
I want to make a needle(磨杵成針)

 I want to make a needle(磨杵成針)


There is a mountain in China's Sichuan Province. The name of this mountain is (Xianger).

There is a small stream on (Xianger) Mountain, which is called (Mozhen) .


The origin of the name of this river is from a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, his name is (Li Bai).

His boyhood was spent near here.


He doesn't like going to school very much, and studying is inherently boring and boring.

He often skipped class and went out to play around.


One day, (Li Bai) skipped class again, and he wandered in the mountains.

He saw an old woman squatting by the stream, grinding a small iron rod on the whetstone.


(Li Bai) felt very strange, he asked.

What are you doing?


The old woman answered.

I am making a needle.


(Li Bai) laughed.

Is this little iron rod going to be a needle? That's impossible.


The old woman answered.

This matter is not as difficult as you think.

As long as I continue to work every day, this little iron rod can become a needle in less than a month.


After hearing these words, (Li Bai) felt something in his heart.


I always feel that reading is difficult, so I don't study, but as long as I face the difficulties bravely, the difficulties will become smaller and smaller, just like this is the process of a small iron rod gradually becoming a needle.


He went back to school that afternoon. Never skip class anymore.


This idiom means that as long as you have perseverance and work hard, you can succeed in anything.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are you currently experiencing work or learning difficulties? How can you inspire yourself to face these challenges bravely?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




You will lose your autonomy(雞口牛後)

You will lose your autonomy(雞口牛後)

During the Warring States Period in China, the Kingdom of Han wanted to become a vassal state of the Kingdom of Qin.


There is a famous strategic consultant whose name is (Su Qin).

Su Qin wanted the king of the Han Kingdom to change this decision.

He held talks with the king of the Han Kingdom.


(Su Qin) said:

The territory of the Han Kingdom is indeed relatively small.

But your resources are abundant, your weapons are sophisticated, and your people are very brave.

Why do you want to be a vassal state of the Qin Kingdom?


The king answered.

The Qin Kingdom is too powerful. I am afraid that they will invade us.


(Su Qin) said.

What request does the Kingdom of Qin make of you.


The king answered.

They asked me to cede the two cities to them.


(Su Qin) said.

You cede two cities to them today. If they ask you to cede the other two cities next month, what will you do then?


The king could not answer.

(Su Qin) Continue to speak.

The cities in your kingdom are limited. But the desire of the Kingdom of Qin has no end.


The king hesitated.

(Su Qin) said.

Let me give a very vulgar example.


Your Kingdom of Han is like a rooster, and the Kingdom of Qin is like a cow.


The rooster's mouth is very small, but you can choose what you want to eat.

The cow's anus is larger than the cock's mouth, but the anus has no right to choose. The anus has only the function of excretion.


After you become a vassal state of the Qin Kingdom, your kingdom is like the anus of a cow.

You will no longer be able to choose independently, you can only be used passively.


The King of the Kingdom of Han finally said.

You're right. I will change my decision.


This idiom is used to describe a person who would rather be the leader of a small group than an unimportant figure in a large group.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you have a choice, will you serve a large enterprise or set up a small company yourself? If you encounter threats and intimidation, will you choose to back down or confront?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I'm like a frightened snake in the grass(打草驚蛇)

I'm like a frightened snake in the grass(打草驚蛇)

Between the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, China was very turbulent for about 70 years.

Many warlords rely on force to form small kingdoms.


The life spans of these kingdoms are quite short.

One of the kingdoms is the Southern Tang Kingdom.


In the Kingdom of Southern Tang. There is a county called (Dangtu). The county head's name is (Wang Lu).

In that turbulent era, government officials in every kingdom were corrupt.

(Wang Lu) is no exception.


When he was reading the official document one day, he saw a letter of complaint.

Several people jointly accused a county government official of corruption and accepted bribes.


He was taken aback.

Because this county government official is his lackey, the general public does not know that he is using this official to accept bribes.


He did not handle this case.

He wrote his instructions to the accused official on this document.


These people are like people walking on the grassland. They use sticks to tap the grass as they walk.

I am like a snake hiding in the grass, and I have discovered the arrival of these people.

Our next behavior must be more careful.


A few years later, the Southern Tang Kingdom perished, and the official documents of the county government were exposed.

The people discovered the truth about this matter.


