
After I ride the war horse to the battlefield, I will win quickly(馬到成功)



After I ride the war horse to the battlefield, I will win quickly(馬到成功)


In China's Yuan Dynasty, there was a mysterious playwright who wrote many plays. His name was Zheng Tingyu.

He wrote more than 23 plays, most of which are lost.

Among his only five surviving plays, one is based on a historical story between the Chu Kingdom and the Wu Kingdom in China's Spring and Autumn Period.


The outline of the story in the second half of the first act of the play is as follows.


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Wu Kingdom had three swords. One day, the King of the Wu Kingdom discovered that one of the three swords (Zhanlu) was missing.


After investigating, the King of Wu Kingdom discovered that the sword was actually in the hands of the King of Chu Kingdom.

The King of Wu was very angry, so he wrote a letter to the King of Chu asking him to return the sword.

The king of Chu Kingdom did not admit that the sword was in his hand.

He was not willing to return the sword.


The King of Wu Kingdom made a decision after calling a military meeting.

The King of Wu Kingdom said to a general named Wu Zixu

I order you to lead an army of 400,000 men to attack the Kingdom of Chu.

I will let the famous military strategist who wrote Sun Tzu's Art of War be your military staff officer.

I have also asked a general who has fought in many wars to be your deputy.

You must win this battle and take back the sword that belongs to me from the hands of the King of Chu Kingdom.


Wu Zixu replied after hearing the king's order.

I will definitely complete this task.

My father and brother were originally loyal ministers of the Chu Kingdom. However, because the king of the Chu Kingdom was very ignorant, he believed the lies of a very treacherous prime minister named Fei Wuji of the Chu Kingdom.

He ordered my father and brother to be killed.

Originally, I wanted to find a way to avenge my father and brother, so I had a good understanding of the internal military and political information of the Chu Kingdom.

You have given me this opportunity today, and I will definitely take advantage of it.

I have made sufficient preparations, and I believe that when I ride my horse into the battlefield, I will soon be victorious.


A few days after receiving the order, Wu Zixu set out with his army.

The king of the Chu Kingdom was in a state of panic upon receiving this news, for he knew that the military strength of the Chu Kingdom was no match for the 400,000-strong army of the Wu Kingdom.

So the king of the Chu Kingdom immediately held an emergency session. After the meeting, he immediately sent an envoy to the Qin Kingdom to ask for help.


The literal translation of this idiom is that after I ride a war horse into the battlefield, I will soon win.

The idiom is used to describe a person who completes a thing or task quickly and smoothly.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever held a grudge against someone? Would you want revenge or have you already forgiven that person?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.






He feels extremely panicked and frightened.(屁滾尿流)


In China's Yuan Dynasty, there was a mysterious playwright who wrote many plays. His name was Zheng Tingyu.

He wrote more than 23 plays, most of which are lost.

Among his only five surviving plays, one is based on a historical story between the Chu Kingdom and the Wu Kingdom in China's Spring and Autumn Period.


The outline of the story in the first act of the play is as follows.

In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Wu Kingdom had three swords. One day, the King of the Wu Kingdom discovered that one of the three swords (Zhanlu) was missing.

After investigation, the King of Wu Kingdom discovered that the sword was actually in the hands of the King of Chu Kingdom.

The King of Wu was very angry, so he wrote a letter to the King of Chu asking him to return the sword.


The king of Chu Kingdom did not admit that the sword was in his hand, and he was unwilling to return the sword.


The king of Wu Kingdom was very angry, so he summoned two generals from Wu Kingdom.

He said to the two generals

I want to take back the sword that originally belonged to me, so I want you to lead the army to attack the Kingdom of Chu.

Are you sure you can win the battle?


one of the generals replied.

I think we can raise an army to attack the Chu Kingdom.

The current king of Chu Kingdom is very stupid, and the prime minister of Chu Kingdom is a very evil, ruthless and treacherous person. This has made the current political situation of the Chu Kingdom very bad, so I think now is a good time to attack the Wu Kingdom.


Another general replied.

I agree with the first general,

Now there are two generals in charge of the military in the Kingdom of Chu. One is very clever but not brave, and the other is very brave but proud and not clever.

I believe that as long as you let me lead the army to attack the Kingdom of Chu, I guarantee that I will defeat the army of the Kingdom of Wu. I believe that the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom would fall to the ground in fear and roll their bodies to escape. Perhaps some soldiers would become incontinent out of fear.


