
Su Shi(蘇軾/子瞻)

Su Shi(蘇軾)

Su Shi (1037 A.D.-1101 A.D.)

His last name is (Su), his parents gave him the name (Shi), and his friends call him (Zizhan) when he grows up. He was born in Sichuan Province, China.


The meaning of basil. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

A crossbar in front of the ancient Chinese carriage that can be grasped.

The meaning of a child. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of looking far away or looking forward.


He is an outstanding writer. He is also a famous statesman, he is a famous calligrapher, and he is also one of the most outstanding poets in Chinese history.


There is a story about him recorded in history books.


One day after he had eaten lunch, he walked slowly at home, and he touched his belly contentedly.


He asked the maids. You see my belly is so big, guess what's in it.


The first maid said that you are a famous writer, so there should be many good articles in your belly.

He heard this answer, he smiled and shook his head slightly.


The second maid said that you are a famous politician, so there should be a lot of special insights and opinions in your belly.

He heard the answer and nodded slightly with a smile.


The third maid answered.

According to my observations, there are a lot of ideals in your stomach, but none of them have the right time and opportunity to develop them.


He heard this answer. He said to her laughing. You are the one who knows me best.


The name of this third maid is (Wang Chaoyun), and (Su Shi) married her a few years later.

She is (Su Shi)'s third and last wife.


(Wang Chaoyun) accompanied him through the lowest and most disappointing moments of his life.


Dear friend, how do you feel or think after hearing this story.

Can you give full play to your talents in your current job? Who among your friends can feel your mood the most?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Do you think this businessman's behavior is stupid.(剖腹藏珠)


Do you think this businessman's behavior is stupid.(剖腹藏珠)


In the Tang Dynasty of China, the second king was (Li Shimin).

He is one of the most famous and respected kings in Chinese history.


Once, he told all the ministers in a meeting.

I recently heard an interesting anecdote. Let me share with you.


There was a jeweler, when he bought a precious gem, he would cut his skin and sew these gems into his body.


If there is a suitable buyer, he will cut his skin again and take out the gem.

How do you all comment on this person's behavior.


One minister answered.

I think that this businessman hurt his own body for money, this behavior is too stupid.

All the other ministers also nodded in agreement.


He said at this time.


Do you think this businessman's behavior is stupid?

But I heard that some officials accept bribes.

I think these officials who broke the law are just as stupid as this businessman.


All the ministers present were silent and dare not speak.


He went on to say.

In the history of China, some kings caused the country to perish because of their greed and enjoyment, and these kings were just as stupid as this businessman.


He said to all the ministers at this time.

Let us all remind each other to prevent us from becoming such stupid people.


This idiom is used to describe a person's behavior of hurting one's own body for money.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Why do you think (Li Shimin) tells this story to all the ministers? Which one do you think is more valuable, the health of the body or the accumulation of money?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




I stole it for a few hours today(忙裡偷閒)


I stole it for a few hours today(忙裡偷閒)


During the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Huang Tingjian).


He is also a famous poet and writer.


He wrote a poem.


Since I started taking over this position, I have been so busy every day.


I was finally able to take a vacation today. It's really rare.


I feel like a thief, I stole a day.


I heard the swallows and oriole singing outside the window. These birds are reminding me of the arrival of spring.


I saw the cherry blossoms and red apricots in the garden have fallen. These flowers remind me that this beautiful spring is coming to an end.


I should grasp the good times now.


I hosted a dinner party and I invited my good friends to join in.


After I wrote a poem, I took a nap, and I was ready to wait for the arrival of guests.


The dinner I hosted officially began, and my friends and I started eating and drinking.


But at this time, an urgent official order came suddenly.


I have to leave first to deal with this sudden situation.


Before I left, I told my servants. You continue to entertain guests and you must remain vigilant at all times.


As soon as I finish my work, I will come back here immediately.


No matter how late it is, I will come back.


This idiom is used to describe that although a person is in a busy life, one can still find time to enjoy peace.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Which one do you think is more important for the peace of the mind than the rest of the body? Do you find that time has great flexibility?

I hope this story will help you produce some new gains.


Although life is hard, I can still enjoy happiness(苦中作樂)


Although life is hard, I can still enjoy happiness(苦中作樂)


During the Song Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named Chen Zao.

He is also a famous poet.


He once served as the top administrative official of (Pingjiang).

Once, on a rare vacation, he went mountain climbing with two good friends.


His work is very busy, and he felt very relaxed during this trip.

He was very moved, so he wrote several poems to record this trip.


He wrote.

I saw the clear sky and the undulating hills.

I saw the winding river in the distance, and I saw an eagle resting on the roof of the temple where I was going to live at night.


After I left the lively town, I came to this simple temple hidden on the mountain.

