
His mind is in turmoil and his soul is shaken(神蕩魂搖)



His mind is in turmoil and his soul is shaken(神蕩魂搖)


There was a famous novelist and playwright in China's Ming Dynasty, his name was (Feng Menglong).

He wrote a collection of short stories.

One of the stories is a fictional story he created with a very famous person from the Ming Dynasty as the protagonist.


This famous person is called Tang Yin. When he was growing up, all his friends called him (Tang Bohu).

He is very clever and very knowledgeable.

He can write poems and articles. He is a good painter and a good musician.

His character was bold and uninhibited, and he was proud of his talents.


His hometown is Suzhou, China.

Suzhou is a beautiful and prosperous city with a permanent population of over 500,000 and thriving economic and cultural activities.


There are a total of six gates outside the city of Suzhou. These gates are accessible not only by land but also by river, so traffic and transportation are very convenient.


One afternoon, Tang Yin hired a boat that stopped on the river at the busiest gate in Suzhou City. He sat alone on the boat, drinking tea and watching the scenery.


As he drank his tea, people kept coming up to the boat he had built to ask him to paint and write poems. These people wanted to buy his words and poems.

At first he agreed to their request, but later he found them annoying because there were so many people, so he ordered his servants not to allow them to board the boat.


He sat facing the middle of the river. He told the servant to bring Chinese rice wine. He sat by the window and began to drink Chinese rice wine. He continued to enjoy this rare afternoon.


About half an hour later, a large, ornately decorated ship with exquisite carvings suddenly appeared in the distance. This large ship caught his attention.

As the ship passed in front of him, he saw a girl dressed in green sitting on the ship. This girl was very beautiful and had a very well-proportioned figure.

The girl's eyes met Tang Yin's. She looked at Tang Yin and Tang Yin looked at her. This beautiful ship passed by very quickly, in less than a minute.


Tang Yin turned her head in the direction the big ship was going. She saw that the girl seemed to be looking back at her. The girl covered her mouth with her sleeves and seemed to be smiling.


Tang Yin felt that his mind was in turmoil and his soul was shaken.

He had never seen a girl so attractive.


The literal translation of this idiom is that he feels disturbed in his mind and shaken in his soul.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is so stimulated by the outside world that he cannot concentrate.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Who has ever had a strong attraction for you? What are the qualities that usually attract you to people of the opposite sex?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




They rushed there as soon as they heard the news.(聞風而至)



They rushed there as soon as they heard the news.(聞風而至)


There was a famous novelist and playwright in China's Ming Dynasty, his name was (Feng Menglong).

He wrote a collection of short stories.

One of the stories is a fictional story he created with a very famous person from the Ming Dynasty as the protagonist.


This famous person is called Tang Yin. When he was growing up, all his friends called him (Tang Bohu).

He is very clever and very knowledgeable.

He can write poems and articles. He is a good painter and a good musician.

His character was bold and uninhibited, and he was proud of his talents.


His hometown is Suzhou, China.

Suzhou is a beautiful and prosperous city with a permanent population of over 500,000 and thriving economic and cultural activities.


There are a total of six gates outside the city of Suzhou. These gates are accessible not only by land but also by river, so traffic and transportation are very convenient.


One afternoon, Tang Yin hired a boat. The boat stayed on the river through the busiest gate in Suzhou City. He sat alone on the boat, drinking tea and watching the scenery.


Being a local celebrity, he was soon recognised by several people passing by.

A few dozen minutes later, several elegant gentlemen took the initiative to visit him on the boat he was on.


These gentlemen expressed their desire to buy the paintings and poems Tang Yin had written.

Tang Yin was in a very good mood that day, so he ordered his servants to bring Chinese brushes and paper. He wrote some poems and painted some pictures on the boat to sell to these gentlemen.


Shortly after these gentlemen left happily with the paintings and poems they had bought, a group of people arrived immediately after hearing the news.

These people also wanted Tang Yin to write some poems and paint some pictures to sell to them. These people said that they also wanted to collect Tang Yin's works.


But at that time, Tang Yin was no longer in a good mood to paint or write poems. He found these people very annoying.

He ordered his servants not to let them on the boat. He sat facing the middle of the river and continued to enjoy this rare afternoon.