The direct translation of this sentence is that a person falls to the ground and rolls his body to escape out of fear. This person becomes incontinent out of fear. .

This idiom is used to describe a person who feels extremely panicked and frightened.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What person or thing are you most afraid of? How do you think this story will develop in the future?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





Wash the make-up off your face(洗淨鉛華)


Wash off the makeup on your face(洗淨鉛華)


There was a famous writer and playwright in China's Ming Dynasty, his name was Tang Xianzu.

The name of one of his most famous works is (The Peony Pavilion).

The name of the heroine in The Peony Pavilion is Du Liniang, and the name of the hero is Liu Mengmei. This work depicts their unique love story.


A passage from the work reads as follows

Du Liniang's father hired a tutor for her. One day, the tutor analysed some poems from the oldest Chinese poetry collection for Du Liniang in class.


The tutor said to Du Liniang.

The Book of Songs is one of the classic books of ancient China.

Reading the Book of Songs can help you learn many virtues that a woman should have, such as not being jealous and being wise and understanding. A girl should not only pursue physical beauty. There are many examples of this in the Book of Songs. In these examples, women wash the make-up off their faces. These women lead their families with morality. These women treat others harmoniously and help their families become stable and elegant.


This collection of poems was summed up by Confucius, the most famous educator in ancient China.

Confucius said.

After reading the Book of Songs, I think this book shows the state of people in ancient times who were simple-minded and had no bad thoughts.


The literal translation of this idiom is to wash off the make-up from one's face.

It is extended to describe a person's return from a splendid life to a dull life.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you read any poems that have moved you? What do you think is the most important quality of a woman?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Many grains fall from the sky like rain during the day, and the sounds of ghosts crying come from the suburbs at night.(鬼哭粟飛)

Many grains fall from the sky like rain during the day, and the sounds of ghosts crying come from the suburbs at night.(鬼哭粟飛)


Chinese writing began 4600 years ago and has never stopped.

According to the oldest legend in China

The name of the person who invented Chinese characters is (Cangjie).

He probably lived around 2600 BC.


After observing the changes in the stars in the sky, human behaviour and the images of birds and animals, he organised and constructed a systematic set of texts based on images.

Because his creation was so important and changed the social structure of the ancient people, it is said that on the day he invented Chinese characters, many grains fell from the sky like rain. All the people were surprised and excited.

The night he invented Chinese characters, people heard the sound of ghosts crying outside their houses. All the people were frightened and shocked.


Because Chinese characters are a set of characters based on images, the image of each character is not related to the pronunciation of each character.

The pronunciation of the same Chinese character may be different in different provinces in China, but the meaning represented by the picture of the Chinese character is understandable to everyone.

Therefore, this special set of Chinese characters allows Chinese people living in different places to communicate with each other without barriers, even if they speak with different pronunciations. .


This set of powerful graphic Chinese characters allows all people who can speak Chinese to communicate easily with all other people who can speak Chinese. If a person learns Chinese, that person can read all the profound classic books in China's long history. .



This idiom means that during the day a lot of grain falls from the sky like rain, and at night there are the sounds of ghosts crying in the suburbs.

This idiom is used to describe an event of great significance.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you heard those ancient legends and stories? Have you ever observed the small details in your life?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Many people come to this place one after another(紛至沓來)

Many people come to this place one after another(紛至沓來)


There was a famous writer and historian in China's Ming Dynasty, his name was (Zhang Dai).

There is a story in the book he wrote.


I have a good friend, his name is Luyungu.

He is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who opened a small traditional Chinese medicine shop on the south side of Baoyou Bridge in Kuaiji City.

He lives behind this Chinese medicine shop.

The house he lives in is elegantly and simply built. There is a small courtyard in front of the house, and many tall trees are planted in the courtyard.

There are also many strange and rare flowers planted in the courtyard. Various flowers bloom in the courtyard throughout the year. When I entered the courtyard, I felt as if I was surrounded by a large piece of soft and beautiful silk fabric.


There is a window in the house and a low wall outside the window. In front of the low wall there are some small pools.

These pools are decorated with small stones and wood. If you can calm down and admire them, you will feel that these pools are like many exquisite Chinese landscape paintings.


Besides being a very powerful practitioner of Chinese medicine, Lu Yungu also has a hobby. He enjoys drinking Chinese green tea.

He can be considered an expert on Chinese green tea.


He has researched different types of tea and water quality in different places. He can distinguish Chinese green tea produced in different areas and at different times in a blind test.


