
He is smiling(莞爾一笑) / Take not a musket to kill a butterfly(殺雞焉用牛刀)


He is smiling(莞爾一笑)

Take not a musket to kill a butterfly(殺雞焉用牛刀)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) records a story about Confucius and his students.

There is a story in this book as follows.


He had a student named (Ziyou), who was appointed as the magistrate of Wucheng County in the Kingdom of Lu.

A few months later, he took several students from the capital of the Kingdom of Lu to Wucheng County to visit him.


Ziyou was very happy to see the teachers and classmates whom he had not seen for a long time.

He accompanied them to visit some attractions in the city.


During lunch, Confucius said to all the students with a smile.

I discovered an interesting thing this morning.


All the students looked at Confucius curiously.


Confucius said.

In my class, I taught a lot of knowledge about etiquette and related music and songs. Only the nobles were qualified to learn these specialized knowledge before, but I teach you this knowledge.


This morning, I overheard many times, in some houses by the roadside, someone playing these music about etiquette.


Why do these people know the music related to etiquette?

I guess this is because Ziyou taught this knowledge to the common people here during the few months he was the county magistrate of Wucheng County.


I give an example to describe how I feel now, Ziyou killed a small rooster with a large knife specially used for slaughtering cattle.


Ziyou replied with a smile.

I remember you said it in class. The things you teach us can help us get along better with everyone around us.


If an aristocrat or government official learns this knowledge, then he can manage all the people in a reasonable way.


If ordinary people learn, then these people will be polite and easy to communicate with those in power.


I'm just taking what you taught us and actually applying it to my work.


Confucius listened to his answer. Confucius was very happy.

He said to all his students present.


Ziyou's ideas and practices are great, and you should follow him as an example.

By the way, I just said that he used a large knife specially designed for slaughtering cattle to slaughter a small rooster. This sentence is a joke.


I agree with what he did, and I am proud of him.



The first idiom means to describe the way a person smiles.

The direct translation of the second idiom is that you take a big knife specially used for slaughtering cattle to kill a small rooster.

 The meaning of this idiom is similar to an English proverb, Take not a musket to kill a butterfly.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Will you apply what you have learned in your life? Is there a teacher who has had an important influence on you in your life?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The river is full of water and never ends(滔滔不絕)


The river is full of water and never ends(滔滔不絕)


In China's Qin and Han dynasties, the central government had a very special department. The main task of this department was to collect folk songs sung in various parts of China, odes written by nobles, and music of surrounding ethnic groups.


This department collects and preserves many beautiful poems of that era.


This idiom comes from a poem about sacrifice in the Han Dynasty.



We put the best grain of the year on the sacrificial table, and the fragrance reminds me of the good virtues of our ancestors.


We sacrificed snakes to the gods in charge of agriculture. We use tortoise shells for divination, we hope we can get good revelation.


We pray to the gods to defend the homeland. Let there be no disasters everywhere.

We pray to the gods to control the climate. Let the rain and temperature moderate.


We have cooked food in noble vessels.

We hold the brewed wine in noble wine vessels.


We slapped these ritual vessels and wine vessels gently, and we danced in praise.


We ask the gods to bless us.

We hope that the blessings that the gods bestow upon us are like a river full of water, a river that will never end.


This idiom means to describe a river that is plentiful and never ends. It is also used to describe a person with good eloquence.



Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is the best blessing? Have you ever participated in those religious rituals?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




You have to respect those who are younger than you(後生可畏)

You have to respect those who are younger than you(後生可畏)


The famous book (The Analects of Confucius) was not written by Confucius himself.

It was the students of Confucius who recorded what he said to the students and compiled them into a book.


Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago, when there was no paper.

The students engraved the words of Confucius on thin slices of bamboo. Because engraving these words is very time consuming. So these sentences are very concise.


A few sentences from this book are as follows.


You have to respect those who are younger than you,


A young man has plenty of time to learn and train himself to be a moral man.

If that young man does this, he may surpass you in future achievements.



You should take the time while you are young to learn and train yourselves to be virtuous people.


There are a lot of people who don't do these things when they're young, and when these people get into their 40s, they're rigid and stagnant.


It will be difficult for these people to achieve great things in their lifetime.


