
His mind is in turmoil and his soul is shaken(神蕩魂搖)

They rushed there as soon as they heard the news.(聞風而至)

Joy, anger, sadness and happiness.(喜怒哀樂)

His character is bold and uninhibited.(放浪不羈)

He took the examination three times in a row and came first in all three examinations.(連中三元)

His expression is respectful and serious(道貌岸然)

Qin Qiong (秦瓊)

He made great sacrifices for his friends(兩肋插刀)

Qin Qiong sells his horse(秦瓊賣馬)

He is alone and has no one to rely on.(煢煢孑立)

After the Jingshui and the Weishui merge, they become a river that is half mixed and half clear.(涇渭分明)

They are newlyweds and enjoy a happy and sweet life.(新婚燕爾)

The relationship and actions between the lovers are very intimate(卿卿我我)

The cause of the disaster was due to internal problems in the Kingdom of Lu(禍起蕭牆)