
Conquer a lot of cities and occupy a lot of land(攻城掠地)

Conquer a lot of cities and occupy a lot of land(攻城掠地)


At the end of the Qin Dynasty in China, there was a famous general called Zhang Han.

History books tell a story about him.


At that time, many revolutionary armies rose up in China, and the goals of these revolutionary armies were all the same. The aim of these revolutionary armies was to overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


In 208 BC, the revolutionary army of the Chu kingdom defeated the main army of the Qin dynasty led by him.

After this tragic battle, the army of the Qin Dynasty and the revolutionary army of the Chu Kingdom came to a stalemate.


He has a good friend whose name is (Sima Xin). (Sima Xin) suggested that he should betray the Qin Dynasty and join the revolutionary army.

After hearing (Sima Xin's) suggestion, his loyalty to the Qin Dynasty was shaken.

At that time, he received another letter, which finally made him decide to betray the Qin Dynasty.


The letter reads

I am a general from the Kingdom of Zhao. I greatly admire you and think you are a brave fighter.

I hope you will join the camp of our revolutionary army, and I would like to share some of my opinions with you.


Before the Qin Dynasty, there were two great generals. The names of these two generals were (Bai Qi) and (Meng Tian).

These two generals conquered many cities and occupied many lands for the Qin Dynasty during their lifetimes. Their military exploits are too numerous to mention.

Because of their great military exploits, they were greatly admired and respected by the people of the Qin Dynasty.

The King of Qin Dynasty was jealous of them and feared that their reputation would surpass his own, so both of them were later sentenced to death by the King of Qin Dynasty.


You are the most powerful general in the Qin dynasty. Over the past few years, you have lost more than 100,000 soldiers trying to wipe out the revolutionary armies that have sprung up across China.

Your military achievements are not as good as those of the two great generals before the Qin Dynasty. Do you think you will never be sentenced to death after this war is over?


The current Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty is a flattering and treacherous person. In order to shift the focus and avoid his own political responsibility, he often speaks ill of you.

This is the only way he can avoid being punished by the king for mismanaging the country.

You have been fighting in other places in recent years. You have been far away from the centre of power of the central government in recent years, so you have no opportunity to clarify these slanders..



Let me analyse your present situation.

Whether you defeat the revolutionary army or not, your end will be the same, and you should all be sentenced to death.


Why don't you betray the Qin Dynasty and join the revolutionary army instead?

Judging from the current situation, the Qin Dynasty will most likely be overthrown because there are so many revolutionary armies in different places.

If you join the revolutionary army, you can save the lives of your entire family. After the Qin dynasty is overthrown, you can still have your current power and status.

If you do not join the Revolutionary Army, you will be killed and judged after the Qin Dynasty is overthrown.

You should seriously consider what is best for you.


This phrase means to conquer many cities and occupy a lot of land.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were (Zhang Han), what would you choose? Have you ever been like (Bai Qi) and (Meng Tian), who got into trouble because their contributions were too great?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



He is very greedy and lustful(貪財好色)


He is very greedy and lustful(貪財好色)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Dynasty he led defeated all the other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


There is a story about him recorded in the history books.

Among all the revolutionary armies at that time, the army of the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu had more than 400,000 soldiers, while the army of the Han Kingdom led by him had only 100,000 soldiers.


207 BC. The revolutionary army he led took the lead in attacking the capital of Qin Dynasty, ahead of other revolutionary groups. The king of the Qin dynasty announced his surrender and the Qin dynasty was officially declared dead.


A few days later, Xiang Yu led the revolutionary army of the Chu Kingdom into the capital circle of the Qin Dynasty.

Xiang Yu ordered his army to be stationed at a place called (Hongmen) outside the capital of the Qin Dynasty.


That night, Xiang Yu held a secret military meeting with his military staff.

His military staff told him

The Qin Dynasty has fallen, and now all of China is in chaos.