This idiom is often used to describe a young man who surpasses those who are older than him.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What values ​​do you think a person's achievement can be measured against? Are there specific actions you can take to make yourself a better person?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




You and her should be in harmony and in sync.(琴瑟友之) / You should treat her with respect and courtesy.(鐘鼓樂之)


You and her should be in harmony and in sync.(琴瑟友之)

You should treat her with respect and courtesy.(鐘鼓樂之)


(The Book of Songs) is the earliest poetry collection in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.

The first category is the folk poetry from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poetry of the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


The first poem in this book is one of the most famous.

This poem is only 80 words, but it has as many as seven widely used idioms.


The translation of the last 32 words of the poem is as follows.


In the water on both sides of that river, there were many long and short Nymphoides.

That quiet and beautiful kind girl is picking these Nymphoides.


The girl worked hard on both sides of the river.

You and her should maintain harmony and pursuit synchronization. .


The girl's two hands kept working.

If you really like this girl, you should pursue and treat her in an etiquette manner.


The original meaning of this idiom refers to two ancient Chinese musical instruments that are very suitable to play together. It is now usually used as a congratulatory message to congratulate a newlywed couple.

The original meaning of this idiom refers to the etiquette norms of ancient Chinese nobility. It is now usually used as a congratulatory message to congratulate a newlywed couple. .


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you maintain spiritual harmony and synchronization with your loved ones? How do you think love and responsibility are balanced?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



琴瑟友之(You and her should be in harmony and in sync.)

鐘鼓樂之(You should treat her with respect and courtesy.)



































I want it but I can't get it(求之不得) / I miss her so deeply(悠哉悠哉) / I was lying in bed, I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep. (輾轉反側)

I want it but I can't get it(求之不得)

I miss her so deeply(悠哉悠哉)

I was lying in bed, I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep. (輾轉反側)

(The Book of Songs) is the earliest poetry collection in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.

The first category is the folk poetry from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poetry of the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


The first poem in this book is one of the most famous.

This poem is only 80 words, but it has as many as seven widely used idioms.


The translation of the middle 16 words of the poem is as follows.


That boy can't pursue this girl, and that boy thinks of this girl whether he is asleep or awake.


The boy misses the girl so much.

The boy lost sleep at night.

The boy tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep.



The first idiom is used to describe that the request is urgent but cannot be obtained.

The meaning of the second idiom is to describe how deeply one person misses another person.

The meaning of this idiom in modern times is different from the original meaning, and it is used to describe a person who is relaxed and comfortable. This idiom means leisurely.

The third idiom is used to describe a person who cannot sleep.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you think it is easier to attract a person or to pursue a person? What do you do to help yourself fall asleep when you have insomnia?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




A quiet, beautiful and kind girl(窈窕淑女) /I keep thinking of her when I'm awake or asleep(寤寐求之)


A quiet, beautiful and kind girl(窈窕淑女)

I really want to be with her.(寤寐求之)



(The Book of Songs) is the earliest poetry collection in China.

There are 305 poems in this book.

The poems were written over a period of 500 years, from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC.


The content of these poems is mainly divided into three categories.

The first category is the folk poetry from all over China at that time

The second category is the poetry of the Zhou Dynasty that ruled China at that time.

The third category is the poetry of the royal family and nobles in the Zhou Dynasty.


The first poem in this book is one of the most famous.

This poem is only 80 words, but it has as many as seven widely used idioms.


The translation of the first 32 words of the poem is as follows.


On the sandbar in the middle of the river, two ospreys, a female and a male, were chirping to each other.

The water on both sides of that river was full of Nymphoides.


There was a quiet and beautiful kind girl on the bank of that river.

She is the best mate for a boy of noble character.


That boy of noble character desperately wanted to be her lover.


This idiom is used to describe a woman who is quiet, beautiful and kind.

This idiom means that a boy misses a girl very much.

This idiom is used to describe a great desire to obtain an item or a great desire to accomplish something.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Is there something in you that you desperately long for? Do you remember your first love?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




I can't confirm the authenticity of this thing.(將信將疑)

I can't confirm the authenticity of this thing.(將信將疑)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.

The seventh paragraph of this article reads as follows.


Those brave soldiers who died on the battlefield.


Each of them has been carefully cared for by their parents since childhood, so they can grow up smoothly.

They each have close brothers and sisters, and they each have loving wives.


Whose favor did they receive while they were alive, and what wrong did they commit that led to their death.