This idiom is used to describe a person or group of people who rush to the news as soon as they hear it.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How long has it been since you had a quiet afternoon? What behaviour of others bothers you?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Joy, anger, sadness and happiness.(喜怒哀樂)



Joy, anger, sadness and happiness.(喜怒哀樂)


There was a famous novelist and playwright in China's Ming Dynasty, his name was (Feng Menglong).

He wrote a collection of short stories.

One of the stories is a fictional story he created with a very famous person from the Ming Dynasty as the protagonist.


This famous person is called Tang Yin. When he was growing up, all his friends called him (Tang Bohu).

He is very clever and very knowledgeable.

He can write poems and articles. He is a good painter and a good musician.

His character was bold and uninhibited, and he was proud of his talents.


He was permanently disqualified from taking the second level national examination because of his involvement in a case of examination fraud.

This incident hit him hard.

After he returned to his hometown, his behaviour became more and more indulgent, he cared less about what others thought, and he drank every day.


He used his spare time to write poetry and paint.

He projected the joy, anger, sorrow and happiness he felt in his life into his paintings and poems.


He wrote a poem that gives a clear picture of his life at that time.

The content of the poem is as follows.


I am not like a Taoist priest who seeks immortality, nor am I like a monk who stays away from the busy city.

I don't want to be busy making money every day like a businessman, and I don't want to work hard like a farmer ploughing the fields.

I painted some pictures in my spare time and when I needed money I sold some pictures to support myself

Although I am not financially rich, I will not use unfair means to get money.


Because he is a famous person and his paintings are very good, many people rush to buy his paintings.

The selling price of his paintings became very high because there were many people bidding for his paintings.


The literal translation of this idiom is joy, anger, sadness and happiness.

This idiom is used to describe a person's different emotions.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What is the most expensive piece of art you have ever bought? Do you envy the lifestyle of these artists?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



His character is bold and uninhibited.(放浪不羈)



His character is bold and uninhibited.(放浪不羈)


In China's Ming Dynasty, there was a famous novelist and playwright named (Feng Menglong).

He wrote a collection of short stories in which there is one story. The first paragraph of the story is as follows.


In China's Ming Dynasty there was a very famous person, his name was Tang Yin. When he grew up, all his friends called him (Tang Bohu).

He is very clever and very knowledgeable.

He can write poems and articles. He is a good painter and a good musician.

His character was bold and uninhibited, and he was proud of his talents.


He was born in Jiangsu Province, China. He passed the Jiangsu Province First-Level Imperial Examination at a very young age. He then took the first-level national examination in the provincial capital of Jiangsu Province. Those who passed this exam could go to the capital. to take the second level national examination.

He came first in this first-level national examination.

It was a very glorious moment in his life.


He went to the capital to take the second level national examination with great confidence.

Because his writing was very good, his reputation had spread to the capital. Many aristocrats in the capital took the initiative to befriend him, and he also met many celebrities at that time.

These celebrities all praised his talent and liked the poems he wrote. He became more and more arrogant.

So many times he said to his friends when he was eating and drinking with them.

He will definitely get the first place in the second level national examination.



His arrogant statement brought trouble for himself.

A few days later, the then examiner was involved in an examination fraud case, and he was framed as one of the members involved in the examination fraud.

He was later permanently disqualified from taking the second-level national examinations.

Because of this incident, he was hit hard.

After he returned to his hometown, his behavior became more and more indulgent, he cared less about what others thought, he drank every day and did what he wanted.


This idiom is used to describe a person whose character is bold and uninhibited.

This idiom can also be used to describe a person's behavior that is indulgent, casual and disorderly. )


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever caused disaster because of your arrogance? When did the most glorious moment in your life occur?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He took the examination three times in a row and came first in all three examinations.(連中三元)



He took the examination three times in a row and came first in all three examinations.(連中三元)


The imperial examination was an important political system in Chinese history.

This system had a huge impact on Chinese society and culture.


Many people without prominent backgrounds and many very poor people changed their social class and destiny through the imperial examination.

Because they pass the examination, they can serve as important officials in the central government.


The content and methods of the Imperial Examination varied slightly from dynasty to dynasty.

We will use the simplest way to understand the rules of this examination. The Imperial Examination is divided into three levels.


The first level is held in the provincial capital, and those who pass it can go on to the second level.

The first among these qualified people has a proper name to call it, that name is (Jie Yuan).

The second-level examination is held in the provincial capital, and those who pass the examination can go on to the third-level examination.

