
He's as thin as a thin log(骨瘦如柴)

He's as thin as a thin log(骨瘦如柴)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous official, who was also a poet, and his name was (Yang Wanli).

He wrote more than 20,000 poems in his life, and about 4,200 poems have been preserved to this day.


One of the poems reads as follows.


My long sword, let's go back to our hometown together.

I don't think there is any need for me to be nostalgic for my current official position.


I go to a lot of activities every day, and I hear everyone around me bragging about their growing achievements.

I miss the food in my hometown with simple dishes and ingredients more and more.


I drank the best tea in the palace, but the more I drank it, the more I felt sick to my stomach.

I've gotten really skinny lately, my body is sore, I think of my son writing to ask me how I am, but should I lie to him that I'm ok?


This idiom is often used to describe a person who is very thin.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you like to go to a party or to be alone? Do you like to eat high-end food or local and seasonal food?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




The clothes of the gods do not need to be sewn with needles and threads(天衣無縫)

The clothes of the gods do not need to be sewn with needles and threads(天衣無縫)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a scholar whose name was (Li Fang). He collected a lot of materials and records, and compiled a collection of fantasy stories with a total of 500 volumes.


A story is recorded in this book.


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous official named Guo Han.


He had a strange experience when he was young.


His parents died when he was young, and he lives alone on the inheritance left by his parents.

He studied hard, and he became a very knowledgeable person.


One summer, he was sitting alone in the yard.

He felt the cool wind, and he looked at the bright moon.


Suddenly, he saw a person flying down from the sky.

It was a beautiful woman, and this woman was wearing gorgeous clothes.

He was surprised and scared, but the woman spoke to him.

I am the god in charge of Vega, and I have no malice towards you.


He asked the woman curiously.

Since you are a supernatural being in charge of Vega, can you tell me all kinds of knowledge about every star in the sky?


I want to know who are the gods who govern each of the different stars in the sky? I want to know how the gods live. I want to know whether the stars in the sky affect our life on earth.


This woman taught him everything he wanted to know about the stars.

the woman said to him.

The position and state of the stars in the sky represent various situations in the world.

You can indeed predict what will happen in the world by observing the state of the stars in the sky.


Once, he asked the woman a question.


The clothes you are wearing are different from what I usually see, the material looks very different, and strangely, I can't seem to see the seams.


The woman smiled and said to him.

Your observation ability is very keen, you are not wrong, the manufacturing method of the clothes in heaven is different from that in the world, the clothes we wear do not need to be sewn with thread, but are directly formed in one piece.


This woman only appeared for about a year in total, and then this woman never appeared again.


This idiom means that the clothes of the gods in ancient legends are not sewn with needles and threads.

This idiom is extended to describe a thing or a plan that is very thorough and perfect without any flaws or shortcomings.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Do you wear clothes made of any special materials? Do you believe in astrology?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




A smart rabbit will prepare three hiding nests for itself.(狡兔三窟)


A smart rabbit will prepare three hiding nests for itself.(狡兔三窟)


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman in the Kingdom of Qi in the Warring States Period of China.

His family has royal blood, and he and his father have served as prime ministers of the Qi Kingdom for a long time.


After his cousin became the king of the Qi Kingdom, his cousin removed him from the position of prime minister in order to consolidate his power. He was forced to leave the capital, he returned to his own territory.


He has a friend whose name is (Feng Xuan).

(Feng Xuan) said to him.

Because of me, all the people living in your land think you are a kind and righteous person, and these people love and respect you very much.

You can currently live here with peace of mind, but if you want to live in peace for the rest of your life, you still need more help from me.


A wise rabbit will prepare three hiding places for herself.


I devised a strategy, I will persuade the king of Qin Kingdom to recruit you into the central government team of Qin Kingdom, and I will persuade the king of Qi Kingdom to resume your position as prime minister.


I will create a situation that is very beneficial to you. You are like a beautiful woman, and there are two men chasing you at the same time.


I would suggest that you choose to return to the Kingdom of Qi, because this is your hometown after all.


But you can't immediately agree to the employment of the king of Qi Kingdom, you can take this opportunity to ask the king of Qi Kingdom to allow you to build a royal family's ancestral temple here, and in this ancestral temple, worship your grandfather and your ancestors .

I believe that the king of Qi Kingdom must agree to this condition.


He followed (Feng Xuan)'s advice.


A few months later, he returned to the capital of the Qi Kingdom to serve as chancellor.


