
Su Shi(蘇軾/子瞻)

Do you think this businessman's behavior is stupid.(剖腹藏珠)

I stole it for a few hours today(忙裡偷閒)

Although life is hard, I can still enjoy happiness(苦中作樂)

Where is your heart(心不在焉)

I can understand it clearly by just a glance (一目瞭然)

Li Shimin(李世民)

His luggage is very simple(一琴一鶴)

Your troubles are caused by yourself(庸人自擾)

I did not think clearly about this matter.(一問三不知)

If you were the tortoise, how would you choose? (曳尾塗中)

He suddenly became angry(一時之忿)

I have a high position but I am financially struggling(有名無實)

Why do you keep these wastes?(木屑竹頭)