I suddenly felt like an ant. I am very busy every day, but I have forgotten the goal of my life.


Each of our bodies is free, but our hearts are bound by money and power.

I came to this peaceful mountain today, so I felt that I broke free of these constraints.


In this night, we sat on the ground easily. My good friends and I are now having tea and chatting together.


I have never been to heaven, but I think if I am in heaven, I should feel the same as now.


This idiom is used to describe that although a person is in a hard life, he can still enjoy happiness.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you had the same experience? How do you have fun in your hard life?

I hope this story will help you produce some new gains.





Where is your heart(心不在焉)


Where is your heart(心不在焉)


(Dai Sheng) was an important Confucian scholar in the Han Dynasty.


He collected many Confucian articles and compiled them into a book. This book is (Book of Rites).


There is an article in this book.


If you want to cultivate your own moral character, then the first thing you should do is to examine your heart.


If you feel angry, you cannot keep calm.


If you feel fear, you cannot keep calm.


Your hobbies will affect your judgment.

Your worries will affect your decision.


At this moment, are you really alive?


Your eyes see many things every day, but do you really feel what you see?

Your ears hear many words every day, but do you really feel what you hear?

Your mouth eats a lot of food every day, but do you really feel what you eat?


Your heart is the root of everything.


If you want to cultivate your own moral character, then the first thing you should do is to examine your heart.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is not focusing on the present moment.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

How long have you not paid attention to the people and things around you? Do you feel attentively about everything you are doing now?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



I can understand it clearly by just a glance (一目瞭然)


I can understand it clearly by just a glance (一目瞭然)


During the Southern Song Dynasty in China. There is a famous scholar whose name is Zhu Xi.


Once, his students took a national examination.

The student went back to school.


He asked the student.

What is the topic of the exam this time?


The student answered.

The topic of this examination is for us to comment on a famous thinker (Wang Tong) from the Sui Dynasty.


he asks.

How do you comment on him.


The student answered.

I criticized him from a negative perspective.


He said with a smile.

Most people really think of him this way.

But I think he also has a good side. We should comment on him more objectively.


Another student asked him.

What do you think his advantages are?


He replied.

I think his great ambition is a good advantage.

But he only wants to reach the goal quickly and is not willing to accumulate abilities slowly, which is his shortcoming.


The student asked again.

How did you come to this conclusion.


He replied.

Most people just understand it one-sidedly and then comment on it. So they will not be able to see the whole picture.


I have read all of his works, and I observe him from a bird's-eye view. So I knew it at a glance.


This idiom is used to describe a person knowing a thing or a person at a glance



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have a habit of commenting on others? Do you ignore a person's strengths because of his shortcomings?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



Li Shimin(李世民)


Li Shimin(李世民)


Li Shimin(李世民)(598 AD-649 AD)

His last name is (Li), his parents gave him the name (世民), and his birthplace is in Gansu Province, China.


The meaning of plum tree. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of an era also has the meaning of a person's life.

The meaning of the people.



In the Tang Dynasty of China, the second king was (Li Shimin).


He is one of the most famous and respected kings in Chinese history.


Among the officials of the central government under his leadership, there is a minister named (Wei Zheng).


Although he is a king, he is also a human being.

So he also has blind spots, and he often makes mistakes.


Often, when his shortcomings are seen by (Wei Zheng), (Wei Zheng) will directly point out his mistakes.


When he heard these advices from (Wei Zheng), he often angrily wanted to kill (Wei Zheng).

But he endured it. After he calmed down, he carefully considered Wei Zheng's words.


He accepted that his idea was wrong.

He corrected his shortcomings.


In 643, Wei Zheng, who was 18 years older than him, died.


He felt very sad.

He said to all the ministers.


He says.

I have three mirrors.

The first mirror is a bronze mirror. I use this mirror every day to check whether my clothes are neat and tidy.

The second mirror is a few history books. I use this mirror every day to see why the dynasties prospered and declined.

The third mirror is (Wei Zheng). I use this mirror every day to see my blind spots and mistakes.


I feel sad, I only have two mirrors left now.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have such a good friend who can objectively point out your shortcomings? How do you react when you face other people's advice?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





His luggage is very simple(一琴一鶴)


His luggage is very simple(一琴一鶴)


During the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Zhao Yuedao).


There is a story about him in history books.


He served as the top administrative official of (Chengdu).

He is a very clean official.


He often needs to travel on business.

He will only bring a few sets of clothes, a guqin and his pets.

His pet is very special, his pet is a crane.


Once, when he was passing (Qingcheng Mountain), it suddenly snowed.

He hurried to stay in a private hotel.


The hotel owner saw that his clothes were of ordinary quality, that he had very little luggage, and that he had only one person and no entourage.


