
Shanjian (山簡/季倫)


Shanjian (山簡)(253 AD - 312 AD)

His surname is (Shan), his parents gave him the name (Jian), and when he grew up his friends called him (Jilun). He was born in Henan Province, China.


It means mountain. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means bamboo slips. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means the youngest of several brothers. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means ethical. It means sequence. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He was a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. He was a very sincere and upright person.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 316 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated by the army of the (former Zhao) Kingdom, and the king of the Western Jin Dynasty was killed. The Western Jin Dynasty fell.

In 317 AD, a royal member of the Western Jin Dynasty named (Sima Rui) announced the establishment of the Eastern Jin Kingdom in Jiankang City, Jiangsu Province, China.


During this chaotic period, he served as the top military general in the area surrounding present-day China's Hubei Province.

Many people from the Western Jin Dynasty fled to the area under his jurisdiction.




One day, he and his military staff were planning an event.

A military adviser said to him

Recently, many people from the capital of the Western Jin Dynasty have fled to the city where we live, and some of them are well-known singers and musicians in the original capital.

How about we invite these singers and musicians to perform? We can watch the performance while we eat.


After hearing the military officer's suggestion, he shook his head and said to the military officer

The capital of the Western Jin Dynasty has been taken and the king has been killed.

I am a general of the Western Jin Dynasty, but my talents are not enough. I can only block the enemy's attacks. I have no way to defeat the enemy and regain our lost territory.

When I thought of this, I felt very ashamed in my heart.

Under these circumstances, I was not in the mood to watch singers and musicians perform.


After the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he swore allegiance to the new king.

One day, a military adviser told him.

There was a general in the Western Jin Dynasty who did not want to be loyal to the new king.

This general believed that only direct descendants of the original kings of the Western Jin Kingdom could serve as kings.


The king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom ordered an attack on the general who refused to be loyal to him.

Should we send troops to attack this general as well?

He shook his head and said to the military advisor.


I am a good friend of that general, and although I disagree with his behaviour in not accepting the new king, I will not attack my friend.

I will not betray a friend to strengthen my personal political future.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? If your country accepted refugees, how would you treat refugees from other countries?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




I love this person with all my heart(情之所鐘)


I love this person with all my heart(情之所鐘)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named (Wang Rong).

One of his stories is recorded in history books.


He has six good friends. He and his friends seek inner nature and purity. They hate the hypocrisy of the powerful and despise those who are obsessed with money and power.


They eat mineral and plant powders, drink a lot of Chinese rice wine, like to play musical instruments and love Taoist ideas.


His son is called Wang Wan. Wang Wan likes to eat brown rice, and Wang Wan is very fat.

He loved his son very much.


But something unfortunate happened. Wang Wan died when he was 19 years old.

Wang Rong was very sad.


When his good friends heard the news, they came to comfort him.

One day a good friend said to him


You are a very detached person, and you are not bound by some of society's rules. You shouldn't be so sad about the death of your child.


he answered his friend.

A person with perfect moral character and great wisdom will not be happy when people come together, nor will he be sad when people go apart.

A person of very low moral character and very ignorant will not be happy when people come together, nor will he be sad when people go apart.


I'm not either of these extremes.

I'm just an ordinary person, but my feelings are very strong and my emotions are very rich.


I love my son with all my heart.

I guess that's why I'm so sad.


After hearing his answer, his friend was infected by his rich emotions and shed tears.


This expression has been extended to describe a person who loves someone or something devotedly.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you an emotional or a rational person? Have you ever felt extreme grief at the loss of a loved one?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The words in this piece of calligraphy hide details that only experts can see(一波三折)


The words in this piece of calligraphy hide details that only experts can see(一波三折)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous calligrapher. His name is Wang Xizhi.

He wrote an article in which he mentioned some of his views on how to write Chinese calligraphy well.


I think if you want to write a good calligraphy work, your mentality must be as cautious as a general going to war.

You must first calm down and concentrate, and then imagine in your mind that you are writing this calligraphy work on a piece of paper with an invisible pen.


To write a good calligraphy piece, you must consider the structure of each text in the whole article.