This is a commonly used idiom that reminds us that before dealing with the enemy, we should remain calm and avoid the enemy being alert and precautionary.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If someone wants to bribe you, what choice would you make? If you have a lot of money but are worried and afraid every day, would you be willing?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


I will take action after I think deeply(三思而行)

 I will take action after I think deeply(三思而行)


In the famous book (The Analects of Confucius), a story is recorded.


During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a famous minister in the Lu Kingdom, his name was (Ji Wenzi).


He is very careful in doing things.


He has a famous saying. Before I make any decision, I must think deeply about it at least three times.


I will only act after I gather complete information and predict all possible outcomes.


Many people in the Lu Kingdom respect him, so many people work according to this rule.


A student asked (Confucius).

How do you judge (Ji Wenzi) this sentence?


Confucius' method of education is very special.

He will give the student an appropriate answer according to each student's situation.


He looked at the student in front of him and thought about the personality of the student.


He said to him.

I personally think that as long as we think deeply about it again, we should act immediately.



This idiom is used to remind us not to make decisions in a hurry, but to think deeply before acting.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think too much and do too little? Has your careful thinking become an excuse for your delay?

I hope this story will give you some new gains




These ashes may burn again(死灰復燃)

 These ashes may burn again(死灰復燃)


During the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Han Anguo).


He was originally the ambassador of Liang Kingdom, but he was sentenced to prison for making mistakes.

When he was serving his sentence in prison, the warden's name was (Tian Jia).


(Tian Jia) saw him in trouble, (Tian Jia) mocked him and said to him.

You were originally an important official in the kingdom, but now you have become a criminal.


He said to (Tian Jia).

Don't laugh at me just because I am in trouble now. If I get out of jail and resume my official position, how will you face me then?


(Tian Jia) said to him.

I think you are like a pile of burned wood, you are like a pile of ashes. Your most glorious moment has passed.


He said to (Tian Jia).

The burned ashes still have a high temperature, if I add more wood, it will burn again.


(Tian Jia) said to him.

If these ashes want to burn again, I will pee to put out the flames.


After a month, he was proven innocent. So he resumed office.

His new official position is higher than the original position of ambassador.


(Tian Jia) was very scared, he dared not go to work again, he ran away.


(Han Anguo) said to (Tian Jia)'s family.

You must find him and call him back, if he doesn't come back within a week. Everyone in your family will go to jail.


A few days later, (Tian Jia) came back.


(Han Anguo) looked at him and then said to him.

You can now pee in front of me to show me.


(Tian Jia) Shaking all over.


At this time (Han Anguo) said with a smile.

I forgive you for being rude to me before. I don't think you are worthy of anger at all.


This idiom is used to describe the ashes that seem to have been extinguished and then burn again.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you meet someone who is in trouble, would you laugh at him? Do you think that revenge on others for being rude to you will make you truly happy?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




A leaf can completely obscure your view(一葉障目)


A leaf can completely obscure your view(一葉障目)


During the Three Kingdoms Period in China, there was a famous writer named (Handan Chun). He wrote a book. It is the earliest collection of jokes in China.


There is a story in this book.


A person in the Kingdom of Chu is reading a book. An interesting incident is recorded in this book.


When the mantis is hunting the cicada, the mantis will hide behind a leaf.

Because of this, the cicada cannot see this praying mantis.


He misunderstood. He thought that there is a kind of magic leaf in nature, which can keep the mantis from being seen by the cicada.


He went outside to search around, and he finally found a praying mantis about to catch a cicada.

He observes quietly.


What is written in this book is correct.

The praying mantis hid behind a leaf, and then the praying mantis successfully caught the cicada.


He felt excited, he went to pick this leaf, but accidentally the leaf fell to the ground.

There are many fallen leaves on the ground. He could not tell which leaf had magic.

He wrapped up all the leaves in that block on the ground and took home.


After he got home, he tried leaf by leaf.

Every time he took a leaf to cover his eyes, he asked his wife if she could see him.

Of course his wife can see him every time.


After an hour, his wife was very impatient and angry.

When he picked up a leaf to cover his eyes, his wife saw him, but said to him, I can't see you this time.


He was very happy, he thought he finally found this magical leaf,


The next day, he took this leaf to go shopping.

He entered a shop, he covered his eyes with this leaf,

He picked up the goods in the shop and left without checking out.


The owner caught him and asked him why he was stealing.

He said to the owner. Why can you see me.