During the years they were stationed on this battlefield, their families didn't know if they were still alive or dead.


When their families heard of their deaths, their families could not confirm the authenticity of the news.

Their families are troubled and worried every day, and their families will dream of them in their dreams.


When their family finally confirms that they are dead, their family will hold a solemn and solemn funeral.

Their families were in tears, thinking of them who had died on the battlefield.


The grief of their families saddens the sky and the earth, and everything in nature seems to cry. .


At funerals, his family would ask questions that no one could answer.

Has your soul returned home? Is your soul still stranded on a distant battlefield? Has your soul found its way home?


War first makes people leave their homeland, and then there is famine. This is a constant law.


I sighed sadly.

Wars have been repeated incessantly from the past to the present. Do these warriors die because of their personal fate? Do these warriors die because of their circumstances?


I sighed sadly.

War makes us feel helpless.

We should remember the lessons of the ancients, and we should use kindness and harmony with other peoples, so that we can avoid war.



This idiom is used to describe a person's inability to clearly judge the true or false of a thing.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you believe that when a person dies, he enters another world? What was the saddest experience in your life?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The country's treasury is depleted and its people are tired(財殫力痡)

The disadvantages of doing this outweigh the advantages(功不補患)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.


The sixth paragraph of this article is as follows.


My mind pulled back to reality, and I thought about the historical stories I had read.


The kingdom of the Warring States Period had a famous general named Li Mu.

He did not have many resources, but when attacked by the northern peoples, he successfully led his soldiers to victory.

He kept the border between the two countries peaceful for more than a decade.


The kings of the Han Dynasty spent a long time fighting against the peoples of the north with all their might, and the result, despite their victories, led to the exhaustion of the treasury and the fatigue of the people.


This leads me to the conclusion that the key to winning a war is not the adequacy of resources, but the decisions of the leaders.


I remembered a few other historical stories.


The Zhou Dynasty once fought against the northern peoples, and the Zhou Dynasty's army did not continue to pursue after defeating the northern peoples.

The Zhou Dynasty strengthened the defense of the border between the two countries and maintained peace with the northern peoples.

In this battle, the army of the Zhou Dynasty suffered very few losses, and the history books recorded that a grand ceremony was held to celebrate and record this victory.


There was no harmony between the Qin Dynasty and the northern peoples. In order to resist the attacks of the northern peoples, the Qin Dynasty used many people to build the Great Wall, causing many casualties in the process of construction.


During the Han Dynasty, it took the initiative to attack the northern peoples.

The Han Dynasty sacrificed a lot of soldiers and spent a lot of money and finally captured and occupied the important base of the northern peoples.


The king of the Han Dynasty considered this to be his great feat. But I think the losses of this victory outweigh the benefits.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a country whose treasury is depleted and its people are tired.

This idiom means that the loss of a victory outweighs the gain.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you define victory? Do you think the only way to destroy your enemies is through war, or are there other ways?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





It makes me very sad to see this tragic situation(傷心慘目)


It makes me very sad to see this tragic situation(傷心慘目)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.

The fifth paragraph of this article is as follows.


I saw many corpses lying on both sides of the river bank, and I saw many blood flowing on the walls of the fortress. When they were alive, their identities and positions were different, but they are all dead now.

They'll be a pile of skeletons before long.


The story of each of them is a sad one.


I heard the drums getting weaker and weaker, and the soldiers had exhausted their last strength.

I saw archers use up their arrows, and the strings of their bows broke.


On the battlefield, the two armies were engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat, and many soldiers had their knives broken.

The confrontation between the two armies is either your death or my death.

If these soldiers choose to surrender, they will be slaves to the enemy for life.

If these soldiers continue to fight. Their bodies will be exposed on this sand plain.


I looked up at the sky, all the birds stopped chirping, and the whole valley was silent.

I saw that the sun had gone down, the night was about to begin, and the wind sounded so sad.

I saw the sky was dark, as if many dead souls were gathered in the sky.

I saw heavy dark clouds, as if many ghosts and spirits were gathered in the sky.


I saw the afterglow of the sun's rays was bleak, shining on the grassland.

I saw the moonlight was pale, and the prairie began to form hoarfrost


I asked myself, is there anything more tragic than this in the world.