When the annual Chinese green tea is produced, he will buy a variety of teas to brew and drink.

In the last few days, many friends who like to drink Chinese green tea like him will gather at his home one after another.


These good friends would drink tea with him and judge the quality of the newly released teas and share their opinions.


This idiom is used to describe the many people who come to this place one after another.

This idiom can also be used to describe many things happening one after another.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever had Chinese green tea? Have you ever seen the classic Chinese garden landscape?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Kill This Bad Guy(撲殺此獠)



Kill This Bad Guy(撲殺此獠)


There was a famous minister in the Tang Dynasty of China, his name was Chu Suiliang.

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


The second king of the Tang Dynasty was called Li Shimin. Li Shimin was one of the greatest kings in Chinese history.

Li Shimin trusted Chu Suiliang very much because Chu Suiliang was very upright and brave.

Li Shimin died in 649 AD and his son succeeded him as king. His son's name was Li Zhi.


When Li Zhi was still crown prince, he fell in love with a woman who was his father's concubine.

But because of his father, she couldn't be with this woman.


A few years after his father's death, he met this woman again by chance.

Although they hadn't seen each other for many years, when Li Zhi saw this woman, the love in his heart was rekindled.

He took her back to the palace and made her his concubine.


A few months later, Li Zhi made another decision: he would make this woman his queen.

Li Zhi's behaviour shocked all the ministers in the central government.

One of the ministers who reacted most strongly was Chu Suiliang.


According to the records in the history books, Chu Suiliang strongly rebuked the woman at a meeting, but Li Zhi still insisted on not changing his decision.


He later said to Li Zhi, "If you insist on doing this, I will resign immediately and go home. There is no way I can work in the central government under your leadership.

When Li Zhi heard this, his original shame turned to anger, and Li Zhi was so angry that he could not speak.

Seeing this situation, the woman said to Li Zhi

Why don't you kill this evil man?


In extreme anger, Li Zhi ordered Chu Suiliang to be killed. At this time, other important ministers present at the meeting saw the situation and immediately dissuaded Li Zhi.

Li Zhi didn't speak. When Li Zhi regained his senses after more than ten minutes, he withdrew the order to kill Chu Suiliang.


This idiom means 'kill the bad guy'.

This idiom is now commonly used to describe a strong hatred of a person.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Li Zhi, could you quickly return to reason when you were extremely angry? If you were Chu Suiliang, would you be brave enough to speak your mind?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




His calligraphy is very powerful, as if it can penetrate the paper it is written on.(力透紙背)


His calligraphy is very powerful, as if it can penetrate the paper it is written on.(力透紙背)


In the Tang Dynasty of China, there was a famous minister who was also a famous calligrapher.

His name is Yan Zhenqing. When he was young, he once asked an older calligrapher called Zhang Xu for advice on how to write good calligraphy.

Zhang Xu told him a story.


Zhang Xu said to Yan Zhenqing.

Your questions reminded me of a story.

There is a very famous calligrapher called Chu Suiliang.

He once shared a method he used to practice calligraphy.

He used a sharp awl as a Chinese brush and practised writing on the damp sand.

He said that when one writes calligraphy with a Chinese brush, one must maintain the appropriate force, just like pressing a copper seal on a soft red ink pad.

When you write calligraphy with a Chinese brush, you must put all your strength into the pen you are holding so that the words you write have a heaviness that can penetrate the paper you are writing on.


If you want to write Chinese calligraphy well, you must be very attentive every time you write and every stroke you write.

Every stroke you write cannot be changed, so every stroke you write is important, and you must have this very strict mentality.

Only if you continue to practise will you progress and only then will you be able to reach the level of some of the great calligraphers of ancient times.


The literal translation of this saying is that the words written by a person have a heaviness that can penetrate the paper on which they are written.

This idiom is used to describe a person's calligraphy, which is both good and powerful.

This idiom has been extended to describe a person's writing that is profound and powerful.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever seen ancient Chinese calligraphy? What was the last piece of writing you saw that felt very deep and powerful?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




Chu Suiliang (褚遂良/登善)



Chu Suiliang (褚遂良)(596 AD - 658 AD)

His surname is (Chu), his parents gave him the name (Suiliang), and when he grew up his friends called him (Dengshan). He was born in Zhejiang Province, China.


It means clothes made of silk floss. It means to store. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means smooth. This word has many meanings, but only one is listed here.

It means good. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means rising. This word has many meanings, but only one meaning is listed here.

It means kindness. It is also a Chinese surname.