This idiom is used to remind us that a leaf can cover our eyes. A small prejudice can also prevent us from fully understanding a thing.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Is there a leaf in your life? How can you be sure that you are not covered by a leaf that you are not aware of?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



They get along intimately while maintaining proper politeness. (相敬如賓)

 They get along intimately while maintaining proper politeness. (相敬如賓)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Jin Kingdom was in conversation with a minister whose name was (Xu chen).


The king said to (Xu chen).

For a kingdom to prosper, it must have many good ministers.


If you find anyone capable, please let me know.

I will reuse him.


(Xu Chen) answered.

That's great. I discovered not long ago that someone is capable.

And you know this person.


The king asked.

Who is he?


(Xu Chen) answered.

His name is (Xi Que), his father was also a minister before, but his father was sentenced to death for crimes.


The king asked.

Why do you think he is a capable person?


(Xu Chen) answered.

At noon the other day, I sat on the side of the road to rest.

I saw him farming in the farmland not far away.


After about ten minutes, her wife arrived, and his wife brought the lunch prepared for him.

His wife politely handed him the lunch with both hands.

He thanked his wife very politely.


They had lunch together, and they talked and laughed while eating.

The two of them are close emotionally but maintain proper politeness.

I look at them and feel very warm.


A person's external behavior shows his character.

So I think he is a capable person.


The king nodded in agreement.

But the king said to him.

But his father committed a crime, can I really use him?


(Xu Chen) answered.

I think his father committed a crime, but that doesn't mean that he will also commit a crime.

We should not use this prejudice to treat anyone.

The king nodded again in agreement.


This idiom is specifically used to describe a couple who love each other while maintaining proper respect and courtesy.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Will you and your family lose courtesy because you are too familiar? Will you have prejudice against a person because of his family?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




A person of integrity and frankness (光明磊落)

 A person of integrity and frankness (光明磊落)


During the Jin Dynasty of China, there was a leader of a northern nomadic nation whose name was (Shile). He established a kingdom.


During a grand banquet, he asked all the ministers on the scene a question.

Do you think my ability can be compared to which king in Chinese history?


A minister answered.

I think your wisdom is a little bit higher than that of the founding emperor (Liu Bang) of the Han Dynasty.


Your bravery far exceeds that of the founding emperor (Cao Cao) of the Wei Kingdom.

Your greatness is the same as the founding kings of the three oldest dynasties in Chinese history.


(Shi Le) laughed when he heard this answer.

He said to the minister.


Your evaluation is too exaggerated, I know where I am.


I think that my talents and wisdom are worse than that of the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty (Liu Bang). If I lived in the same age as him, I could only be her minister. My talent should be similar to that of an important king (Liu Xiu) of the Han Dynasty.


I think a real man should judge himself fairly, not overly proud and arrogant. A real man should act with integrity and should not treat others in a treacherous way.


All the ministers praised his answer.

This idiom is used to describe a person with integrity and frankness.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How do you evaluate yourself? Are you self-righteous because others praise you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



You should help him when he needs it most(夏雨雨人)

 You should help him when he needs it most(夏雨雨人)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the prime minister and name of the Qi Kingdom was (Guan Zhong).

There is a story about him in history books.


He has a good friend (Meng Jianzi), (Meng Jianzi) is the prime minister of the Liang Kingdom and Wei Kingdom.

Because (Meng Jianzi) offended the king, he fled to the Qi Kingdom to seek political asylum.


The two of them talked after they met.


(Guan Zhong) said.

I am sad that you have encountered such misfortune.

Are you running away this time, only three people come with you?


(Meng Jianzi) answered.

Yes, only these three people did not leave me, they have always been with me.


Guan Zhong asked.

Are these three people your closest subordinates before?


(Meng Jianzi) answered.

Not really. On the contrary, I ignored them before.


Guan Zhong asked.

Then why did they not leave you.


(Meng Jianzi) answered.

I think it’s because I helped them when they needed it most


They were very poor, one of them; his father died, and the other, his mother died. But none of them can hold a funeral or buy a cemetery. I helped them at that time.


Another was his brother who was wronged. I helped his brother prove his innocence.


When I was doing these things, I never thought that they would accompany me when I was down.

I originally had more than 3,000 subordinates, but now only three of them are left.


Guan Zhong was silent after hearing these words.

After he got home, he told his family.


I should remember this lesson. When I give favors to others later, I must consider the timing.

I should be like the wind in spring and rain in summer, to give favors to others in the right season.