A few years later, the Kingdom of Chu launched a war against the Kingdom of Qi.

Because there is an ancestral temple of the royal family of the Qi Kingdom on his territory, his territory was finally preserved.


In the years before he died in old age, he lived safely in this territory of his.


This idiom means that a wise rabbit will prepare three hiding places for himself.

This idiom is used to describe a person who has multiple places to hide or a person who has multiple ways to avoid disaster.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

What do you think are the possible crises in your life? How do you plan your old age?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




I want to eliminate my opponent, I can't keep my opponent alive.(勢不兩立)


I want to eliminate my opponent, I can't keep my opponent alive.(勢不兩立)


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman of the Qi Kingdom in the Warring States Period of China.

His family has royal blood, and he and his father have long served as prime ministers of the Qi Kingdom.


After his cousin became the king of the Qi Kingdom, his cousin removed him from the position of prime minister in order to consolidate his power.


He has a friend whose name is (Feng Xuan).

(Feng Xuan) In order to help him regain the position of prime minister of the Qi Kingdom, (Feng Xuan) went to the Qin Kingdom.


(Feng Xuan) said to the king of the Qin Kingdom.

Qi Kingdom and Qin Kingdom are the two most powerful kingdoms among all the kingdoms now.

Therefore, many capable people from all over China are concentrated in these two kingdoms.

Both kingdoms hope to defeat each other and destroy each other, and the two kingdoms cannot coexist at the same time.


I am here today to tell you a very important message. This message can help the Kingdom of Qin become stronger and achieve the goal of destroying the Kingdom of Qi.


The king of Qin Kingdom was very curious.

What message do you want to tell me.


(Feng Xuan) said.

(Tian Wen) has been the prime minister of the Qi Kingdom for a long time. Under his management, the Qi Kingdom has become very powerful in recent years.

The new king of the Qi Kingdom removed him from his prime minister position, and he is now a commoner.


He must be very dissatisfied with the new king of Qi Kingdom in his heart.

I suggest that you should use this opportunity to hire him as a strategic advisor to the Qin Kingdom.

He is a very capable man, and he is a very good prime minister.

If you recruit him into the Qin Kingdom's central government team, he will definitely be able to assist you in making the Qin Kingdom stronger.


Qin Kingdom replied.

Your suggestion is very reasonable. I immediately prepared many precious gifts and sent a special envoy to invite (Tian Wen).


(Feng Xuan) After leaving the palace of the Qin Kingdom, he immediately returned to the Qi Kingdom.

A few days later, he arrived at the palace of the Qi Kingdom.

He met the king of Qi Kingdom.


He said to the king of the kingdom of Qi.

Qi Kingdom and Qin Kingdom are the two most powerful kingdoms among all the kingdoms now.

Therefore, many capable people from all over China are concentrated in these two kingdoms.

Both kingdoms hope to defeat each other and destroy each other, and the two kingdoms cannot coexist at the same time.

I am here today to tell you a very important message.


The king of Qi Kingdom was very curious.

What message do you want to tell me.


(Feng Xuan) said.

(Tian Wen) has been the prime minister of the Qi Kingdom for a long time. Under his management, the Qi Kingdom has become very powerful in recent years.

You removed him from the prime ministership a few weeks ago, and he is now a commoner.


The king of the Qin Kingdom already knew this message.

The king of the Qin Kingdom prepared many precious gifts.

The king of the Qin Kingdom wanted to hire him to serve as a strategic advisor to the Qin Kingdom.

If he joins the team of the central government of the Qin Kingdom, the Qin Kingdom will definitely become stronger.

This will be a major threat to our Qi Kingdom.


The king of Qi Kingdom replied.

Your concern is right, I should prevent him from going to the Qin Kingdom, and I should prevent him from joining the team of the Qin Kingdom's central government.

What should I do?


(Feng Xuan) said.

You should reinstate him as prime minister, and I think if you do, then he will thank you very much.

Between the two kingdoms, he would choose to come back here, after all, this is his hometown.


Although you don't like him, you still have to accept him.

Because if he goes to the Qin Kingdom, he will help the Qin Kingdom become strong, and in a few years, our Qi Kingdom will face a huge threat.

If a few years later, the Qi Kingdom is wiped out by the Qin Kingdom, and you become a king who has lost your own kingdom, is this the result you want?


The king of Qi Kingdom answered after being silent for a few minutes.

