
Ning Cheng(寧成)


Ning Cheng(寧成)(? BC?-BC??)


His surname is (Ning) and the name given to him by his parents is (Cheng). He was born in Henan Province, China.


Tranquil meaning. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The meaning of completion. The meaning of success. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty.

History books record a story about him.


He has a fierce personality, he dares to take great risks, and he has the character of a gambler.

He used his own power and loopholes in the law to achieve his goals.


He looks down on anyone.

He despised his superiors, he oppressed his subordinates and those who were inferior to him.


In 144 BC, he ushered in the peak of his career.

He was appointed by the king as a senior official in the capital's security and police affairs.

Using his position, he collected many criminal evidences of nobles in the capital.

He used the criminal evidence he possessed to control these nobles.

If these nobles do not listen to his blackmail, he will formally prosecute these criminal nobles.

Many nobles in the capital are under his control, so many nobles hate him very much.


In 140 BC, a new king took office,so he was dismissed, and he became a middle-ranking clerk.

These nobles who had been oppressed by him were very happy. These nobles fought back, and he was arrested and sentenced.


Because he still had the criminal evidence of these nobles in his hands, although he was arrested, he was not sentenced to death.

He used his own money and connections to forge documents to exonerate himself.

After his acquittal he became a commoner.

He left the capital and returned to his hometown.


After he returned to his hometown, he said to himself.

"According to my current situation, I have no way to complete the life goals I set before in this life.

It is impossible for me to become an official above the provincial governor level.

I'm going to set a new goal. I'm going to be a very rich man."

He borrowed money to buy a lot of land, and he leased the land to poor farmers and charged high rents.

In this way, he quickly accumulated his own capital.

A few years later, he achieved his new goal and became the richest man in his hometown.


In the past few years when he accumulated capital, relying on his previous experience in public security and policing, he secretly collected a lot of black information about the officials who managed his hometown.


Because he has the illegal evidence of these officials, these officials are very fearful and obedient to him.

A few years later, he had more power than the local governor.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

What is your life goal? Do you think a person's life goal should have other latitudes besides money and power?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.




The wolf keeps the sheep(如狼牧羊)


The wolf keeps the sheep(如狼牧羊)


There was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty, his name was (Yi Zong).

History books record a story about him.


He is a man of integrity and a sense of justice.

The king specially appointed him to serve as governor of Nanyang Province.


There lived a famous retired minister in Nanyang Province. The minister's name was (Ning Cheng).


(Ning Cheng)'s pre-retirement experience was mainly in charge of public security and police work.

He has a very fierce personality, he is very arrogant towards people, and he is very greedy for money.


The people hated him very much, and the people had a bad opinion of him. Two examples are as follows.

He is an official like a wolf, and we live in this city like a flock of sheep under his rule.

We would rather see a tigress protecting her cub than Ning Cheng.


On his first day in office, he led a group of soldiers to the provincial capital of Nanyang Province.

He saw (Ning Cheng) standing at the gate of the provincial capital of Nanyang.


(Ning Cheng) was very respectful and polite to him.

(Ning Cheng) showed his obedience and awe.


He ignored (Ning Cheng).

As if he didn't see (Ning Cheng), he walked into the provincial capital with this group of soldiers, entered the governor's office, and immediately started to act with this group of soldiers.


He is very smart. Before he came to this city, he had already passed the authorization of the king, and he had collected complete (Ning Cheng) criminal evidence.


He knew that the most important task the king sent him here was to disintegrate (Ning Cheng)'s evil forces.

He arrested (Ning Cheng) and his accomplices that day.


(Ning Cheng) did not expect this situation at all. Before he had time to prepare and counterattack, his family power was completely disintegrated.


The direct translation of this idiom means that the wolf guards the flock of sheep

This idiom is used to describe a place where there is a very bad official.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Are there any bad officials in the city you live in? Do you think he would have been counterattacked by Ning Cheng's family if he hadn't acted immediately that day?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



The law and order in this place is very good(道不拾遺)


The law and order in this place is very good(道不拾遺)


A famous minister of the Han Dynasty, his name is (Yi Zong).

History books record a story about him.


He lost his direction in life for a few years during his teenage years, when he became a thief along with a few of his friends.


He had an older sister who was the king's mother's personal physician.

Because of his sister's relationship, he knew the king.


After the king contacted him, the king found that although he had gone astray in his youth, he had changed.

The king thought he was a man of integrity and a sense of justice.

The king made him the magistrate of a county.


After he took office, he administered according to law, and he managed the county very well.