This idiom is used to remind us that we must provide people with timely and appropriate help when they need it most.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have many friends now? Who will be the friends you left behind in times of adversity?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I don’t think your approach can really solve this problem. (澆瓜之惠)

 I don’t think your approach can really solve this problem. (澆瓜之惠)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the Liang Kingdom was adjacent to the Chu Kingdom.


The border administrator of the Liang Kingdom is (Song Jiu).


This land is very suitable for growing melons, so the people of the two kingdoms have grown melons for a living.


Farmers in the Liang Kingdom are more industrious and water three times a day, so the melons grow big and beautiful.

Farmers in the Chu Kingdom are relatively lazy, watering once a day, so the melon grows small and ugly.


The melons grown by the farmers in the Liang Kingdom are selling well, but the melons grown by the farmers in the Chu Kingdom are not selling well.

So the farmers in the Chu Kingdom were jealous of them.


The farmers of the Chu Kingdom secretly crossed the border at night to destroy the melon fields of the Liang Kingdom.


The farmers of the Liang Kingdom were angry when they discovered that their melon fields were destroyed, and they planned to take revenge.

Everyone agreed to find one night to secretly cross the border to destroy the melon fields of the Chu Kingdom.


(Song) heard this.

He called all the farmers.


He said to these farmers,

You will not solve the problem by doing this, you will only make the problem bigger and bigger.

If it were me, I would take another approach.


I will also sneak across the border at night, but I will not destroy the melon fields of the Chu Kingdom.

I will water the melon fields of Chu Kingdom.

You can try my approach.


The farmers could not understand, but they still respected his advice.

These farmers sneak across the border every night to help water the melon fields of the Chu Kingdom.


After a month, the farmers of the Chu Kingdom found that the melons in their melon fields were getting better and better.

Everyone finds it strange.


All the farmers of the Chu Kingdom later discovered that the reason was because the farmers of the Liang Kingdom secretly crossed the border at midnight to water their melon fields.


All the farmers are ashamed, and since this day they will no longer destroy the melon fields of the Liang Kingdom.

A few years later, the farmers of the two kingdoms have also become very good friends.


The border administrator of the Chu Kingdom later reported the incident to the king of the Chu Kingdom.


The king of the Chu Kingdom said with shame.


The farmers in our kingdom destroy their melon fields, but they help the farmers in our kingdom water the melon fields.


We should express our gratitude,

The king of the Chu Kingdom later prepared a large sum of money and asked the diplomat to give it to the king of the Liang Kingdom.


The two kingdoms have since become very good friends.


This idiom is used to remind us. When others hate us, we can choose to respond to them with kindness. The real way to solve problems is often not tough confrontation.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you were (Song Jiu), how would you deal with this problem? Have you ever had this kind of experience, you want to solve a problem, but make the problem worse?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



I only want to do academic research(擁書百城)


I only want to do academic research(擁書百城)


During the Northern Wei Dynasty in China, there was a famous scholar whose name was (Li Mi).


When he was young, he learned from a famous teacher named (Kong Fan).


A few years later, his level has surpassed his teacher.

Sometimes his teacher encounters problems while doing academic studies, and in turn asks him for advice.


His classmates sighed.


A few years ago the teacher taught the students, and a few years later, the level of students surpassed the teacher.


Now the teacher is learning from this student, and now the student has become a teacher.


We learned from this matter that the truth is our eternal teacher.


The king also heard that he was very knowledgeable and wanted to hire him to serve in the government.


But he answered the king.

Thank you.

I just want to be a scholar, own 10,000 books and do academic research.

I don't want to be a duke and own a hundred cities.


This idiom is used to describe a person who owns a lot of books and loves research.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If you are (Kong Fan), can you learn from your own students? Do you love your job?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Now is the best time to learn(炳燭而學)

 Now is the best time to learn(炳燭而學)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Jin Kingdom was having a conversation with a blind minister.

The minister's name is (Shi Kuang).


The king said to him.

I am 70 years old and I still want to study, but I think it is too late at this time.


(Shi Kuang) answered.

At this time, do you think it is too late? You can light a candle.


The king answered.

Are you kidding me. What I mean is that I am too old, I don't mean it's already night.


(Shi Kuang) answered.

How dare I make a joke with you. You are the king of our kingdom and I am just a blind man.

I say this because I have heard that


When a person learns as a teenager, the benefits he gets are like the rising sun.

A person learns in middle age. His benefits are like the sun at noon.

When a person studies in his later years, the benefits he gets are like lighting a candle at night.


