
I didn’t kill him directly, but his death was related to me. I killed him indirectly. (我不殺伯仁但伯仁由我而死)

He throws away his dignity to survive(草間求活)

His ambitions are high, but his talents are limited.(志大才短)

He is like a steep stone peak.(嶔崎歷落)

You think the ugly Wu Yan is as beautiful as Xi Tzu, you have offended the beautiful Xi Tzu(刻劃無鹽唐突西施)

You are too young, so you have not experienced enough.(少不更事)

We are just like prisoners in prison, unable to change the status quo, and can only cry relative to each other.(楚囚相對)

I feel sad because of the big changes in the world(樹猶如此人何以堪)

His extreme sadness(柔腸寸斷)

His good reputation spread to later generations and is praised by future generations(流芳百世) / His bad reputation spread to later generations and was spurned by future generations (遺臭萬年)

A person who is very close to you or others(入幕之賓)

There is nothing in it(空洞無物)

He has a serious alcoholism(三日僕射)

Our country is occupied by the enemy(神州陸沉)