The first of these qualified people will be given a proper name. This name is (Huiyuan)

The third level examination is personally supervised by the king and is held in the palace.

And the first of these qualified people has a proper name to call him, that name is (Chong Yuan).


This idiom is used to describe a person who has taken these three examinations consecutively and has come first in all three examinations.


In China's Ming Dynasty there was a famous playwright named Shen Ling.

He wrote a play in which there was a very kind man called Feng Shang.

Because he had done many good deeds, God in Heaven blessed him and allowed his son to take three examinations in a row, and his son came first in all three examinations.


This idiom is used to describe a person who takes part in activities such as contests or exams and wins one after another.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you envy those who can read well? Do you think that people who are good at reading will be more successful at work when they grow up?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




His expression is respectful and serious(道貌岸然)



His expression is respectful and serious(道貌岸然)


There was a famous minister in the Qing Dynasty of China, his name was (Ji Yun). He collected the experiences of many relatives and friends and made a collection of fantasy stories.


There is one story in this book.


A man was passing a temple one night.

Suddenly he saw a man coming out of the temple through the closed door.


He immediately realised that this man was an immortal.

He took the initiative to talk to this immortal..


He asked the immortal.

Every god has a different job, what is yours?


Replied the immortal.

My job is to use a mirror.


He asked.

I have heard that there is a magic mirror in heaven. This mirror can reflect all the bad things the person using it has ever done.

Is that the mirror you use?


Replied the Immortal.

The mirror you mentioned does exist, but it is no longer in use.

People today are very good at hiding their true thoughts, and these people are also very good at doing bad things.

People do a lot of bad things these days, but when others see them, they often think they are doing good things.


The mirror I am holding now can directly reflect all the bad thoughts in the mind of the person using the mirror.

Nowadays a lot of people look respectful and serious on the outside, but they have done a lot of bad things.

This mirror of mine can accurately identify these people.


He asked.

Why do you use this mirror to find those who have evil thoughts?


the immortal replied.

The immortals in the sky will give everyone the rewards or punishments they deserve based on a person's behaviour and thoughts. This mirror allows us to better judge whether everyone is a good person or a bad person.


This idiom is used to describe a person's respectful and serious expression.

This idiom is usually used to describe a person who is sanctimonious.


Dear friend, how do you feel or what do you think after listening to this story?

If you had these two kinds of mirrors, how would you use them on whom? Are there any of your friends who look serious and upright, but have a very low moral character?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Qin Qiong (秦瓊)


Qin Qiong (秦瓊)(571 AD - 638 AD)

His surname is (Qin), his parents gave him the name (Qiong), and when he grew up his friends called him (Shubao). He was born in Shandong Province, China.


The name of a kingdom and dynasty in ancient China. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means a very beautiful red jade.

The third of several brothers.

It means treasure. It is also a Chinese surname.


He was a famous general in the Tang Dynasty of China.

He played a great role in helping the founding king of Tang Dynasty to build the country.


A famous Chinese novel is called (Journey to the West).

The author mentioned a story about him in this novel.


The King of Tang Dynasty accidentally killed a heavenly god, and the ghost of the heavenly god came to haunt the King of Tang Dynasty every night.


The King of Tang Dynasty was so frightened that he couldn't sleep every night. After several days of this, the king's body became very weak. After a consultation, the royal physician said that the king's health was rapidly deteriorating. If this problem was not solved quickly, the king's life would be in danger.


Several ministers who were close to the king gathered in the king's room to discuss how to solve this vexing problem.


Said the king.

I have been on the battlefield since I was 19 years old. I have seen many battles, great and small, in my life.

I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to sleep today because of the ghosts.


A minister called (Yu Chigong) said.

We founded the Tang Dynasty together, and each of us killed many enemies. If there really were ghosts and ghosts took revenge, some of us would have died long ago.


Said the king.

I don't believe in ghosts either, but what's happening now makes me believe.

Every night, outside my room, there were sounds of ghosts screaming. These ghosts could also make objects move. These sounds made it impossible for me to sleep peacefully. As a result, I've had several nights of insomnia.


(Qin Qiong) said to the king.

I have a suggestion.

You said that there are ghosts screaming outside your room. I will go outside your room with (Yu Chigong) tonight to help you guard the door.

If a ghost appears, we can take the necessary action immediately.


The king nodded in agreement after hearing what (Qin Qiong) said.


