
The wolf keeps the sheep(如狼牧羊)

The law and order in this place is very good(道不拾遺)

Yi Zong(義縱)

The temperature is not cold but he is shivering(不寒而慄)

His behavior is unethical and his crime is serious(大逆無道)

We must seize this good opportunity and act aggressively.(及鋒而試)

The whole China is your home(四海為家)

He pretended to do this, but secretly arranged other plans.( 明修棧道暗渡陳倉)

He puts forward his plan and strategy(運籌帷幄)

You only see this side of this thing, you don't see the other side of this thing.( 知其一未知其二)

Agree on several things in advance(約法三章)

Accessible in all directions (四通五達)