There are many revolutionary armies all over China, and these revolutionary armies have their own armed forces and land.

Therefore, our next task is to defeat all the revolutionary armies, and we must help the king of the Chu Kingdom, whom we support, to establish a regime that will unite all of China.


Xiang Yu nodded in agreement.


The military chief continued.

Among these revolutionary armies, I think the one that poses the greatest threat to us is the army led by Liu Bang.

When Liu Bang was young, he was very greedy and lustful, but after he captured the capital of the Qin Dynasty, why could he curb his desires?

He took none of the precious treasures in the palace. He did not take away any of the beauties in the palace.


I think there must be something more attractive to him that allows him to go against his own nature.

I deduced that he wanted to create a regime that would unite the whole of China.


Moreover, according to the reports of the spies I have placed around him, he has recently revealed his ambition to create a new dynasty.


Fortunately, our current military strength is far superior to his, so we should find a way to kill him now.

If we do not act now, he will definitely become the biggest obstacle to our unification of China in the future.


This idiom is used to describe a person who is greedy and lustful.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Will you sacrifice your present pleasures for your ideals? If you were Xiang Yu, would you listen to the advice of this military officer?

I hope you can gain something from this story.




Sima Xin(司馬欣)


Sima Xin(司馬欣)(BC?-BC203)

His surname is (Sima) and the name his parents gave him is (Xin).


It means to be in charge. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means horse. It is also a Chinese surname.

It means joy. It means happy.



He was an official in the Qin Dynasty and a story about him is recorded in history books.


At the end of the Qin Dynasty in China, many revolutionary armies rose up in different kingdoms in China. The aims of these revolutionary armies were all the same, and the aim of these revolutionary armies was to overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


In 208 BC, the revolutionary army of the Chu Kingdom defeated the army of the Qin Kingdom after nine fierce battles.

After this tragic battle, the army of the Qin Dynasty and the revolutionary army of the Chu Kingdom came to a stalemate.


The name of the general who led the Qin army was (Zhang Han).

(Zhang Han) is his good friend, and he serves as (Zhang Han's) chief of staff.


When the King of Qin heard the news that they had been defeated, he was very angry.


(Zhang Han) said to him.

The king was very unhappy because we lost the battle.

Although we are currently defeated, our numbers of soldiers, food and other resources are far superior to those of the revolutionary army. Therefore, as long as we prolong the war, we will definitely win in the end.


I can't leave here, I must always be on guard against these revolutionary forces attacking us again.

Therefore, I am sending you to return to the capital and report directly to the king on the current situation.


After about two weeks he returned to the barracks.

He had a secret meeting with (Zhang Han).


He said to (Zhang Han)

After I returned to the capital this time, I have not been able to see the king.


The situation in the capital has changed drastically recently.

The King trusts the current Prime Minister very much, the King obeys all the Prime Minister's advice, and the Prime Minister has great power.


He said in horror.

The Prime Minister wants to replace us with those he supports, and he wants to control the Qin Dynasty army.

The Prime Minister also sent someone to assassinate me, but fortunately I escaped.


I think the current situation is very unfavourable for us.

If we defeat these revolutionary armies, our success will make the Prime Minister worry, and he will definitely find a way to discredit us in front of the King.

If we fail in the next battle, the Prime Minister will surely take the opportunity to speak ill of us before the King.

In either case, we could all be executed because the king listened to the prime minister.


Zhang Han asked him.

So what do you think we should do?


he replied.

The name of the general who defeated our Chu Kingdom was Xiang Yu. His uncle was imprisoned for breaking the law when he was young, and his uncle was later released because I found out the truth.

In my opinion, we should negotiate peace with the revolutionary army of Chu Kingdom.

Based on our current situation, I think we should also join the rebel camp to overthrow the rule of the Qin dynasty together.

This is the only chance for both of us to survive.


Zhang Han said after listening to him.