So the hotel owner was very impolite when talking to him, and his attitude showed contempt for him.

But his expression was natural, and his mood was not affected at all.


After he arrived in the guest room, he looked at the snow scene outside the window, and he took out his guqin to play.

He was immersed in his own world.


This idiom is used to describe a very clean official.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Would you despise a person because of his poor appearance or clothing? If you were him, would you be angry because of the behavior of the hotel owner?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




Your troubles are caused by yourself(庸人自擾)


Your troubles are caused by yourself(庸人自擾)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Lu Xiangxian).


There is a story about him in history books.


He is a senior judicial official.


Once, a junior official in his team made a mistake.

He only gave a verbal warning without actually punishing the junior official.


A middle-ranking official came to his office in private.


Said the middle-ranking official.

I think your approach is wrong. You should punish this junior official according to the strictest standards.


He replied.

I believe in the kindness of human nature, and I think we should give him a chance to repent.

If I treat all subordinates in accordance with the strictest standards, are you sure that you will not make mistakes and that you will not be punished by me.


He went on to say.


There are many things that are solved in a very simple way, but the way people deal with it has caused this matter to become more and more complicated and more difficult to solve.


The purpose of our penalties is to hope that this person becomes better, and we hope that this person can improve.

These penalties are just one of many ways to make this person change.


We should figure out what our purpose is to do this thing, so that the way we solve this thing will not cause bigger and more problems.



This idiom is used to describe a person in order to solve a problem, but his solution creates more problems.



Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you agree with (Lu Xiangxian)'s point of view? Do you only focus on the method of solving the problem, and forget the purpose of doing this?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



I did not think clearly about this matter.(一問三不知)

I did not think clearly about this matter.(一問三不知)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China,


(Jin Kingdom) sent troops to attack (Zheng Kingdom).

The king of (Zheng Kingdom) sent people to (Qi Kingdom) to seek assistance.

(Qi Kingdom) sent troops to assist (Zheng Kingdom).


The general of (Jin Kingdom) saw that there were many people in (Qi Kingdom)'s army.

He knew that he had no chance of winning this war, so he wanted to retreat.


The two sides were at a stalemate for a while. Form a state of confrontation.


At this time, a man went to see the general of (Qi Kingdom). This person only fled from Jin Kingdom to (Qi Kingdom) a few months ago. His name is (Xun Yin)


He said to the general.

I got a tip that (Jin Kingdom) has assembled 1,000 horse chariots.

Their strength far exceeds ours, so we should retreat as soon as possible.


After hearing these words, the general said to him.

When we sent troops, the king gave me orders. We must complete this task.

The information you provided now does not match the information I received. I think (Jin Kingdom) dare not confront us head-on.


They will retreat first.

I suspect that you are a spy of the Jin Kingdom. After the war is over, I will investigate you carefully.


He left the general's office.

He sighed.

A smart person should think clearly about the reason for doing this, as well as the process and results before acting.


I made a mistake. I originally wanted to take this opportunity to express my loyalty to (Qi Kingdom), but now I am going to suffer harm instead.


This idiom is used to describe a person who expresses an opinion on a matter, but the person does not understand the matter.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When you give advice, what factors do you consider? Do you think a persons status affects what he says?

I hope this story can give you some new gains.



If you were the tortoise, how would you choose? (曳尾塗中)


If you were the tortoise, how would you choose? (曳尾塗中)



(Zhuang Zhou) is one of the most famous philosophers in Chinese history.

He wrote a story.


One day, he was fishing alone.

Suddenly two strangers approached him.


One of them said.

Hello. We are special envoys sent by the king of the Chu Kingdom.


he asks.

Why are you looking for me?


Said the envoy.

Our king heard that you have good insights and high morals. So our king wants to hire you as his adviser.


This is a very honorable position, and we will provide you with a high salary.


He replied.

I heard a news a few months ago.

A very long-lived tortoise in your Chu Kingdom died.


Said the envoy.

Yes, this tortoise is our national treasure animal. When it died, we were all sad.


He says.

Your king also specially built a beautiful coffin for this turtle, and built a gorgeous house to place this coffin.


Said the envoy.

Yes it is.


He says.

Let me ask you a question.

If you are this tortoise, you hope you are still alive and free to move on the mud.

Or do you hope that you are dead, and your bones are put in this gorgeous house by others.


Said the envoy.

If I were to choose, I would choose to stay alive and move freely in the mud.


He says.

My choice is the same as yours. I prefer to live freely in this remote village.

This is my answer.



This idiom is used to describe a person who would rather be poor and free.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

If it were you, which lifestyle would you choose the most? What do you think is the most important value standard?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




He suddenly became angry(一時之忿)


He suddenly became angry(一時之忿)


In the famous book (The Analects of Confucius), a story is recorded.