What you said is very reasonable, I will send a special envoy to him immediately, and I will restore his prime minister position.


This idiom means that I want to destroy my opponent, I cannot let my opponent continue to exist.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever thought that your enemies can sometimes help you achieve what you want to achieve? If you were the king of Qi Kingdom, what decision would you make?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




He turns his head and leaves the place with great strides(掉臂不顧)


He turns his head and leaves the place with great strides(掉臂不顧)


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman of the Qi Kingdom in the Warring States Period of China.

He receives more than 3,000 guests every day.

One of his guests was very wise, and his name was (Feng Xuan).


He served as the prime minister of the Qi Kingdom for a long time. After the old king passed away, the new king dismissed him as prime minister because he was jealous of his talent and in order to consolidate his power.


He became a civilian overnight, and the vast majority of the 3,000 guests left his home when they saw that he had lost power.

He felt very sad and angry.


A few months later, with the help of (Feng Xuan), he resumed his position as prime minister.

And of those who had left him before, many came back to him, hoping to be his guests again.


He can't forgive these people,


The history book records a dialogue between him and (Feng Xuan).


He says

I am a warm and generous person, and I treat my guests with the most appropriate etiquette.

But these people quickly left me when they saw that I had lost my position as prime minister.


Now that these people saw that I was reinstated as prime minister, they came back to me shamelessly. Hope to be my guest again, they are so shameless.


(Feng Xuan) After hearing what he said, his expression became very serious and said to him.

I don't agree with your opinion.

I think everything in this world has its natural laws, and these laws cannot be changed.


He answered.

I can't understand what you're trying to say.


(Feng Xuan) said.

As long as any living thing is born, it must die. This is the law of nature. But we also have rules similar to this natural law in our human society.


A very rich and high-status person must have many friends. A very poor and low-status man must have few friends. This is what I call the rules of human society.


Let me illustrate my point again with the example of the Central Market in our capital.

Every morning, all the people flock to the central market, and everyone is willing to wait even if they have to queue.

But every evening, no one wants to enter the central market, and people passing by the central market do not look at the central market and leave quickly.


The same Central Market, why is there such a difference between morning and evening?

In a central market with no stalls selling items, who would want to enter?


I think you should clearly see that the guests who left you before but now come back to you are showing the general state of human nature.


When you understand this truth, you will become a tolerant person, you will forgive others' mistakes and treat everyone with compassion.

So I don't think you should lose your enthusiasm and generosity because of their behavior.

You should continue to host more guests, because the benefits of hosting these guests far outweigh the disadvantages of refusing to host them.


After listening to these words, he respectfully bowed and thanked (Feng Xuan) twice in a row.


This idiom means that a person leaves a place with a very firm attitude and fast speed.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you agree with (Feng Ye)'s opinion? If you were (Tian Wen), would you accept these guests again?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



He brought the old people and children in his family here.(扶老攜幼)

 He brought the old people and children in his family here.(扶老攜幼)


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman of the Qi Kingdom in the Warring States Period of China.

He receives more than 3,000 guests every day.

One of his guests was named (Feng Xuan).


(Feng Xuan) once went to collect the land rent on his territory for him, but (Feng Ye) privately exempted the poor people from the land rent without his consent.


He was angry, but then he forgave (Feng Xuan).


A year after this incident, the new king of Qi Kingdom removed him from the prime minister position in order to consolidate his power, and ordered him to no longer stay in the prosperous capital. The new king asked him to return to his own territory.


He left the capital with a heavy heart, but when he was about to reach his own territory, he was surprised to see many people standing on both sides of the road leading to his territory.


Among the people who have been waiting by the side of the road for an unknown time, in addition to the young and middle-aged, there are many old people and children.


All the people on both sides of the road cheered loudly when they saw him, and happy smiles appeared on the faces of all the people. These people very sincerely welcome him back to their territory.


He was moved to tears.


The next day, he invited (Feng Xuan) to his house for dinner.


He said to (Feng Xuan).

I was angry with you before because at that time you waived the land rent of these people without my consent.


But I found out that I was wrong, you were right, I was so stupid.


You once told me. You brought me back something more valuable than money. .

The people who live in my land consider me a merciful and righteous man, and they will always love and honor me.


I finally realized yesterday that you were right.


I thank you very much, I will hire you as my most important advisor, and I will respectfully accept your guidance.