This is a betrayal of the Qin Dynasty, and I must think deeply about it.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Zhang Han, what would you do? Have you ever been slandered by others?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




He watched it happen and he did nothing.(做壁上觀)

He watched it happen and he did nothing.(做壁上觀)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived to be 30 years old in his life, and his legendary life has been told by many Chinese descendants.

History books record a story about him.


At the end of the Qin Dynasty in China, many revolutionary armies rose up in various kingdoms in China. The goals of these revolutionary armies were all the same, and the goal of these revolutionary armies was to overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


The revolutionary army of the Chu Kingdom is the most powerful among the revolutionary armies of the various kingdoms, and (Xiang Yu) is the most famous general in the Chu Kingdom.


In 208 AD, the army of the Qin Kingdom attacked the revolutionary army in the Zhao Kingdom.

The army of the Qin Kingdom surrounded the (Julu) city where the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom was stationed.

Many revolutionary armies from other kingdoms also came to (Julu) City to assist the Zhao Kingdom's revolutionary army in resisting the Qin Dynasty's army.


(Xiang Yu) led the Chu Kingdom's revolutionary army to arrive, and he led the Chu Kingdom's army and the Qin Dynasty's army to fight nine very tragic battles on the plain outside Julu City.

The fighting will of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Chu is very high and very brave. Every soldier is determined to fight against the army of the Qin Dynasty with the determination to die.


The leaders of the revolutionary armies of the various kingdoms in Julu City stood on the city wall and watched the confrontation between the two armies outside the city wall.

Due to the fierce battle situation, the leaders of these revolutionary army were too frightened to order their own troops to go out of the city to assist the Kingdom of Chu.



Under the leadership of Xiang Yu, the revolutionary army of the Kingdom of Chu finally defeated the army of the mighty Qin Dynasty.

In the Qin army, one general was captured, another was killed, and another burned himself to death after the defeat.


On the second day after the Chu Kingdom army defeated the main army of the Qin Dynasty, the most powerful in China at that time, Xiang Yu sat in his barracks and all the leaders of the revolutionary army in Julu City came together to the Chu Kingdom barracks.


These revolutionary army leaders all knelt down in front of Xiang Yu, and these revolutionary army leaders said to Xiang Yu

From now on, you are the supreme leader of all our revolutionary armies. We all surrender to you, we all obey your orders and commands, we pledge our allegiance to you, and we will follow you to overthrow the rule of the Qin dynasty.


The literal translation of this phrase is that they were standing on the city wall watching the confrontation between the armies of the Qin Dynasty and the Chu Kingdom.

This idiom is used to describe a person who watches something happen without taking any action.


This saying means that we will succeed or fail depending on our actions this time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

If you were the leader of the revolutionary army in Julu City, would you order your own army to join the war? If you were a general of the Qin Dynasty, would you want to die on the battlefield or would you surrender voluntarily?

I hope you can gain something from this story.




We will succeed or fail depending on this action(在此一舉)


We will succeed or fail depending on this action(在此一舉)


Song Yi was born in Chu and was a military general in the rebel army at the end of the Qin Dynasty.

History books record a story about him.


At the end of 208 BC, the army of the Qin dynasty attacked the revolutionary army in the original Zhao kingdom. The king of Chu Kingdom ordered him to lead the army of Chu Kingdom to Zhao Kingdom to rescue the revolutionary army of Zhao Kingdom.


After leading the army into the territory of the Zhao Kingdom, he did not immediately attack the Qin Dynasty army. He ordered all the soldiers to build barracks and garrison them.


He believed that when the Qin Dynasty army defeated the revolutionary army in the Zhao Kingdom, the Qin Dynasty soldiers would be very tired. At that time, if he launched another attack, he would be able to easily defeat the Qin Dynasty army.


His thoughts had their reasons, but he didn't care about the feelings of the soldiers below.

After they had been stationed for about two months, winter had set in.