He has won the first place in the management appraisal for many years in a row.


The king sent him back to the capital to serve as the mayor of the capital.

After he returned to the capital, he did not change his work attitude.

He found that the king's nephew had done many illegal things, and after careful examination, he collected all the evidence. He arrested the king's nephew according to the law.


This matter caused people in the capital to discuss, and everyone thought that his behavior would bring disaster to themselves, but the king supported him with actions.


A few years later, the king sent him to a very important province as governor.

This province is very rich in resources, and there are several powerful families in the area.


He governed the province with the same attitude and firm will,

During the period of his administration, as long as he found that these families had violated the law, he would not tolerate it and deal with it according to law.


According to the records in the history books, during his tenure as the governor of this province, anyone who lost money or valuables in any situation and anywhere, this person can quickly retrieve the lost property.


All the people in this province abide by the law very much, and no one will take these lost things as their own.


The direct translation of this idiom means that the law and order here is very good, and if you lose anything, you can find it back smoothly. No one will pick up what you lost and keep it for themselves.


This idiom is used to describe the security of a place is very good.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Did you ever do those wrong things when you were young? Did you have the courage to admit your mistakes and change yourself?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



Yi Zong(義縱)

Yi Zong(義縱) (? BC - 117 BC)

His surname is (Yi), his parents gave him the name (Zong), and he was born in Shanxi Province, China.


The meaning of justice. The meaning of righteousness. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

Indulgence means. Straight meaning.


He was a famous minister in the Han Dynasty.

History books record a story about him.


Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, each province has its own independent coinage rights.

Due to the differences in the specifications and sizes of coins minted in each province, starting from 140 BC, the king of the Han Dynasty began a series of currency system reforms.


At that time, there was another serious problem. There were many criminals in the private sector who minted coins privately.

The actions of these criminals caused serious problems in the financial system and taxation of the Han Dynasty.


119 BC. He was transferred back to the capital, and his duty was to arrest those criminals who minted coins privately.


In 117 BC, the king issued a new tax law.

The content of this tax law is as follows.

If you know someone who is evading taxes, you should take the initiative to report these people.

If it is verified that the content of your report is true, then all the property of these tax evaders will be confiscated, and you can get one-half of the confiscated property.


He does not agree with this order issued by the king. He believes that this order will seriously damage the foundation of trust between people, and he believes that this order does not really solve the problem of tax evasion caused by the confusion of the currency system. So he resisted the order.


The king was very angry when he heard that he had publicly resisted this order.

He was arrested by the king, who sentenced him to death.


In 113 BC, after many failures, the king of the Han Dynasty made a major change in the sixth reform.

The king issued an order to transfer the minting power to the central government, and the central government would mint and issue coins uniformly.

This reform is very important, and this reform really fundamentally restored the stability of the financial order of the Han Dynasty.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

How do you rate his rebellion against carrying out the king's orders? Do you think your country's tax system is fair?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.



義縱(Yi Zong)(西元前?-西元前117)






































The temperature is not cold but he is shivering(不寒而慄)


The temperature is not cold but he is shivering(不寒而慄)


In the Han Dynasty of China, the seventh king was (Liu Che).

He is one of the most famous kings in Chinese history.


He was king for almost 54 years.

He boldly appointed many talented people to serve in the government, and he paid these people handsome salaries.

His personality is also very strict and cold, and he has very strict requirements on the performance of these officials, so many incompetent or fake officials were sentenced to death by him at that time.


History books record several officials during his reign, and the personalities of these officials were also very cruel and ruthless.


One of the ministers was named Yi Zong.


There is a story about (Yi Zong) recorded in history books.


He was appointed mayor of (Dingxiang), a city on the border between the Han Dynasty and the Hun Kingdom.


Due to this special geographical location, the local people are very fierce and like to fight. This is a very difficult city to manage.


After he took office, he checked and found that there were 200 serious criminals in the city government prison at that time, and these 200 serious criminals were members of several important local families.

These 200 serious criminals have been in prison for a long time, but they have not been tried and sentenced for a long time.


These families are very powerful, and the families of these serious criminals can often enter the prison to meet with these serious criminals.


Although these felony criminals are criminals, they are as free as a person who has not committed a crime.


He arranged for a group of his own men to investigate secretly and collect and confirm the criminal evidence of these felons and their family members. At the same time, he reported the situation to the king and sought the king's support.


After a few months, he was ready.

He launched an arrest operation, and he arrested more than 200 family members of felons.