He is an outstanding politician. He is also one of the most famous calligraphers in Chinese history.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He had a very special position. The main task of this position was to observe the king of the Tang dynasty closely and to record the important events or words that the king did and experienced in his daily life.


One day the king asked him

You will record everything I do, right?


He replied.



The king asked him.

Then I want to see what you have recorded about me.


He replied.

I can't show you what I have written.


The king asked him.

Why don't you show me what you have written?


He replied.

The origin of my position goes back to the Zhou Dynasty in China.

The original purpose of this position was to hope that the king of a kingdom would be less likely to do bad things because someone would record his behaviour and attitude every day, and the king would become careful about what he said and did.

In order to prevent the people in this position from being influenced by the king, the kings of ancient China would not kill the people in this position out of anger, so the Zhou dynasty established a rule from the beginning. This rule is that the king is absolutely unable to look through what someone in my position has written.


Asked the king.

Did you actually write down the bad things I did?


He replied.

I have a clear record of everything you do, whether it's good or bad.


The king thought for a few minutes and then said to him.

After I die, the record you have written will be seen by all the Chinese people in future generations.

I want to be a king who is respected by future generations, so I will remember these three points every day from today.

The first point is that I must study the history books and remind myself not to make the mistakes that failed kings made in ancient times.

The second point is that I must find more people who are able and willing to point out my shortcomings to help me run the Tang Dynasty.

The third point is that I must stay away from those flattering people and reflect on what I have done every day.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever recorded what you have done in your daily life? How long has it been since you have reviewed and reflected on your behaviour?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



He is like a little bird that often leans on me(小鳥依人)

He is like a little bird that often leans on me(小鳥依人)


There was a famous minister in the Tang Dynasty of China, his name was Chu Suiliang.

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is a very honest and trustworthy man.

On several occasions, when he found that the king of the Tang Dynasty had made some dishonest or ill-considered decisions, he boldly expressed his opinions.


Once, when the King of Tang Dynasty was talking to another minister, the King said to another minister

Among all the people who helped my father and me found the Tang Dynasty, I think there are 24 people who made the greatest contribution. I am very grateful and often think of the contributions of these 24 people to the Tang Dynasty.

Chu Suiliang is one of those 24 people.


Chu Suiliang is very knowledgeable and has a very upright character. He is very loyal to me and very responsible for his work.

I see him almost every day. He is like a little bird that often leans next to me. I am very close to him.


The King of Tang Dynasty gave his last words to his son before he died.

The King of Tang Dynasty said.

Chu Suiliang and another minister called Changsun Wuji are the people closest to me and the most loyal to me. You must listen to their advice. If you do, I believe you will be a very good king.


This idiom means that he is like a little bird that often leans next to me.

This idiom is now usually used to describe a sweet, dainty girl or child.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are you petite or tall? Do you like your body shape?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.




He is like Dongmen Wu, he is a very open-minded person(東門之達)


He is like Dongmen Wu, he is a very open-minded person(東門之達)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, a famous thinker (Lieyukou) wrote a story.


There was a man in the Wei Kingdom, his name was Dongmen Wu.

He had a son, and he loved his son very much.

One day, his son died in an accident.

He wasn't sad at all when his son died, he acted normally.


One of his good friends is an important minister in the Wei Kingdom.

One day, his good friend said to him

I find this very strange. I have known you for a long time, and I know that you love your son very much. But after your son died, I didn't feel that you were sad at all. You came out to eat and chat with us as usual, so I want to ask you, are you acting normal because you are suppressing your feelings? Or are you really not sad about the death of your son?


He replied to his good friend.

I really don't feel sad.

I lived a normal life before my son was born.

I loved him very much when he was alive, but after he died I naturally returned to the normal life I had before I gave birth to my son.

Life and death are only natural phenomena.

So I don't think I should be sad about it.


This saying means that he is like Dongmen Wu, he is a very open-minded person.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever wallowed in sadness for a long time? What is your view of life and death?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



His personality is withdrawn and he doesn't like to get close to others(落落寡合)

His personality is withdrawn and he doesn't like to get close to others(落落寡合)

In the Qing Dynasty of China, there was a famous writer and storyteller. His name was Shi Yukun.


He created a series of short stories about several swordsmen who were very skilled in martial arts and had a sense of justice.

When these swordsmen saw a lot of injustice in society, they used their own power to punish those who did bad things and help those who were kind.


There is a chapter in this book about a man in his 30s called Du Yong.