One day he gave a lavish banquet.

The day after the banquet, at a routine military meeting he called, a young general in the Chu Kingdom's army said to him angrily.


We are on the front lines of the war, why are you having a lavish banquet with your family and friends?

It's so hard that you don't know that our soldiers have no rice to eat, and our soldiers can only eat vegetables and beans. Don't you know that our current resources are extremely insufficient, and our soldiers don't have enough warm clothes?


The young general became increasingly angry as he spoke.

When we came to this place, our main mission was to help the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom attack and defeat the army of the Qin Kingdom. But why are we stationed here?


I strongly suggest that we mobilise the army immediately to support Zhao Kingdom's revolutionary army.


Qin Dynasty's army is very powerful. Although our army is the strongest and most elite in the Chu Kingdom, I don't think our strength alone can defeat the Qin Dynasty's army.

I believe that only if we join forces with the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom against the army of the Qin Dynasty will we have a chance of victory.


Our battle with the Qin army is very important. Whether our goal of resisting the Qin Dynasty will succeed or fail depends on what we do this time.


After hearing these words, Song Yi still insisted on his own ideas and had a heated argument with the young general.

The young general was very angry. The young general suddenly pulled out his knife and stabbed Song Yi.

The young general killed Song Yi.


This idiom means that we will succeed or fail depending on what we do this time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you agree with more? Why do you think Song Yi refuses to change his mind?

I hope you can gain something from this story.




You can't focus on killing gadflies that are clearly visible.(搏牛之虻)


You can't focus on killing gadflies that are clearly visible.(搏牛之虻)


Song Yi was born in Chu and was a military general in the rebel army at the end of the Qin Dynasty.

History books tell a story about him.


The name of the leader of the most important revolutionary army in the Chu Kingdom at that time was (Xiang Liang).

(Xiang Liang) Find the heir to the royal family of the destroyed Chu Kingdom and help the heir to the royal family establish a new Chu Kingdom.


With the call of the new king of the Chu Kingdom, Xiang Liang united all the revolutionary forces in the Chu Kingdom.


In 208 BC, Xiang Liang was killed by the Qin dynasty army because of his pride and underestimation of the enemy.

Having successfully predicted this outcome, Song Yi gained the trust of the king of the Chu Kingdom.


The king of Chu Kingdom made him the supreme military commander of Chu Kingdom.


At the end of 208 BC, the army of the Qin dynasty attacked the revolutionary army in the original kingdom of Zhao. The king of the Chu Kingdom ordered Song Yi to lead the army of the Chu Kingdom into the territory of the Zhao Kingdom to rescue the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom.


After Song Yi led the army into the territory of the Zhao Kingdom, he did not immediately attack the Qin Dynasty army. He ordered all the soldiers to build barracks and garrison them.


Song Yi and his troops stayed in the Zhao Kingdom for 46 days, and all the generals under his banner thought it was very strange.

One general told him at a military meeting.

The army of the Qin Dynasty has surrounded the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom.

We should go to the rescue immediately, otherwise the Zhao Kingdom army will soon be wiped out.

If we send troops to attack the Qin army immediately, the Qin army will be flanked by us. I believe we can easily defeat the Qin Dynasty army.


Song Yi replied.

I disagree with you.

There is a saying. We can get rid of the mosquitoes on the cattle by beating them hard, but we cannot get rid of the lice on the cattle by beating them hard.


Our ultimate goal is to overthrow the Qin Dynasty, which is as difficult as removing all the lice from a whole cow. So we should maintain our fighting strength.


What we should do now is not to attack, but to wait. We should wait for the Qin Dynasty army to defeat the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom, then we can easily defeat them while the Qin Dynasty army is exhausted.


After Song Yi said these words, he looked at the young officer calmly and said to the young officer

If we were to face the enemy with both of us wearing heavy armour and wielding sharp swords, I would lose to you. But if we both have to work out a strategy and tactics to defeat the enemy, then you will lose to me.