The size and shape of each word in the article should maintain a dynamic balance with the other words in the article.

But you must not misunderstand what I mean by balance and stability.

When some people write Chinese calligraphy, each stroke has the same thickness. The words they write look like an abacus, which is dull and boring.


Let me give you an example.

About 100 years ago there was a calligrapher called Song Yi.

Song Yi's calligraphy teacher was a famous calligrapher (Zhong Yao).

The Chinese calligraphy Song Yi wrote when he was young is like what I said, the size and strokes of each character are the same.

If you see Song Yi's early calligraphy works, you can understand the feeling I want to express.


After being taught by his teacher, Song Yi began to practise Chinese calligraphy diligently every day. After three years, he had completely corrected his shortcomings.

He continued to improve and maintained a high level of enthusiasm for improving his calligraphic works.

About ten years later, he became a great calligraphy expert.

Song Yi's later calligraphy works have the standards that good calligraphy works should have.


To write a good Chinese character with a Chinese brush, there must be three curves hidden in the strokes of the character.

The first stroke at the beginning of the character should make people feel rounded but powerful.

When you write a horizontal stroke, it should look like a well-organised army.

When you write a hook stroke, it should feel like a crossbow arrow ready to shoot.

When you write a dot stroke, it should feel like a stone falling from a mountain to the ground.

When your strokes are taut, they should be as tough and elastic as a dead vine.

If your strokes are relaxed, be like a person suddenly running forward.


The literal translation of this saying is that there must be three twists hidden in the strokes of a Chinese character.

This idiom is used to describe the words in a calligraphy work that hide details that only experts can see.

It is often used to describe a thing that has many twists and turns and is not going well.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever spent a long time learning a skill? Is your handwriting beautiful?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Wang Xiu(王修/敬仁)



Wang Xiu(王修) (334 AD - 357 AD)


His surname is (Wang), his parents gave him the name (Xiu) and when he grew up his friends called him (Jingren). He was born in Shanxi Province, China.


It means king. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means to repair. It means practice. It is also a Chinese surname.

This word has many meanings. Here are just two meanings.

It means respectful. It means respect.

It means benevolence. It is also one of the Chinese family names.



He was a famous official and calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. There is a story about him in the history books.


The year he died, he was only 24 years old.

His mother was very sad and went into his room to sort out his things.


He was a very distinguished young man,

Many central government ministers at the time admired him.

Some people describe his talent and character as being like a very tall and beautiful tree.

Some people think that he is not only intelligent, but also has special insights into life.


While his mother was going through his things, she saw a piece of calligraphy.

The name of the person who wrote this calligraphy is (Zhong Yao).

Zhong Yao lived from 151 AD to 230 AD.

Zhong Yao is a very great calligrapher in Chinese history.

This calligraphy work by Zhong Yao is very well written. In the more than 100 years since Zhong Yao's death, this calligraphy work by Zhong Yao has been collected by many celebrities in turn.


This calligraphy piece was later acquired by Wang Xiu. Wang Xiu liked this calligraphy very much. He would carefully take out this calligraphy work to appreciate it almost every day.

Every time Wang Xiu reads this calligraphy work, his eyes will shine with intoxication and joy.

Wang Xiu often told his mother how he felt after reading this calligraphy.

Wang Xiu's mother shed tears when she picked up the calligraphy work.


Wang Xiu's mother later decided to put this calligraphy work in Wang Xiu's tomb.


Wang Xiu's mother later decided to put this calligraphy on Wang Xiu's grave.

At Wang Xiu's funeral, Wang Xiu's mother said to Wang Xiu in her heart.

You have died and gone to another world. I will put your favourite calligraphy work in your grave to accompany you.

I believe you will live happily and peacefully in another world.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were to die, would you want anything buried with you? What are some of your favourite collections?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Wow! This piece is so powerful that it left me in awe.(咄咄逼人)


Wow! This piece is so powerful that it left me in awe.(咄咄逼人)


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous official who was also a famous calligrapher.

His name is Wang Xiu.


There is a story about him in the history books.