Together with the 200 serious criminals who are already serving their sentences, there are more than 400 people in total.

He unified the trial and executed more than 400 people on the same day.


According to history books, the weather was very warm that day, but all the citizens had a common feeling that day, and everyone trembled involuntarily.

All citizens felt extreme fear and shock.


The direct translation of this idiom means that the temperature is not cold but he keeps shivering.

This idiom is used to describe a person who is very frightened


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

How is the law and order in the city you live in? If you lived in a city dominated by violence, would you agree with his approach?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




His behavior is unethical and his crime is serious(大逆無道)


His behavior is unethical and his crime is serious(大逆無道)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty. He unified the whole of China.


History books record a story about him.


The Kingdom of Chu is the most powerful rival of the Kingdom of Han.

The name of the king of Chu Kingdom is Xiong Xin.

Xiang Yu was the general who was most capable of fighting and had the strongest military strength in the Kingdom of Chu.


In 207 BC, after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, all the revolutionary forces concentrated in the capital of the Qin Kingdom.

Relying on his strong military power, Xiang Yu led all the revolutionary armies to distribute the land of the whole of China.

Xiang Yu ignored the existence of the king of Chu Kingdom.


In 206 BC, Xiang Yu sent people to assassinate the king of Chu Kingdom.


In 205 BC, Liu Bang was very angry when he heard that Xiang Yu had sent someone to assassinate the king of the Chu Kingdom.

In that era, if a general of a kingdom killed the king of his own kingdom, it was a very serious crime.


Liu Bang wrote an announcement and issued it to the revolutionary army everywhere.

written in this announcement.

The king of the Chu Kingdom whom we all respect died, and Xiang Yu sent someone to assassinate him.

Xiang Yu's behavior violated ethics, and Xiang Yu's crime was serious.


Anyone with a sense of justice should follow me to attack him. As long as you are on the side of justice, please join my army and we will declare war on him together.


A total of 560,000 people from all over China responded to Liu Bang's call, and Liu Bang led these people to Xiang Yu's territory to attack Xiang Yu.

In the following three years, there were many major wars between the Kingdom of Chu and the Kingdom of Han, with countless deaths.


This idiom is used to describe a person's behavior that violates ethics, and the crime of this person is serious.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Did you know that the soldiers in those countries are more powerful than the government? Is the political situation in the country you live in stable?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



We must seize this good opportunity and act aggressively.(及鋒而試)


We must seize this good opportunity and act aggressively.(及鋒而試)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang), and the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin). . History books record a story about them.


207 BC. The revolutionary army led by Liu Bang took the lead in entering the capital of the Qin Dynasty ahead of other revolutionary groups.


A few months later, other revolutionary leaders also arrived in the Qin capital with their respective armies.

Among all the revolutionary armies at that time, the most powerful force was the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu.

Relying on his strong military power, Xiang Yu led all the revolutionary armies to distribute the land of the whole of China.


In 206 BC, after Liu Bang led the army of the Han Kingdom to the territory to which he was assigned, he held a meeting with Han Xin.


Liu Bang said.

What do you think we should do next?


Han Xin replied.

It's not looking good right now, but I think we have a good chance of turning it around.

My reasons are threefold.


The first point.

Xiang Yu led all the revolutionary armies to distribute the land of the whole of China. He did not distribute according to the merits and influence of each revolutionary army. He distributed a lot of good land to people close to him.

Because of his injustice, many leaders of the revolutionary army were very dissatisfied.


Second point.

Xiang Yu killed the surrendered king of the Qin Dynasty, he set fire to the palace of the Qin Dynasty, he massacred many innocent people in the capital, and many people living around the capital hated him very much.


Third point.

In the army of the Kingdom of Han, there were many soldiers and officers whose hometowns were around the capital. These people were very eager to return to their hometowns, so these people's fighting will was very strong.

We must grasp this favorable situation and take positive actions.


The current situation looks bad for us, but I think the situation will change very soon.

We can't be discouraged, we must use this time to strengthen the training of the army, I believe we can take back the capital of the Qin Dynasty soon, and we can once again grasp the abundant resources near the capital.


Liu Bang said happily to Han Xin.

I think your judgment is very reasonable, you immediately strengthen the training of the army.



This idiom means that we should seize this good opportunity and act bravely.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Have you ever been depressed because your life is not going well? Will you take active actions to enrich your abilities when life is not going well?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




The whole China is your home(四海為家)


The whole China is your home(四海為家)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


In 200 BC, he led an army to attack some rebels.