I am the supreme commander of this army, and I order you all to obey my orders.

You are not allowed to attack the Qin Dynasty army without authorisation. Anyone who violates this rule will be sentenced to death according to military law.


The literal translation of this saying is that we should not use great force to beat the gadfly on the cow, but should concentrate on how to get rid of the lice on the cow. Because the latter is more harmful, the latter is our most important goal.

This idiom is used to describe how a person should focus on the invisible but important things instead of putting all his energy into the visible but unimportant things.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is the most important goal in your life? Do you think you spend most of your time trying to achieve it?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.



Song Yi (宋義)


Song Yi (宋義)(? BC - 208 BC)

His surname is (Song) and the name given to him by his parents is (Yi).


It means to settle down. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means justice. It is also a Chinese surname.


He was a military general in the rebel army at the end of the Qin Dynasty.

History books tell a story about him.


He was from the state of Chu, and he joined a famous revolutionary army in the kingdom of Chu at that time.

The name of the leader of this revolutionary army is (Xiang Liang).


In September of 208 BC, Xiang Liang led the revolutionary army to defeat the Qin Kingdom's army in the two areas of (Dong'a) and (Dingtao).


At the same time, his nephew led the army to defeat the Qin army in this area (Yongqiu).


(Xiang Liang) was very happy. During the military meeting with his staff, he showed a proud look.

He told his staff.

Everyone says that the Qin army is very strong, but after these few battles, I think the Qin army's fighting ability is very weak.

We must be able to overthrow the Qin Dynasty's rule in a short period of time, and we are on the verge of success.


(Song Yi) also attended this military meeting.

After hearing (Xiang Liang's) words, he delivered his admonition.

There is a saying that when an army wins a battle, if the generals of that army become proud because of it, if the soldiers of that army become lazy because of it. Then that army will swallow the fruits of failure in the next war.


So far, only the advance troops of the Qin Dynasty have fought against us.

The regular army of the Qin Dynasty far outnumbers and outfights their advance troops.

Therefore, we cannot have a proud attitude, we should have a cautious and prudent attitude.

Only then can we avoid defeat in future wars.


(Xiang Liang) He was very unhappy after hearing these words.

He did not accept (Song Yi's) opinion.


A few weeks later, what Song Yi feared happened.

The regular army of the Qin Dynasty arrived at (Dingtao), and the army of the Qin Dynasty launched an attack on the revolutionary army led by (Xiang Liang).


The revolutionary army led by (Xiang Liang) was defeated, and (Xiang Liang) died in the battle.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Are you proud of your achievements? How do you think pride is different from self-confidence?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Our strength is small, but we will surely win the final victory(三戶亡秦)

Our strength is small, but we will surely win the final victory(三戶亡秦)


At the end of the Qin Dynasty in China, there was a famous revolutionary leader named (Xiang Liang).

History books record a story about him.


209 AD. In China's Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, many people gathered together separately.

These common people formed the revolutionary army, and the appeal of this revolutionary army was to resist the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


He started his revolutionary career in Kuaiji province.

Since his father was a great general of the Chu Kingdom during his lifetime, his family has been military generals of the Chu Kingdom for generations, and he is a man of wisdom and knowledge, so several groups of revolutionary troops joined his army.


In December 209 AD, he received the bad news that the Qin Dynasty army had arrived in these two provinces to suppress the revolutionary army. A revolutionary leader who had first formed the revolutionary army and the revolutionary army he led had all been wiped out.


This news greatly affected the morale of all the revolutionary troops in these two provinces.

He was in a state of fear.


One day an old man came to see him. The old man's name was (Fan Zeng).


Fan Zeng said to him

I can see that you are very upset. Are you upset because the revolutionary leader who led the rebellion against the Qin Dynasty was killed?

He nodded.


Fan Zeng said.