When he was 13 years old, he wrote an essay. The topic of this paper was to discuss what kind of person could be considered a worthy person.

His father was very proud after reading his paper. His father shared this paper with a famous scholar who was studying Taoist thought at that time.


After the scholar finished reading it, he said to his father

Your son is great. After reading his paper, I think he has fully grasped the spirit of Taoist thought.


At the same time there was a famous calligrapher called Wang Xizhi.

Wang Xizhi and his son are the greatest calligraphers in Chinese history.


He and Wang Xizhi were good friends. One day, Wang Xizhi wrote a piece of calligraphy and presented it to him.

His calligraphy was very good. After receiving this calligraphy work, he began to copy the calligraphy written by Wang Xizhi.

A few months later, he had completely mastered some of the characteristics of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and he wrote a calligraphy work for Wang Xizhi in return.


After Wang Xizhi's son saw this calligraphy work, Wang Xizhi's son was surprised and said to his father

Why did Wang Xiu's calligraphy improve so quickly? The brushwork of his calligraphies is very smooth and subtle, and the fonts of his calligraphies are powerful and elegant.


The aura of his work is so powerful and I am in awe of his calligraphy work.


This idiom is used to describe a piece of work that is so powerful that it leaves the viewer in awe.

This idiom can also be used to describe a person who says something so sharp that the person hearing it feels a lot of pressure.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What is your favorite piece of art? How does this piece of art make you feel?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




His expression is natural and calm(神色自若)

His expression is natural and calm(神色自若)


China's Jin Dynasty lasted 154 years and was divided into two periods.

The Western Jin Dynasty lasted from 265 AD to 316 AD. The Eastern Jin Dynasty lasted from 317 AD to 420 AD.


This was a very special ear. Many famous people pursued the liberation of their own minds and bodies. The actions of these celebrities influenced the society at that time.


Some celebrities of that time were obsessed with calligraphy and playing the Chinese Guqin.

There are also some celebrities who like to drink Chinese rice wine and take medicines made of minerals and plants.


At that time, there were also some celebrities who liked nudity. These celebrities who liked nudity believed that humans are part of nature, so we can return to the most primitive state at any time, and nudity is not shameful.


There was a famous official at that time, his name was Wang Cheng.

There is a story about him in the history books.


His family was the most politically powerful aristocratic family at that time.

One year he was appointed governor of Jingzhou.


This is a very important position, so the whole family is happy for him.

On the day he was to leave the capital, his relatives and friends threw an open-air party to see him off.


At this banquet, many good friends and relatives came to drink Chinese rice wine with him, and he drank a lot of Chinese rice wine happily.


In the middle of the banquet, he got a little drunk. Suddenly he heard the sound of magpies coming from a big tree near the place where the banquet was held.

He happily pointed to the tree and said to everyone at the party.

There is a nest of magpies in that tree.

Magpies bring good luck and blessings, which is a very good omen.


The people at the banquet agreed with him.


He looked at these friends and relatives who were at the banquet, and suddenly he said to everybody.

I'm going to climb this tree and I'm going to take down this nest and I'm going to raise these magpies.


Before anyone could stop him, he took off his coat and started to climb up the tree.

When he was about two or three metres up, his underwear got caught on a branch. He realised he could not climb up, so he stood on the trunk, took off his underwear and threw it under the tree.


He continued to climb the tree naked. After a few minutes he climbed to a place six or seven metres above the ground. He got this bird's nest.


He climbed down the tree with the nest.

When he arrived under the tree, his expression was very natural and calm. He was not at all nervous or ashamed of being naked. He looked as if all the people at the party did not exist.


He held the bird's nest in his left hand and reached out his right hand to play with the young birds in the nest.


This idiom is used to describe the expression of a person who is natural and calm.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you judge his behaviour? Have you ever been affected by the behaviour and words of these celebrities?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





Wei Jie (衛玠/叔寶)

Wei Jie (衛玠)(286 AD - 312 AD)


His surname is (Wei), his parents gave him the name (Jie), and when he grew up his friends called him (Shubao). He was born in Shanxi Province, China.