The literal meaning of this idiom refers to a very tragic situation that makes people sad to watch.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What's the saddest thing you've ever seen? What do you think is the saddest thing in your life?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



傷心慘目(It makes me very sad to see this tragic situation)






































His fingers were amputated and his skin was cracked(墮指裂膚)

 His fingers were amputated and his skin was cracked(墮指裂膚)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.


The fourth paragraph of this article is as follows.


I imagine I'm back in that era, I imagine I'm one of those young soldiers.


There was a frigid wind blowing from the remote wasteland, and the air I breathed seemed to freeze into ice.

During the coldest part of winter, the snow was drowning down to my knees. My beard is all frozen too.


The most ferocious bird of prey in the sky also retreated to the nest, and all the horses in the army lost their vitality.


We wear heavy padded clothes but we don't get warm.

My skin was cracked from the cold, and my comrade's fingers had to be amputated because of frostbite.


But at this very moment, those mighty enemies took advantage of this weather to attack us.

They were as ruthless as this freezing weather, they intercepted our supplies, they breached our defenses, they slaughtered us.


Our deputy commander surrendered and the general who led us died in the battle.


The idiom literally means that a person with frostbite on his fingers must be amputated, and the person's skin is cracked from the cold. This idiom is used to describe extremely cold weather.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Where is the coldest place you have ever been? Global warming is causing the weather to become more and more extreme, what do you think?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



墮指裂膚(His fingers were amputated and his skin was cracked)































Military orders must not be disobeyed(威遵命賤)


Military orders must not be disobeyed(威遵命賤)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.

The third paragraph of this article is as follows.


I imagine I'm back in that era, I imagine I'm one of those young soldiers.


Our general thinks we can definitely win this victory, and our garrison is slack.


The enemy used the cover of the strong wind blowing in the desert to sneak close to our camp.

The enemy suddenly appeared in front of our eyes, and we hurriedly responded.


The wasteland turned from tranquility to murder.

Our flags fluttered, and we put on our armor to form battle formations.



I saw the vicious enemies approaching me, and I was so frightened that I wanted to run away.

But if I run away, I will face severe military law, so I rush forward through gritted teeth.


The honorable general gave orders from the rear, and our soldiers fought in the front.

Our lives are so insignificant compared to his.


I saw many of my comrades shot by enemy arrows.

So many flying grains of sand hit my face that I couldn't keep my eyes open.


We fought fiercely, our cries like thunder.

The surrounding mountains were shaken by the battle. The river ahead was cut off because of this battle.


This idiom means that military orders must not be disobeyed


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you or anyone you know ever been in the military? What do you think would happen if an army were run in a democratic way?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




The land and the sky are so vast (地闊天長)

 The land and the sky are so vast (地闊天長)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.


The second paragraph of this article is as follows.


The village chief continued to speak to me.

During the Warring States Period in China, about 1,000 years ago, the Qi Kingdom and the Wei Kingdom united to attack the Chu Kingdom and the Han Kingdom.


The kings of these kingdoms each recruited many young men to serve as soldiers.


These young people, they left their homeland to this faraway place.


These young people have been stationed on this land for a long time.

During the day, they endure hot weather and they labor hard in the desert.

At night, they endure the cold weather, and they monitor the movements of the enemy by the river.


They look at this vast plain and sky every day.

They don't know when they will be able to end the war and return to their warm home.


They may be killed by the enemy at any time, and they have no one to talk to about their distressed mood.


Hearing these words from the village chief, I couldn't help thinking in my heart.


For more than 1,000 years from the beginning of the Warring States Period to the present, there have been continuous wars, large and small, between these dynasties in China and other surrounding nations.


These wars affected not only the people on the border, but also the domestic economy and people's livelihood.


In the era before the Warring States Period, I heard that the rulers of China maintained a harmonious relationship with other surrounding dynasties at that time.


At that time, China was very powerful, but at that time, China communicated with the surrounding ethnic groups with a heart of peace and kindness, so there was no war between the surrounding ethnic groups and China.


Since when did China stop using peace and benevolence to interact with the surrounding ethnic groups, but to get along with other ethnic groups with deceit and interests.


Since when did the kingdoms consider peace and mercy to be outdated, and deceit and profit to be honored by the kingdoms.


This idiom means that the land and sky are so vast.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How would you feel if you were the young man on the battlefield? Do you think backing down to avoid war is an act of bravery or cowardice?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...