I have long predicted the failure of that revolutionary leader.

he asked in surprise.

Why do you predict that the revolutionary leader will fail?


Fan Zeng replied.

Let me analyse the current situation in China for you, and you will know why I think he will fail.

He looked at Fan Zeng expectantly.


Fan Zeng said.

The Qin Dynasty was founded after the Qin Kingdom eliminated the Six Kingdoms.


Comparing the people of these six kingdoms, I think the people of the Chu Kingdom hate the Qin Dynasty more than the people of the other five kingdoms.

A king of the Chu Kingdom was once imprisoned in the Qin Kingdom and died in the Qin Kingdom.

This hatred still lingers in the hearts of the Chu people.

Therefore, even though the Chu Kingdom has perished, there is a saying among the people of the Chu Kingdom.

Even if we only have a few families left, we can still overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

I think you should have heard this saying, right?

(Xiang Liang) nodded in agreement.


Fan Zeng said.

The revolutionary leader who first rose up against the Qin Dynasty was an ordinary citizen. Even though he gathered a few people, he couldn't get many people to follow him. He lacked the support of the masses, which led to his ultimate failure.

After Fan Zeng finished speaking, he asked Xiang Liang a question.

Do you think it is because of your ability that you have attracted many groups of the revolutionary army to join your army?

(Xiang Liang) Silence did not speak.


Fan Zeng said.

Most of the members of these revolutionary army groups that are rising now are the people of the original Chu Kingdom.

So I think you should find a way to find the royal heir of the old Chu Kingdom and declare the restoration of the Chu Kingdom.

If you do this, you can use the new king's appeal to the entire revolutionary army, and you can attract more people who want to restore the glory of the Chu Kingdom to join the revolutionary army.

If you do this, you will have enough power to fight the mighty Qin army and overthrow the Qin dynasty.


(Xiang Liang) agreed with (Fan Zeng) after listening to what (Fan Zeng) said.

(Xiang Liang) did as (Fan Zeng) suggested, and (Xiang Liang) hired (Fan Zeng) as his chief military adviser.



The literal translation of this saying is that even though there are only a few families left in the Chu Kingdom, as long as these few families gather their strength, they will definitely be able to overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

This saying means that although our strength is small, we will definitely be able to achieve the ultimate victory.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

When you start a business, which do you think is harder to get, money or talents? What do you think are the most important qualities of a leader?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



A newly created army that suddenly rises(異軍特起)


A newly created army that suddenly rises(異軍特起)


There is a city in the middle of Zhejiang Province called (Dongyang) City.

In the city government of (Dongyang) City, there is a senior official in charge of documents. His name is (Chen Ying).

There is a story about him in the history books.


In 209 AD, many rebel forces rose up in China.

In China's Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, many people gathered separately.

These common people formed the revolutionary army, and the appeal of this revolutionary army was to resist the rule of the Qin dynasty.


This wave of revolution blew into (Dongyang) city.

Thousands of young people gathered in the city, and these young people stormed the city hall and killed the mayor.


The leaders of these young people held a meeting to discuss the next steps.

One of the youth leaders suggested that we should elect someone to lead us.

This person must be knowledgeable and wise, this person must be honest and upright, and this person's personality should be prudent and kind.


Based on these conditions, these young leaders chose (Chen Ying) as their leader.


In order to distinguish themselves from other revolutionary groups, these young leaders made a rule that young people who joined the revolutionary army should wear a green headscarf.

The newly formed army suddenly numbered about 20,000 men.


A few days after Chen Ying became the leader of this revolutionary army, his mother told him one night.

You have become the leader of this revolutionary army, what kind of future do you think you can lead this revolutionary army into?


Chen Ying said to his mother.

We want to overthrow the Qin Dynasty, but we haven't come up with a concrete plan yet.


Said his mother.

No one in your family has ever served as a senior official in the central government.

