
It takes a long time to cultivate an excellent talent(百年樹人)


It takes a long time to cultivate an excellent talent(百年樹人)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was an outstanding statesman in the Qi Kingdom. His name is (Guan Zhong).

He is known as one of the most capable prime ministers in Chinese history.


After his death, his students wrote a book in which his thoughts and philosophy were recorded.

There is a passage in the book as follows.


If you're going to be productive after a year, you need to know how to grow rice.

If you're going to be productive in ten years, you need to know how to plant trees.

If you are going to be productive in your life, you need to know how to cultivate talent.


You spend a year growing rice, and you'll more than double your harvest a year later.

You spend a year planting trees, and in ten years you will have ten times as much harvest.

You spend a year of energy cultivating talents, and you will eventually get more than a hundred times the harvest.


Although we cannot see results in the short-term in cultivating talents, we still have to do it.

We can't predict the future, we don't know when we'll need the talent we've nurtured.


If a leader can nurture talent with this mindset, then that leader will accomplish great things.



This idiom means that it is very difficult to cultivate talents, and it also means that it takes a long time to cultivate talents.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever planted flowers or trees? How do you think one should educate oneself after leaving school?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




As long as anyone is willing to receive him, he will stay(望門投止)


As long as anyone is willing to receive him, he will stay(望門投止)


The Eastern Han Dynasty had a minister with a high moral level and great knowledge.

The name of this famous minister is (Zhang Jian).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He was falsely accused of rebelling, so the king ordered that he be arrested. He fled the capital in a hurry.


He was hiding everywhere on the way to escape.

He has no goals or plans at all. He walks during the day, and when it gets dark, he checks to see if there is a home near the place where he is.


When he saw a house, he would knock on the door of the house.


He said about the house.

I'm Zhang Jian, and I was framed by bad guys.

The king ordered my arrest, and I am now a wanted criminal.

It's getting dark now, and I beg you to let me sleep at your house one night, and I'll leave tomorrow morning.


Some homeowners will simply say no when they hear it, for fear of getting into trouble.


But more homeowners told him after hearing it.

Come into my house quickly, you are a famous minister of justice and bravery, and we are very willing to receive you.


Not only ordinary people, but also many government officials at that time secretly assisted him in his escape.


He later fled the jurisdiction of the Eastern Han Dynasty and sought refuge in other kingdoms.


A few years later, when he was 69 years old, the king granted an amnesty and he returned to his hometown.


In the years since he left the Eastern Han Dynasty, many of the families who had hosted him at the time were severely punished.


A few years after he returned to his homeland, there was a severe famine.

He was very grateful to all those who had helped him before, so he donated all the property in his family, and hundreds of people survived because of him.


This idiom is used to describe a situation in which a person is very much looking forward to someone willing to receive him when he is fleeing.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have the habit of donating money? If given the opportunity, would you be willing to host those fleeing?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





Kong Rong(孔融/文舉)


Kong Rong(孔融)

Kong Rong(孔融)(153 AD - 208 AD)


His surname is (Kong), his parents gave him the name (Rong), and his friends called him (Wenju) when he grew up. He was born in Shandong Province, China.


Hole meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Means to melt.

The meaning of the article, the meaning of the word. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of lifting an item with the hand. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


The meaning of lifting an item with the hand. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

There is a story about him in the history books.


His brother had a good friend who was very moral and learned.

The name of this good friend is (Zhang Jian).


(Zhang Jian) ​​was framed for rebellion, so the king ordered him to be arrested. He fled the capital in a hurry.


Late one night, someone knocked on the door of Kong Rong's house.


Kong Rong and his mother got up, and after they opened the door, they saw (Zhang Jian) ​​standing at the door.


Zhang Jian asked.

Excuse me for disturbing you so late, is your brother there?


He answered.

My brother happened to be away for a few days.


(Zhang Jian) ​​said.

Then I'll come back in a few days.

After saying this, (Zhang Jian) ​​turned to leave.


He stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Jian

He says.

I know you are running away from capture.

My brother is away, and now I'm the oldest man in the family so I can call the shots.

You can hide in my house, I am willing to take full responsibility.


(Zhang Jian) ​​said.

You are still young and you do not know the seriousness of this matter.

If the king finds out about me hiding in your house, you will be severely punished.


He says.

I am well aware of the consequences of doing this.

Our whole family admires you as a man of integrity and knowledge.

Come in quickly, it's so late, you're hiding in my house, we won't leak this secret.


(Zhang Jian) ​​He hid in his house for a few days.


A few days later, they got news that a large number of officers and soldiers would come to his house to search.

Zhang Jian left.


A few weeks later, the king knew about it and ordered Kong Rong to be arrested.


A large number of soldiers came to his house.

