
He's as thin as a thin log(骨瘦如柴)

The clothes of the gods do not need to be sewn with needles and threads(天衣無縫)

A smart rabbit will prepare three hiding nests for itself.(狡兔三窟)

I want to eliminate my opponent, I can't keep my opponent alive.(勢不兩立)

He turns his head and leaves the place with great strides(掉臂不顧)

He brought the old people and children in his family here.(扶老攜幼)

Feng Xuan(馮諼)

Let's get out of here because there's no fish to eat(彈鋏無魚)

One overestimates one's own strength(不自量力)

A man who can learn the croak of a rooster and a man who can disguise himself as a dog(雞鳴狗盜)

He is a short and skinny man(眇小丈夫)