Du Yong has a reclusive personality and does not like to interact with others.

He is a very knowledgeable person, but because of his upright and strong personality, he does not have many friends. .

He lived a very poor life. His clothes were shabby and he was thin.


One day he went to a temple. When he saw the monk who ran the temple, he said to the monk

I haven't had any money to eat for several days. I have done some calligraphy. Can I show you my calligraphy?

If you like these calligraphies I have written, you can buy some to collect.


The monk looked at Du Yong carefully after reading his calligraphy work. The monk said to Du Yong

Your calligraphies are very good. I bought all your calligraphy pieces.

You just said that you haven't eaten for several days. If you want, you can stay at the temple I run for a few days and eat with us.

After hearing this suggestion, Du Yong happily accepted the monk's invitation.


Later, the monk introduced Du Yong to a very wealthy man to teach his children.


After Du Yong arrived at the rich man's home, a bizarre murder occurred. Later, with the help of one of the swordsmen, the truth about the murder was revealed.


This idiom is used to describe the reclusive personality of a person who does not like to be close to others.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Which teacher made the deepest impression on you? Do you know someone like Du Yong who is very knowledgeable but has a reserved personality?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.





You should avoid looking at things that are not in accordance with etiquette and morality.(非禮勿視)



You should avoid looking at things that are not in accordance with etiquette and morality.(非禮勿視)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) was not written by Confucius himself.

This book records many conversations between Confucius and his disciples.


This book tells a story.


One day Confucius was talking to his favourite student called Yan Yuan.


Yan Yuan said.

You believe that a person of high moral character must have compassion and sympathy for others. This person must be tolerant and kind. This person must care for and help others.

But what specific actions do I need to take to become such a person of high moral character?


Confucius smiled and said to Yan Yuan.

Let me give you four specific rules of conduct.

The first point is that you should avoid looking at things that are not in accordance with etiquette and morality.

The second point is to avoid listening to words that are not in accordance with etiquette and morality.

The second point is that you should avoid saying words that are not in line with etiquette and morality.

The second point is that you should avoid doing things that are not in accordance with etiquette and morality.

If you continue to remind yourself to do these four things every day, you will gradually become a person of noble moral character.


Yan Yuan replied to Confucius.

Your answer made me, an ignorant student, understand. I will put into practice these four specific rules of conduct that you have taught me.


This idiom means that you should avoid looking at things that are not in accordance with etiquette and morality.

Each of these four specific rules of conduct is an idiom that can be used independently.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you like these things? What things would you avoid in order to improve your moral character?

I hope this story can bring you some new benefits.



Restrain one's selfish desires and keep one's words and actions polite and respectful(克己復禮)



Restrain one's selfish desires and keep one's words and actions polite and respectful(克己復禮)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) was not written by Confucius himself.

This book records many conversations between Confucius and his disciples.


One conversation is recorded in this book.


One day Confucius was talking to his favourite student called Yan Yuan.

Yan Yuan said.

You believe that a person with high moral character must maintain compassion and compassion for others. This person must be tolerant and kind. This person must care and help others.

But what specific actions do I need to take to become such a person with noble moral character?


Confucius smiled and said to Yan Yuan.

You must curb your selfish desires and be polite and respectful in your words and deeds.

If you ask yourself this question every day, you can become a person of noble moral cultivation.


Confucius then told Yan Yuan.

No one can help you to become a person of noble moral character and cultivation. Only by practising it yourself can you achieve this goal.


This saying means to restrain one's selfish desires and to keep one's speech and behaviour orderly and respectful.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Will you restrain your desires? How long has it been since you thought about your shortcomings?

I hope this story can bring you some new gains.




All the people in this land surrounded by the sea on all sides are my brothers.(四海之內皆兄弟)



All the people in this land surrounded by the sea on all sides are my brothers.(四海之內皆兄弟)


Confucius' name is (Kong Qiu). Confucius is the honourable name people give him.

He is an excellent educator. He is one of the most influential thinkers in Chinese history.

He has more than 3,000 disciples, including 72 outstanding disciples.


The famous book "The Analects of Confucius" tells a story about these students.


Confucius had a student called Sima Niu and another student called Zixia.


One day Sima Niu and Zixia were talking and Sima Niu suddenly sighed.

Sima Niu said

I am an only child, and I envy those who have brothers and sisters.


When Zixia heard this, he smiled and said to Sima Niu.

There is an old saying that only God can decide when we are born and when we die, and only God can decide whether we are rich or poor.


So we should not spend time worrying about things we cannot decide.