When the soldiers were about to arrest him, his brother stood in front of him with his arms outstretched.

His brother said to the soldiers.

The person you should arrest is me. I happened to be away from home during those few days, so my younger brother would harbour criminals instead of me. If I was at home during those days, then it would be me who harboured criminals.


After his brother said this, the soldiers had no time to react, and the mother of the two of them spoke.


their mother said.

You should arrest me, I am the eldest in my family, and I am responsible for any wrongs committed by anyone in my family.

It's me who you should arrest.


He saw the actions of his brother and mother, and he shouted at the soldiers anxiously.

Arrest me quickly, harboring criminals is my personal decision. Nothing to do with the two of them.


All three of them volunteered to be arrested, even though all three of them knew they would face the most severe punishment if arrested.


The soldiers had no choice but to ask the king.


said the king.

Arrest his brother.

His brother was executed a few weeks later.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, would you take in (Zhang Jian)? How do you evaluate the behavior of his brother and his mother?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





He suddenly realized completely(恍然大悟)

He suddenly realized completely(恍然大悟)


There was a famous family in the Tang Dynasty, 17 people in this family once served as prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty.

Among the 17 prime ministers, one of them was named (Fei Xiu).

His story is recorded in the history books.


He likes to collect antiques very much, and once, he got a very rare antique.


This antique is very large and simple in form, with a big belly but a small opening.

Because the age is too old, the appearance of this antique has been rusted.


This antique is engraved with beautiful lines, and a few words are also engraved on this antique.


An expert said after identification.

These words mean,

Commemorate the seven kingdoms of Qi Kingdom, Lu Kingdom, Song Kingdom, Wei Kingdom, Zheng Kingdom, Xu Kingdom, and Cao Kingdom for reaching an alliance agreement.

The signer is (Qi Huan Gong).


He displayed the antique in the most prominent place in his home.


One day, he invited some newly appointed officials to his house for dinner,

All the guests saw this antique in the most conspicuous place.


an official asked.

What is the origin of this antique?


He proudly introduces the origin of this antique.


All the officials praised.

This is really a rare and precious antique.


However, one of the young officials said.

I think this item is a fake made by modern people.


Hearing this sentence, he said very unhappily.

Why do you think this antique is a fake?



said the young official.

After a king in Chinese history dies, later generations will give him a posthumous title based on his achievements in life.

(Qi Huan Gong) is the posthumous title of (Jiang Xiaobai) after his death.


Based on this signature error, I deduced that this antique is a fake.


When he heard these words, he clapped his hands vigorously.

He was suddenly enlightened.


He says.

You're right, your reasoning is correct, I didn't find this one such a blatant mistake.


This idiom meant that he suddenly realized completely.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were this young official, would you point out in public that the prime minister bought a fake? Have you ever accidentally bought a fake?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain



He lowers his head and feels depressed(垂頭喪氣)


He lowers his head and feels depressed(垂頭喪氣)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).


There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.

At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.

People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.


He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.

The gist of the eighth paragraph of this article is as follows.


After the master heard the questions of the five poor ghosts, he did not know how to answer.


The five poor ghosts continued to speak to him.


What kind of person do you want to be? Everyone has different ideas and choices on this issue.


If you had a piece of precious jade, would you exchange it for a piece of ordinary leather?

If you have delicious food to eat, would you envy others for eating vegetable porridge?


Your current behavior, although not recognized by the external world, is in line with the will of God.


If you have doubts about what we said, then you can look at the ancient classic books, and you can confirm that what we said is correct.


Are you really sure you want us to leave you?

In this world, only we know you best, and we have never left you in your most difficult times.


After the master heard these words, he fell into a long silence.


He lowered his head and felt very depressed. After ten minutes, he made up his mind, and he stood up firmly and bowed to these poor ghosts.


He says.

Please stay by my side, please continue to stay in my home, I will treat you as a VIP courtesy.



This idiom means that a person feels depressed with their head down.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, what choice would you make in the end? What do you think he wanted to express when he wrote this article?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




He is shrewd in the little things but confused in the big things(小黠大癡)

He is shrewd in the little things but confused in the big things(小黠大癡)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).


There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.

At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.

People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.


He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.

The gist of the seventh paragraph of this article is as follows.


The master was very angry, he gasped, he paused, he wanted to continue to scold these poor ghosts who pestered him.


But the five poor ghosts in front of him laughed wildly when they heard what he said.


The five poor ghosts couldn't keep their eyes open from laughter, they clapped and stomped, they jumped and rolled, it was like they heard a super funny joke.


When I saw this, I suddenly didn't know how to react.


After a few minutes, the five poor ghosts said to the master after their excitement calmed down a little.