That night, (Qin Qiong) and (Yu Chi Gong) stood guard outside the king's room, wearing the armour they wore during the war and holding weapons in their hands.

That night, the ghost screaming outside the room did not appear, and the king was finally able to sleep.


Because the effect was so good, (Qin Qiong) and (Yu Chigong) stood guard outside the king's door for several nights.

But a few days later, the faces of these two loyal ministers showed signs of fatigue, because these two ministers had stayed up late for several days in a row, and their bodies could no longer bear it.


The king saw this situation and summoned two royal painters. The king said to the two painters

I order you to paint full-length portraits of (Qin Qiong) and (Yu Chigong). After the painting is finished, I will hang their portraits on my door.

I wanted to test whether their portraits would have the same effect of scaring off ghosts.


That night the king was not disturbed by any ghosts. From then on, the full-length portraits of (Qin Qiong) and (Yu Chigong) were hung at the entrance to the king's room.


A few weeks later, the news spread, and many people began to imitate the king and put up full-length portraits of (Qin Qiong) and (Yu Chigong) at the gate.


This custom is still followed today.

You can still see the portraits of these two faithful and brave ministers on the door of some old Chinese houses.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever heard of methods for exorcising ghosts? Have you ever suffered from long-term insomnia because of something?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He made great sacrifices for his friends(兩肋插刀)


He made great sacrifices for his friends(兩肋插刀) 

In China's Qing Dynasty, there was a folk song enthusiast named Hua Guangsheng.

He collected many popular folk songs of the time and compiled them into a book.


There are a total of 839 songs in this book, and one of them mainly tells the story of the life of a famous general in the Tang Dynasty. The name of this general is (Qin Qiong). .

The gist of the song is as follows.


Qin Qiong was the reincarnation of a famous immortal in heaven. In his life, he met and befriended many of the most famous heroes of the present day.


He once sold his horse because he had no money. In the process of selling the horse, he met (Shan Tong), who later became his lifelong friend.

He once met 45 people at a birthday party in Shandong, and he and these 45 people later became good friends, closer than brothers.

He was once sentenced for an accidental injury case, but he happened to meet his aunt who had been separated for many years. With the help of his aunt, he was able to save his life.

Once a good friend of his was arrested by the authorities and he wanted to disguise himself as a robber to rob the prison.

But if he made that decision, he would most likely lose his life, and if he died, he would never see his family again.

Faced with a very difficult choice, he later decided to leave his family.

He made great sacrifices for his friend, whom he later managed to save.


He joined the revolutionary army resisting the Sui dynasty and rescued a man called Li Yuan.

Li Yuan later became the founder of the Tang Dynasty.

During the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, he led the army to defeat many enemies. He was one of the 24 most important heroes in the founding of the Tang Dynasty.


The literal translation of this idiom is that a knife was stuck next to his right ribs and another knife next to his left ribs.

The original meaning of this idiom is that he was at a crossroads in his life and finally decided to help his friends.

This idiom is used to describe a person who makes great sacrifices for his friends.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a good friend who is more important than your own life? What is the hardest decision you have ever made in your life?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Qin Qiong sells his horse(秦瓊賣馬)



Qin Qiong sells his horse(秦瓊賣馬)


There is a famous novel in China. This novel mainly describes the many heroes who helped to found the Tang Dynasty.

This novel tells the story of a famous general in the Tang Dynasty. The name of this general is (Qin Qiong).


Qin Qiong's economic situation was not good when he was young. Once he went to work in a strange city.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in that city, he suddenly fell ill. To cure his illness, he spent all his money.

He also owed a lot of money for hotel accommodation.


Since he had no friends in the city from whom he could borrow money, he had no choice but to take a horse he was riding to the market and sell it.

While selling the horse, he met a person named (Shan Xiongxin).

Shan Xiongxin is a very rich man. He is also a generous person who likes to make friends.


(Shan Xiongxin) thought (Qin Qiong) was a hero worthy of being a friend, so he bought Qin Qiong's horse and invited (Qin Qiong) to his house to rest.


A few weeks later, when Qin Qiong had recovered from his illness and was about to leave the city and return to his hometown, (Shan Xiongxin) returned the horse that Qin Qiong had sold him to Qin Qiong.

The two of them later became very close friends.


The direct translation of this idiom means Qin Qiong sold his horse.