People in your family have no reputation or connections in Zhejiang Province. How many people do you think will join your army after it leaves [Dongyang] City?


Chen Ying lowered his head in thought.


His mother said.

You are a talented person, but I don't think your talent and reputation are enough to make you a great leader who can successfully integrate all the revolutionary groups to overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, I suggest that you take these young people to (Dongyang) City to join a revolutionary group whose leader has fame and talent.


He asked his mother.

Which group do you think we should join?


His mother said.

The leader of the revolutionary army in Kuaiji Province is called (Xiang Liang). His father was a great general of the Chu Kingdom in his lifetime, and his family has been military generals of the Chu Kingdom for generations.

He was a man of wisdom and knowledge, so I think it would be in your best interest to join his revolutionary army group.


He agreed with his mother.

He immediately contacted Xiang Liang, and a few weeks later he took the revolutionary army from (Dongyang) city to join (Xiang Liang's) army.


This idiom means a newly formed army that suddenly appears.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you agree with your mother? Can you accept the reality that you are worse than others in certain objective conditions?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




Xiang Liang(項梁)

Xiang Liang(項梁) (? BC - 208 BC)


His surname is (Xiang), his parents gave him the first name (Liang), and he was born in Jiangsu Province, China.


It means the crossbeam that supports the roof. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

It means the back of the neck. It is also a Chinese surname.


He was a famous leader of the revolutionary army in the last years of the Qin dynasty, and a story about him is recorded in history books.


In September 209 AD, he had a secret conversation with the governor of Kuaiji Province in China, during which he heard an important message.


In China's Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, many people gathered together separately.

These ordinary people formed the revolutionary army, and the call of this revolutionary army was to resist the rule of the Qin dynasty.


The governor of Kuaiji Province wanted to betray the Qin Dynasty and join these revolutionary armies.

The governor of Kuaiji said to him

I want you to be my subordinate, and I will let you lead the army of (Kuiji) Province.


He seems to have a choice, but there's only one thing he can do.

If he refused the governor of Kuaiji Province's request, his life would be in danger, because he already knew the governor of Kuaiji Province's idea of rebelling against the Qin Dynasty.

The real situation forced him to accept the Kuaiji governor's invitation to join the revolutionary army.


In a very short time he came up with a third way beyond these two.


He told the governor.

I would like to join your camp, but I need to find some people to help me.

Please ask me to invite my nephew to this secret meeting. He is my strongest assistant.

The Governor granted his request.


After leaving the conference room, he found his nephew, whose name was (Xiang Yu).

He said to Xiang Yu.

The current situation is very critical, but if we handle it well, we can turn this crisis into a golden opportunity.


When we meet the Governor later, you must follow my instructions and we will kill him together.

Xiang Yu nodded in agreement and followed his instructions.


After the governor of Kuaiji Province was killed, there was great unrest in the provincial government.

When Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu faced the soldiers who came to arrest them, they were not afraid.

Xiang Yu was tall and skilled with a sword. He killed about 100 soldiers.

They managed to escape from the Kuaiji provincial government.


Xiang Liang immediately called all his friends and students in the city and said to them

Now many common people have gathered in different parts of China, and these common people have formed many revolutionary armies to resist the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


We were originally the people of the Kingdom of Chu. After the Chu Kingdom was destroyed by the Qin Kingdom, we were enslaved and controlled.

Now is the best time for us to rise up against the Qin Dynasty. I have killed the governor of Kuaiji Province. If you are willing to follow me and become a revolutionary army, you are welcome to join me.


After hearing his speech, most of these people expressed their desire to join the revolutionary camp led by him.

He led these people to take over all the resources in Kuaiji Province, and started his revolutionary career from Kuaiji Province.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were Xiang Liang, what kind of decision would you make? Have you ever faced such difficult choices?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.




    I should take advantage of today and drink as much as I can until I get drunk.( 今朝有酒今朝醉 )   In the Yuan Dynasty in China, there wa...