
You just got rid of a wolf and a tiger appeared immediately(除狼得虎)


You just got rid of a wolf and a tiger appeared immediately(除狼得虎)


At the end of the Han Dynasty in China, many warlords rose up in different parts of China. These warlords had powerful forces and armies, and the central government of the Han Dynasty gradually lost control over the warlords throughout China.


At that time, there was a warlord named (Yuan Shu), and a story about him was recorded in history books.


He was from a political family.


He recommended many people to become officials in the central government. These people he recommended usually became his important staff, and these people he recommended had a very close relationship with him.


Among the people he recommended, the most outstanding person is (Sun Jian).

(Sun Jian) is a descendant of a famous military strategist in Chinese history.


In 190 AD, the 15-year-old king of the Han Dynasty was assassinated by a warlord occupying the capital. This incident aroused the anger of all the other warlords. Warlords from all over China sent troops to the capital to fight the warlord who had murdered the king. (Yuan Shu) was no exception.


(Yuan Shu) ordered Sun Jian to lead an army to the capital to attack the warlord who had murdered the king.


In 191 AD, after several consecutive victories, Sun Jian's army was close to the capital of the Han dynasty.

At this important moment, a friend of Yuan Shu said to Yuan Shu


The warlord who killed the king is like a fearsome wolf, and Sun Jian is like a tiger with great strength.

It's no good killing a wolf and having a tiger appear right after.


If Sun Jian succeeds in killing the warlord who murdered the king, he will have the respect of all the people of China, and he may become another warlord with great power. He will become a threat to you, and he will no longer obey your orders.


So I suggest we find a way to make him fail, we can't let him successfully capture the capital.


(Yuan Shu) pondered after hearing the words of this good friend.

Yuan Hou later decided to follow the advice of this good friend and ordered the immediate stoppage of supplies to the army led by Sun Jian.


This idiom is usually used to describe a person who gets rid of a scourge but brings a new scourge.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

What would you do if you were Yuan Shu? Have you ever thought that success can also be a kind of crisis?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.



除狼得虎(You just got rid of a wolf and a tiger appeared immediately)







































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