Why do you want us to leave you when you know who we are and how we affect your behavior and life?


Your behavior is so ridiculous, in our opinion, you are shrewd in the little things but confused in the big things


If you think about it from a different angle, we can help you achieve a very high moral level, make you an honest and upright person, make you a great scholar, and make you memorable for hundreds of generations after your death.


Your life is only a few short decades.

How do you choose between your short-lived poverty in life and your long-term glory after death?


This idiom means to describe a person who is shrewd in small things but confused in big things.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What is the most important value in your life? Can you look at your current choices from a higher perspective?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




He is like a fly flying around.He is like a dog without ideals. (蠅營狗苟)

He is like a fly flying around.He is like a dog without ideals. (蠅營狗苟)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).


There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.

At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.

People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.


He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.

The gist of the sixth paragraph of this article is as follows.


The master paused, the master getting more and more angry.


Said the master.


You live in my house, you influence my behavior,

You have made me miserable, you have made me disgusted by others.


My current situation is caused by you.


You made me so poor to this day, and you made me fall into lies and ridicule from others.


There are two thoughts inside of me, and these two thoughts tug at each other.

I regret my behavior every morning, but by the evening I revert to my old behavior pattern.


You are despicable and shameless to pester me. Every time I finally drive you away, you come back to me in a blink of an eye. "


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who is looking for opportunities everywhere in the hope of making profits, and a person who has no lofty ideals.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever tried to correct those bad habits but have been unable to succeed? When the forces of good and evil within you are pulling each other, which voice will you most likely listen to?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain



This man's face disgusts me(面目可憎)


This man's face disgusts me(面目可憎)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).


There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.

At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.

People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.


He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.

The gist of the fifth paragraph of this article is as follows.


After the master listened to the poor ghost's question, the master answered.


I know you and your partner.

You have five poor ghosts in total. You each have your own specialties, and you have different names.


People feel disgusted when they see me, people think my words are boring, and it's all because of you.


Of you five poor ghosts, the first poor ghost has a righteous personality and hates smoothness, and is ashamed to do some treacherous things.


The second poor ghost likes to explore the truth, like to read various books and grasp the essence of many different doctrines.


The third poor ghost is good at all kinds of writing skills, and his point of view is too unique, so many people do not understand him.


The fourth poor ghost is ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside, he is fair and does not seek personal gain.


The fifth poor ghost likes to make friends. He is very loyal to his friends, but his friends turn his back on him and despise him.



This idiom means to describe a person's face as disgusting.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Which do you think is more important to a person on the outside or on the inside? Do you think these poor ghosts are good or bad?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




His food is very lacking(朝韮暮鹽)


His food is very lacking(朝韮暮鹽)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).

There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.

At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.

People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.

He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.

The gist of the fourth paragraph of this article is as follows.

You were assigned a few years ago to Guangdong Province in southern China, where the climate is humid and sultry.

I followed you to that strange place where the other ghosts bullied me too.


You were later transferred back to the capital from Guangdong province for four years, and in those days your financial situation was poor.

You only eat two meals a day, your first meal is porridge with some pickles, and your second meal is porridge with a little salt.


But when you are the poorest, I have always been by your side to protect you.

I never thought about leaving you, and I never said I would leave you, but why do you think I want to go somewhere else?


Someone separated our relationship, so you want to leave me?


I'm a ghost, I don't need to eat and I don't need a ride or a boat.

I can't use any of the things you prepared.


I am as lonely as you are and you are my only best friend.


If you know I have other partners and can tell me clearly then I will leave you right away.


This idiom means to describe a person who is very poor.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever had the experience of being hungry for a long time? Have you ever been concerned about those people in the society who can't even get enough to eat?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain



All the hair and fine hair on my body stand on end(毛髮盡豎)


All the hair and fine hair on my body stand on end(毛髮盡豎)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).


There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.


At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.


People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.


He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.


The gist of the second paragraph of this article is as follows.


After I said these words, I suddenly heard some strange noises.


These sounds are sometimes short and loud like a person is whistling,

These sounds are sometimes low and short like a man's sad cry.


All the hair and hair on my body stood up, I shrugged my shoulders and tightened my neck.


I held my breath, trying to hear exactly what I was hearing.


Sometimes I can hear these sounds and sometimes I can't, and after waiting in silence for a long time, I'm finally sure that what I'm hearing is the voice of a person speaking to me.


Said the man.


I am the poor ghost living in your house.

I have lived with you for over forty years.

When you were a child, your family thought you were not smart, but I never laughed at you.

When you grew up, you started going to school and helping your father with farming.

You study and work very seriously, and you want to be able to serve in the bureaucracy.

During those young years when you felt lonely, I was by your side.