It means to defend. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

A type of jade used for sacrifices in ancient China.

The third of several brothers.

It means treasure. It is also a Chinese surname.



He was a famous official in the Western Jin Dynasty of China. He was one of the most famous and handsome men in Chinese history.

He had a deep understanding of Taoist thought and died at the age of only 27.


There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


From 307 AD to 313 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty experienced a very serious civil war.

Several royal families were at war with each other for control of the central government.

As the Western Jin Dynasty fell into chaos, several kingdoms surrounding the Western Jin Dynasty also took the opportunity to attack the Western Jin Dynasty.

The capital and surrounding areas of the Western Jin Dynasty became war zones.

He and his family fled to the south of the Yangtze River for safety.


He met a man named (Xie Kun) at a general's house.

Xie Kun is an open-minded person and very sincere to people.

Xie Kun loves Taoist thought very much, and Xie Kun also has his own unique insights into Taoist thought.


The day he first met Xie Kun, they talked for at least 8 hours.

Both of them found it very pleasant and lively to talk to each other. They both shared their views and opinions heartily, and neither wanted to end the conversation.

They talked from the evening until the next morning.


The general who had introduced them sat next to them and listened to them all night. The general couldn't get a word in.


After that day, the two of them became very good friends.




Wei Jie said to Xie Kun after they had known each other for a few weeks.

My family and I are going to Jiankang City on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. We may not be able to see each other again for a short time.

Xie Kun was very sentimental. Xie Kun held his hand and said to him.

If I go to Jiankang City in the future, I will definitely look for you.


But Xie Kun never saw Wei Jie again.

A few months later, Xie Kun heard the news from Jiankang City that Wei Jie had died.

When Xie Kun heard the news, he couldn't believe it.

After confirming that the news was true, he wept in front of all his friends.


His friends asked him why he was so sad.

You and Wei Jie have only known each other for a short time. Why are you so sad about his death?


Xie Kun replied.

Although I have only known him for a short time, I think his talents are very high.

He was a powerful man who had the ability to help the Western Jin Dynasty return to its former glory. I think his death was a great loss to the Western Jin Dynasty, so I cried.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you cherish every meeting with your family and loved ones? If you are quarrelling and you imagine that today is the last time you and your family or loved ones will see each other, will you still quarrel with your family or loved ones?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He was admired by all.(看殺衛玠)


He was admired by all.(看殺衛玠)


In the Western Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous official whose surname was Wei Jie.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He has been handsome since childhood and is very clever. He is loved by his whole family. .

When he was five years old, his grandfather held him in his arms and told everyone in the family.

I have seen many children in my life, and I think Wei Jie is the most special among them. I think he will be very successful when he grows up, but unfortunately I am too old to see him as an adult.


When he grew up, his health was very poor and he often fell ill.


From 307 AD to 313 AD, the Western Jin Dynasty experienced a very serious civil war.

Several royal families were at war with each other for control of the central government.

As the Western Jin Dynasty fell into chaos, several kingdoms surrounding the Western Jin Dynasty also took the opportunity to attack the Western Jin Dynasty.

The capital and surrounding areas of the Western Jin Dynasty became war zones.


He and his family fled to Jiankang City on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to seek refuge.

He was the most famous handsome man of his time. The news that he had moved to Jiankang City caused a sensation.

Many people in Jiankang City wanted to see for themselves what the most handsome man of the Western Jin Dynasty looked like.


The outside of the house where he lived was crowded with people who wanted to see him, and they surrounded his house.

Every time he stepped out of his front door, he caused a huge commotion.

These people who admired him would make great cries, and these people who admired him would go mad whenever they saw him.




These people who wanted to see him kept gathering outside his house and he was forced to stay inside.

As his health was not good to begin with, this situation prevented him from getting a good rest or going out to do what he wanted to do.

After being trapped in his house for several days, he became very weak mentally and physically.

A few days later, he died of illness in his home.


When the news of his death came out, the people surrounding his house were shocked and said with tears.

Because we admire him too much and want to see him, he cannot take good care of his body.

We did not expect that our actions would lead to his death, and we deeply regret it.