Although the light of the candle is not as bright as the sun,

But when we are walking in the dark, just light a candle to let us see the road ahead clearly.


The king nodded and said.

You are right, I will start learning.


This idiom is used to remind us that as long as we are willing to learn, age is never a problem.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How old are you now? Do you give yourself many reasons to delay your study plan?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




We must delay our judgment of the current situation(塞翁失馬)

 We must delay our judgment of the current situation(塞翁失馬)


In the Han Dynasty of China, there was a royal noble named Liu An. He edited a book in chief, and wrote a story in it.


There is a man who lives in the north of China.

His profession is horse breeding. His horse is fat and big.


One day, he had a good horse and suddenly ran away.

His family felt very sad.


He said to his family.

Don't be too sad, it might be a good thing to lose this horse.


After two months, the horse suddenly came back.

This horse also brought back another good horse.

His family felt very happy.


He said to his family.

Don't be too happy. An extra horse may be a bad thing.


After a week, his son rode this newly joined horse.

But his son fell off the horse and broke his thigh.

His family is very sad.


He said to his family.

Don't be too sad, my son's thigh fracture may be a good thing.


A year later, China was at war with the nomads in the north, and all young people were drafted into the army.

The war was merciless, and many young people died as a result.


However, his son was exempted from military service because of his broken thigh.



This is an idiom commonly used by Chinese people.

It is used to remind us that we must delay our judgment of good luck and bad luck.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are you at the peak or trough of your life now? How do you see the good and bad luck that you are experiencing in your life?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



There are no extra items in my life(身無長物)

 There are no extra items in my life(身無長物)


During the Eastern Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous general whose name was (Wang Gong).


He was stationed in a place called (Kuiji) for several years.

After the mission, he returned to the capital.


When his uncle heard the news that he had returned to the capital, his uncle came to visit him.

The two have not seen each other for a long time, so they chatted very happily.


His uncle saw him sitting on a beautiful bamboo mat.

His uncle asked him.

Where did you buy this bamboo mat?


He replied.

This bamboo mat is a special product of (Kuiji). The capital is not selling.


Uncle said to him.

This bamboo mat is great, I never knew (Kuiji) had such great special products.

Can you give me a bamboo mat.


He did not immediately agree.

The next day, he ordered a subordinate to send this bamboo mat to his uncle.


A month later, his uncle came to visit him again.

When the two were chatting, his uncle saw him sitting on a very ordinary straw mat.


Uncle asked him.

Why don't you sit on the bamboo mat.


He replied.

My bamboo mat has been given to you.


Uncle said in surprise.

Do you only have one bamboo mat.

You have been stationed in (Kuiji) for so many years,

Why do you only have one bamboo mat, didn't you buy more?


He answered with a smile.

Uncle, you don't know me too much.

There are no extra items in my life.


This idiom is used to describe a person's low desires and he has no extra items.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are there many things in your life that you have bought but never used? Do you really need these things?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





I don't want to retrieve the bow I lost(楚弓楚得)

 I don't want to retrieve the bow I lost(楚弓楚得)


During the Warring States Period in China, the prime minister of the Qin Kingdom (Lu Buwei) edited a set of books.

There is a story in the book.


Several people from the Chu Kingdom went out hunting together.

After the group of them returned home, one of them suddenly discovered that his bow was missing.


His companion said to him. You hurry back along the road to find it. Maybe you can find it back.

He smiled and said to his companion. Thank you, I don't want to go back to find this bow.


The companion asked. Why don't you look for this bow.


He replied.

People from the Kingdom of Chu lost a bow, and then another person from the Kingdom of Chu found and picked up the bow.

I think we are all from the Kingdom of Chu, and it makes no difference who owns this bow.


Confucius heard about this.

He made his comment.


I like this person's attitude towards this matter.

But I think someone from the Chu Kingdom lost a bow, and then another person found and picked it up. I think it doesn't matter who owns this bow, no matter which kingdom this person comes from.


(Laozi) I heard about this.

He made his comment.

But I think someone in Chu Kingdom lost a bow, and then another person or animal found and picked up the bow. I think it makes no difference whether it is an animal or a human being who owns this bow.


(Lu Buwei) made his comment.

I admire Lao Tzu's realm very much, he is a person without a frame.


This idiom is used to remind us that we should recognize that we have no actual ownership of things.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have a strong possessive desire for things? If you pass away tomorrow, what do you think you can really take away?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...