?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




I feel sad because of the big changes in the world(樹猶如此人何以堪)


I feel sad because of the big changes in the world(樹猶如此人何以堪)


There was a famous general in China's Eastern Jin Dynasty, his name was (Huan Wen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 369 AD, (Huan Wen) led the army of the Eastern Jin Kingdom to attack the former Yan Kingdom.

He led his army through a town in Jiangsu Province.

When he entered the city, his expression was calm, but his heart was very excited.

This city reminded him of the time when he was 23 years old.


The year was 335 AD.

He was still very young, he had just got married, and he had just joined the central government of the Eastern Jin Dynasty as an official.

He was sent to this city as a county magistrate, full of hope for a better future.


After the army he led entered the city, he saw the streets and scenery of the city. It felt very familiar, yet strange.

He passed the house where he had lived 34 years before and saw several willow trees in front of the house.

He remembered that he and his wife had planted those willow trees together shortly after his son was born.

He saw that after 34 years, the willow trees he had planted then had grown into large trees, almost 3 metres in diameter.



He was suddenly very emotional. He went into one of the willow trees and raised his hand to touch the hanging branches of the willow tree.

he said with a sigh.

These trees have changed so much over the years.

Memories of the past 30 years suddenly flashed through my mind. Aren't the changes in the human world that I have witnessed over the years greater than the changes in these trees?


The literal translation of this idiom is that these trees have changed a lot, but the changes I have experienced are even greater.

This idiom is used to describe a person who feels emotional because of the huge changes in the world.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you remember the house where you lived as a child? When you think back to your youth, what do you miss most about what happened then?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




His extreme sadness(柔腸寸斷)


His extreme sadness(柔腸寸斷)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Huan Wen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 346 AD, (Huan Wen) led the army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to attack the Chenghan Kingdom.

The Chenghan Kingdom was located in what is now Sichuan Province in China.


Sichuan Province is a vast basin. Sichuan Province is surrounded by high mountains, so it is very difficult to enter Sichuan Province.


He took the troops of the Eastern Jin Kingdom by boat along the Yangtze River towards the Chenghan Kingdom, passing the famous Three Gorges of the Yangtze River on the way.

As the ship carrying the army of the Eastern Jin Kingdom passed the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, a very strange thing happened.


There was a ape running along the towering gorge, chasing the ship they were on. At the same time, the ape was chirping mournfully.


The ape's strange behaviour was not noticed by the soldiers on the ship at first, but the ape chased their ship non-stop for at least 50 kilometres, so the soldiers on the ship later discovered this strange thing.


About two hours later, when their fleet stopped and rested on a bank in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the ape took the opportunity to rush onto their boat.


Perhaps because it was tired after a long run, the ape died as soon as it jumped onto their boat.


Huan Wen also saw the ape and thought it was too strange. He ordered his soldiers to dissect the ape.

He wanted to know the cause of the ape's death.


About an hour later, his soldiers reported back to him.

This ape is a female ape. After dissection, we found a very strange phenomenon. The intestines of this female ape were broken into pieces. We think this is the cause of death of this female ape.


He meditated for a while and then called all his soldiers together.

After some investigation, he found out that an officer in his army had found a lonely little ape on the shore during the last rest before entering the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.


The officer thought the little ape was cute, so he caught it and brought it to the ship.


The female ape who died on their boat was the mother of the little ape. The mother ape, who was panicked and sad because the little ape had been taken away, wanted to save her child.

The mother ape chased their fleet for more than 50 kilometres and finally died of grief and exhaustion.


When Huan Wen found out the truth, he was very angry and told all the soldiers.

I think the motherly love of this female ape is very great, and the behaviour of this officer is too cruel, so I want to punish this officer severely.


The direct translation of this idiom is that his intestines were broken into several pieces.

It is used to describe a person's extreme sadness.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever felt extremely sad about something? Do you think animals feel sad just like people do?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



His good reputation spread to later generations and is praised by future generations(流芳百世) / His bad reputation spread to later generations and was spurned by future generations (遺臭萬年)


His good reputation spread to later generations and is praised by future generations(流芳百世)

His bad reputation spread to later generations and was spurned by future generations (遺臭萬年)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Huan Wen).


There is a story about him recorded in history books.


China's Jin Dynasty is divided into the Western Jin Dynasty (266 AD - 316 AD) and the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 AD - 420 AD). The capital of the Western Jin Dynasty was Luoyang, and the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was Jiankang.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell. In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.



In 347 AD, (Huan Wen) led the army of the Eastern Jin Kingdom to defeat the Cheng Han Kingdom.

In 354 AD, the army of the Eastern Jin Kingdom led by Huan Wen won a great victory in the battle against the former Qin Kingdom.