The literal translation of this idiom is that Wei Jie died because everyone paid attention to him.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is admired by everyone.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you wish to become a celebrity? What problems do you think a celebrity would have?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





He treats others with a tolerant attitude(情恕理遣)


He treats others with a tolerant attitude(情恕理遣)


In the Western Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous official whose surname was Wei Jie.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


He was often sick and his health was very poor, so he stayed at home almost all the time.

He is very intelligent, he likes Taoist thought very much, and he has his own unique understanding and insights into Taoist thought.

He was a very famous expert on Taoist thought in his time.

His family was a famous aristocratic family in the Western Jin Dynasty.


There were several famous aristocratic families in the Western Jin Dynasty, one of the most powerful was the Wang family.

There is a very outstanding young man in the Wang family. This young man's name is (Wang Cheng).

Wang Cheng and Wei Jie are good friends, and Wang Cheng likes to chat with Wei Jie.

Wang Cheng once said this to Wei Jie.

I should be the most famous among the young people of my generation in the Western Jin Dynasty.

Everyone praises my knowledge and talents, but every time I listen to you speak, I feel that your knowledge and talents are far superior to mine.


Wei Jie is never angry and always has a slight smile on his face.

His friend told him.

Once someone insulted him and his friend was very angry, but his expression remained the same with a slight smile.


asked his friend.

How can you remain calm when others offend you?


He replied calmly to his friend.

If someone makes a serious mistake, I am ready to forgive them because I understand that each of us is imperfect.

If someone accidentally offends me, I understand that any of us can accidentally offend someone, so I adjust my own anger.


This idiom is used to describe a person who treats others with a tolerant attitude.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you get angry when others offend you? Are you a person who always reminds yourself to keep your mood calm?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The character of the groom is like a piece of warm jade, and the character of the groom's father-in-law is like pure white ice.(冰清玉潤)


The character of the groom is like a piece of warm jade, and the character of the groom's father-in-law is like pure white ice.(冰清玉潤)


In the Western Jin Dynasty of China there was a famous minister named (Le Guang).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


His father died when he was young and his mother brought him up.

He studies hard and is very modest. He doesn't like to show off or compare himself with others.

He lived a frugal life and had a modest personality.

He is very far-sighted and can express a very complex matter in very simple words.

He is very eloquent and knowledgeable, but if he encounters something he does not understand, he will remain silent.

He was a senior official in the central government of the Western Jin Dynasty. Because of his good character and strong abilities, he was highly respected by the people.


His son-in-law is called Wei Jie.

His family was a famous aristocratic family at that time.

Wei Jie is very handsome and his skin is very white, like a beautiful piece of jade. He is one of the most famous handsome men in Chinese history.

When he was a child, he used to go to the market with his family to buy things. Because he was so cute, he attracted crowds every time.


The grandfathers of Le Guang and Wei Jie were both high officials in the central government of the Western Jin Dynasty. The relationship between their two families was very good and they often communicated with each other.


When Wei Jie grew up, he married Le Guang's daughter.

It was a very grand wedding. When people in the capital talked about the wedding at that time, they expressed their feelings after attending the wedding in one sentence.

The groom's personality is like a piece of soft jade.

The character of the groom's father-in-law is like pure white ice.

This is a very well-matched marriage between two families, and we congratulate them very much.



The original meaning of this idiom is that the groom's character is like a piece of warm jade, and the groom's father-in-law's character is like pure white ice.

This idiom was later used to describe a person's personality as a piece of warm jade and his character is like pure white ice..


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Among the weddings you have attended, which one has made the most profound impression on you? Do you know the love story of your father and mother?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




The clouds and mist dispersed and I saw the clear sky.(披雲霧睹青天)



The clouds and mist dispersed and I saw the clear sky.(披雲霧睹青天)


In the Western Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister named Wei Guan. His story is recorded in history books.


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

In 263 AD, the army of the Kingdom of Cao Wei captured the capital of the Kingdom of Shuhan, and the Kingdom of Shuhan was destroyed.