This idiom means that all members of a family go out together to the same place.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Are there family trips in your family? What was the last time you all got together in your family?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




Feng Xuan(馮諼)

 Feng Xuan(馮諼)(BC? Y - BC? )


His surname is (Feng) and his parents gave him the name (Xuan). 


Meaning of a fast horse. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Means to deceive. Means to forget.


Since he lived a long time ago, according to different historical records, his name is (Feng Xuan) or (Feng Huan).

He is a famous wise man. His story is recorded in the history books.


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman in the Qi Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

He receives more than 3,000 guests every day.

He is one of these guests.


A history book records a story of the two of them.


(Tian Wen) served as the prime minister of the Qi Kingdom, and he lived in the capital of the Qi Kingdom.

He has a territory at the junction of Qi Kingdom and Chu Kingdom.

At that time it was an era of agriculture, and all the people lived by farming.

According to the law at the time, the people of this territory had to pay him land rent.

he said to his guests. I need someone to collect this year's land rent for me.


(Feng Zhen) took the initiative to strive for and undertake this very difficult task.

He came to (Tian Wen)'s territory with the land rental contracts of the year.

He found that the people in this territory had very poor harvests due to climatic factors, so he made a decision.


He held a banquet to which he invited the heads of every household in the territory.

During this banquet, he observed everyone's clothes and appearance, he discerned that a few people could still afford the land rent, and he observed that the lives of most people had fallen into poverty.


After the banquet, he demanded that the few, wealthier people must pay the annual land rent on the spot.

After he collected the rent for the land, he let the wealthier people leave the banquet hall first.


The rest of the people in the banquet hall who were living in poverty were very frightened. They didn't know what punishment they would face. Everyone of these people was trembling with fear.


To everyone's surprise, he burned the land rent contracts of these poor people in public.


He told everyone.

The lord of our land is a merciful man, and he pitys you for this year's poor harvest,

So he waived your land rent this year.


In the banquet hall, all the poor and impoverished people were amazed and couldn't believe it. Everyone was so excited that they shed tears, and even most of them knelt down.


The day after the banquet, he took the land rent he had received and returned to the capital to Tian Wen.

Tian Wen saw that he only took back so little money and asked him what happened.


After he explained what he had done to Tian Wen, Tian Wen was very angry.


Tian Wen told him.

Why did you make this decision on your own?


He said to Tian Wen calmly.

According to my observations, you still have a lot of jewelry in your home in the capital, you have a lot of servants, you have a lot of horses, and you can still maintain your current life if you save some expenses.

But most of the people in your domain have fallen into extreme poverty.


You only see me burning these land rent contracts, but you don't see me bringing you back anything that is worth more than money.


Tian Wen suppressed his anger and said to him.

What did you bring back for me?


He answered.

I bring back to you the gratitude of the people of your domain to you.

They see you as a merciful and righteous man who will always be loved and respected by these people.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

In your life, what do you think is more important than money? If you were Tian Wen, would you forgive his actions?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



Let's get out of here because there's no fish to eat(彈鋏無魚)


Let's get out of here because there's no fish to eat(彈鋏無魚)


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman in the Qi Kingdom during the Warring States Period in China.

He took out the property of the family and received many talented or moral guests.


He is as close as a friend to these guests, and he treats each guest equally.

More than 3,000 guests of this type eat at his home every day.


There is a story about him in the history books.

One day, a man came to him, his name was (Feng Xuan).


(Feng Xuan) said.

My family is poor, can I come to your house as your guest?


he asks.

Do you have any interests or expertise?


(Feng Xuan) Answered.

I don't have any interests or expertise.


He said after thinking for a few minutes.

All right, come to my house and be my guest.

I will tell my butler to arrange it for you.


His housekeeper arranged for him the worst room with the most ordinary food.


After two weeks, his housekeeper said to him.

He has lived here for two weeks,

From the second week onwards, (Feng Xuan) held his sword and shouted loudly in his room every day.

my sword. my sword. Let's go home, the food here is not good, there is no fish to eat here.


He wasn't angry, he told the housekeeper.

Starting today, you are going to upgrade his food.


After another week, his butler said to him.

(Feng Xuan) is a greedy person. He has been shouting loudly in his room with his sword every day recently. my sword. my sword. Let's go home, there is no horse-drawn carriage to take when we want to go out.



He was a little pissed, he said to the housekeeper.

From today onwards, whenever he wants to go out, you will arrange for him to be picked up by carriage.


On the fourth week, his housekeeper said to him.

(Feng Xuan) is a very greedy person. He has been shouting loudly in his room with his sword every day recently.