In 356 AD, (Huan Wen) led the army of the Eastern Jin Kingdom to defeat the army of the Qiang tribe. He also recaptured Luoyang City, the capital of the Western Jin Kingdom, in the same year.


Due to his very high military achievements, he had more military power than all the generals in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and his personal reputation reached its highest peak.

At that time, he suddenly had an idea.


He believed that his talent was far superior to that of the Eastern Jin Dynasty King, so he wanted to kill the Eastern Jin Dynasty King and then establish a new kingdom of his own.


But he was worried that his behaviour would give him a bad reputation, because killing the king was a very disloyal act. Throughout Chinese history, those who killed the king and established their own kingdoms were usually despised by the people.



One day he was in his barracks. It was a boring afternoon and there was nothing important for him to do.


Suddenly he said to some of his regulars.

I have absolutely nothing to do today, I am so bored.

I feel that my life should be more successful than it is now, but I don't know how to achieve my dream.

The founding king of the Jin Dynasty relied on his military power to force the king of the Cao Wei Kingdom to voluntarily give up his position as king and hand it over to him.

I greatly admire the behaviour of the founding king of the Jin Dynasty.


After saying these words, he said it firmly, as if he had made up his mind.

A bad reputation is better than no reputation, and a good reputation is better than a bad reputation.

If I cannot have a good reputation in this life and be remembered by future generations, then I think I would rather have a bad reputation that can be passed on to future generations and be cast aside by future generations.


The first idiom is used to describe a person's good reputation that will be passed on to future generations and praised by future generations.

The second idiom is used to describe a person's bad reputation, which is passed on to future generations and despised by future generations).


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you want to be a famous person? What do you want to leave the world after you die?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




A person who is very close to you or others(入幕之賓)



A person who is very close to you or others(入幕之賓)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was (Huan Wen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very brave general, and he hopes to make the Eastern Jin Dynasty more powerful.

He was good at fighting, so he was very proud, he felt he was better than everyone else.


One day, he met a young man called (Xi Chao).

(Xi Chao)'s grandfather and father were both ministers in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. (Xi Chao) was very hardworking, so his knowledge was very good.


(Huan Wen) felt that (Xi Chao) was a young man worth cultivating, so Huan Wen hired Xi Chao as his confidential secretary.


Because Xi Chao is very intelligent and loyal, and his work ability is very strong, (Huan Wen) trusts Xi Chao more and more.


One day, Huan Wen had a very important meeting with two other important ministers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The meeting was arranged to take place in Huan Wen's house.


In Jin dynasty houses in China, curtains were placed in the middle of the room to separate the inside from the outside.

Outside the curtain is the living room of this house, where guests are received.

Inside the curtain is the bedroom of this house, where the owner rests and sleeps.


Before the meeting, Huan Wen said to Xi Chao

The meeting we are going to have is very important, so I need you to give me your opinion immediately after this meeting.


But I don't want the other two ministers to know that you heard what we discussed.

If they know I have to consult you to make good decisions, they'll think I'm not smart enough.


So I want to ask you to hide behind the curtain and secretly listen to the content of our meeting and take notes.

Then give me your opinion.


Halfway through the meeting, the three people in the room felt agitated by the heated discussion.



Huan Wen opened the door to this room and a gust of wind blew in from outside the house.

The gust blew away the curtain separating the inside from the outside of the room.


The other two ministers suddenly saw Xi Chao sitting in Huan Wen's bedroom.

One of the ministers smiled and said to Huan Wen with a smile.

It turns out that there is another person at this meeting, and that person is sitting behind the curtain.


When Huan Wen heard this, he smiled awkwardly.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is very close to oneself or others, or a person who attends confidential meetings.

It was later extended to describe a person's lover or mistress.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Huan Wen, would you be angry that this matter was discovered? Which of those younger than you do you think you admire?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



There is nothing in it(空洞無物)



There is nothing in it(空洞無物)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He has a good friend named Wang Dao.

Wang Dao's family was the most important and powerful family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The power of his family was even greater than that of the royal family of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.


Zhou Yi is 7 years older than Wang Dao, and the two of them often meet.

One day, they were drinking together. As there were only two of them, they were very relaxed. They were not as strict as if they were attending a formal banquet.


They drank and talked, and both of them drank until they were a little drunk.

There were no chairs in ancient China, and people sat on straw mats in everyday life.

Wang Dao felt a little tired, so he lay down on the straw mat.

After lying down, Wang Dao felt a little dizzy, so he said to Zhou Yi.

Let me use your thigh as a pillow. It will be more comfortable for me.


Zhou Yi smiled and nodded in agreement.