In 266 AD, a minister from the Kingdom of Cao Wei seized power in the Kingdom of Cao Wei. This minister announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Jin in 266 AD. In that year, the Kingdom of Cao Wei fell.

In 280 AD, the Jin Kingdom defeated the Soochow Kingdom and China regained its unity.


He lived in this era.

He lived from 220 AD to 291 AD. He witnessed with his own eyes the history of China from its division to its unification into one kingdom.

He knew many famous scholars and ministers of that time, and his knowledge was very extensive and rich. He was highly respected by the king of the Western Jin Kingdom.


China has had a policy since the Han Dynasty. This policy is that central government officials can recommend some people with high moral character or integrity and filial piety to join the central government.


One day, at a banquet for new officials, he saw a group of people chatting.


He was attracted by what a young man in the group was saying. He stopped beside the group and listened carefully to the conversation between the young man and the others.

He stood next to the group for a long time.


He had a good friend. This good friend saw that he was listening very carefully to the conversation among the group of people, so his good friend went up to him and said to him.

Why are you listening so attentively to this group of people? What is it about what they are saying that attracts you?


Pointing to the young man, he said to his good friend

When I was young, I heard several experts who had studied Laozi and Zhuangzi express their research and experience on Taoist thought. After those experts died, I never heard such an incisive discussion of Taoist thought again.


I listened very carefully to this young man sharing his views on Taoism with these other people. I felt that what he was saying was like a pool of water and a copper mirror, allowing me to clearly see the main points of Taoist thought.

When I read the books of Laozi and Zhuangzi, I felt like I was walking on a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist. I couldn't find my way at all. But after listening to what he just said, I felt like I was walking on that mountain with heavy clouds and fog. Suddenly the sun appeared and I saw a clear sky after the clouds and fog had dispersed.

I think this young man is so talented that I will take the initiative to get to know him after they have finished talking.


This young man's name is (Le Guang).

More than ten years later, Wei Guan's grandson married Le Guang's daughter.

The literal translation of this idiom is that the clouds and fog have dispersed and you see a clear sky.

This idiom is used to describe a person who removes obstacles and faces the light.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever heard speeches that made a deep impression on you? Are there people who, even though they are younger than you, make you admire them a lot?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Kong Yan (孔巖/彭祖)


Kong Yan (孔巖) (? AD - 370 AD)


His surname is Kong, his parents gave him the name Yan, and when he grew up his friends called him Peng Zu. He was born in Zhejiang Province, China.


It means hole. It is also one of the Chinese family names.

It means cliff. It means rock. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means the sound of drums. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means grandfather. It means ancestor. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.



He was a famous minister in China's Eastern Jin Dynasty and his story is recorded in history books.


He is a very upright person with high moral standards.

He had made several suggestions about the decisions made by the king of the Eastern Jin Kingdom, and the king respected his opinions.


He has a good friend who is the most famous calligrapher in Chinese history. This good friend is called Wang Xizhi.


One day, he and Wang Xizhi had a private meeting, and after drinking, he said to Wang Xizhi

We are good friends, so I have something to tell you.


Wang Xizhi said with a smile.

Why are you so cautious? I'm curious about what you have to tell me.


He said to Wang Xizhi.

Wang Xiu and Xu Xun are good friends of ours. They have both been dead for many years.


Wang Xizhi replied a little sentimentally.

Yes, we live in this world, and none of us can predict how old we will be.

Especially Wang Xiu, he was very talented, but he died at the age of 24.


He said to Wang Xizhi.

Both of them were your good friends when they were alive, and you admired their talents and respected them very much.

You are proud that they are your good friends.


But when you mention them recently, your attitude has lost the respect it once had. Because they are dead, you begin to criticise some of the things they did while they were alive.


When they were alive, if you thought they were doing something bad, you should have warned them directly.


They are both dead now. They can no longer justify what they did, nor can they correct their mistakes.


I think it is very inappropriate for you to criticise the things they did while they were alive.

I think your behaviour is very bad and will make others look down on you.


After hearing his words, Wang Xizhi turned red with shame.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think of Wang Xizhi's behaviour? If you saw your good friend doing something wrong, would you tell him straight away?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...