Before he left, he ordered the prime minister to build him a palace in the capital.


When he returned to the capital a few months later, he was shocked when he saw the palace under construction in the capital.


He immediately ordered the Prime Minister to come before him.

he told the Prime Minister.

After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, many wars occurred in various parts of China in the past few years. Although most of China has been unified by us, there are still a small number of rebels who need to be eliminated.


The foundation of our rule has not yet been firmly established. I think it is a wrong decision for you to spend so much money to build such a tall and magnificent palace.


The Prime Minister replied with a smile.

My opinion is contrary to yours. I think that although the ruling foundation is not yet solid, we can definitely wipe out all the rebels smoothly. We will be a stable regime.


You are our king, the whole of China is yours, and all the land and wealth are owned by you.

The house you live in should naturally show your authority and wealth, dignity and strength.


Do you think I've built the palace too high and gorgeous?

Please think about it, your descendants will continue to rule China.

Many of your descendants will live in the palace in a few years.


So I built it a little bigger, so that future members of the royal family can have a place to live.


Liu Bang smiled after hearing the Prime Minister's explanation.

He said to the Prime Minister, you have done a good job, and your consideration is more thorough than mine.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is rich and has done a great job.

This idiom is also used to describe a person with great ambition.

This idiom is also used to describe a person who does not have a fixed residence.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

How big is the house you live in? Do you know anyone who has no permanent residence?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.




He pretended to do this, but secretly arranged other plans.( 明修棧道暗渡陳倉)

He pretended to do this, but secretly arranged other plans.( 明修棧道暗渡陳倉)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


207 BC. The revolutionary army led by him took the lead in entering the capital of the Qin Dynasty ahead of other revolutionary groups.


A few days later, other revolutionary leaders also arrived in the Qin capital with their respective armies.

Among all the revolutionary armies at that time, the most powerful force was the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu.

Relying on his strong military power, Xiang Yu led all the revolutionary armies to distribute the land of the whole of China.


Xiang Yu didn't like Liu Bang, so Xiang Yu allocated part of the land in Sichuan Province and Shaanxi Province of China to Liu Bang.

This is a relatively barren land.


Liu Bang didn't like this arrangement, but the Chu Kingdom's army had a total of over 400,000 soldiers, while the Han Kingdom's army he led had only 100,000 soldiers, so he was forced to accept it.


Following the advice of one of his military staff officers, he destroyed the road from the capital to his own land after going to the land to which he was allotted.


This action caused Xiang Yu to misjudge.

Xiang Yu thought he had accepted this unfair arrangement, and he would stay in his own territory forever, and he didn't want to fight for control of the whole of China.


In 206 BC, the Kingdom of Chu was at war with other kingdoms.

When Liu Bang saw this situation, he knew his chance had come.


He sent some soldiers to repair the road he had destroyed a year earlier.

The road was badly damaged and the progress of restoration was slow.

The garrison in the capital thought that the Han Kingdom's army would not be able to return to the capital immediately, so they relaxed their vigilance.


He secretly arranged a group of troops to sneak back to the capital by taking a long way,

This group of troops launched a surprise attack when the garrison in the capital was not prepared.


This year, the Han Kingdom he led returned to the capital of the richest Qin Dynasty in China at that time, and occupied all the land around the capital.

After he took control of this land, the advantages and disadvantages of Chu Kingdom and Han Kingdom began to reverse.


This idiom means that he pretended to do this thing, but secretly arranged other plans.

This idiom is used to describe a person who attracts the attention of the other party with obvious and irrelevant actions, but takes other actions in private to achieve the original purpose.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you be willing to wait for a better time? How would you deal with unfair treatment?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.




He puts forward his plan and strategy(運籌帷幄)


He puts forward his plan and strategy(運籌帷幄)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


The king of the Chu Kingdom is Xiang Yu, and the Chu Kingdom is the most powerful rival of the Han Kingdom.

In 202 BC, the army of the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu was wiped out by the Han Kingdom's army.

He unified the whole of China.


He gave a great dinner, at which he entertained all his ministers and generals.

In the middle of the dinner, he said to all the ministers and generals.

Please tell us your true thoughts. Compared with the Han Kingdom, the Chu Kingdom is more powerful. Compared with Xiang Yu, his martial arts is better than mine.

But why is it me who wins in the end?

What do you think is the biggest reason.


After two wise ministers offered their views, he added another of his own.


He said.

I think there is another important reason why I was able to achieve the final victory.

I have an eye for who's really capable, and I'm willing to hire people who are better than me.