This idiom is used to describe a heroic figure who is in great trouble.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever faced a great dilemma in your life? Have you ever had to sell your favourite things because you had no money?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He is alone and has no one to rely on.(煢煢孑立)



He is alone and has no one to rely on.(煢煢孑立)


In the Tang Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister who was also a famous writer. His name was Liu Zongyuan.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 805 AD, he took part in a political reform movement in the Tang Dynasty.

This campaign to reform the political system later failed and he was transferred by the king of the Tang Dynasty to Hunan Province in China.


During this time, a good friend of his named Xu Mengrong wrote him a letter. He was very happy to receive the letter, so he wrote back to Xu Mengrong.


In this letter he described how he had been sent to Yongzhou, a relatively backward city. The terrain in that city was low and humid, which made life very uncomfortable.


He felt very lonely, he had no friends around him and he felt very unhappy every day.


Because he was in a bad mood, his physical condition got worse and worse.

He was very sick, his body felt hot and cold and his stomach often hurt.

His appetite was poor, he was getting thinner and thinner, and he felt that he might die at any moment.


He lives with some vulgar people every day. He feels that these people are boring in his heart, but he has to force a smile on his face.

Although he went to work every day as usual, he felt in his heart that his life was completely worthless.


Although he was in so much pain, he still insisted on living.

The reason he insisted on living is simple,

He thought about the long history of his family, and he thought about the fact that he was not married yet.

He is alone and has no one to rely on, but he still hopes to marry and have children, he hopes to fulfil his responsibility to his ancestors, and he hopes that the history of his family can continue.


This idiom means that he is alone and has no one to rely on.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Does your family put pressure on you to have children? Do you know your family history?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




After the Jingshui and the Weishui merge, they become a river that is half mixed and half clear.(涇渭分明)


After the Jingshui and the Weishui merge, they become a river that is half mixed and half clear.(涇渭分明)


(The Book of Songs) is China's earliest collection of poetry.

There are 305 poems in the book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.

The first category is folk poetry from different parts of China at that time.

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty, which ruled China at that time.

The third category is the sacrificial poems used by the royal family and nobles of the Zhou dynasty.


Among them is a folk poem from this period, written in the first person by a woman.

The poem describes a couple's journey from marriage to divorce.

In the first paragraph of this poem, the wife uses strong wind and heavy rain to describe when the husband becomes easily angry, and uses picking vegetables to imply that the husband does not know how to cherish his wife.

In the second stanza of this poem, the wife uses some very bitter food to describe her inner pain and sadness.

In the third paragraph of this poem, the wife uses two famous rivers in China to express that she still loves her husband in her heart.

The names of the rivers are Jingshui and Weishui.

The water of Jingshui River is very clear, and the water of Weishui River is very muddy. After these two rivers merged in Shaanxi Province, China, the river water separated into two different colours.

In the fourth paragraph of the poem, the wife uses a boat to cross the river as a metaphor for the many difficulties she and her husband have overcome together after their marriage.

In the fifth paragraph of this poem, the wife describes herself as a commodity that no one wants to buy. She complains that her husband does not like her very much.

In the sixth paragraph of the poem, the wife condemns her husband for marrying her husband's lover. Her husband and her husband's lover have taken everything from her. The wife complains that she has lost everything.


The literal translation of this idiom is that after the two rivers Jingshui and Weishui merged, they became a river that was half mixed and half clear.

It is used to describe two people or two things with clear boundaries and a clear distinction between right and wrong.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What is your deepest experience of love? Have you ever had the feeling of losing everything?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




They are newlyweds and enjoy a happy and sweet life.(新婚燕爾)



They are newlyweds and enjoy a happy and sweet life.(新婚燕爾)


(The Book of Songs) is China's earliest collection of poetry.

There are 305 poems in the book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.

The first category is folk poetry from different parts of China at that time.

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty, which ruled China at that time.

The third category is the sacrificial poems used by the royal family and nobles of the Zhou dynasty.


Among them is a folk poem from this period, written in the first person by a woman.

This woman's husband divorced her and immediately married another woman.

This woman recalled her life. She and her husband got married because they loved each other. When she and her husband got married, their family's financial situation was very bad.


She helped her husband to start a business, and in the process of starting a business, she and her husband went through many difficulties together.


Their business was successful and within a few years her family became very wealthy.

But something else happened that she didn't expect.

After her husband became rich and successful, he fell in love with another woman. Her husband insisted on divorcing her.