My sword. my sword. Let's go home, because it's nice to live here but I don't have any money to give to my mom.


He felt anger, but he restrained his anger.

He said to the butler.

Starting today, you give his mother a fixed amount of money every month, so that his mother can spend money.


From that day on, (Feng Xuan) never complained again.


This idiom is used to describe the hardships of a person's life who must rely on the help of others.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, would you satisfy (Feng Xuan) these requirements? Have you ever met such an insatiable person?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



One overestimates one's own strength(不自量力)

One overestimates one's own strength(不自量力)


(Tian Wen) was a famous nobleman of the Qi Kingdom in the Warring States Period of China.


His grandfather was the fourth king of the Qi Kingdom, his uncle was the fifth king of the Qi Kingdom, and his cousin was the sixth king of the Qi Kingdom.


He has made many friends, and more than 3,000 people eat at his house every day.

He is such a well-known figure, and his reputation is very loud.

He was respected by the kings and nobles of the various kingdoms at that time.

His prestige in the Qi Kingdom was higher than that of the King of Qi Kingdom, so his cousin disliked him very much.


There is a story in the history books about him and his cousin.


He has a territory, which is located on the border between Qi Kingdom and Chu Kingdom.


One year, the King of Chu sent a powerful army to attack the Kingdom of Qi, and to attack the Kingdom of Qi, this army must first capture his territory.


He sent a messenger to ask his cousin for military assistance, but his cousin was reluctant to send the army.

The situation is very critical, and the army of the Kingdom of Chu has surrounded his territory.


He has a good friend whose name is (Chun Yu Kun).


(Chunyu Kun) wanted to help him, (Chunyu Kun) went to see the king.


(Chunyu Kun) said to the king.

(Tian Wen) is a very stupid and arrogant person.

He overestimated his own strength, and he could not measure his own strength correctly.


The king asked curiously.

Why do you comment like this (Tian Wen)? What did he do?


(Chunyu Kun) said to the king.

He built an ancestral temple a few years ago, in this ancestral temple, worship your grandfather and your ancestors.

Before he builds this ancestral temple, he should first consider that after completing the construction of the family's ancestral temple, he will not have enough strength to defend the family's ancestral temple.


The army of the Kingdom of Chu has now surrounded his territory and I think he will surrender soon.

After he surrendered, the ancestral temple of your ancestors built by him will definitely be destroyed or even burned by the army of the Chu Kingdom.


This incident will be a huge insult to the royal family of Qi Kingdom.


The king of Qi Kingdom said calmly after hearing these words.

You're right, if you didn't mention it, I forgot that there was an ancestral temple of my ancestors on his territory.


On that day, the king of Qi Kingdom sent a powerful army to support (Tian Wen) against Qin Kingdom.

A few days later, the crisis of (Tian Wen) was lifted, and the army of the Kingdom of Chu retreated.


This idiom is used to describe a person who overestimates his own strength.

This idiom is used to describe a person who cannot measure his own strength correctly.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were (Chun Yu Kun), which method would you use to persuade the king to send troops? Before you persuade others, would you think about this issue from someone else's standpoint?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain



A man who can learn the croak of a rooster and a man who can disguise himself as a dog(雞鳴狗盜)

A man who can learn the croak of a rooster and a man who can disguise himself as a dog(雞鳴狗盜)


The Warring States Period in China was an era of turmoil.

The feudal system established by the Zhou Dynasty disintegrated, and all the nobles in the Zhou Dynasty established many kingdoms.


There was a famous nobleman in the Qi Kingdom in the Warring States Period, his name was (Tian Wen)

In order to strengthen their influence and political power, the nobles at that time would hold dinner parties in their homes every day, and they would entertain many guests every day.


These noble guests were friends with the nobles rather than servants, and they were free to leave at will.

He is as close to these guests as friends, and there are more than 3,000 guests of this type who eat at his home every day.


There is a story in the history books about him and his friends.


In 299 BC, he led a mission to the Qin Kingdom.

In order to reduce the strength of Qi Kingdom, the king of Qin Kingdom put him under house arrest and planned to kill him.

The situation is very critical and he is very anxious.


A friend of his told him.

The most favored concubine of the king of the Qin Kingdom is called (Xing Ji). If he is willing to intercede with the king for you, the king will surely let you go.


He replied, but how do I convince (Xing Ji) to help me.


The friend answered.

