
He is smiling(莞爾一笑) / Take not a musket to kill a butterfly(殺雞焉用牛刀)

The river is full of water and never ends(滔滔不絕)

You have to respect those who are younger than you(後生可畏)

You and her should be in harmony and in sync.(琴瑟友之) / You should treat her with respect and courtesy.(鐘鼓樂之)

I want it but I can't get it(求之不得) / I miss her so deeply(悠哉悠哉) / I was lying in bed, I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep. (輾轉反側)

A quiet, beautiful and kind girl(窈窕淑女) /I keep thinking of her when I'm awake or asleep(寤寐求之)

I can't confirm the authenticity of this thing.(將信將疑)

It makes me very sad to see this tragic situation(傷心慘目)

His fingers were amputated and his skin was cracked(墮指裂膚)

Military orders must not be disobeyed(威遵命賤)

The land and the sky are so vast (地闊天長)