After she divorced her husband, he married the woman he was having an affair with within a short time.

This woman felt very painful in her heart and her mood is described in this poem.

She said

You are newly married and enjoying a joyful and sweet life.

There is a very close relationship between the two of you.

You are newly married and enjoying a joyful and sweet life.

You two have absolutely no regard for my feelings.

You are newly married and enjoying a joyful and sweet life.

The money you are spending now is the money I saved when I was reluctant to enjoy it before.


The literal translation of this idiom is that you are newly married and enjoying a happy and sweet life.

This idiom is usually used as a congratulatory message to wish someone well on their marriage.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were this woman, would you decide to divorce your husband? Have you ever been cheated on by your lover?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





The relationship and actions between the lovers are very intimate(卿卿我我)



The relationship and actions between the lovers are very intimate(卿卿我我)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Wang Rong).

One of his stories is recorded in history books.


According to the linguistic custom at that time, the husband would call his wife (Qing), which means the person I love. The wife will call her husband "jun", which means the person she respects.


He has a good relationship with his wife, who is very independent and has her own unique opinions.


One day, Wang Rong's wife suddenly called him "Qing". At first, Wang Rong didn't mind, but later on, his wife habitually called him "Qing".

After a few days, Wang Rong felt that it was embarrassing for his wife to call him "Qing", so he told his wife.

Can you please stop calling me Qing?

You should call me "Jun", because that is in line with social linguistic habits.


After hearing what he said, his wife smiled and said to him

I like and love you, that's why I use the word "dear" to call you.

Why don't you let me use that word to call you?

Could it be that in your heart you prefer to hear other women call you that word?


He also smiled when he heard what his wife said.

He said to his wife.

What you have said makes sense. I am willing to adjust my thinking. I accept your use of the word 'Qing' to address me.

After this story spread later, the two words (Qingqing) were used by people to describe their lovers.


The literal translation of this phrase is 'you are the person I like and love'.

This idiom is used to describe the very intimate relationship and actions between a couple or pair of lovers.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What nickname would you give your lover? What nickname would your lover call you?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The cause of the disaster was due to internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu(禍起蕭牆)



The cause of the disaster was due to internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu(禍起蕭牆)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a famous minister in the Kingdom of Lu. This minister was called Ji Sun.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He has the greatest power in the Lu Kingdom, and his power is greater than that of the king of the Lu Kingdom.

At that time there was a small kingdom next to the Lu Kingdom, and the name of this small kingdom was (Zhuanyu).

The Lu Kingdom was in political turmoil. In order to increase his influence in the Lu Kingdom, Ji Sun ordered an attack on the (Zhuanyu) Kingdom.


When Confucius heard about this incident, he commented on it.

Confucius said.

The difference between a prosperous kingdom and a declining one is not the size of the land or the number of people.

If a kingdom has a small land area and a small population, but the leader of the kingdom does not allow unequal distribution of wealth and social injustice in the kingdom, and the leader of the kingdom manages to make the people live in a safe environment, then the nature of the kingdom will become more and more prosperous.

When a kingdom is very prosperous, many people from other kingdoms will naturally want to come and live in that kingdom. Then the population of that kingdom will naturally increase, and the national power of that kingdom will become stronger and stronger.


The Jisun should rule the Lu Kingdom with justice and benevolence. When the Lu Kingdom becomes powerful, it will naturally attract the people of the (Zhuan Yu) Kingdom to follow.

Now Jisun wants to use force to force the Zhuan Yu Kingdom to obey the Lu Kingdom. I think his behaviour is completely wrong.

Under his leadership, I saw the domestic chaos in the Kingdom of Lu.

The Kingdom of Lu was on the brink of collapse, but he failed to see the real problems within the Kingdom of Lu.



The reason for the disasters of the Lu Kingdom was the internal problems of the Lu Kingdom. The disasters of the Lu Kingdom were not caused by threats from outside forces.

The Jisun wanted to use force to attack the Kingdom of Zhuanyu and hoped to use this war to consolidate their power. I think what the Jisun did was definitely wrong.


The literal translation of this idiom is that the cause of the disaster was internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu.

This idiom is used to describe a disaster that occurs in an organisation. The reason for the disaster is that there are problems within the organisation.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What issues do you think need urgent reform in your country? Can people in your country live safely?

I hope this story brings you something new.




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