There are other gods who live in your home who often say to me that you cannot achieve your ideals.

They reprimanded me, they ordered me to leave you quickly.

I have been mocked and humiliated like this by those other gods, but I am patient because I believe in you.

I have never left you because of your poverty, I have been by your side all these years.


This idiom means that all the hair and fine hair on my body stand up. This idiom is used to describe a person who is very frightened.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

In your life, who is the person who has been with you the longest? Who is by your side all the time when you are at your lowest ebb?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Remove the old and leave the new(去故就新)


Remove the old and leave the new(去故就新)


During the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a famous official who was also a famous writer. His name is (Han Yu).


There is a very unique custom among ancient Chinese folk.

At that time, on the last day of the first month, people would put porridge and shabby clothes at the door of their homes to worship the poor ghosts.


People at the time believed that this was the only way to keep these poor ghosts away.


He wrote an interesting and meaningful article on this subject.


The gist of the first paragraph of this article is as follows.


In AD 811, the morning of the last day of the first month.


A master commanded his servants.

You go and prepare these items.


You're going to make an ox cart with willow branches, and then you're going to put some grain on the cart.

You will make a sailboat with reeds, and then you will raise the sail of the boat.


I'm going to use these things to worship those poor ghosts.


After the servant has prepared these items, the master begins the ritual of worship.


The master bowed respectfully three times.

Said the master.


I will do my best to assist you, I have prepared an ox cart and a boat for you, and I have also prepared the necessary food for you to travel.


I have these offerings ready, and I invite you to one last meal and one last glass of wine.

Please leave my house quickly.


You have lived in my house for a long time, and you have lived in the same place for so long, you must be tired of it.

You will have new opportunities when you leave old places.


Today is a good day, a good day to travel.

You can go anywhere, and I am very happy wherever you go, as long as you are willing to leave my house.

Can you leave my house right now?


This idiom means to remove the old and leave the new.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Is your current life happy? Do you think your spiritual and material life is poor or rich?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




This little kid is smart(小時了了)


This little kid is smart(小時了了)


The Eastern Han Dynasty in China had a famous minister named (Kong Rong). He is a descendant of the 20th generation of Confucius.


His story is recorded in the history books. This story is a story that almost everyone in China knows.


When he was ten years old, the family moved to the then capital.


His neighbor was a famous official at the time, whose name was (Li Ying).

One day, when he walked to his neighbor's door, he politely knocked on the door.


(Li Ying)'s servant opened the door and saw a child standing at the door. The servant was surprised.

The servant asked.

Who are you, who are you looking for.


He answered.

I want to visit your master.


The servant asked.

Are you sure you know my master? My master has instructed me not to let strangers into the house.


He answered.

Our two families are family friends.


The servant took him into the house.


He followed the servant into the house.

(Li Ying) is sitting in the living room chatting with some friends.


(Li Pseudo) Ask.

I do not know you.

Why do you say we are family friends?


He says.

Your surname (Li), your ancestor is Lao Tzu, I Xing (Kong), my ancestor is Confucius.


Hundreds of years ago, Confucius once learned from Laozi, so our two families are family friends.


(Li Fu) smiled.

You're right, you're a smart kid.


All the people present also praised him in unison.


Except for one person, this person's name is (Chen Wei).


(Chen Wei) said.

There is a proverb, a person is smart when he is a child, but he does not necessarily have great achievements when he grows up.


When he heard this, he answered immediately.

You are right, so you must have been very smart when you were a child, right?


Everyone laughed.



This idiom is used to describe a small child who is very intelligent.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have family friends? Do you look down on those younger than you?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Floating clouds cover the sun (浮雲翳日)


Floating clouds cover the sun (浮雲翳日)


The Eastern Han Dynasty in China had a famous minister named (Kong Rong).

He is a descendant of the 20th generation of Confucius.


Before he died, he wrote a poem.

The gist of this poem is as follows.


A man with a big mouth is prone to failure,

A chipped container must be leaking.


A small hole will cause a river bank to burst,

A cave can collapse a mountain.


Several small tributaries can converge into a huge river,

A few small skylights can brighten the interior.


A treacherous person leads to injustice,

Floating clouds can shade the sun.


A sweet talker is disloyal,

A tree with many beautiful flowers will not bear fruit.


Everyone's ideas are different,

Getting everyone to have the same goal is very difficult.


If you hear a lie three times,

You will believe it.


You put two very sticky objects in water,

Given enough time you can separate the two objects.


A person has to worry about many things in life.

After a person dies, everything in this world has nothing to do with him anymore.


This idiom is used to describe a leader who is influenced by some treacherous people, so the leader cannot see the truth of a thing.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were to die tomorrow, would you write those last words? If you were to die tomorrow, how would you spend today?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...