What we should do is change the things we can change, face reality and seize the opportunity and the time of the moment.


Teacher has taught us that we should strive to become a morally high and honest person.

We should maintain respect for others and reflect on and correct our mistakes every day. We should deal with others with a humble attitude. We should be polite to others.


If we can do what the Teacher taught us, then I believe that all the people in this land where we live, surrounded by the sea on all sides, are my brothers.


So why should you feel bad about being an only child?


After listening to Zixia's words, Sima Niu thought for a few minutes and nodded in agreement with Zixia's point of view.



This saying means that everyone on this land surrounded by the sea is my brother.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or experience have you had after listening to this story?

Do you envy other people's lives? Have you ever worried about things you can't change?

I hope this story can bring you some new wins.




Many beautiful and precious blue and spherical jades appeared before my eyes at the same time.(琳瑯滿目)

Many beautiful and precious blue and spherical jades appeared before my eyes at the same time.(琳瑯滿目)

There was a famous official in China's Jin Dynasty, his name was Wang Yan.

There is a story about him in the history books.

He was once in charge of the military system of the Jin Dynasty, a position similar to the modern Minister of Defence.

His family was one of the most famous families in the Jin Dynasty, and many members of his family served as important officials in the central government of the Jin Dynasty.

One day, a mid-ranking sergeant came to his house for a meeting.

That night, after returning home, the middle-ranking sergeant said happily to his wife.

Guess who I saw at Wang Yan's house today?

his wife asked him with a smile.

You look very excited. I think you saw the Prime Minister of the Jin Dynasty?

the middle-ranking sergeant said to his wife.

You guessed right, the Prime Minister of the Jin Dynasty was Wang Yan's cousin.

I also saw Wang Yan's cousin, Wang Rong, who was the Minister of the Interior of the Jin Dynasty.

I also saw another of Wang Yan's cousins, Wang Dun, who was also a senior general in the military.

Later, as I was leaving his house, I happened to see his two younger brothers at his house. One of his two younger brothers is currently serving as a governor, and the other is currently serving as a county magistrate.

After saying these words, the middle-ranking sergeant said to his wife

Today I feel as if many beautiful and precious cyan and spherical jades are appearing before my eyes at the same time. Today's experience really makes me feel very special.

The literal translation of this idiom is that many beautiful and precious cyan and spherical jades are appearing before my eyes at the same time.

This idiom is used to describe many precious and beautiful things appearing in front of you at the same time.

Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you seen these famous people in person? How would you react if you saw many things you like at the same time?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



Whatever he feels in his heart, he will not show on his face.(喜怒不形於色)



Whatever he feels in his heart, he will not show on his face.(喜怒不形於色)


The three kingdoms in China's Three Kingdoms period are the Kingdom of Cao Wei, the Kingdom of Soochow and the Kingdom of Shu Han.

Among them, the name of the founding king of the Shu Han Kingdom was Liu Bei.

History books tell a story of his youth.


He lived in the last years of the Han Dynasty, which had a history of more than 400 years.

He has very light royal blood, so he is proud of his lineage.


His grandfather was a local official in the Han Dynasty. His father died when he was a baby. He was brought up by his mother. His family's economic conditions were very poor when he was a child.


His mother supported the family by weaving straw sandals and straw mats. When he was a boy, he worked with his mother, helping her to weave straw sandals and straw mats to make a living.


When he was fifteen, his mother said to her one day.

Our family's financial situation is better now and I hope you can go to school.

You will study later than others, so it will be harder, so you will have to work harder.

I hope you can change your own destiny through knowledge.


He left home to study at the house of a well-known scholar of the time.


Many of his classmates have good family backgrounds, but he has no inferiority complex. On the contrary, because he has great ideals for his future, he is very self-confident.


During this period of his student life, he did not focus all his attention on reading. He concentrated more on building interpersonal relationships with friends.

He races dogs and horses with his classmates. He listens to music and wears fashionable clothes with his classmates.


He won't say meaningless words, and he won't show on his face what he feels in his heart.

Because he was born into a poor family, he would not look down on those who were inferior to him.

These two traits of his personality helped him to make many friends, many of whom liked him very much, and these friends helped him a lot later in his life.


The direct translation of this idiom is that it is not clear from his face whether he is happy or angry.

This idiom means that whatever he feels in his heart, he will not show it on his face.



Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Which of your classmates do you still keep in touch with? What kind of personality traits do you like to be friends with?

I hope this story can help you gain something.




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