Women love beautiful clothes and jewelry, and it's better if she owns the dress or jewelry that's unique.

In the treasure house of the Qin Kingdom, there is a shawl coat made of white fox fur. This shawl coat is the only one in China.


If we steal this shawl coat and give it to her, she will certainly plead with the king of Qin Kingdom for you.


He answered.

It is an impossible task to steal from the warehouse of the king of the Qin Kingdom.


The friend answered.

I used to be a thief.

I am very thin and small, and I have a special talent that I can dress up as a dog.

I've never lost my hand in stealing, you're my good friend, and I'm willing to steal this shawl jacket for you.


Because he had no other countermeasures, he said to this friend.

Good, but you have to be careful and don't get caught.


The next day, the friend managed to steal the shawl jacket.


He happily gave this shawl coat to (Xing Ji).

(Xing Ji) pleaded with the king of the Qin Kingdom for him.

On the third day after he stole this shawl coat, he left the capital of the Qin Kingdom with this mission.


On the night of the third day after he stole the cloak, he and the members of the mission arrived at the border city of the Qin Kingdom.


Since it was already dark, the city gates had been closed, and the gates would not be reopened until the next day.


They were forced to stay in the city.


Everyone is very anxious, because as long as they have not left the border of the Qin Kingdom, all of them are in danger at any time.

It is very likely that the king of the Qin Kingdom will regret letting them go.


At this critical time, another friend of his helped him through it.

This friend has a specialty, that is, he is very good at imitating the sounds of animals.


At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the friend imitated the rooster's cry .When the other real roosters in the city heard the sound of this friend, all the rooster's cry in unison.


Because there was no clock at that time, the city gate keeper quickly got up and opened the city gate after hearing the crowing of the rooster in his sleep.


The group of them immediately left the border of the Qin Kingdom.


Their predictions were right, and the king of Qin Kingdom really regretted letting them go.

About an hour after they left the city, the army sent by the king of the Qin Kingdom arrived at the border city.


They escaped the pursuit of this army.


This idiom means a person who can learn the croak of a rooster and a person who can disguise himself as a dog.

This idiom is used to describe a person's skill is very special but there is no way for this skill to create actual benefits.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have any special expertise? Do you think a feat must be able to create benefits to be valuable?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




He is a short and skinny man(眇小丈夫)


He is a short and skinny man(眇小丈夫)


The Warring States Period in China was an era of turmoil.

The feudal system established by the Zhou Dynasty disintegrated, and all the nobles in the Zhou Dynasty established many kingdoms.


These nobles who have established kingdoms have established their own armies, and these nobles all hope to annex other kingdoms to strengthen their own kingdoms.

As a result, wars often broke out between kingdoms.

In this era, for these nobles, the death of a commoner is like the death of an ant.


There was a famous nobleman in the Qi Kingdom during the Warring States Period, his name was Tian Wen.

He was respected by the kings and nobles of the various kingdoms at that time.


There is a story about him in the history books.


Once, he led a mission to visit Zhao Kingdom. After the mission arrived in the Kingdom of Zhao, it was received by the King and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Zhao with the highest standards.


After finishing this trip, he led the mission to return to the Kingdom of Qi.

Before they left the border of the Zhao Kingdom, they passed a small village.


The people in this village were very excited when they heard that the mission he led was going to pass through here.

These people live in this small village, and this event is very big news for them.

So when he led the mission through the village, all the people put down their jobs, all the people stood on both sides of the road waiting, and everyone wanted to see him.

He is like a famous star.


About fifteen minutes after he led the mission into the village, there was a sudden burst of laughter from the people watching by the roadside.

The laughter seemed to be contagious, and a few minutes later, the people on the roadside were laughing.


Many of these people said with a smile.

Ha ha.

He is such a well-known figure, and his reputation is very loud.

But I didn't expect him to be so short and so skinny.

Ha ha.


After hearing these mocking words, he felt greatly insulted.

All members of the mission were also very angry. All members of the mission felt that the actions of these people had seriously insulted the dignity of the Qi Kingdom.


He and all the members of the mission drew their long swords. They immediately dismounted and rushed towards the people who were mocking them. All the people ran away in panic when they saw this.


He and members of the mission killed hundreds of men in the village.

Almost all the men in this village were killed.


This idiom means that he is a man who is short and thin.

This idiom is used to describe a person's short-sightedness and shallow knowledge.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you look down on someone because of their appearance? Have you ever laughed at someone's appearance?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




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