Confucius was in a conversation with one of his students whose name was (Fan Chi).


(Fan Chi) asked.

What can I do to improve my moral level?


Confucius replied.

This is a good question.

I suggest that you should concentrate on doing whatever you are doing now. Then from the results, reflect on how to do better next time.

If you do this often, you can improve your moral level.


(Fan Chi) asked.

What can I do to reduce the bad thoughts in my heart?


Confucius replied.

This is a good question.

I suggest that you should not blame others for their faults. You should first self-examine yourself and correct your own mistakes.

If you do this often, you can reduce some of the bad thoughts in your heart.


(Fan Chi) asked.

What can I do to tell right from wrong, how can I avoid myself doing something wrong because of confusion.


Confucius replied.

This is a good question.

I suggest you control your emotions, and you should avoid anger covering your eyes. If you look carefully, many people impulsively do a lot of hurting themselves and hurting their family members because they are caught in anger.



This idiom is used to describe a person's sudden outburst of anger.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Are you a person who is always angry?. Are there any things that particularly arouse your anger?

I hope this story will give you some new gains



I have a high position but I am financially struggling(有名無實)


I have a high position but I am financially struggling(有名無實)


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, two ministers of the Jin Kingdom were talking.

The names of the two of them are (Han Xuanzi) and (Shu Xiang).


(Shu Xiang) said.

The king issued a new personnel order. Congratulations, your position is elevated.


(Han Xuanzi) answered.

My promotion is indeed a good thing, but I am not happy.


(Shu Xiang) asked.

Why are you unhappy?


(Han Xuanzi) answered.

My position is getting higher and higher, but I still have financial constraints.

My position is very high but I have very little money.

I envy the other ministers, each of them is so rich, they often have fun. They have a great time every day.


(Shu Xiang) said.

In addition to congratulating you on your promotion, I also want to congratulate you on your current poverty.


(Han Xuanzi) answered in confusion.

Why do you want to congratulate me on my current poverty? This is not something to be happy about.


(Shu Xiang) said.

In our kingdom, there used to be a very famous minister (Luan Wuzi). When he was young, he was just like you in financial constraints.


But he keeps actively studying, he is kind and polite to people, and he is very focused on his work.

He did his job very well, and he won the respect of everyone.

His entire family also enjoys a very high honor in our kingdom because of him.


But it is a pity that his son does not learn from him.

His son has a poor work attitude and is very extravagant.

So his family has declined in recent years.


In our kingdom, there used to be a very famous minister (Kai Zhaozi) whose family wealth was almost as much as that of the royal family, and many of their family members served as important officials in the kingdom.


They are very extravagant, they hold banquets every day, and their work attitude is very lax.

So their family has declined in recent years.


So I congratulate you on your current poverty.

A person should be worried because of his own bad morals, and should not be worried because of insufficient wealth.


(Han Xuanzi) answered.

Thank you for your reminder, you are too right.

Not only do I have to remember your words, but I also want to use them to educate my children.


I thank you very much.



This idiom is used to describe a person who has a great reputation, but he actually has very few resources.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you worry about your own financial situation? Do you think money and character are more important to a person?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.





Why do you keep these wastes?(木屑竹頭)


Why do you keep these wastes?(木屑竹頭)


The Jin Dynasty in China. There is a famous general. His name is (Tao Kan).

There is a story about him in history books.


Once, he took an order and he supervised the construction of a very large ship.

During the construction process, a lot of wood and bamboo are needed.


The workers produced a lot of sawdust after sawing the wood.

After the workers cut all the bamboos to the same length, many small bamboos of different lengths were left behind.


He ordered several soldiers to collect all these wastes and pile them up neatly.


His staff asked him.

May I ask why we should keep these wastes.


He smiled and he didn't answer.


The spring of the second year, the first day of the new year.

According to the tradition of the army, all soldiers must be assembled in the square of the barracks before sunrise.


But the staff officer found that this year's assembly speed was faster than in previous years, and the expressions of all soldiers were pleasantly surprised.

The staff officer took a closer look and found that the entire square was covered with wood chips.


If the square is not covered with these sawdust, the entire square will be muddy because of melting snow.

But this year because of these wood chips, this problem was solved.


Two more years later, the Jin Dynasty was going to send troops to fight, and this time it was necessary to build several battle ships.


He once again ordered the soldiers to take out the small bamboos of various lengths collected earlier.

These little bamboos have been dried after several years of storage.


He ordered the soldiers to make these little bamboos into bamboo nails. Used in the construction of ships.


He cherishes resources very much.


This idiom is used to remind us that useless things will generate new value under different circumstances.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you ever thought about how to give new value to useless things? How can you reduce your own use of disposable products?

I hope this story will help you produce some new gains.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...