My most important military staff is (Zhang Liang). He puts forward his plans and strategies in a small military camp, but his decisions can affect the outcome of the war on the front line.


My most important Minister of Home Affairs is (Xiao He). He managed the big and small affairs in the Kingdom of Han, he allowed the people to live and work in peace and contentment, and he also properly arranged the supply and transportation of military rations.


My most important general (Han Xin). He has the ability to lead and command an army of over a million men, and he wins every battle he goes into battle.


My personal ability is not as good as my three subordinates.

They are the best talents of our time.

But they are all willing to work for me, and I can fully empower them.


Compared with me, Xiang Yu didn't trust his very clever military staff officer.

His personal ability is indeed very strong, but how can he beat our entire team?



This idiom means that he proposed his plans and strategies.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

Do you have your own work team? Can you command those subordinates who are more capable than you?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.



You only see this side of this thing, you don't see the other side of this thing.( 知其一未知其二)


You only see this side of this thing, you don't see the other side of this thing.( 知其一未知其二)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


The king of the Chu Kingdom is Xiang Yu, and the Chu Kingdom is the most powerful rival of the Han Kingdom.

The king of the Chu Kingdom is Xiang Yu, and the Chu Kingdom is the most powerful rival of the Han Kingdom.

In 202 BC, the army of the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu was wiped out by the Han Kingdom's army.

He unified the whole of China.


He gave a great dinner, at which he entertained all his ministers and generals.


In the middle of the dinner, he said to all the ministers and generals.

Please tell us your true thoughts. Compared with the Han Kingdom, the Chu Kingdom is more powerful. Compared with Xiang Yu, his martial arts is better than mine.

But why is it me who wins in the end?

What do you think is the biggest reason.


Two wise ministers answered.

The two of you do have very different personalities.

Your personality is rather arrogant, and you like to swear when you speak.

Xiang Yu has a milder personality, and he speaks more politely than you.


According to personality, he should be the one who wins in the end.

But why would he be defeated by you?

We think the biggest reason is because he has a relatively narrow mind and he tends to be suspicious of others.

When the army of the Kingdom of Chu won the battle, he was unwilling to share the fruits of success with his subordinates, and he was unwilling to reward the generals with the land acquired by the war.


You are the opposite of him on this point.

You are willing to share the benefits of victory in war with us, and you allow each of us who have meritorious service to obtain their own land.


That's why we think you can come out victorious in the end.


(Liu Bang) After listening to the words of the two generals, he smiled and said to everyone.

I think your analysis is very reasonable, but you only raised one important point, and there is another more important point that you have overlooked.


All the guests at the banquet stopped talking.

Everyone was watching him and waiting for him to make his point.


This idiom is used to describe a person's understanding of a thing is not comprehensive.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think there is only one reason for the success of a thing? Do you think that a person's way of success can be followed and replicated?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.




Agree on several things in advance(約法三章)

Agree on several things in advance(約法三章)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


207 BC. The revolutionary army led by him took the lead in entering the capital of the Qin Dynasty ahead of other revolutionary groups.

The third king of the Qin Dynasty announced his surrender.


He has several subordinates who advise him.

We should kill the king of the Qin Dynasty.


He answered.

Since the king of the Qin Dynasty has voluntarily surrendered, we should let him survive.

Killing him was an unjust act.


He entered the palace of the Qin Dynasty. He saw a lot of precious and rare treasures inside.

He followed the advice of his staff, he restrained his desire, he was not deceived by these treasures, and he took none of these treasures.


He then called the people of the city together.

He said to these people.


We have taken this city, and you may fear that your life and property will be threatened.

So I want to tell you.

The purpose of our revolution is to overthrow the leadership of the Qin Dynasty and allow all the people to gain more freedom.


Under the rule of the Qin Dynasty, you have to abide by many strict laws.

Starting today, those laws are repealed.

You just need to abide by these three laws that I re-enacted.


1- Those who kill will be punished with death.

2- Those who hurt others will be punished.

3- Those who rob other people's property will be sentenced.


These three laws are not only obeyed by you, but also by my soldiers.

I pledge my soldiers to safeguard the safety of each of you in life and property.


I will wait for other Revolutionary Army leaders to come here, and then all our Revolutionary Army leaders will work together to formulate a more complete set of laws.


Everyone was very happy when all the people heard his announcement.


This idiom means to agree on several things in advance.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you be able to resist the temptation of those treasures? If you were him, would you be able to resist the temptation of power.

I hope this story can give you something to gain.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...