Wang Dao laid his head on Zhou Yi's lap, closed his eyes and rested for about ten minutes.

Wang Dao suddenly opened his eyes and said to Zhou Yi with a smile.

Thank you, I feel very comfortable.

After saying this, Wang Dao suddenly pointed at Zhou Yi's belly.

My head is resting on your thigh, and I suddenly notice that your belly is getting bigger.

What exactly is in your belly that makes it so big?


Zhou Yi laughed and replied after hearing Wang Dao's question.

There is nothing in my belly, no knowledge and no money.

My belly is big because I can tolerate other people's shortcomings very well. I can tolerate hundreds of people with as many shortcomings as you have.


Wang Dao also laughed when he heard Zhou Yi's answer.


This idiom is used to describe a person with an empty mind. It is also used to describe an article that is empty in content.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who is your best friend? Can you tolerate the shortcomings of those around you?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He has a serious alcoholism(三日僕射)


He has a serious alcoholism(三日僕射)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, his name was Zhou Yi.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He loved to drink and got drunk almost every day.

Once he was so drunk that he slept for three days in a row before getting up.


At that time, his position was equivalent to that of the Deputy Prime Minister today. The official name of this position is (Pu She).


His good friends later called him "Three Days Pu She". The literal translation of this phrase is that the Deputy Premier slept for three days because he was drunk.


He always drank a lot. When he was young, he drank about 20 litres of wine every time he drank.

At that time, the main wine in China was brewed wine, and the alcohol concentration was not high. But even though it was not high, drinking that much Chinese rice wine every day was an astonishing amount.


Once he ran into an old friend from his youth.

We had a great time talking to this old friend. His old friend was also a very good drinker. He was very happy. He took out 40 litres of wine and said to his old friend.

I have never met anyone who can compete with me in drinking. I am so happy to see you today. Let's drink all this Chinese rice wine together.


He and his old friend chatted and drank. For a few hours they both got drunk and slept right in the room where they had been drinking.


When he woke up a few hours later, he saw his old friend lying drunk next to him. He patted his friend, but he didn't respond. He felt that something was wrong, so he hurried to check the old friend's heartbeat and breathing.

His old friend died suddenly because he had drunk too much.


This idiom is used to describe a person with severe alcoholism.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you drink a lot? Are you a good drinker?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Our country is occupied by the enemy(神州陸沉)



Our country is occupied by the enemy(神州陸沉)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous general named (Huan Wen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


China's Jin Dynasty is divided into the Western Jin Dynasty (266 AD - 316 AD) and the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 AD - 420 AD). The capital of the Western Jin Dynasty was Luoyang, and the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was Jiankang.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell. In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


One day in 356 AD, Huan Wen prepared to lead the Eastern Jin army to attack Luoyang. He hoped to successfully retake the capital of the Western Jin Kingdom, which had been lost for many years.


During a meeting before the attack, he looked at Luoyang City in the distance and suddenly felt very sentimental.

he said to some of his key military staff.

It has been decades since our country was occupied by the enemy, and our capital and surrounding areas were taken from us by the enemy.

Looking back at the original history, I believe that the Prime Minister of the Western Jin Dynasty and several important officials under him at that time were the criminals who led to the downfall of the Western Jin Dynasty.


One of his military staff replied after hearing his words.

I don't agree with your view. I think the fate of a country is like the fate of a person. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad. We cannot blame the then prime minister for the downfall of the Western Jin Dynasty.




After listening to what this military officer said, he said seriously to all the military officers.

During the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a warlord named Liu Biao.

Liu Biao raised a buffalo that weighed about 500 kilograms. This buffalo ate ten times more grass than other buffaloes every day. However, this buffalo was too heavy to pull a plough to plough the fields.

Later, Liu Biao was defeated by another warlord. After the other warlord had conquered Liu Biao's land and killed Liu Biao, the other warlord saw the buffalo and told all the soldiers.

This buffalo grew so big, but this buffalo was not as useful as a skinny buffalo that would help people plough their fields.

What do you think about us killing the buffalo to add to the feast tonight?

The soldiers under this other warlord cheered loudly.


When Huan Wen had finished telling this historic story, he paused and then continued.


The Prime Minister before the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty and the officials under him enjoyed the enormous power and wealth the Western Jin Dynasty gave them, but they made no contribution to the Western Jin Dynasty. These people were like that giant buffalo.


We should not blame fate for the downfall of the Western Jin Dynasty. I still think that these people should bear the greatest responsibility.


This idiom is used to describe a country whose territory is occupied by enemies.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you agree with Huan Wen's views or those of his military staff? Are there any officials in your country who look like the giant buffalo?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...